| | This is one of the last, and the greatest Seal of Protection, sent from the Heavens of all prayers given to humanity. | May 17 2012 |
It is to help sustain all during any future persecution, especially at times of domination and war. | May 17 2012 |
I promise you great protection against the persecutors of the Christian Faith and the upheavals, which will be witnessed across the four corners of the earth | November 9 2014 |
The Gift of the Seal of the Living God will be your biggest protection at a time of war or strife | May 16 2012 |
You will not suffer the torment, which will befall those who refuse to reject false idols, greed, materialism and lust for power | February 21 2012 |
I will protect all of My children, who have the Seal of My Love, embedded in their souls | February 14 2012 |
You will be spared the persecution so that you remain strong to pray with all your might for these wicked people | February 14 2012 |
All believers who have My Eternal Father’s Seal of Protection, the Seal of the Living God, will come to no harm | March 21 2012 |
The Seal of the Living God will protect each and every one of you | March 25 2012 |
With this you will escape the notice of those who will cause hardship in your countries | February 20 2012 |
My Seal is My Promise of Salvation. My Power will surge through you with this Seal and no harm will come to you | February 20 2012 |
This is a miracle, children, and only those who bow before Me, their Lord and Creator of all things, as little children with love in their hearts for Me, can be blessed with this Divine Gift | February 20 2012 |
If you accept My Seal of Love, you will be within My Protection at all times | February 21 2012 |
This Protection will cover your families | February 21 2012 |
To those who know Me and accept My Seal, know that you will have Eternal Life | February 21 2012 |
I will lead you through the havoc, which will be wielded by the antichrist | February 21 2012 |
All of God’s children who have the Seal of the Living God will be immune to the troubles, which will come as the Great Tribulation unfolds | November 9 2014 |
All those who wear the Seal of the Living God will escape the clutches of the antichrist and become immune to the horror | October 19 2013 |
Their power will be great and no harm will come to those with the Seal of the Living God. Their power will come from the Prayers given to them by My Mother and in the Crusade Prayers | May 21 2013 |
The Seal of the Living God will protect you against the mark of the beast | May 5 2014 |
The Seal of the Living God will protect you from physical and spiritual death during wars | September 21 2013 |
Those who are for Me and in Me will feel great courage in their hearts, for they will be able to discern the Spirit of Truth from the spirit of evil | June 7 2014 |
those with the Seal of the Living God, be given the relief from their sufferings which will blight humanity including sin, wars, famine and disease | August 23 2014 |
The Seal of the Living God, My Crusade Prayer (33) is your lifeline | June 1 2012 |
When you receive My Seal of Protection, given to you by My Eternal Father, you will not have to accept the Mark | June 1 2012 |
You will not be touched. Your home will not be seen, searched or a target for it will be rendered invisible in the eyes of Satan’s army | June 1 2012 |
But if you prepare now, you will become immune to the suffering which he will inflict on the world, by taking the Seal of the Living God and keeping it in your homes | August 30 2013 |
Children do not be afraid. No harm will come to those who wear My Seal, the Seal of the Living God | March 8 2012 |
Satan and his fallen angels, who infest the world at this time, do not have the authority over those who have the Mark of the Living God | March 8 2012 |
You must listen to Me, children, and accept My Seal, for it will save not only your lives, but your souls | March 8 2012 |
Recite the Prayer to receive My Seal every day | March 8 2012 |
Ensure that each member of your family and loved ones understand the significance of My Seal | March 8 2012 |
My Seal of Protection is foretold, as the Second Seal is broken | March 8 2012 |
The rider of the red horse is the avenging dark angel, who will slay My children in the many wars to come. But he will pass over those of My children with the Seal on their foreheads | March 8 2012 |
Do not be afraid for I cover all those who honour Me, their Eternal Father and My Precious Son, with My Seal | November 22 2012 |
You, My beloved followers, are protected by the Seal of the Living God and so you must never fear | March 20 2013 |
You must keep the Seal of the Living God in your home and on you if possible | August 23 2013 |
Finally accept My Seal as one of the greatest Gifts I have given humanity since I gave them Life | August 23 2013 |
I give Life again with My Special Graces when you hold close to you, the Seal of the Living God | August 23 2013 |
All those with the Seal are granted a place in the New Paradise | August 23 2013 |
When you love Me I will take you into the Arms of My Father who will place the Seal of Protection around you and your family | March 14 2012 |
Never fear because those with the Seal of the Living God are not only protected but are given the graces to defend the Word of God so that as many souls as possible will be given the Gift of Life | July 15 2012 |
Ensure that you keep Holy Water in your homes and a Benedictine Cross from now on along with the Seal of the Living God hanging in your home. All of these will protect your family | July 17 2012 |
I, the Mother of Salvation, will protect such refuges and by the placement of the Seal of the Living God, given to the world by My Father, on the inside walls, they will remain invisible to the enemies of God | August 5 2013 |
You must always keep the Blessed Seal of the Living God in your homes and in whatever format you can, in order to carry it with you also | October 11 2013 |
This will protect you from any kind of persecution and you will gain the strength necessary to remain true to God and everything, which is laid down clearly in the Most Holy Bible | October 11 2013 |
By keeping the Seal of the Living God prayer close to you at all times, you will receive extra Protection from the evil one | November 21 2014 |
I ask that you place all your trust in Me and keep My Seal of Protection, in any form, close to you | September 29 2014 |
By keeping the Seal of the Living God prayer close to you at all times, you will receive extra Protection from the evil one | November 21 2014 |
Only those who accept the Seal, keep it in their homes, or carry it on them will be protected. Only those with the Seal of the Living God will escape this form of genocide of the soul | April 4 2013 |
My child, God’s children will be able to protect their faith, their courage and their safety during any war if they continue to pray the Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer | May 17 2012 |
This Seal was foretold in the Book of John and has many divine powers associated with it | May 17 2012 |
Cherish it and use it to protect, not only yourselves, but your families | May 17 2012 |
My Gift of the Seal of the Living God will render you invisible to your enemies | May 16 2012 |
Recite it every day from now on | May 16 2012 |
Keep it before you in your homes and have it blessed by a priest | May 16 2012 |
By pledging allegiance to God the Father, through the acceptance of this free Gift, you will remain free | May 16 2012 |
Never forget the importance of the Seal of the Living God | May 16 2012 |
It will offer you and your family protection, not just in spirit, but a physical protection also | May 16 2012 |
You are blessed to receive the Seal and it is your duty to ensure that as many of God’s children everywhere receive it | May 16 2012 |
My protection must be sought out and the Seal of the Living God must be given to as many souls as possible | May 11 2013 |
Many people who may not be aware of this Mission may also receive the Protection of the Seal when you pray for them, as you recite this prayer | November 9 2014 |
My Seal must be shared. My Love must be made known to every child of Mine, of every religion, creed and especially, to those who do not know Me, as well as those who reject My Existence | November 6 2012 |
Please spread the Seal of the Living God everywhere. It must not be sold. It must be available for everyone. Pass copies to all those who need to be protected | November 21 2012 |