Monday, January 23, 2012 15:20
My dearly beloved daughter, the world is about to change beyond recognition.
For My time is almost here now.
I urge all those believers in Me, their Divine Saviour, and My Eternal Father, to stop what you are doing and listen.
Whether or not you believe in these, My Messages to the world for these times, hear now My urgent plea.
Pray, pray and pray with all the love you hold in your heart for Me, for the souls of atheists.
Many will die during The Warning.
Many will not get a chance to repent in time.
I urge you to offer up all your suffering and prayers for those souls so that I can save them from the fires of Hell.
Pray for those who will not turn back to Me, even when the Truth is presented to them. Pray also for those who will find the Purgatory on Earth, the penance, which will be accepted by them with good heart, to be very difficult. Many will find it very painful. Pray that they receive the strength they need to persevere.
Go, children, and do everything I have asked of you, for there is little time left.
I love you. Remember there is nothing to fear, if you love Me.
Just pray for those who reject Me, now today, and those will turn their backs on the Truth.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 16:05
My children, you must strive to devote at least fifteen minutes a day in the recital of the Crusade Prayers, as this is very important.
You must find the time to say these prayers, as they are already mitigating many tragedies in the world, which are caused by those wicked people who carry out acts of evil.
You must never forget the power of prayer, or the fact that, through my intercession, I can help you in your struggle with your Faith.
Many of you are busy with other matters in your lives, but you must make every effort to pay homage to my Son. Prayer can be difficult for many.
It can be difficult to pray in private, and for those who cannot see the most perfect and beautiful Face of my Son, Jesus Christ, they are easily distracted.
Here is a little Crusade Prayer (95) To help find time for prayer.
O Mother of Salvation, come to my aid, as I struggle to find the time for prayer.
Help me to give, to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the time He deserves to show Him how much I love Him.
I ask that you, my Blessed Mother of Salvation, seek for me the Graces I need and ask your dear Son for every grace and favour, so that He can envelop me into the Bosom of His Sacred Heart.
Children, to follow the Path of Truth, all you need do is give the time, which is needed, to prayer. It is by the power of prayer that my Son’s Mercy can be spread throughout the world. It will be by your recital of the Crusade Prayers that the Covenant can be fulfilled by my Son to salvage the world.
Your Beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 16:40
My dearly beloved daughter, I Am joyful and pleased because of the love, which My disciples hold in their hearts for Me.
Heaven rejoices at the speed in which My Divine Messages and Prayers are spreading throughout the world. This is the time, foretold, so very long ago, when My Holy Gospel will be preached throughout the whole world.
I urge My followers to remind people of the importance of reading the Holy Bible, the Word set out, according to the Will of My Father.
Today, My Word is spoken, yet again, to instil in the minds of people, today, the importance of My Teachings. Failure to accept the Word of God results in the death of the soul.
Every man on earth was born with free will. For every man, given life by My Father, the Sacrament of Baptism was made available, but not every child of God was given access to this important Gift, which cleanses the soul and rids it of demons.
Every man was entitled to the Truth of My Teachings, yet not every man was given the Truth. In its place, false religions were fed into the souls of innocents. This led to hatred for one another, as the lies, created and spread by such false religions, infested the hearts of man.
The Truth is that My Holy Word is the food of the soul. Without it the soul withers. When it is empty of the peace, which My Love brings to it, it then seeks solace in the arms of worldly things, which drain it of every comfort, eventually.
Now that My Holy Word is being ignited in the hearts of jaded men, My Love will spread when the Truth is given to humanity. This Love will draw hungry souls, and so My Plan of Salvation will continue. I will exhaust every avenue, using the hearts of humble souls – who truly love Me – in order to save the whole of the human race. It does not matter what god they idolise because, very soon, the Truth will be revealed to them. Then, they will want for nothing, only My Glorious Presence.
Your Jesus