Thursday, December 16, 2010 13:10
Write this, My daughter. Death, dealt out to innocent victims, is one of the greatest sins, which man can inflict on his brother. It is the most grievous sin of the flesh and causes Me deep pain. The lack of regard that mankind, today, has for human life is becoming increasingly evident in the world.
Life is a precious Gift from God. No man has the right to take the life of another. No man has the right to take the life of a child, still to take his first breath at the time of birth. This crime is heinous and unforgivable. All souls come from My Eternal Father and are created at the moment of conception. Little children, innocent souls, are being murdered by the very people sent to nurture them – their own mothers, who are responsible for their being denied the right to be born.
Why do My children stand back and do nothing? In the name of freedom these little angels from My Father’s Kingdom are being taken off this Earth, before the time assigned to them, as children of God, has taken place. Do these women not understand that the lives they place so little value on are those of God? These children are suffering. They endure agonizing pain during their murder, and it is justified by governments, the medical profession, and these women’s families. Have they no remorse in their souls?
Do they not realise that their heinous act is no different to that act when man murders man?
In fact it is an even greater sin, as these children are helpless. These women must ask for mercy, if they are guilty. Or ask for guidance, from Me, if they are considering an abortion. Either way they will be judged by their sin. Sins of the flesh are the most offensive in My Father’s Eyes. No amount of justification for murdering another fellow being is acceptable by Me or My Eternal Father.
Wake up, now, My children and understand that the taking of life will lead the perpetrators into the eternal fires of Hell. There will be no return from this abyss, full of demons. Those same demons, who, through the work of the deceiver – Satan – convinces the murderer that what he or she is doing is right! He will cunningly convince mothers, for example, that they are making the “right decision.” Using every trick associated with human reasoning, he will make the person justify the act, even though it is wrong. He will use the lie that the murderers have rights of their own. That they must look after their own interests, first. In the name of human rights, the lie is manifested, so that the rights of a mother and her freedom to live life, as she chooses, is to be admired. The lie then convinces her that it is right and correct to murder her child.
Please understand that the escalation of genocide in the world has been foretold. It is one of the many signs spoken of in relation to the end times.
Stop all of you, now. Listen. Murder is a very serious offence. Do it and you will not be saved. There is no going back. Repent, those of you who have committed this terrible sin. Ask for forgiveness, now. I, through My Mercy, will hear your prayer. You can, and will be saved, if you are truly sorry for your grievous sin. I will listen. I will forgive. But time is not on your side.
Believers, pray hard for these lost and wandering children of Mine, who have been misled by the deceiver and his minions in positions of power. They need your prayers, now. You must, all of you, defend the right to human life, which cannot be tampered with by human hands, in any circumstances.
Pray to Me, every day. Offer any sufferings you may have, for the innocent victims.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
Friday, December 16, 2011 22:35
My child, I come to you to bring you comfort of heart. You, my strong child, will from now on be able to bear suffering to such an extent that you will welcome it and therefore prove your endurance while fighting to proclaim the Word of my precious Son, Jesus Christ.
You, my child, are torn. Each day presents new and more challenges in this Work, many of which are difficult.
Now is the time to pick up your armour without any fear. March onwards and fight for my Son to ensure that His Holy Word is heard quickly around the world, as quickly as you can. Do not delay. Do not allow distractions.
I love you, my child. You are fully protected from harm. Do you not notice how little you are affected now when attacked by others for this Work? This is the grace of armour.
Fight the battle against Satan with your army of warriors and help save all of mankind.
You are the true end times prophet, guided by the Heavens to help convert the world. Help will be sent quickly. Prepare. Rejoice, for this is a great Gift.
You are being guided every step you take, so just trust in Jesus and obey my heavenly Father at all times.
Be brave, courageous and march without fear in your soul.
Your heavenly Mother
Queen of the Angels
Sunday, December 16, 2012 23:20
My dearly beloved daughter, it is important that My disciples do not cause fear in the hearts of their friends and families because of My Messages to you at this time.
I come to you all at this time to speak with you from Heaven in order to prepare you. I do this with love and joy in My Heart.
I come to help those who believe in Me so that they will be ready to accept Me in the state of grace needed to reign with Me in My Kingdom.
I come also to plead with those who cannot understand the meaning of God’s Creation, especially those souls who use human reasoning to define everything in their lives. They believe only in what they can see or touch. These same souls will accept lies from those they believe are to be respected in their societies and nations. How easily they are fooled by the lies of man and how weak they are in that they reject the Truth of their Creation.
My task is to help you all. Not to threaten, but to draw you closer to Me so that you will receive comfort.
My Kingdom is your home. You must not feel any pressure to reject your family, so that you can unite your heart with Mine. Instead bring to Me your family through your prayers. Many will hurt you when you proclaim the Truth of My Word. But that is okay. Do not challenge them and try to force them against their will. I will take them into My Light of Protection when you recite My Grace of Immunity Crusade Prayer.
I Am full of love for you. Those who believe in Me will be greatly comforted by My Second Coming. Those other souls can be saved by your prayers. This is why I prepare you now. It is to save all of you so that you can enjoy the New Heavens and the New Earth.
I bring hope. I bring Mercy. I bring salvation. I bring to a conclusion the final covenant, the final age, which will be the fulfilment of My Father’s Will.
Never fear Me for I Am your family, joined by My Flesh and Blood, by My Humanity, as well as by My Divinity.
Be at peace, My beloved followers. Rest on My Shoulder for My Love and Mercy is greater than any of you know. This is a time for rejoicing, not sorrow, for I have given you the Gift of Salvation. This Gift is for you as well as those who are lost. It is for everyone.
Your Beloved Jesus
Monday, December 16, 2013 19:25
My dearly beloved daughter, when you are close to My Heart and when souls surrender in full to Me, a number of things happen.
Firstly, any fear of human interference in your lives, will disappear. In its place will be the peace and contentment, which comes from Me when I truly reside in your heart and soul. No amount of abuse, cruelty or criticism can penetrate your soul, because you will have handed this pain over to Me. This is why you must always remain calm and silent in the face of such attacks.
The next Grace you will be given will be the strength to withstand the temptation to sin. This temptation, which is placed before all souls, every single day, by the devil, is very powerful and very few people have the willpower to avoid falling into sin. But when you have abandoned your will to Mine, it is My Will which will reside within your soul, which will then overcome the temptations placed before you.
Never, ever, underestimate how much of a stranglehold Satan has over the human race. This power is like a powerful storm and just as a strong, fierce gust of wind can knock you to the ground, the seduction, placed before you by the evil one, is akin to a force, which will lift you in seconds and propel you into the sin, which you try to avoid.
Man is born with sin. Through the Sacrament of Baptism, the power of the beast is weakened. Then, as you go through life’s many trials and temptations, every person will be enticed into sin of every kind. Only those who work hard to avoid sin will overcome the fierce battle, which the evil one will mount to devour their souls. Regular communication with Me is important. All you need to do is to talk with Me in your own words. Ask Me regularly to forgive you for the sins for which you are remorseful. Receive the Sacraments regularly. Then, finally, trust in Me, for when you do, I have the Power to pull you back from the brink of sin. When you surrender your will to Me, My Will will become the driving force to protect you against Satan.
By abandoning yourselves to Me entirely, you will perfect your soul.
Your Jesus
Tuesday, December 16, 2014 23:00
My dearly beloved daughter, those who say they come from Me, who are blessed with the Holy Spirit, are easily identified by those with true discernment. They will never look for personal attention or adulation. They will never seek popularity, nor will they be popular, for when you speak with the Voice of God it brings them much criticism because the Truth is despised by the secular world.
The Word of God will always have its detractors and it is never embraced, enthusiastically, by a secular world. When the day comes that you witness the merging of My Church and the secular world, be on your guard. My servants who remain loyal to Me and who publicly proclaim the Word, as it was given to humanity in the Holy Bible, are never popular. They may be tolerated but their voices are rarely heard and the Truth is usually dismissed with disdain.
There are those amongst you who promote yourselves as being teachers of My Word, who spread untruths about the Word of God, though you hide behind carefully chosen words. I know why you do this and it is not to help Me to salvage souls. Instead, you desire to draw souls away from Me, for you are against Me.
To the traitors of My Church, including the laity, I have this to say. Look after your own garden for it is neglected and the soil is infertile. Weeds have taken root and healthy plants will never grow unless you dig out the rot and replace the soil with a new and fertilized one. Only when you renovate your garden, and start afresh, can your garden yield life again. Otherwise there will be no life and all things in it will die. You will destroy not only your own life but those close to you for My adversary has no loyalty, even to those he seizes as slaves to carry out his vengeance against Me.
Those who are Mine are like Me, in many ways. The closer they are to My Heart, the more they emulate Me. They will be humble for they could never boast of their knowledge of Me. They speak only what I would speak and that is the Truth, even when it draws hatred upon them. They would find it very uncomfortable to be elevated or praised for any good works they do for that is not their purpose. They seek only to do My Holy Will.
The voices that shout “look at me – I am a servant of God” and who display proudly, for all the world to see, the good works that they do in My Name, disgust Me. For every work of charity you complete, move on to the next task – and say nothing. Seek no praise, for it is My Work you do. All good deeds, carried out in My Name, must be offered up to Me in humble servitude.
You must never exalt yourself in My Name for this is abhorrent to Me. When you serve God, you serve His people and you must give thanks to Him for giving you the grace to do these things. You cannot say you carry out such deeds in My Name if you seek thanks, appreciation or praise from others. If you do this, then you are a hypocrite.
Your Jesus