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It is because I love you that I must be firm and lead you to the Truth.

He will, by the power of the occult, perform what will be seen to be cures for people who are terminally ill

Sunday, December 30, 2012 17:50

My dearly beloved daughter, I wish to tell you that the changes, which will prepare the world for My Second Coming, are about to be seen by the whole world.

The wars in the Middle East will accelerate and be widespread. They will involve the West as well as the East. The turmoil will be halted by the man of peace, the beast, the antichrist. Many will, in time, believe that he is God, the Messiah; so much power will he seem to possess. His powers have been accorded to him by the father of evil, Satan.

He will, by the power of the occult, perform what will be seen to be cures for people who are terminally ill. They will be cured of their illnesses temporarily and people will believe that his powers will have come from Heaven. That he is I, Jesus Christ. They will believe that he comes to prepare the world for the New Era and that the Second Coming is taking place before them.

He will perform other miracles, but they will simply be an illusion. Some sacred servants of Mine will drop before him and adore him. Political leaders will publicly applaud him. He will be seen as the good and humble messiah and he will emulate all My traits. Sadly he will deceive many.

I beg you, My disciples, to warn people that I, Jesus Christ, will not come in the flesh. This cannot be. I have already come to earth in the flesh and this cannot happen a second time. When I come again it will be through the way in which I left and then the wicked will be banished and My New Paradise will replace the earth.

Do not be deceived. Be alert. I will continue to warn you about the antichrist and the lies he will present to the world. In this way, you can help Me save those poor souls who will follow him slavishly into the pits of hell.

Your Jesus

When you try to re-write the Word of God, you are guilty of blasphemy

Monday, December 30, 2013 20:06

My dearly beloved daughter, when you question My Authority, you deny the Truth. When My Word, which is cast in stone, is challenged by you, then you do not accept the Truth. When you try to rewrite the Word of God, you are guilty of blasphemy. The world was warned that no one – no sacred servant, no chosen soul, no prophet – could ever add to or take away from the Word laid down in My Father’s Book. Yet, that is exactly what will happen when those who claim to be chosen leaders in My Church on Earth tamper with the Truth. That day is very close. That is the day, which you were warned about. For anyone who dares to tamper with the Word is saying that he is above God. He who claims to be above God, by his acts or deeds, can never be representatives of Mine.

Because the faith of man is so weak and because little knowledge of the New Testament exists, many will be fooled into accepting heresy as the Truth. This will be their downfall.

My Intervention will be through the downpour of the Holy Spirit, to enlighten those who remain loyal to Me. Now that test will be this. If you really believe in My Existence, My Mission, My Crucifixion, My Resurrection from the dead and Promise of Salvation, then you will never challenge My Word, given to you in the Holy Bible. If you believe for one minute that I would bless any new interpretation of My Gospels, God’s Commandments and all that you were taught by Me, in order to suit modern society, then you are very much mistaken.

The day when the leader, who claims to lead My Church on Earth, tells you that certain sins no longer matter, is the day of the beginning of the end. For this will be the day you must watch out for. This will be the day when My Church will enter the era of darkness. On that day, you must never be tempted to deny Me – to deny the Truth. Lies can never replace the Truth.

Your Jesus

My Second Coming will create great happiness

Tuesday, December 30, 2014 19:45

My dearly beloved daughter, the world belongs to My Father and My Kingdom will arise, no matter what.

The world, as is the Will of My Father, will rise again and in My Glory I will bring peace, love and joy to all. The blight of sin will be no more and all of God’s children, who accept Me, His beloved Son, will have eternal life.

My Second Coming will create great happiness and on that day every tear shall be wiped away. My Hand of Mercy will reach out to all of you and very few will reject My Kingdom. Those who do, will not enter it but they will, however, very much regret their decision for eternity.

Do not fear the great upheaval for the time to clear out the rot has begun and when new life springs from the soil, the new world, which will be without end will delight every soul who clings to Me. I Am Love and Love will follow Me and every soul who is pierced with the Holy Spirit. Be strong My beloved followers, My Intervention is necessary at this time, and soon the New Jerusalem will descend from Heaven, and the world as it was meant to be will arise out of the ashes.

You must not allow fear to grip your hearts as there is nothing to fear because I Am coming and I love you all. Let Me reach out to each of you at this time and comfort your poor hearts. My Presence is amongst you and My Promises to humanity will be fulfilled in My own good time. Be patient, hopeful and confident of My Love. But, above all, trust in Me for I gave up My Life for you and so there is nothing that I cannot do to bring you into My Glorious Kingdom.

Leave all in My Holy Hands. Go in peace. Never doubt My Great Compassion.

Your Jesus



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