Thursday, December 8, 2011 21:10
My child, when I gave birth to Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of all mankind, I was like any mother. My love for this child was so overwhelming, I cried tears of great joy when I first saw His beautiful Face. Yet I knew that the role I had accepted would not be easy, although I never realized, at the time, how difficult this journey would be.
When I looked into the precious Face of my cherished Child, nothing mattered, only my desire to protect Him at all times whatever the cost.
My Heart was conjoined with that of my Son then as it is today. This same Heart suffered in union with Him through every moment of His life on Earth.
Every joy He felt, I too could feel. His laughter brought a smile to my face. His sorrow pained me deeply.
His torture during His Crucifixion was felt in every bone in my body. Every nail, which pierced His Flesh, pierced mine. For every punch and kick He received at the hands of His persecutors, I felt also.
I experienced the same suffering, yet I was not present for much of the torture inflicted on Him, which was hidden from me and His disciples.
Today I suffer with my Son, just as it was then, when He is mocked in the world today and ridiculed in public, on the stage and in the media, especially by atheists, I cry tears of bitterness.
When I see my precious Son weeping at the sins He witnesses every day, I too weep with Him. I see, feel and witness His ongoing suffering for mankind.
Jesus Christ, the Saviour of Mankind, has suffered for all of you, but loves all of you very much.
I will do everything I can to fulfil His dearest wish to save every single soul on Earth from the clutches of the evil one.
When this Mission has succeeded, then and only then, can I rejoice in final peace when my children reunite as one in the New Paradise.
Pray, my child, that all those who pray for the salvation of souls that not one soul is excluded.
Go in peace and continue this most important Mission for my beloved Son.
I will protect you at all times.
Your beloved Mother
Queen of Heaven
(This Message was received after Mass and immediately after a private apparition in front of her statue, which lasted 20 minutes, in which the Virgin Mary remained solemn with her veil blowing.)
Saturday, December 8, 2012 11:40
My dearly beloved daughter, just as My Father prepared the world for My First Coming, so also does He now prepare His children for My Second Coming.
The whole of Heaven rejoiced when I was born, for they knew that I was sent to save humanity from eternal damnation. Now the Hierarchy of all the angels and all the saints rejoice for now the preparations are underway to prepare the world to welcome Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man once again.
Only My Father knows of the dates but I can tell you that it will take place not too long after The Warning has occurred.
This is the time My Father has waited patiently for. Finally He can throw the beast and his demons, who walk the earth tormenting His children, into the abyss.
The Warning will purify God’s children in preparation for My Second Coming.
It is necessary because it will mean that many people will now seek forgiveness for their sins; who would not otherwise have done so.
The earthquakes, the storms, the floods and unseasonal weather will combine to purge the earth of poison. The land, sea and air will also be purified in readiness for the New Paradise, when the Heavens and Earth will merge as one.
All is carefully organised, according to the Divine Plans of My Father. Very little is known amongst men of the Divine Laws, which govern My Father’s Kingdom on earth and in the Heavens.
Much has been taught to you, through the prophets and through My Teachings. Yet much remains a mystery to you. When the mysteries are revealed to you, in time, you will then understand the reason for human suffering.
Many of you learned scholars of God adhere, as best you can, to the Laws laid down by Me.
Know then that the Love that God has for His children surpasses any theological reasoning.
The same is true of the simple soul who feels a genuine love, without analysing why, for Me their beloved Jesus.
By trusting in Me, and accepting that My Love is Merciful and Patient, then know that I will fulfil the Promises made by My Father.
His Divine Will be done at last. Only His Will can ensure peace among His children. This will be the manifestation so that all His Creation will love Him, accept His Love and the Gifts, which he wishes to shower upon His children.
The world has glimpsed just a fraction of the wonders created by My Father.
His children have yet to witness the True Glory of the Kingdom He has waiting for them.
After much pain and suffering, caused by the hatred inflicted upon the earth by the fallen angels, led by Satan, all will now be resolved.
The final battle will see the destruction of evil being finally completed.
The Warning is a Miracle, permitted by My Father, to ensure that as many of His children as possible can enter My New Kingdom.
Because of the apostasy and the doctrinal errors, spread by misguided sacred servants, over the last four decades, this is the only way to unite humanity quickly.
The size of the population of the world at this time means that billions can be saved through this Miracle of the Illumination of Conscience.
As the time moves now into the Great Tribulation I, the Lamb of God, will reveal to the world the true meaning of the contents of the Seals, given to John.
The Book of Truth is the Word of God, given to mankind already up to now through My Father’s Book. It reminds God’s children of the Truth, as so many have forgotten it.
It will also reveal some of the mysteries of the end times, as given to Daniel, so that all of you are prepared to enter the New Paradise by your own free will.
Do not reject the Truth, as it is now being given to you, for it would be akin to a sick man refusing treatment for an illness. Without the Truth you will be ill prepared to enter My New Paradise.
Your Jesus
Monday, December 8, 2014 17:30
My dear children, when you hear rumours of new wars in the most unexpected places, you must be aware that the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation are upon you.
When the natural order of the earth and the behavior of the human race falls into disarray, in the four corners of the world, then this will be the time to prepare. All of these things must come about in the final bastion against all that is evil, which springs from the wicked infestation of the evil one.
Man will turn against man, people will treat each other cruelly, without a shred of remorse, and each will betray the trust of the other. Such is the outcome when love, which comes from God, dwindles in the hearts of humanity. Even those who believe in My Son will turn against His Teachings. Those closest to Him, though they love Him, will betray Him. Those who represent Him will turn Him over to His Enemies just like Judas did.
There are very few strong enough to stand up and proclaim the Truth of the Holy Word of God. Man is weak and it is because of sin that he cannot become whole. Until sin is eradicated, much pain will be endured until my Son comes again. Until then, prayer is your only weapon against the power of Satan. Pray, especially, my most Holy Rosary every day, because it has the power to weaken the strength of Satan and all those he leads in the final battle against Jesus Christ and His Church on earth.
I tell you now that I, your beloved Mother, the immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, present to you a special gift today. I have been given the grace to become the protector of humanity. Into my protection you must flee in times of strife. I will protect each of you who call upon me against the wickedness of the devil. Under my protection you will be given relief from the attacks he will inflict upon every Christian who tries to remain loyal to my Son in the trials, which lie before you.
My Son has accorded me the power to crush the head of the serpent so that he can bring you closer to Him. Accept my protection and I will respond to all who ask me for help.
My duty is to God and my allegiance is to my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who loves you all so much. There is nothing that I will not do for my Son and there is nothing that He will not do to bring you freedom from pain and suffering.
Thank you dear children for the love you show me but know that I take the love, which you give to me, and I present it to my Son for the Glory of God.
I remain a humble servant of God.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation