Tuesday, December 13, 2011 20:15
My dearest beloved daughter, preparations are important for all of My followers as The Warning draws closer.
All those believers must pray hard for the forgiveness of their sins, in order to avoid the pain of Purgatory, which most people in the world will experience immediately after The Warning, for a short time.
Pray, pray for all those who will be traumatized when they see the condition of their souls, when their sins are revealed to them during The Warning.
They must understand that their sins must be revealed to them, before they can be cleansed of all sin, so they can enter into My New Paradise on Earth – the New Era of Peace, Love and Happiness, which each of My children must inherit.
My Heart is full of Joy because I bring this great Gift to mankind. Yet, My sadness lingers because of those who will simply reject the chance of this New Life.
I need so many prayers, children, so that Satan can be stopped from stealing their souls. He will continue to do this right up to the last minute.
I cannot bear to think of those souls who will be pulled from Me, screaming and kicking in protest as he and his minions drag them into the depths of Hell.
Help me, children, to prevent this through your prayers.
Children, these souls must reject Satan and his ways outright, if they are to enter the New Paradise. They must either turn to Me willingly or not at all.
They have two choices, the New Paradise on Earth or the depths of eternal damnation in the company of Satan.
Never ever doubt the existence of Hell, children. Be aware that every blackened soul, upon death, is dragged by Satan’s demons into Hell and tormented for eternity. For all his promises, Satan has created a horrific state of torture for such souls. Because of his hatred for humanity these souls will suffer beyond their endurance. Yet endure they must for all of eternity.
Don’t these souls know what Satan’s promises deliver?
Don’t they know that riches, fame and seductive materialism will create a clear pathway straight into the arms of the evil one?
Wake up, all of you, while you can. Save yourselves and those poor, misguided sinners from this terrible end to your existence.
You do not have much time.
Let prayer for these souls begin today.
Your Saviour
Jesus Christ
Thursday, December 13, 2012 18:11
My dearly beloved daughter, the gift of humility must be earned. It must never be confused with cowardice.
It was because of My own Humility that Satan was fooled and, as such, lost the right to win all souls and curse them with eternal damnation.
Satan is arrogant, boastful, deceitful, and full of self-love and hatred. The battle for souls was won through the Act of Humility when I, the King of mankind, allowed Myself to be belittled, tortured, scorned, mocked and tormented by sinners infested with the hatred of Satan.
It is impossible for the beast to feel humility. He knew of the Power of God and how tough his battle against His children would be. He expected Me to, not only proclaim the Word of God, but to demonstrate My Authority amongst men by declaring Myself before them in an exalted state of majesty. Even then he was confident of defeating My Mission.
What he did not expect was My refusal to condemn My executioners, or the Humility I showed. My failure to engage with My tormentors meant that they had no power over Me. My tolerance of the scourging, mocking and persecution only further diluted the power of the evil one. He never expected this and tried everything, including physical torture, to get Me to renounce the human race.
It was My acceptance of My death, the sacrifice made by My Father, to permit My Crucifixion, that man was set free from sin.
This was the first battle fought and won. This is how the second battle will be fought, to bring humanity back into My Kingdom, so that they can enjoy eternal life.
He, the beast and all of his fallen angels, tempt many souls so that many are deceived and do not accept My Existence. Many of those who do are fighting hard, through the temptations placed before them, to ignore My Call at this time from Heaven.
Then there are those who pose as servants in My Church who are planning, along with the elite group, to destroy millions. They will do this by blocking My Word and then by physical persecution. Their final betrayal against God’s children will be witnessed by all.
The souls I am most concerned about are those atheists and young people who have not been taught the Truth. I urge all of you who acknowledge Me, your Jesus, to bring them to Me. I surround them with My Light and Protection and I will fight the evil one right up to the last second for these souls.
You must march forward, My brave disciples, and try to block out the evil which surrounds you. If you engage with those who are desperate to stop this Mission you will fail Me.
Why, you may ask, are these people so desperate to block My Word? The answer is that it has always been like this where I walk, where I talk and where I Am present.
Move and keep close to Me. My Power will cover you and you will be protected. But do not take your eyes off Me because there are many who will threaten you, insult you, try to trip you up. When you hear the arrogant, but disorderly, verbal rants thrown at you, you will know what to do.
The more determined your adversaries are, in trying to convince you that it is not I, Jesus Christ, the King of mankind, who speaks with you now, then you will know that I Am truly present amongst you.
I walk with you as you stay close to Me. Your silence and refusal to engage with those taunts will keep you strong. Let those who shout abuse and ridicule My Holy Word do what they do. Pray for them hard, for they are in need of your help. Think of it like this.
Look at all of these people as if they are gathered together in a room and that they are only little children. When you look at young children you feel a deep love because of their vulnerability. You see the reliance they have for their parents and guardians and you feel overwhelmed by the love you have in your hearts for them.
Some of these children will behave according to what they have been told is the correct way to behave. Others show cruelty to the other children. And while you may be appalled by their behaviour, you know that you must correct them, and then punish them, if they continue to refuse to behave properly. Above all, you still love them, no matter what they do as they are the precious children of loving parents.
This is the way My Father feels for all of His children. It does not matter what they do because He still loves them. But He will not allow some of His children to destroy His other children and He will punish them, but only so that He can re-unite His family.
When you pray for those who offend God and who hurt His children, you cause terrible suffering to Satan, who loosens the grip he holds over the person for whom you pray.
Humility is more than just the acceptance of suffering. It is a powerful means of defeating evil. By praying for those who torment you, you bring Me a great gift of true love. A special love for Me, your Jesus.
I will continue to instruct you, My disciples, so that you will remain strong and faithful to My Teachings. It is in these times of great apostasy, that My Holy Gospel and My messages, now being given to prepare you, must be spread throughout the world in My campaign to save souls.
Your Jesus
Saturday, December 13, 2014 0:15
My dearly beloved daughter, the conscience of a man is like a mirror to his soul. What the conscience feels, responds to, and believes in, is reflected in his soul. This means that if your conscience alerts to you something that you know, in your heart, is wrong in the Eyes of God then you must listen to it.
If your conscience leads you to defend the Word of God, when you are presented with evil, you must respond to it, as you know you must. If you accept evil, when your conscience guides you otherwise, then you are disloyal to the Word of God. You must, if you call yourself a Christian, allow your conscience to guide you. In the Christian soul who is blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the conscience will be fully alert to the deceit of the devil in all its forms.
If you deny your conscience then you deny God. When you deny God you deny your own inheritance. Never make excuses for accepting anything, which you know does not come from Me, because if your conscience instructs you one way and you take the opposite direction then you have failed to take up My Cup. What do I mean by My Cup? When you are a Christian you will always come up against My enemies. Christians are despised by those who do not come from Me. There may be times when you do not suffer any prejudices but there will always come a time when you will be challenged in My Name. When that day comes, will you forsake Me by denying My Holy Word?
How strong is your faith or your love for Me? It is only when faced with great adversity that you will know how far you are prepared to go to refuse to accept a wrong for what is right. Those strong enough who refuse to accept anything that denies the dogma, laid down in the Holy Bible, will take up My Cup. The Cup represents My Blood and the Chalice, which contains it. The Cup represents the suffering that, inevitably, comes about when you march with great confidence to uphold the Word of God.
If God stated as fact His Laws, through His Word contained in the Holy Bible then you can never accept anything, which goes against them. To denounce dogma in My Name is to disown Me. The day will come when My Church on earth will deny the dogma, which is carved in stone, in exchange for the doctrine of darkness. If you accept this deceit, although your conscience tells you otherwise, then you are guilty of heresy. Once you do this you cannot call yourself a Christian or a disciple of Mine, for I will disown you if you do.
Your Jesus