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I love you and I trust you will respond to My Call.

Even the sin of murder can be forgiven

Wednesday, December 21, 2011 20:10

My dearest beloved daughter, it is I.

Tonight I come to offer comfort to sinners who believe they are not worthy to stand before Me.

I call on those of you, poor, tortured souls, who believe that your sins are so repulsive that I could not forgive you. How wrong you are.

Don’t you know that there is not one sin I cannot forgive? Why are you so afraid?

Don’t you know that even the most grievous sin of murder can be forgiven? All sins can and will be forgiven if true, heartfelt remorse is shown.

I Am waiting. Open your hearts to Me. Confide in Me. I Am probably the only true friend you have, in that you can tell Me anything and it will not shock Me.

Sin is a fact of life. Very few souls including chosen souls can remain in a state of grace for any length of time.

Never feel that you cannot confess your sins, irrespective as to how serious they may be.

If you fear Me and continue to turn your back, you will distance yourself from Me even more.

Many of My children do not feel worthy of My Love. Yet I love everyone including hardened sinners. I do not condone the sin. I could never do that. But I love the sinner.

It was because of sin that I was sent into your world as a Saviour so that you could be pardoned.

To be pardoned you must ask for forgiveness. When you seek forgiveness you must be humble first. For without humility there is no true remorse.

I, your Saviour, beg you to stop and think about how you live your life. You either love God by your good deeds and love of neighbour or you don’t.

You do not have to know Me in order to love Me, children. By your works, your love of each other, the kindness and generosity you show others, you demonstrate your love for Me without realizing it.

It will also be through your humility of heart, when you show true remorse for all the wrongdoings in your life, that you will also prove your love for Me.

How else do you think you can become close to My Heart?

You must never be afraid to approach Me. I Am never far away.

Come to Me now so I can nourish your soul and give you the peace you crave.

Your beloved Jesus

My Love for humanity is felt by many. Sadly, those who do not look for it will not find it

Friday, December 21, 2012 22:20

My dearly beloved daughter, to love Me is simple. You do not have to be learned in Holy Scripture. All you need to do is this.

Call to Me, even when in doubt about My Existence. I will fill you with My Presence unexpectedly. You will feel a Love like never before. And then you will know The Truth.

I Am real. I Am there and I love each of you. True love pierces your heart with a powerful emotion of attachment. It is a two-way gift. You will love Me and you will wonder how can this be?

My Love for humanity is felt by many. Sadly, those who do not look for it will not find it. To those who still find themselves wandering away from Me, all you need to do is call upon Me, so that I can enlighten your soul.

My birth heralded the proof of My Father’s Love for the human race. He sent Me, your Saviour, because of His Love for you.

Love is not something you should ever take for granted, as it is the greatest Gift from God. It transcends every other feeling and can defeat evil if you would only embrace it.

My Spirit of Love, My Protection covers you at this special time. You are Mine. I Am in your heart. All you need do is to allow My Love to fill you because when you do you will feel true peace.

I bless all of you.

Your Jesus

My Word will be like a sword, which will cut through confusion and lies.

Friday, December 21, 2012 22:50

My dearly beloved daughter, the time for My Teachings and My Holy Messages to be spread into every corner of the world, is now.

I will ensure that the Book of Truth, promised to the world, will be ready in every nation and every language.

My disciples and My Sacred Servants will preach from the four corners of the earth.

Billions will follow My Word and many will, finally, read the Holy Gospel.

My Father’s Book, the Holy Bible, will be revisited and My Word will be read again.

Now, My Messages today, contained in the Book of Truth will be food, which will be fed to God’s children when it will be deemed illegal to read the Holy Word of God in the future.

You, My disciples, must convert those who do not know Me. If they do not know Who I Am, they cannot prepare themselves properly for My New Kingdom.

My Word will be like a sword, which will cut through confusion and lies. It will touch the minds, hearts and the souls of all.

Some will take time to digest My Word, but most of the world’s population will accept the Truth, once they are given it.

Please pray for the courage, the strength and the will to do what it is that I ask of you. Remind them that I died for them. Tell them that the time for Me to come again is soon. Comfort them by revealing to them the great Gift of the New Paradise I Am to reveal.

Tell them that I Am coming to save them and to end their suffering.

Your Jesus

You cannot divorce My Church from the Word - the Flesh - because then It cannot Exist

Saturday, December 21, 2013 20:13

My dearly beloved daughter, to those who accuse you, through My Holy Word, of fighting against the Authority of My Church, they must hear My Call.

The Church, created by Me, Jesus Christ, was built upon a firm Rock and no matter how much My Church – My Body – is attacked, the gates of Hell will never destroy It. Satan and his agents will only attack what is genuine, what is True and what is of Me. This is where all his energy will be focused on – My Church. I Am Present in My Church, through My Body, the Most Holy Eucharist. My enemies will always target the Most Holy Eucharist, as It is not merely a symbol of My Love, My Promise to redeem the world – It is My Body. It lives and breathes, for It is I, Jesus Christ, Who dwells in It. I will remain Present within the Holy Eucharist until close to the end, but My Church will never die.

My Word was made Flesh and through My Flesh, you, God’s children, will remain close to Me. When My enemies attacked My Church in the past, My Church united and fought against Its opponents. But when My Church is attacked, by the spirit of evil from within, It will face very few obstacles from a secular world.

Satan does not attack his own work. As the Son of man, I will never desert My Church, for It is impenetrable against the devil. My followers will remain true to My Church up to the last day. However, the number of people who will not understand the attacks, which My Church will come under, from within, will be high. They will, for the most part, be content with the many adaptations to be introduced in the Holy Sacraments and the Laws of God. They will swallow the lie that modern life calls for a modern church; that people today need to be able to make choices, based on their own free will – irrespective as to whether or not they insult God. Then when they insult God and commit blasphemy, when they desecrate the Holy Eucharist, they will no longer be part of My Church. My Church will remain intact. My Church will stay standing, because of those who will remain true to the Word of God – the Word, which became Flesh. For you cannot divorce My Church from the Word – the Flesh – because then It cannot Exist.

I promised that I would protect My Church against the gates of Hell and I do this now by preparing My loyal sacred servants to stand by Me and to remain true and steadfast until the Great Day. I never break My Promise.

Your Jesus



Prayers for today
