| | He has no shame and will boast of his humanitarian efforts | January 19 2012 |
He will perform wonders; great acts of peace,
humanitarian deeds and acts of public affection | February 8 2012 |
The antichrist will rise and become so powerful that his image will be seen everywhere | February 7 2014 |
many will be fooled by the loving humane exterior
which they will present to the world | July 20 2012 |
After some time his appeal will spread.
The media will praise his diplomatic skills and his following will be large | September 28 2012 |
Out of his mouth will spill many sweet and comforting words and he will appear to be a godsend, in that he will be seen to amend the wrongs against Christians | August 23 2013 |
Then he will, along with the false prophet, create a global partnership,
which will be presented as the greatest humanitarian initiative | August 7 2013 |
He will carefully construct how he is perceived by Christians and especially Roman Catholics, for these will be his main target | August 23 2013 |
No sooner will he have created peace – a false peace – created because of wars he helped to start – than he will make startling statements. He, the antichrist, will declare that he has received messages from God the Father and they will seem to be authentic | October 19 2013 |
The antichrist will create grants to entice companies, organisations,
as well as charities, to work for his new one world trade centre | October 19 2013 |
It will not be long afterwards when miracles will be attributed to him, until finally, he will say he is a prophet on a mission from God | April 7 2013 |
He will then hint that he has been sent by God to save the world | April 26 2013 |
His final, great achievement will be when he brings all those nations he unites, into the domain of the Catholic Church and all other Christian denominations | August 23 2013 |