Sunday, December 23, 2012 15:30
My dearly beloved daughter, many of those sacred servants of Mine, are to face a terrible challenge. This will be one, which will convince them to take one of two separate paths. It will be up to each, by his own free will, as to which path he must choose. For the abomination will make itself known shortly.
Many of My sacred servants will not be immediately aware of what is happening. It will only be when they read letters, given to them from those in high places, that they will find difficulty.
Those who uphold My Holy Word, given to man through the Gift of the Holy Bible, will be challenged and urged to accept amendments. These amendments will be given to them and they will be expected to swallow them, and accept them as The Truth. They amount to one thing.
They will urge those holy sacred servants of Mine, to accept tolerance of sin.
They will be told that God is an ever-merciful God and that He loves everyone. Yes this part is true. But then, they will be instructed to condone laws, which are an abomination in My Eyes. The family unit, and the destruction of it, will be at the root of everything.
Others will be asked to accept a new type of ceremony, which will replace the Mass and the Presence of My Holy Eucharist.
It will be deemed as an all-inclusive move to join all Christians and other religions as one.This will be the beginning of the end.
The day the daily Sacrifices of the Mass are cut will be the beginning of all events to unfold, as foretold to John the Evangelist. It will be the time of the rise of the beast and his influence will be great. He will win over the hearts and souls of many priests. His aim is to stop all Masses and to desecrate the Holy Eucharist.
He already does this, through black masses, held in many Catholic Churches. The core of disloyal servants is plotting against My Church and they will mislead many.
Be alert. Open your eyes and beg Me for the strength you are going to need, in order to stand up against this vile and wicked plan.
This battle within My Church on earth will be vicious. Priest against priest. Bishop against Bishop. Cardinal against Cardinal.
Let it be known that those amongst you, My sacred servants, who know Me and love Me, I will lead you. I will guide you. I will give you the strength to deal with these enemies of God. You are not alone.
You must never listen to lies, given or presented to you, in My Holy Name. Only you know the Truth in your hearts. Listen to your heart. Remain loyal to all that you have been told is the Law of God.
If you are presented with anything, which seems to be in contradiction of My Teachings, then you must turn your back.
Your Jesus
Monday, December 23, 2013 18:36
My child, the darkness will drop so suddenly over my Son’s Church, that many will be become instantly silent, so shocked will they be. My Son, Jesus Christ the King, will be declared to be no longer King. In His place will be the elevated pagan gods and all religions, including those who do not come from God and all will take up position in my Son’s Church on Earth.
To the world the new proclamation of so-called Christianity will seem to be good news. The world will rejoice, because many will welcome what they will see to be great tolerance for every kind of act, which up to then was deemed to be a sin in the Eyes of God.
When my Son walked the Earth, the Pharisees rejected the Truth. They believed only in what suited them and they believed in many falsehoods. They would not accept my Son’s outstretched Arms, as He proclaimed the Holy Word of God. The time has come, once again, for those who claim to know the Truth to deny my Son. By this, I mean His Holy Word as proclaimed in the Most Holy Gospels. Soon, the Most Holy Book will be discarded and a new blasphemous substitute will be declared to all, within my Son’s Church and outside of it. Many will be deceived.
So cunning are my Son’s enemies that this new and obscene imitation of The Word of God will have many believe that it is simply a modern, updated version of the New Testament. My Son’s Word will be used and changed to mean something new – something He never said. The evil one, through the enemies of my Son, will always deceive the world by using the Truth as a base for lies. They will always attack what is True by working with the Truth, in order to defame my Son’s Word.
They will start with His Word first and destroy it – first, by mocking it and then by discarding it, in favour of heresy. Then they will attack His Flesh. The Word was made Flesh in the form of my Son. They crucified my Son before and now, as He comes again to renew the Earth, they will destroy the Holy Eucharist. All of those with faith must persevere during these terrible birth pangs, because when it is all over the Son of Man will rise and will come to reclaim His Kingdom on Earth. Those who love my Son must honour Him at all times and never deny Him.
You must be prepared to live by the Truth and never succumb to accepting lies, which will be spread all over the world and the, soon to be declared, new one world religion. When you see these things happen, be assured that the time will be close for the Second Coming of the One True Saviour – Jesus Christ, the King of humanity.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Tuesday, December 23, 2014 16:55
My dearly beloved daughter, I call out to My beloved followers, at this special time, to come to Me and allow Me to cover them with My Precious Blood. I gave up My Life on earth as a token of My Great Mercy and I will move the mountains, the oceans and shake the earth as I come, once again, to bring all of you to Me.
I love you and bring you great Blessings and comfort as I prepare you for my Time. Allow your hearts to welcome Me. Allow My Love for you to infiltrate the hearts of all God’s children including those who persecute you in My Holy Name. I bring you peace this Christmas and assure you that My Time is very near. I will come soon to reveal to you My Mercy. To those of you who despise Me through this Mission I will pierce your hardened hearts with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Soon, any doubts you may have will flee and your burden will be lifted. Until then, you will endure the pain of separation from Me, which has been imposed upon you by the king of lies, who rejoices at your rejection of Me. Do not resist Me, My beloved ones, for I love you with a relentless longing. It is with a bitter sweetness that I come to you, begging those of you who say you love Me, to turn to Me. I cry tears of sorrow because you cannot accept Me through this divine intervention when it is given to you freely. You should be trying to proclaim the Truth but, instead, you have rejected Me cruelly and in a way that is not befitting of My Divinity.
The Day when I come in My Divine Mercy will be the day of enlightenment. You will know immediately that I have taken you into a time of complete abandonment, when nothing you have done can be hidden from you. For every act of weakness on your part, you will feel the pain of My Suffering, which will become your own. The remorse you will feel will only be as strong as the faith you have in Me. So many of you will realise what you need to do to gain My Acceptance. However some of you will deny the Illumination of Conscience because of the distance you have placed between us.
To the proud and the arrogant among you, who will hide your faces from Me during The Warning, I have this to say. Do not be afraid for you are Mine. Because you are a child of God, created in His Image, I will show you great Mercy. Fear not the one who loves you – fear only the one who despises you for he, the evil one, is your greatest enemy. Reject Me and you will become enslaved by My greatest adversary but if you reject him, My Power will encompass you, protect you and bring you safely into My Kingdom I give you this information so that you will know that when I say that this will happen, it will happen. And when that Day comes you must remember My Words. Do not fear Me, for what is there to fear? If I gave up My Life for you, why then would you want to give up your life to the devil who seeks only the destruction of your immortal soul?
There is only one way you can turn and that is to Me, your Loving Saviour and Redeemer. I Am your safety net. Do not run away from your salvation. Remember, always, My Compassion, My Love and `my Great Mercy. My Divine Mercy is there for the taking.
Your Beloved Jesus