Thursday, December 29, 2011 14:15
My child, reciting my Holy Rosary can save nations.
My children must never forget the power of my Holy Rosary.
It is so powerful that it renders the deceiver useless. He can do nothing to you, or your family, when you recite this daily.
Please ask my children to begin to say my Holy Rosary from this day forth in order to protect not only their families, but their communities also.
The Rosary is the most powerful weapon against the evil one’s plans to destroy what he can, in these his last days on Earth.
Never underestimate the lies that he plants in people’s minds in order to turn my children away from the Truth.
So many, under his influence, will kick and fight against the Truth of my Son’s great Mercy.
By saying my Holy Rosary you can protect these souls from lies.
Their hearts can and will be opened if you set aside the time to say my Rosary.
Pray now for my children to open their hearts to the Truth. Pray too that all my children will find the strength to accept my Son’s Mercy.
Your beloved Mother
Queen of the Angels
Thursday, December 29, 2011 15:00
My dearest beloved daughter, My children everywhere will be awakened from a deep, empty slumber shortly.
When they awaken to The Warning, many will be terrified. To those who will be fearful I have this to say.
Be thankful you are being woken up from the darkness.
Be joyful that you are being shown My Light of Mercy. If you find this painful, then I implore you to endure this cleansing with humility. For without this cleansing you will not have eternal life, which is your right.
Pray to Me to help you during these difficult moments and I will lift you up and give you the strength you need.
Reject My Hand of Mercy and you will be given only a very short period in which to repent.
There will be every kind of Mercy shown to those of you who do not love My Father. But know that His patience is running out.
There will be one great Act of My Mercy shown. It will be up to you to become humble and beg for Mercy. You cannot be forced to do this.
Pray that if you cannot deal with this cleansing that others will then pray for your soul.
Never fear Me, never reject My Hand of Salvation. For without Me, you are nothing. Don’t wait to cry out for My Love when it will be too late to help you.
Your Saviour
Jesus Christ
Saturday, December 29, 2012 19:36
My dearly beloved daughter, again, I say to all of you, dear disciples of Mine, not to be fearful. While events to come may be distressing for you to witness, remember these, My Holy Words, given to you now.
My Love for humanity is so great that I forgive easily, any sin, no matter how offensive, once true remorse is shown by the sinner. Never fear Me if you truly love Me because I protect you at all times. Yes, you will suffer in My Name, when you walk behind Me. But this is something, which you must accept. It is such a small price to pay for the Glory, which lies ahead of you.
Those who, however, walk in front of Me in the mistaken belief that they do not need the Presence of God in their lives need to be fearful. These sinners, who will never show remorse, for they believe that they are in control of their own destiny, will fall into the abyss. This, the trap laid down for them by the evil one, can be likened to a ticking clock. For every minute they continue to forsake Me, their time is shortened. Their time to redeem themselves in My Eyes is short.
Know that the two armies for the battle of souls have now lined up in order to prepare for the war. Time is moving on so please be prepared at all times.
Never fear Me, for I come in peace. Be fearful, however, of the beast who will be seen to come in peace, but who comes to destroy you. He, the evil one, and his followers on earth are those you should be fearful of. Not Me.
Your Jesus
Sunday, December 29, 2013 19:48
My dearly beloved daughter of Mine, when I revealed the secrets of the Book of Truth, from the beginning, I told you that the Book had been foretold to the prophets – a total of three – representing the Most Holy Trinity. I do not tell you of these things in order to frighten you. I tell you of these facts, so that you will trust in Me completely.
My daughter, the Plan of My Father to spread conversion began the moment this Mission began. This conversion, at a time of great apostasy, apathy and shameful indifference to the Word of God, is much needed. God’s children were given the Truth in the Most Holy Book, but much of what is contained therein has little impact on people in the world today. How could it? So many are distracted by entertainment, are easily amused and quick to grasp anything, which titillates. Even the Truth of man’s Creation has been denied. Instead, they replaced the Truth with ludicrous beliefs in many false gods of their own making. Their practices of magic and evil dabbling in the occult have attracted the attention of many and fired the imagination of those seeking sensationalism in their lives.
Then there are those who abuse their knowledge of the spiritual world and who have caused many souls to wander away from Me. In order to empower themselves with spiritual gifts, these poor souls instead invite the spirit of evil, when they call on the spirits of those who have entered Hell. These spirits will only pull them into a web from which they will never disentangle themselves. Those who dabble in new age practices, witchcraft, tarot cards and clairvoyance, will be the cause of terrible afflictions upon others, although in many cases, they have no such knowledge of the harm they do. All such people, who place false gods before the One True God, are guilty of paganism – a heinous crime – because they knew the Truth before they turned away from it.
Then there are those who curse others when they dabble in Satanism. So depraved are they, that they constantly taunt Me and conduct such wicked acts because they have already made a pact with the devil. Nothing I do will change them. Oh how I weep such bitter Tears over these poor misguided souls.
Then there are those who do know Me, but who spend little time in My Company. They bring Me great sadness, for they take their souls for granted. They believe that they have a natural given right to Eternal Life, but they do not believe that they have to earn it. Many of them are so complacent that they do not bother with the Sacraments and rarely pay any heed to the Ten Commandments, because they do not believe that they apply to them today. Most do not believe in Hell or Purgatory. They walk a very dangerous path. Soon, they will be deceived even further, when they are fed a new watered-down doctrine, which will be introduced by My enemies. They need much prayer now.
Finally, there are those who are closest to Me and who are learned in all things Sacred. These are the souls who bring Me great comfort and on whom I lean. Yet, there are those amongst them who do not live the Truth. They preach the Truth, but do not practice the basics of My Teachings. They do not love others as they should. They look down on those who they consider to be less informed of all sacred matters than they are. Some consider themselves above others and more favoured by God. These hypocrites infuriate Me the most, because they fail to see how they sin in My Eyes.
So you see, the Truth must never be taken for granted. You were all given the Truth, but many of you have forgotten it. It bores you. It is too troublesome – too time consuming – for many of you see the Truth as something which is no longer relevant in your busy lives today. Many of you will deny Me and then, finally, reject Me completely, when you are fed lies by those who want to lead you away from salvation. This is why you must learn the Truth all over again.
There can only be one Truth and that is the Truth laid down by God from the beginning.
Your Jesus
Monday, December 29, 2014 17:30
My dear children do not be afraid of the Promises of Christ for they will be your redeeming factor. My Son, Jesus Christ, is present amongst you and He will never desert you or leave your side. His Promise to salvage the world will be completed, as it is the Will of my Eternal Father.
You must know that the Will of God is insurmountable, and no matter how great the obstacles are, which are placed before you, God, through His Divinity, will crush all His enemies. You must never think that evil will triumph because this is impossible. Through the great Love of God, you will be guided towards Eternal Salvation and nothing will succeed in blocking your way. When my Son’s enemies try to force you to accept laws, which are not from God, then you must resist these. It may be difficult for you but you will be given the strength to continue on your journey and, every kind of help from Heaven will be given to you.
Learn to recognise the work of the evil one by the wars you see arising everywhere; the wicked laws introduced in almost every nation, which deny the Word of God; and the betrayal of Jesus Christ by those who say they represent Him, when they sit back and do nothing to proclaim His Holy Word. Learn also to recognise the hatred shown to God’s chosen souls because then you will know the difficult mission, which has been given to them, so they can remind the world that God’s Love is still alive.
You must also give thanks to God the Most High for the Life He gave humanity through His only Son, Jesus Christ. Were it not, for the birth of my Son, and His Crucifixion there would have been no New Covenant to bring you the glorious life, which awaits you if you so chose to accept it.
These are the times in which to prepare for the new world, the new Heaven and the new earth. Do not waste time trying to argue over what my Son is telling you now. Instead, learn to accept the Truth with good grace. I, your beloved Mother, will guide you towards my Son and your prayers will strengthen you, in every way, so that you may be made worthy of the Promises of Christ.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation