Saturday, December 11, 2010 9:15
My dearly beloved daughter, you are ready now to move forward and continue with the task of completing My Holy Book of Truth. You, My daughter, have been undergoing the cleansing required to give you the strength for this Work.
My children, so caught up in this world of two parts, do not realize, that soon, all will be one. The two parts involve sorrow and joy. Sorrow exists in the world in a way that causes deep confusion and despair. It is a sorrow unlike any other since the foundation of Earth.
The sorrow, that is felt today, is based on loss, which has come about because material things have been taken away. There is also the longing for peace in mind, body and soul. This will only come about through humility, acceptance and love of My Eternal Father. Then there is the joy. I smile, with love, when My children laugh, smile and enjoy themselves. This is a Gift from Me. Laughter and joy is an important Gift to mankind, once it is pure and not at the expense of each other.
My children of little faith, it is hard, I know, to stop and say “I Am turning back to God.” So many of you are unaware as to Who the Eternal Father is. Few understand that He watches over them every single day of their lives – each and every one of them. He smiles, laughs and feels a great sense of joy when His children are happy. He does not, however, look with favour on those whose joy, or assumption of joy, is achieved without love in their hearts.
I, your Saviour, Jesus Christ, love you all, My children, too. Yet I Am One with My Eternal Father. I smile on you all and hope that you will come back to Me.
Come on to Me, My children, as one and move towards Me with open hearts.
For many of My children, the Messages, which refer to My Second Coming on Earth, strikes fear in their hearts. There is no need to fear. This will be a moment of absolute joy, glory and pure happiness. Because for all of you, who turn your hearts back to Me, I will hold you in My Arms and will cry Tears of Joy.
Believers, please, please pray, now, for those who do not believe, or who have lost their way. The farmer who rounds up his flock will always strive to seek out, relentlessly, the ones who are lost. The sweetness of victory he feels, when they come back with his fold, is similar to that feeling I get when My lost children return to Me.
Children, even during moments of joy and laughter on this Earth please remember one thing. This is but a glimmer of the pure happiness and joy that will exist on the New Earth when the lost Paradise emerges. When this happens, the chosen people, those who live good lives, believe in their Creator, will join with the resurrected dead; those people, friends and family who have passed from this life, will join with Me, in this new glorious eternity. Remember children, it is important not to take this Earth for granted. Nor to assume everything in it is under your control, because it is not. As you continue to be consumed by its promises, disappointments, joys and wonders, remember it is only a temporary place, a passing stage, before entering My Father’s Kingdom – the New Heaven and Earth, which becomes one.
One final call, My children, pray to Me, in your own words. Ask Me to guide you. Ask Me to show you love and the Truth in a way that will make sense. Don’t keep your head buried in the sand or you will not enjoy the glory of the New Earth.
Empty path to nothingness
Children who sneer and deny Me, will tell you there is no life, after this one. Let Me assure you, they are not only denying themselves access to Paradise, instead they are choosing an empty path to nothingness. In some cases, they are following the deceit of the deceiver – the evil one – who moves so silently and with a deadly prowess, that they, not believing he exists, follow blindly, holding his hand, through the gates of Hell.
My Suffering in Garden of Gethsemane
When My believers see these people strut arrogantly and boasting of their atheism, they feel a terrible suffering. They, who have taken up My Cross, feel the agony I suffered, during My time in the Garden of Gethsemane. This is where I knew that, even though I willingly made the ultimate Sacrifice, when I accepted death as a means to give My children a chance to win a place in My Father’s Kingdom, I knew deep down it would not make a difference to some of My children. This was the worst agony and the one that made Me sweat Blood. The terror I felt, for those lost souls, still exists in Me today.
Those of you who ask – if You are God, or You are Jesus Christ, then surely You can do anything? My answer is, of course, except for one thing. I cannot interfere with your free will given to mankind. It will be up to My children to make this their final choice of their own free will.
Your loving Christ
Your Saviour, Jesus Christ
Sunday, December 11, 2011 12:45
I come to you today with great joy in My Sacred Heart as your Spouse. You, My daughter, have accepted this most sacred request to join Me to save souls.
It will be through your humble obedience that much will be expected of you now. Fear will be obliterated as you move forward, as a result of My special bequest, to devote your life to My ardent wish to save humanity from the depths of Hell.
Your Work, guided by My Divine Hand, is now completely sacred and free from any kind of interference by the evil one.
No more doubts will assail you but know this. My Word to you will be violated and torn asunder. Every attempt will now be made to sully these Holy Messages even from those who profess to know Me.
Your suffering will be accepted by you, from now on, with complete surrender and joy in your soul. My strength, given to you by the Power of the Holy Spirit, will startle you. You will rise with complete conviction of heart and with a quiet, but determined confidence to deliver My Word throughout the whole world.
No man will or can stop you in this Work. No man can prevent you from this most sacred pure calling from the Heavens.
You, My daughter, are ready to become a lifeline for those souls drifting in the wilderness. They will respond to the call of these Messages no matter how hardened their hearts are. Many will not know why this is happening to them. It will be by the Power of the Holy Spirit, which will ignite a flame of love and joy in their souls, that will draw them to Me through these, My urgent pleas, to bring My children back into My Sacred Arms.
Thank you for responding to this special request to become My spouse in final union with Me. This contract, when you hand Me over your soul completely, will allow Me the freedom I need to conclude this Mission successfully for which you have been chosen.
Go now, My precious daughter, and help Me to fulfil My promise to mankind. My return will be to reclaim My precious children and take them into the New Era of Peace. This transition into the New Paradise will be swift and without suffering because of your gift to Me.
Tell My children, My Heart is swollen with joy at this time as the time to celebrate My birth draws close.
I love you.
Your beloved Saviour and Redeemer
Jesus Christ
Sunday, December 11, 2011 15:30
My precious daughter, thank you for responding to this important calling from the Heavenly Realm when I asked you to accept the Mystical Union with My precious Son, Jesus Christ.
I Am Present in My Son, Jesus, as He is in Me, united with the Love of the Holy Spirit. Your soul, therefore, is now entwined with Mine and everything will become much clearer to you.
My child, you are being moulded into the creature I so desire, so that you will be made worthy in full for this Divine Mission. Tears of Divine intervention were given to you so you could recognize instantly this new, unexpected calling. Now that you have shed your tears, cry no more for only happiness will reign in your soul from now on.
My daughter, it saddens Me that no one recognizes Me any more in the world. Many have forgotten Me completely. I mean nothing to so many of My children.
You must help Me, daughter, when I manifest My Presence, so that I Am recognized through prayer.
Please pray that the whole of humanity will accept the Gift of New Life, which will now be given to them by My beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
No one truly understands My concern for those souls who reject Me or the Existence of the Saviour I sent into the world.
These poor souls, so full of logical explanations used to arrogantly dismiss My Existence, are lost to Me at this time. Their only salvation – as many will reject the offer of Divine Mercy during The Warning – will be through the prayer of those children who love the Father.
So many, who do not accept Me, still know very little about Me. I Am a God of Paternal Love, a heavenly Father Who watches over each child of Mine, the strong, the weak, the sick, the good and the wicked. No one is excluded from My infinite Love, no matter how black their soul is.
I urge you, children, to pray to Me in the Name of My Son, in atonement for all the sins of mankind.
My Son will envelop the whole of humanity now and when the Illumination of Conscience is past your prayers are truly needed at that stage. Your prayers, children, will help save those people who will defiantly continue to reject the Mercy My Son will show them.
My solemn promise, children, is that all those of you who call on Me, on behalf of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to save your brothers and sisters, that they will be granted immediate immunity. Special graces will be given to each of you who pledges a full month of prayer for their souls. Here is what I request you to say:
“O heavenly Father, through the Love of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ whose Passion on the Cross saved us from sin, please save all those who still reject His Hand of Mercy. Flood their souls, dear Father, with Your token of Love. I plead with You heavenly Father, hear my prayer and save these souls from eternal damnation. Through Your Mercy allow them to be the first to enter the New Era of Peace on Earth. Amen.”
Your heavenly Father
God the Most High
(Note of Clarification: the immunity will be granted to those for whom you pray.)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012 17:00
My dear little ones, my Heart rejoices because the Reign of my Son is very close.
For all His suffering, His rejection by ungrateful men and the apostasy, which covers the earth, He will bring great glory to mankind.
He will come on a great cloud and His Majesty will overcome every single soul who will fall at His Feet in ecstasy.
He, so humble, will come in great glorious splendour and His Great Mercy will flood the earth.
Children, you must prepare because you will need great strength to surrender before Him. You will be required to show humility and beg Him to redeem your souls so that you can see the Light of the Truth.
His Great Mercy will be seized by many of you. Others, however, will ignore His Presence and the Great Gift, which He will bring.
Pray, pray, pray for those who refuse to accept the existence of eternal life, for these people need your help. It will bring great joy if you can find it in your heart to ask my Son to save these souls.
You, my children, will soon see the end of your suffering because my Son, in His Mercy, has great plans for every person alive on the earth today.
Be thankful for the Gift of life you have been given when you were born.
Be thankful because of the Gift of Eternal Life, which my Son will soon present to the world. This Gift is for every single sinner. It will be by your free will whether or not you will accept it.
Come to me, children, as I will take you into the refuge of my Immaculate Heart and prepare you so that I can take you to my Son in readiness for His Second Coming.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Tuesday, December 11, 2012 23:16
My dearly beloved daughter, as Advent is celebrated I call on My loyal disciples to remind others of the importance of My birth on Earth.
My birth demonstrated the unfathomable Love, which My Father has for His children. He willingly sacrificed Me, the Lamb of God, so each one of you can have eternal life. This Gift, which caused tremendous pain and suffering for all those close to Me, was given to humanity with Joy.
This was the only way to redeem humanity from the desolation facing them. My Name, My Presence is known to all, but few in the world truly believe in My Existence. My death on the Cross, a savage and vicious Crucifixion, even by the standards meted out to criminals at that time, bring you freedom – even today.
Each one of you has, by virtue of your birth, been given the key to freedom, to Eternal Life in My Glorious Paradise. Many of you do not realise what this means. This is because of the pressures you are under to deny Me in public. How many of you are afraid to say you believe in Me? If you were asked to declare your belief openly would you stand by Me and show your loyalty to Me?
Many of you say that you do not know Me, but that you believe that I Exist. You believe that there is a life after the time on Earth, which has been accorded to you by My Father. Don’t you know that when you have turned your back on Me, that you deny yourself the right to My Kingdom?
Human reasoning is meaningless when you try to define Eternal Life for you have not been given the knowledge necessary to know the Mysteries of My Father’s Creation. Yet you have been given My Word through My Teachings, which is all you need in order to be accepted by Me into a life of eternal peace, love and happiness. This new life is yours and because of God’s Love it is there for you, waiting, if you would only respond to My Call.
I, your beloved Jesus, your Saviour and King, now prepare to present Myself to you when I come to reclaim all of you.
My Love is present in each of you. Look within you and ask Me to ignite the fire of love, which you need, just like oxygen, to live in this New Paradise. It is not to be feared. You must welcome Me for I Am coming to bring you eternal happiness. I call on you to accept My Second Coming with joy in your hearts.
Your Jesus
Wednesday, December 11, 2013 22:05
My child, the world will be deceived by many acts deemed to be works of great charity. Charity towards others will be declared to be the greatest and most desired trait in the Eyes of God.
When those who control governments, churches and states join together they will gain much control over God’s children. Control over the more unfortunate in your society can mean two things. Either it is used for good measure or for the wrong reason.
I must ask all of you to remain focused, with all your attention, on the desire of my Son on this difficult road to salvation. Many of God’s loyal servants, although well-intentioned, will be too weak to remain on the road to salvation. So strong will the pressure be upon them, by those enemies of God, to denounce my Son, that they will fall away from the Truth.
The false prophet will introduce a powerful ecumenical faith and this will satisfy every heretic. The majority of those in my Son’s Church will be deceived, but almost one-half of my Son’s sacred servants will refuse to swear to the final oath, which will be falsely declared as one to the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist and its desecration will be at the heart of all discontent and dissidence. Then as the false miracles will be accorded to him, many of the world’s celebrities will surround the false prophet seeking favour in his court. It will be then that he will set up an honours list and they will be granted honorary doctorates in the false prophet’s newly renovated church, which will be but a shell of the former. All will accept their prizes for the great works of charity, which they presided over, under the direction of the imposter. Each will sing the praises of the other, until they will publicly declare the false prophet to be a living saint, because of the so-called miracles they will say he created as God’s servant. And then, he and the antichrist will control much of the world, but Russia and Asia will not be involved, for these two empires will rise up against the New Babylon until Rome is destroyed.
All these events will take place and when you see them use the churches as places where they will proudly declare their greatness, their works of charity; then you will see clearly how pride dictates their intent. When Rome has fallen, there will be more tribulations, but they will be short-lived. Then the time will be ripe for the return of my Son, Jesus Christ.
You must not ignore these prophecies. Once you side with the new false faith, which will soon be declared, you will be discarding my Son, Jesus Christ and you will drift away from His Mercy. Never give up your right to Eternal Life for anyone who attempts to mislead you into heresy.
Your loving Mother
Mother of Salvation
Wednesday, December 11, 2013 22:30
My dearly beloved daughter, as the deceit within My Church on Earth mounts, many more souls will be seduced by false humility and so-called public acts of great charity for the needs of the poor.
So difficult will it be and so hard will it be to discern the truth, that many will simply allow themselves to be taken into a new doctrine which does not come from Me. When you, My beloved followers, begin to notice how people will publicly rebuke you, criticise you unfairly, behave with unusual aggression towards you and torment you, you must know that Satan is doing all he can to create doubts within your hearts about this Mission. He and his followers fight each one of you who have been blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, every second. Not one of you, who fights to help Me save souls, will be left in peace. You will face many obstacles, so that you will walk away from this Mission and deny My Word. Every time this happens, know that I will engulf you with My Protection and you will be aware of My Presence within you, for it is not you they fight, it is I.
When you are hurt, because of your love for Me, it is My Pain which you feel. When you shed tears of sorrow, because you follow Me and are then tormented as a result, it is My Tears which flow from you. When they scorn and mock you, it is Me and everything associated with Me, that they insult – not you. And when they discard your love and turn their backs on you, it is I they walk away from. Know then, that when you suffer such difficult and terribly distressing trials in My Name, that My Presence is at its strongest. When I Am present in this way, you will know, with absolute certainty, that only My Work will attract this kind of suffering. Then know that I will never desert you, for your love for Me will earn you the highest reward in My Kingdom. For when you suffer in this way, you bring Me souls and those who bring Me souls belong to Me in body, soul and spirit. You are in Me, with Me and I live within you.
I love you.
Your Jesus
Thursday, December 11, 2014 21:50
My dearly beloved daughter, I bring you news today that will lighten your hearts. You, My cherished disciples, loyal to My Holy Word, will be given special Graces by Me. These Graces, which will be poured over all those who suffer in My Holy Name, will bring you extraordinary comfort in the trials, which lie ahead.
I give you also the Grace to save all those poor confused, misled and agitated souls who have cut Me out of their lives. Your prayers and your perseverance are all that I need when you offer these up to Me in atonement for such souls. This Gift is an extraordinary one and I grant this because very soon a confusion of such magnitude will stir amongst all Christian faiths, that many will desert me.
Like recruits joining an army, ready for war, people will sign up to a new religion, disguised as a Christian one, which they will refer to as the people’s religion – a religion to embrace the strong, the weak and all sinners, which they will say crosses all political divides. Many will believe that they are supporting their own but they will desert Me. The way for this great deceit has now been forged and leaders in the new religion have already been appointed. Silent, diligent and determined, they planted the seeds in many nations some time ago and soon the results will be seen.
The new religion will be seen as compassionate. The new religion for all people will draw non-Christian faiths and every convincing lie will be put forward to defend this movement. God’s laws will be ignored completely and every attempt to justify their new approach to global evangelism will be made.
Speeches presented by those in My Church, to defend the changes, which will be needed to introduce the first part of this new pseudo-doctrine, will have a distinctive falsity. Words used to describe My Teachings will not be familiar to Christians who truly know Me. The language used, when referring to Me, will be degrading and insulting to My Divinity.
I know My Own and they know Me. I know My enemies and they will say that they know Me, to anyone who will listen to them. When My enemies, who say that they are of Me, who speak disparagingly of Me, who show little respect for My Word or who try to re-define it, be alert. For even the most cunning enemy of Mine will trip himself up, because anything that comes from My adversary will always confuse. Anything that comes from God and where the Holy Spirit is present, will never mock Me, Jesus Christ, in any way.
Once you witness confusion in My Church and witness a new doctrine, which honours man’s needs and desires, then nothing that it yields will feel right. You, My dear followers, will be unsettled, frightened and full of sorrow. It is because of these things to come that I give those of you who truly love Me, the Graces to help Me to save God’s children from this great abomination, soon to rear its ugly head.
Accept My Gifts; My Promise to help you and to guide you, which I bring you now. My Word was given to humanity long ago. The Word is not new. The man who adds to it and changes it will suffer greatly. This has been foretold in the Holy Bible and now this is exactly what will happen. My Word will be tampered with by My adversary and the world will swallow the lies, which will come about as a result.
Your Jesus