Tuesday, December 27, 2011 14:00
My child, the birth pangs have commenced.
The time has come for the birth of a New World, a New Beginning.
Many changes will now take place on Earth the likes of which have not been witnessed before.
My heavenly Father is sending my beloved Son, Jesus Christ to once again save mankind from his wickedness.
You, my child, will witness a series of events, which have already been revealed to you.
You must not be frightened for this cleansing is essential in order to wake up mankind, if souls are to be saved.
The signs will commence as foretold. My children must accept these changes with a humble and contrite heart.
Pray, pray for souls to discard the sin of pride and seek forgiveness for their offences against God the Father.
Failure to redeem themselves will result in a severe chastisement.
My Son’s Mercy is so great He will give time to my children to repent.
But you must pray now for all souls so that they may be worthy to enter into the New Era of Peace.
Your beloved Mother
Mary, Queen of the Heavens
Thursday, December 27, 2012 18:20
My dearest daughter, this is a Message of great hope for all My children.
The time for the changes, as foretold, when the earth will turn; the planets will change and the climates will no longer be predictable, is upon you.
My Great Power is now being manifested in Heaven, as it is on earth, as I lead the battle against My enemies. Satan and his demons are being defeated, but they put up a terrible defence. With them, they suck My poor children, whose hearts are filled with political and worldly ambitions, into playing a role, as they try to crucify My children.
Man is weak. Man is easily seduced. Because of his blindness to the Truth, laid down by Me, from the beginning of Creation, man believes in lies. He believes the lies, spewed out by the evil one, because he is attracted by the promises of power and pleasure.
My children must acknowledge the glorious and splendid Light of My Kingdom. You, My daughter, have seen this Light and you know how powerful it is. You know the Power of God, and how it envelops you. Can you imagine what this will be like when My New Paradise is revealed? You, My daughter, have glimpsed but just a small portion of this glorious and gleaming Light.
It is important to welcome the Light of My Son into your hearts. When you invite Him to salvage you, and take you into His Sacred Heart, you will feel this Light.
The Light of the New Dawn – the New Era – will slowly, but surely, illuminate the world. Soon, a new Light, a new sun, will be seen. It will be larger and will be the cause of much wonder.
This is a sign of My Power and My Majesty. It will be a miracle and will prove that man does not fully understand the secret of Creation.
Only I, God the Creator of the Universe, command all that is. All that will be. All that can be. No man, no scientist, can solve these most sacred secrets, as it is not for man to understand at this time.
The wonders of My Creation, and the force of My Power, will be shown to the world. Let no man make the error of believing that Satan, and his wicked followers, have any power to bring you the wonders which I have Created for every single creature. I have promised to reveal the Truth so that you, My children, can wipe away the cobwebs which cover your eyes.
When the Day comes for the Truth to be finally accepted by you, I will grant you the most splendid riches, graces and a life you could never envisage, for it is beyond your imagination.
I am happy to impart this Message of hope today. I hope it brings you much happiness and peace.
My Promise, to bring you to your final inheritance, is to become a reality, soon.
Your Loving Father
God the Most High
Saturday, December 27, 2014 12:55
My dear children, you must trust always in my Son’s Holy Will because He will only permit so much evil to engulf the world for His Mercy is so great.
When my Son intervenes in any act, which causes desecration of any kind, He does this to preserve the faith. My Son’s Word is sacrosanct and His Will is His Own to do what He desires. Your will is your own but, if it is given freely to God then only His Will can be done.
Trust, trust, trust in my Son for all things are in accordance with His Will. If He permits evil to thrive, and His followers to be deceived by His enemies, then this is within His Will and it is done to test the faith of the faithful. God’s Will is a mystery to most of you and He can decide what it is that is necessary for the good of humanity, at any time.
You must allow your hearts to remain at peace in love and trust for my Son, Jesus Christ. He is very much present amongst you and you must be thankful for this because without His Holy Presence, darkness would cover the earth.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation