| | Those men, amongst you, who do not accept My Son, will be enveloped into every Ray of His Mercy, so suddenly, that few of you will understand what has been poured upon you, such will the Force of His Divine Presence be | April 26 2014 |
The Great Warning, which will give each and every one of you the chance
to see your sins and how they offend Me, will enable you to see the Truth.
When you realise the stain of sin that exists within you,
only then will you really understand the sorrow that I feel | May 20 2011 |
Sadly, so shocking will your sins be when you see them in their raw
and ugly state, that it could affect you physically with shock | June 4 2011 |
Those who see their sins unveiled before them, as seen through My Eyes,
will be shocked | May 24 2012 |
Many of you will find The Warning to be excruciatingly painful | April 26 2014 |
Many will repent during this Mystical Experience | April 16 2011 |
Many will weep bitter tears of remorse and sadness and will endure
the pain of humiliation because of their sins | July 12 2012 |
Many will faint and collapse, overcome with grief | November 16 2013 |
Accept your sins for what they are, a human weakness.
Then look to Me and I will lead you to eternal life and the Truth | June 20 2011 |
people will be given the chance to seek My Mercy, for this will be the first true confession many of them will have partaken in | November 16 2013 |
Some will be deeply shocked and saddened by the sins in their lives
and will immediately turn to Me, their Just Judge, and redeem themselves.
They will, out of love and sorrow, ask for Mercy | November 22 2010 |
Many will suffer the torment, as I endure; when they see their sins unroll
before them. Heartbroken, when they see how they have offended Me,
they will beg Me to forgive them | September 7 2011 |
Those who do and show remorse will ask Me to pardon them.
And I will | May 24 2012 |
Even hardened sinners will fall down and weep tears of remorse | August 8 2011 |
all can be saved if they abandon their pride and ego | August 8 2011 |
Some of you, in this state of sin, will beg for My forgiveness and favour to stop your internal suffering. This I will grant to you if you can find true remorse
in your heart and accept that your sins cause Me grievous hurt and pain
for they insult God | December 9 2012 |
I will wipe away your tears. Forgive you your sins | December 22 2013 |
Their request must be from the heart.
If not they will suffer the burning pain of Purgatory during My Divine Mercy Illumination, when I will face each and every one of you | September 22 2011 |
For those who are in a state of grace, it will be a feeling of joy,
love and compassion for Me, your Jesus | December 9 2012 |
For many, they will be full of love and happiness, for this is a wonderful reunion. For others, they will be fearful | June 20 2011 |
The Warning will be a purifying experience for all of you.
It may be unpleasant in part, especially for those in grave sin | June 5 2011 |
Your souls will feel the abandonment felt by those who die in mortal sin,
these poor souls who left it too late to ask God to forgive them their sins | June 5 2011 |
Far better to witness this Divine spectacular event first,
rather than being unprepared at the final day of Judgment | May 23 2011 |
Remember, it is important that I allow all of you to feel this emptiness of soul | June 5 2011 |
without the Light of God in your souls you cease to feel.
Your soul and body would be just empty vessels | June 5 2011 |
For those in a state of venial sin, you will feel the pain of Purgatory,
but you will soon be purified and then you will feel
a deep peace and love within your hearts for Me | December 9 2012 |
They will feel a burning sensation, not unlike that experienced by souls in purgatory. This will give them an insight as to what souls, who are not fully clean, have to go through before they can see the Glorious Light of Heaven | April 16 2011 |
The Illumination of Conscience will bring with it much pain, because the sorrow lost souls will experience will be such that they will not be able
to withstand the shock | November 16 2013 |
the fires of the purification and suffering will be felt by all sinners | May 24 2012 |
You will experience, thrice over, the same pain that you inflicted upon My children, for make no mistake, The Warning is a form of Judgment | April 26 2014 |
They will see every part of the soul but won’t be through their own eyes in which they will see it. They will look at their souls through My Eyes | June 16 2012 |
Pray, pray for all those who will be traumatized when they see the condition of their souls, when their sins are revealed to them during The Warning | December 13 2011 |
They will see how rotten their behaviour was towards others and the evil they did onto their fellow human beings, their brothers and sisters | June 16 2012 |
You will witness the pain and intense suffering, which you would endure, were you to be cast into the fires of Hell | April 26 2014 |
Those of you, with hatred in your hearts, will feel great pain and anguish | April 26 2014 |
Many will find it difficult to accept how blackened their souls are | May 24 2012 |
For those of you in mortal sin, you will experience the wretchedness and pain as if you have been plunged into the fires of Hell | December 9 2012 |
Hardened souls will not find The Warning easy.
They will argue about the way they have offended Me | September 30 2011 |
For many sinners in mortal sin, this Light will burn their eyes and their soul.
It will be painful | August 8 2011 |
The wicked will see the Light of My Divine Existence
and will have to make a choice.
They will accept My Love and Mercy or they will slap Me in the Face | January 13 2012 |
Then there will be those poor unfortunate souls who will spit at Me,
fight with Me and then turn their backs.
The terror, they will feel, will be because their souls are infested by Satan | December 9 2012 |
They will not be able to stand the pain when they witness My Light and they will run into the embrace of the evil one whose darkness brings them comfort | December 9 2012 |
Others will scream and curse because they will not be able to withstand the illumination, a divine sign, because of the darkness of their souls and they will resist the light of My Mercy | July 12 2012 |
The day I will show you the levels of torture in Hell, it will terrorise you and many of you will scream for My Mercy. And I will save you, if you ask Me to forgive you.
I will do this during the Day of the Great Warning | August 10 2013 |
They will howl with the pain of the fires of Hell as My Sign of Mercy will show them the fate which awaits them, unless they repent and change their ways | July 12 2012 |
Many will tremble with fear because it will only be then that many
will become aware of their souls for the very first time | June 16 2012 |
you must appear little in My Eyes and ask Me to forgive you for your sins. My Love will then flood your soul and you will come back to Me and your rightful home. Resist My Mercy out of arrogance or intellectual reasoning and you will be lost | July 30 2011 |
For those whose sins are so black they will feel ill, in pain and will not be able to stand the horror what they have to see | June 16 2012 |
It is important to understand that The Warning is just that.
I come to warn God’s children that their sins can and will be forgiven | June 16 2012 |
Those of you, who witness the burning fires of Hell,
but who will not turn to Me – you will not survive The Warning
and that moment when you reject Me will be your last | August 10 2013 |
So many will, as a result, die of shock | May 30 2011 |
Be clear that many, many souls will not survive this imminent event | April 16 2011 |
Have Masses offered up for those, who because of the state of their souls
during The Warning, may not survive physically | September 5 2011 |
They will know that their love of their bodies all the senses they seek to nurture
is meaningless | June 16 2012 |
Others will be so sickened and shocked by the way
in which their sins will be revealed,
that they will drop dead before they have a chance to ask for forgiveness | November 22 2010 |
Finally there will be those who will die instantly
because of the shock they will experience. Please pray for these souls every day, for your prayers will gain for them entrance to My Kingdom | December 9 2012 |
As for others, so harsh will the shock be, that when their souls are revealed to them in their darkness, they will drop dead. By then it will be too late to seek forgiveness. There will be no hope for them | May 30 2011 |
And then there will be those who follow the deceiver.
They, in their terror, when they see
the wicked sins in their past life flash in front of them, will flee | November 22 2010 |
Followers of Satan, who knowingly idolize his wickedness, hear now My promise.
You, My lost children, will be offered the Hand of love and peace once more, during The Warning. Grasp it, for it will be your lifeline back into the Bosom of My Love. Ignore My pleas and you will suffer for eternity, never to return to the fold of My cherished family | August 2 2011 |