Monday, December 12, 2011 19:00
My dearest daughter, spiritual jealousy is a terrible thing and afflicts many of My visionaries.
It also afflicts those followers of Mine who feel isolated and somewhat disappointed when I choose certain souls to help Me save humanity. Instead, they must know that I love all of them equally.
How it breaks My Heart when chosen souls, especially, feel threatened by other chosen souls.
Each soul I choose is given a different task and asked to follow various paths. The common denominator is always the same. I desire that all of My visionaries, seers and prophets, undertake a Sacred Mission to save souls.
I use different souls, humble of heart, to achieve My aims.
Satan will always try to turn the hearts of My chosen souls by taunting them. He knows how to touch a raw nerve in their souls by telling them that other chosen souls are more important than they are.
After that he creates a feeling of hurt in their hearts, and jealousy. This means that instead of loving one another and keeping in a state of grace, they are tempted to look down on each other. In many cases they immediately dismiss each other and allow the sin of pride to invade their souls.
So many of My followers not only dislike my chosen visionaries and seers, they can treat them with contempt, just the way in which I, too, was treated by the self-righteous Pharisees.
During My time on Earth they probed and probed every Word, which came from My Lips. Every cunning challenge was presented to trip Me up, so they could prove I was a liar. So too will My modern day prophets and visionaries be treated.
Satan torments those followers of Mine by planting doubts in their minds about My messengers, because he wants to discredit My Holy Word. That is his goal.
Pray hard that each of you may be given the graces to respect My Word through the pen of My precious seers.
Visionaries – never fall into the trap of succumbing to spiritual jealousy. It is unbecoming and pierces My Heart like a sword.
Love one another.
Show respect and honour for each other in My Name.
That is the most important lesson.
If you find this difficult to do, then all other works for Me will be pointless.
Your Teacher and Saviour
Jesus Christ
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 23:54
My dearly beloved daughter, how it saddens Me to see so much division, which My Holy Word, given through these Messages, has caused.
When My Word, given to visionaries and genuine prophets, is made known to the world, it attracts immediate criticism. Why is this? It is because it is I, your Jesus, Whose Holy Word will always be questioned and criticized, before it is denounced as heresy by sinners.
Human reasoning, while important in the role of discernment, plays a very small part in recognising My Word.
The Love, which My Word sparks in a soul, which is empty of malice and which is pure and humble, will not nor can it be denied. It is through these souls that I grant the gift of being able to recognise Me. These souls, along with the prophet I chose to impart My Word, will have to accept My Cup of suffering.
I ask you to detach yourselves from the world’s attractions and consecrate yourselves to Me, for this is a very harsh and lonely path when you follow Me.
When challenged in My Name, or when the voices of My true prophets are ridiculed and declared not to be from God, I say this to you.
Do not dignify such attacks with a response of any kind. Remain silent in your suffering.
The Voice of God will Reign over the world now and let no one take you away from the Truth, which is very important, so that I can bring you poor helpless sinners into My Holy Arms to calm you.
I bring you Peace. Arguments, criticism and public displays of authority, by those who proclaim My Word on the one hand, and condemn others in My Name on the other, must not be accepted. This kind of behaviour is not from God. It comes from the spirit of evil.
Remember it is not My prophets you hurt. It is I you offend.
You are guilty of wasting time and detracting from the Work of the Holy Spirit. You will not be permitted to sacrifice the souls of those who you dare to mislead in My Name.
You, who sin against Me by preventing the Word of God from being heard in these times, will be cast away. My patience is weary. My worries intense. My pain excruciating. You are trying to deceive My followers, whose role in leading My remnant army is paramount. For this you will be punished.
I plead with you to ask Me to come to you so that I can give you solace, for make no mistake, you are troubled souls and your sins are known to Me.
Your arrogance is offending and insulting to My Father. Your willingness to sacrifice your own souls, because of your ambition to be seen as intelligent and authoritative spokespersons for Me, is disgusting in My Eyes.
Traitors of My Holy Word, sent through God’s prophets, will, I solemnly promise, result in the Wrath of My Father. Your punishment will be swift. Your time is limited. You have but a short time in which to choose which master you really serve.
Your Jesus
Thursday, December 12, 2013 23:15
My dearly beloved daughter, as the time for My Birthday draws near, I desire that all Christians everywhere contemplate on the reason for My Birth.
My Birth was planned by My Father out of His Great Mercy and His extraordinary Love for His children.His greatest sacrifice was to send His only Son, begotten of Him, into an ungrateful world, full of sinners, who did not want to know Him on His Terms. Every Intervention, through the prophets, was made to try to turn their hardened hearts to seek out His Glory. But they turned against Him and killed the prophets, who fed them with the Food for their souls.
By sending an innocent child, His only Son, into the world, He placed Himself as a lowly servant of human flesh, before those who were meant to serve their Master. The Master, therefore, became the Servant in what was the greatest form of Humility. Yet, He so loved His children, He was prepared to do anything to win them back from the deceit and temptation of Satan.
All during My childhood I knew Who I was and what was expected of Me. I was also very frightened and overwhelmed by the knowledge of Who I was and what was expected of Me. Because I was human, I suffered from fear. I was easily hurt. I loved all who came into contact with Me and I trusted all because I loved them. I did not know they would kill Me, for I thought that My Kingdom had come. There were certain things kept from Me by My Father, Who did not communicate with Me as you would believe. Instead, I received an infused knowledge, when desired by My Father, in the task assigned to Me, in order to bring salvation to all.
Every kind of Divine Intervention was made to win over the souls of those who thought they knew the Laws of My Father, but who twisted them to suit their own desires and egos.
I spent many years living with My beloved Mother and father, St. Joseph, just as any family. I loved them so much and I was happy. We were very close and My Mother was gifted with special Graces given to her by the Power of the Holy Spirit. This meant that she knew exactly what My Mission entailed. She knew the difficulties I would have to face. The rejection. The ridicule. But neither did she know that I would be murdered.
It was after the first two years in My Mission, having spent twenty hours a day preaching the Truth, that I realized that the opposition had mounted. All those who heard My Word were alert to it, even when they could not understand exactly what I was trying to tell them. Many, who did accept that what I told them was the Truth, found it difficult to follow Me because of the ridicule that they faced. Either way, My enemies could not ignore Me. I was the subject of much debate, much argument and much friction.
They spread terrible lies about Me, including My Morality, My Sanity and My Intentions – and yet, they could not ignore what I did, what I said and what I told them about My Father’s Kingdom.
I was betrayed by those who loved Me, but who lacked the courage to follow Me.
By the Grace of My Father, I endured all this Pain, until the final realization became clear to Me. I knew, then, that they would not accept Me. I knew the Truth, towards the end, but I also knew that I could not give up. And so, through the greatest act of Humility, God, through His Only Son, became a Victim and so allowed man to inflict upon Him a terrible suffering, scourging and violent death. This, seemingly cowardly act by Me, as seen through the eyes of Satan, meant that he doubted that I was, in fact, the Son of man. And so he was deceived. Satan, therefore, could not counteract this Great Act of Humility, for there was no one left to tempt. When I went to My death, a willing and silent victim, full of love for humanity, he, Satan, could not compete with this deed, for he does not possess any form of humility. So, I went willingly and with a burning desire to save souls and leave the world the legacy of Eternal Life. My Kingdom remained however, for the most part, under the domain of Satan. Souls, however, knew the Truth.
Now to ensure that humanity understands the Truth, I come now to reclaim My Kingdom. By doing so, I have incurred the wrath of Satan. His plans to hide the Truth are elaborate and sophisticated. Cunningly, he has infiltrated My Church in this his last attempt to deny Me the souls I have come for. The souls who have a natural right to the Glorious Kingdom I promised them. This time he won’t win. But many souls will be deceived and as such, will be cheated out of the Greatest Gift given to humanity by My beloved Father. To live a life in the Glory of God with a perfect body and soul for eternity is yours. All of you. Do not squander this by allowing yourselves to be blinded to the True Word of God.
Your Jesus