Friday, December 24, 2010 20:15
My beloved daughter, thank you for responding to My call. It is with joy that I communicate with you, at this special celebration of My Birth. The love that fills My Heart, by the faith and devotion shown by all My children, is very precious.
This is the time for My children, everywhere, to reflect on My life on Earth. It is a time for them to consider the implications that My birth represents, for all of mankind. It is because of My birth that man will seek salvation. It is through the Love of My Eternal Father, for all His children, that He made the ultimate Sacrifice. That He had to watch a baby born, see him grow as a child, through to adulthood, shows clearly His Love and determination to save all His children. He loves all His children, so much, that He asked Me to live life as a human being, yet knowing that I would be humiliated and ridiculed, He allowed this to happen.
My Birth is a Sign to all that God the Eternal Father, loved His children, so much, that He made a huge Sacrifice. By allowing Me to come to Earth, to live amongst you all, He showed His Compassion and desire to save you, by permitting My death. If He had not sent Me, man could not be saved. Yet, those who rejected Me are still unsure as to the Truth of the promises made by God the Eternal Father. There is much confusion still.
All that matters, now, is for mankind to understand the promises and reality of the New Heaven and Earth, which has been designated to all God’s children. This is the greatest Gift of all and is the Gift you were all meant to share with Him, until Satan destroyed it all by tempting Eve.
People today see the Teachings in the Old and New Testaments, in many ways, as old fables. Many still do not understand that the Teachings, contained in these Scriptures, were and still are authentic. Because in many instances references are made to events, which took place in the spiritual realm, people find it hard to believe that these could have happened. They have come to this conclusion because they are evaluating the contents through logical thinking, based on what happens on Earth. But they are wrong.
My coming on the Earth was orchestrated, as a last chance to wake up the world, so all would realise that God is all forgiving. My role was to show you, through My Teachings and death on the Cross, the pathway to Heaven.
Remember then, at Christmas, that My birth was to help you begin to re-evaluate your belief in the Heavens, to which you are all entitled to be part of. By remembering My Life, you can now join with Me in My Father’s Kingdom, if you open your hearts and ask Me to embrace you once more.
Your Divine Saviour and Just Judge
Jesus Christ
Saturday, December 24, 2011 18:00
My daughter, just as I sent a Saviour into the world the first time to save humanity, I Am now ready to send My Son, Jesus, the Redeemer of mankind, once again, to salvage those souls who could not be otherwise saved.
My children must understand the significance of the bittersweet Sacrifice I made for mankind when I sent My Son the first time.
When I realized that the only way to redeem mankind was to send a Saviour, I knew I could not expect any prophet or chosen soul to suffer such a Sacrifice. I decided, through the Second Person of My Divinity, that I would send a Son to save humanity. This was the only effective way to foil the plans of Satan, such was My Love for My children.
To watch My Son grow up to become a man was both delightful and painful knowing what lay ahead of Him. Yet, because of the deep, tender Love I have for each of My children, this was a Sacrifice endured willingly in order to save My family.
Now that The Warning approaches, I Am also preparing the World, through these Holy Messages, to welcome My Son for the Second Time.
The Second Coming of My beloved Son is close, children. He is being sent to claim His rightful Throne when He will Reign as King of Mankind.
This Glorious Event will be spectacular and is the final part of the plan to save the human race from the evil that exists in your world. Satan will be cast away shortly. His followers and those wicked of heart will be shocked and dismayed. They will be expected to make a choice at that stage. Drop down and plead for Mercy and be saved. Or refuse the great Gift, which will be presented to them.
My children, unite all of you and do not fear ridicule. You are all being guided by the Holy Spirit and are being afforded the protection of the angels and saints in Heaven. It will be up to you, My followers, to proclaim the Word and promise of My Son, Who wishes for these Messages to be spread around the world.
It will also be through your prayers that lost sinners can be plucked from the arms of the evil one.
Children, you are in the early stages of the final battle. Your second chance of eternal salvation is being given to you through the Mercy of My dearly beloved Son. Don’t squander this opportunity. Join as one in union with your family in Heaven to save your brothers and sisters on Earth.
Rejoice this Christmas, for it will be a special celebration as you must now help souls prepare for The Second Coming of My Son, after The Warning takes place.
I love you all, children. Take my Love. Embrace Me, your Eternal Father, Who will do everything possible to take you all into the New Era of Peace.
God the Father
Monday, December 24, 2012 18:00
My child, the day I brought the world a Saviour, it changed the destiny of humanity.
This little child I loved with a passion like any other mother. But there was an extra grace given to me by My Father. That was the grace of protection. I protected my Son, from the start, in a way which was different. I knew that He was the promised Messiah and, therefore, I had been given a very special responsibility, although I had no idea of the magnitude which this responsibility would entail.
I was not given to understand, early on, that my Son, the Saviour, sent by God to save the human race from the fires of Hell, would be killed. This part of my mission came as a terrible shock and my pain cannot be described, so intense was it.
I suffered through my Son, in Him and with Him. Even today, I feel His pain and sorrow at the disbelief of my Son’s Existence in the world today. As the Mother of Salvation, my responsibility is to assist my Son in His plan to salvage souls.
This is the time of the deluge; this time for swift and sudden change. As wars will break out, and a great war emerges from the ashes, God’s Plan will increase in its pace to awaken His Presence amongst all nations and all races.
My child, I plead with you to pray the most Holy Rosary as I weep today. My tears, which you have just witnessed are for those souls who will not acknowledge my Son. It is those Christians who say that they accept Jesus Christ, as Saviour, and who insult Him, by not praying to Him, who sadden Him the most.
The spread of atheism is like a dreadful epidemic sweeping the earth. God has not been forgotten, instead, His Existence is being deliberately ignored. His laws banned from your countries. His Churches not honoured. His sacred servants too timid and not courageous enough to proclaim His Holy Word.
The earth will now change both physically and in spirit. The cleansing has begun. The battle will be waged between those who follow the evil one and God’s Remnant Church.
Those loyal to my Son must always call on me, your beloved Mother of Salvation, so that I can consecrate you to my beloved Son, in order to grant you much needed graces. You must be prepared as a soldier of Jesus Christ. Your armour must be made stronger, because your role is as a crusader and you will have to march against great cruelty and injustice.
Go in peace children and keep in daily prayer as the changes commence, so that the salvation of humanity can be achieved.
All will be done according to the Holy Will of my Father, through His only Son, Jesus Christ. You, my children, who ask for my help, will be granted great protection for your nations.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation