Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus, please stop the hatred and jealousy which exists amongst your followers, towards Your true visionaries in these times. I pray that you will hear my prayer to give Your visionaries the strength they need to proclaim Your Most Holy Word to a disbelieving world.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Salvation and Mediatrix of all Graces, you who will participate in the salvation of humanity from the wickedness of Satan, pray for us.
Mother of Salvation, pray that all souls can be saved and accept the love and mercy shown by your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who comes once again to save humanity and to give us the chance of eternal salvation.
O, God of the Most High, I plead with You to offer protection to all Your holy messengers in the world.
I pray that they are protected from the hatred of others.
I ask that Your Most Holy Word is spread quickly all over the world.
Protect your messengers from slander, abuse, lies and every kind of danger.
Protect their families and cover them with the Holy Spirit, at all times, so that the Messages they give to the world are heeded with contrite and humble hearts.
Dear Jesus, give me the strength to focus on Your Teachings and to proclaim Your Holy Word at all times.
Never allow me to be tempted to idolise the false prophet, who will try to present himself like You.
Keep my love for You strong.
Give me the Graces of Discernment, so that I will never deny the Truth contained in the Holy Bible, no matter how many lies are presented
to me to encourage me to turn my back on Your True Word.
Oh blessed Mother, Mother of Salvation for the whole world, pray that my love for Jesus can be re-kindled. Help me to feel the Flame of His Love, so that it fills my soul.
Help me to love Jesus more.
Pray that my faith, love and devotion for Him, become stronger.
Allay any doubts, which torment me, and help me to see clearly the Divine Light of the Truth, which radiates from your beloved Son, the Saviour of all humanity.
O Mother of God, help me to prepare my soul for the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Take me as a child, by the hand, and lead me on the road towards the gift of discernment through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Open my heart and teach me to surrender in body, mind and soul. Rid me of the sin of pride and pray that I will be forgiven for all past sins so that my soul is purified and that I am made whole so that I can receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
I thank you, Mother of Salvation, for your intercession, and I await with love in my heart for this Gift for which I yearn with joy.
Jesus, King and Saviour of the world, to You do we pledge our honour, our loyalty and deeds, to proclaim Your Glory to all.
Help us to gain the strength, and the confidence, to stand up and declare the Truth at all times.
Never allow us to falter or delay in our march towards victory, and in our plan to save souls.
We pledge our surrender, our hearts, and all that we possess, so that we are free of obstacles, as we continue the thorny road towards the gates of the New Paradise.
We love You, dearest Jesus, our beloved Saviour and Redeemer.
We unite ourselves in body, mind and spirit within Your Sacred Heart. Pour over us Your Grace of Protection. Cover us with Your Precious Blood, so that we will be filled with courage and love to stand up and declare the Truth of Your New Kingdom.
I come before you confused, unsure and frustrated, dear Jesus, because I am worried about the Truth You proclaim within Your Messages.
Forgive me if I have wronged You.
Forgive me if I cannot hear You.
Open my eyes so that I can be shown what it is You need me to understand.
I implore You, to give me the Power of the Holy Spirit to show me the Truth.
I love You, dear Jesus, and I beg You to release me from the torment of doubt.
Help me to respond to Your call.
Forgive me if I have offended You and bring me closer to Your Heart.
Guide me to Your New Kingdom and grant me the favour, so that through my own prayers and suffering, that I can help You to salvage souls so precious to Your Sacred Heart.
O beloved Mother of Salvation, I implore you to unite, through your prayers, all of God‘s Remnant Army,throughout the world. Cover all Crusade Prayer Groups with the Grace of Salvation, poured out upon us, through the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ. Send your angels to cover each one of us, and especially, those priests who lead the Crusade Prayer Groups.
Help us to avoid the distractions, which cause division amongst us, and protect us with your gift of armour, so that we become immune to the attacks, which we will have to endure, because of our love for Jesus Christ, in this Holy Mission to save souls.
Jesus, help me to find the courage, the bravery and the nerve, to stand up and be counted,
so that I can join Your Remnant Army and climb the same Hill of Calvary, which You had to endure for My Sins.
Give me the power to carry Your Cross and Your load, so that I can help You save souls.
Rid me of my weakness.
Dispel my fears.
Crush all my doubts.
Open my eyes to the Truth.
Help me, and all those who respond to the Call to carry Your Cross, to follow You with a deep and humble heart
and that by my example, others will pluck up the courage to do likewise. Amen.
O Mother of Salvation, cover my soul with your tears of Salvation.
Rid me of doubts.
Lift my heart, so that I will feel the Presence of your Son.
Bring me peace and solace.
Pray that I will be truly converted.
Help me to accept the Truth and open my heart to receive the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Jesus, help me.
I am drowning in tears of sorrow.
My heart is confused.
I do not know who I can trust.
Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I can choose the correct path to Your Kingdom.
Help me, dear Jesus, to always remain true to Your Word, given to the world by Peter and to never deviate from what You taught us or deny Your death on the Cross.
Jesus, You are the Way.
Show me the Way.
Hold me and carry me on Your journey of Great Mercy. Amen.
We stand united to Your Sacred Heart, dear Jesus.
We speak with authority the True Word of God.
We will walk to the ends of the Earth to spread the Truth.
We will never accept any new false doctrine in Your Name, other than that You taught us Yourself.
We remain true, loyal and steadfast in our faith.
We will treat those who betray You with love and compassion, in the hope that they will come back to You.
We will be firm, but patient, with those who persecute us in Your Name.
We will walk victorious all the way to Your New Paradise.
We promise, that through our pain and suffering, we will bring You all those lost souls who are starved of Your Love.
Please accept our prayers for all sinners in the world, so that we can become one family, united in love for You, in the New Era of Peace. Amen.
O God, my Merciful Father, Creator of all that is, hear my plea for freedom.
Release me from the chains of slavery and protect me from evil persecution.
Help me to discern the Truth and come to my aid, even if I am confused and may doubt Your Word.
Forgive me if I offend You and take me into the refuge of Your New Paradise on Earth. Amen.
O Mother of Salvation, help me, a humble servant of God, to defend His Most Holy Word in times of torment.
Consecrate me, dear Mother, to your Son, so that He can cover me with His Precious Blood.
Grant me, through the Intercession of your Son, Jesus Christ, the grace, the strength and the will to remain true to the Teachings of Christ in the times of Tribulation, which will devour His Most Holy Church on Earth. Amen.
Dear Mother of Salvation, protect me with the Grace of protection against deceptions, created by Satan to destroy the faith of Christians. Protect us against those who are the enemies of God. Keep us safe from lies and heresy, used to weaken our love for your Son. Open our eyes to untruths, deception and every attempt we may encounter to encourage us to deny the Truth. Amen.
O Mother of God, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Salvation, pray that we remain loyal to the True Word of God at all times. Prepare us to defend the Faith,
to uphold the Truth and to reject heresy.
Protect all your children in times of hardship and give each of us the Graces to be courageous when we are challenged to reject the Truth and renounce your Son.
Pray, Holy Mother of God, that we are given the Divine Intervention to remain Christians, in accordance with the Holy Word of God. Amen.
O dearest Mother of Salvation, hear our call for the protection of the Mission of Salvation and for the protection of God‘s children.
We pray for those who defy the Will of God in this great moment in history. We ask that you protect all those who respond to your call
and the Word of God, to save everyone from the enemies of God. Please help release those souls, who fall prey to the deceit of the devil
and open their eyes to the Truth.
O Mother of Salvation, help us poor sinners to be made worthy, to receive the Grace of perseverance at our time of suffering in the
Name of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Protect this Mission from harm. Protect your children from persecution. Cover all of us with your Most Holy Mantle and favour us with
the Gift of retaining our faith, every time we are challenged for speaking the Truth, for conveying the Holy Word of God, for the rest of our days now and forever. Amen.