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I love you all. I await the moment, when I will embrace each and every one of you, in My Arms, so that you will find the peace, love and joy, that you have been awaiting for all your lives on Earth.

Attempts to introduce World Currency in Europe

Friday, December 9, 2011 22:00

My dearly beloved daughter, how I wish My children, especially those suffering in Europe under the oppression, would just turn to My Father for help.

The evil group, I have referred to time and time again, are now moving closer in their attempts to control all My poor children in this part of the world.

They, innocent pawns in a ruthless plan to introduce a World Currency in order to control the whole of Europe, must pray hard now for help from God the Almighty Father.

Never give in, children, to the persecution, which is being perpetrated behind closed doors. Pray to mitigate these circumstances. Call on God the Father, in My Name, His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to avert this crisis and say:

“God the Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, I beg of You to stop this abomination to control Your children. Please protect all Your children in these terrible times so that we may find peace and dignity to live our lives free from the evil one.”

My daughter, prayer can and will bring these sinister plans to an end.

God the Eternal Father will, as I have said, chastise those responsible for this evil plot should they not turn back to the belief in their Almighty Creator.

Trust in Me. Trust in My Eternal Father and pray that this persecution be halted before the real plan to destroy, control and damage these souls is eventually revealed.

Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

The Fire of the Holy Spirit will be felt in the hearts of everyone

Sunday, December 9, 2012 19:00

My dearly beloved daughter, it is My desire, not to frighten My followers, but rather, to demonstrate the Love and Compassion which I hold in My Heart for every man, woman and child.

It is because of My Love for every one of God’s children, including those who defy the Word of God, that I wish to cover them with My Flame of Mercy.

Be prepared, all of you, for soon you will witness the Power of God and His Divine Intervention in the world, when He will stop all that is, for a period of fifteen minutes.

The Fire of the Holy Spirit will be felt in the hearts of everyone.

For those who are in a state of grace, it will be a feeling of joy, love and compassion for Me, your Jesus.

For those in a state of venial sin, you will feel the pain of Purgatory, but you will soon be purified and then you will feel a deep peace and love within your hearts for Me.

For those of you in mortal sin, you will experience the wretchedness and pain as if you have been plunged into the fires of Hell.

Some of you, in this state of sin, will beg for My forgiveness and favour to stop your internal suffering. This I will grant to you if you can find true remorse in your heart and accept that your sins cause Me grievous hurt and pain for they insult God.

Then there will be those poor unfortunate souls who will spit at Me, fight with Me and then turn their backs. The terror, they will feel, will be because their souls are infested by Satan.

They will not be able to stand the pain when they witness My Light and they will run into the embrace of the evil one whose darkness brings them comfort.

Finally there will be those who will die instantly because of the shock they will experience. Please pray for these souls every day, for your prayers will gain for them entrance to My Kingdom.

This is one of the greatest miracles ever accorded to God’s children.

My Revelation to you, during this event, will wake you up to the fact that My Promise, to come back to save the human race so they can inherit the Glorious Life ahead, will soon be realised.

Your Jesus





I Am preparing the world for My Second Coming and many will hate Me for this

Monday, December 9, 2013 16:15

My dearly beloved daughter, there is nothing which offends Me more than those who know My Teachings, given to the world through My Father’s Book, but who interpret the Word of God to suit their own desires. Those who try to bully others and who torment them, using My Holy Word, commit a grave error. They do not use the Gift of love to impart the Truth. Instead, hatred, which is caused by the sin of pride, courses through their veins. Don’t you know that My Word is eternal? It is simple so that all men, including those born with little intellect, as well as those without any knowledge of Me, can understand what it is I say to them. Why would I give one meaning of My Word to one and then another to someone else?

Through the Command of My Father, I Am preparing the world for My Second Coming and many will hate Me for this. Those of you who consider yourselves to be the elite, the chosen few and the self-proclaimed prophets, are not fit to wipe My Feet, so full of hatred are you. Spurred by the spirit of evil and so proud, you are blind to the True Voice of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can never fall upon your hardened, hate-filled souls, for you do not represent Me. For those of you who understand the Truth contained in the Most Holy Book, the Bible, know that you must not abuse this Great Gift of knowledge. You must never take away from it or add to it. Nor must you try to create any new interpretations or meanings from it.

I Am preparing you all, only because the majority of you would not accept My Divine Mercy otherwise. Were I not to prepare you properly, then you would not be ready. And yet, although I speak to you now, many of you insult Me. When you do evil onto others, you will suffer greatly. Those of you who do evil onto others and then say that you do this in My Name, know that you will never join Me in Paradise. When you reject the Word of God you will never accept the Truth. So stubborn are you, so full of ego and self-righteousness, that you cannot feel the True Love that can only come from Me, Jesus Christ. Go away from Me, I do not know you. You are not of Me.

The spirit of evil will convince many that My Justice will be so merciful that all will be admitted into My New Paradise. Soon, every Truth documented in the Gospels will be reviewed and will then be interpreted in a different light. Many will be deceived and many will not bother to prepare their souls, including those who do believe in My Second Coming. This false sense of security will be the greatest deceit, devised in order to deny man his natural right to the Kingdom of God. Where there is no reconciliation sought by man for the forgiveness of their sins, there can be no redemption in My Eyes.

My Hand of Justice will sweep down upon the human race. I will separate ungrateful souls – those who choose to idolise their false gods of gold and silver and worldly and proud leaders – from the meek and the humble. I will show Mercy to all who beg Me to shelter them, but those loud and voracious self-proclaimed prophets, who will have denied Me souls, will never seek out My Mercy, for their pride will serve only to separate them from Me for eternity.

Your Jesus

He, the antichrist, will speak many languages, but not one word of Latin will come from his lips

Monday, December 9, 2013 19:46

My dearly beloved daughter, My Time is close. The closer the Great Day draws, the more signs will be witnessed in the world.

The man they will reveal to the world as the ‘man of peace’ is preparing to imitate Me in every conceivable way. He knows the Holy Scriptures inside out and, because of his parentage, will utter the Words back to front, so that their meaning is inverted. Out of his mouth will pour the blasphemies, the heresies, the lies and the desecration of My Word. He will impress everyone with his knowledge of all things Sacred. He will recite extracts from My Teachings, which he will passionately proclaim from every secular stage in the world, until people sit up and take notice of him.

Many will say: “Who is this man who speaks with such wisdom? Who is he who calls out to the world with love in his heart for the masses? Is he the Lord God, Jesus Christ?” they will ask, when many miracles will be attributed to him. And when he walks upon the altars with My other enemies, who will be dressed as holy servants of God, he will be fully accepted by both divisions in the world – the true believers and the heathen.

He, the antichrist, will twist the Truth and declare the lie that he is Me and that he comes to bring you salvation. The lie will be declared that he comes in the flesh. He will never allude to Jesus Christ – Who came in the flesh – by His death on the Cross, for this is impossible. No, he will declare the fact in reverse. He will say that he has come, finally, at this time, in the flesh. Many will believe him to be the Christ. He, the antichrist, will speak many languages, but not one word of Latin will come from his lips.

The beast will be idolized, while I, the True Saviour of the world, will be forgotten and My Word trampled upon. You must never believe the lies, which will be uttered by the beast, when he sits proudly in the temple set up to honour him.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: I was sent as His messenger throughout all the ages

Tuesday, December 9, 2014 17:00

My dear child, I am the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and I come to reveal to you the purpose of my Mission on Earth.

I am the handmaid of the Lord and I was appointed by my heavenly Father to bear His Son, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World. Just as I was called upon to fulfil His Most Holy Will, through the birth of His only Begotten Son, Who was sent to give Eternal Life to all of His children, I have been given the role of His messenger throughout all the ages. I was sent as His messenger to reveal the mysteries of His Heavenly Kingdom and at all times, I came in His Holy Name to impart important messages for the world. I did not come in my own right because I would never have been given this authority. I came in the Name of God, as His loyal servant, for the Glory of God ,so that He could call souls into His Divine Mercy. Now I come again in this, the final Mission sanctioned by the Most Holy Blessed Trinity in the salvation of souls.

I played an important role in the Coming of the Messiah the first time and I come, finally, as His holy messenger in these the times of the end before He, my Son, is manifested in His Second Coming.

All through the ages, when I appeared in the apparitions on earth, a sign was given to the world. In many cases, I revealed important prophecies through the Gift of inner locution but, in some cases, nothing was said at all. Instead, a sign was given and those blessed with discernment understood what it was that God wanted His children to know. It is because of His great Generosity that He sanctioned these Divine Interventions for His only Desire was to save souls.

My Eternal Father, Who created all things from nothing, intercedes only when He desires to rescue His children from the deceptions, which are planted in their hearts. It is when the evil one creates havoc that God always steps in to open the hearts of His children to the Great Love that He has for each of them. Accept this Mission, dear children, with graciousness and give thanks to God for His Great Mercy, without which many souls would be lost.


Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation



Prayers for today
