Monday, November 29, 2010 12:48
My daughter, write this to warn the world of the persecution being inflicted on My chosen souls, sent to the world to impart the Truth, in order to save souls in advance of My Second Coming.
You will notice that My chosen visionaries, seers and prophets, are the ones who will be rejected, outright, over and above the false prophets. These beautiful souls of mine, chosen for their simple devotion, will suffer, in union with Me, the rejection that I suffered at the hands of mankind.
Those who suffer in Me, with Me and because of Me, are the genuine prophets. They are the souls who will be tormented, treated with contempt and condemned outright on My behalf. They will also be rejected by My own Church, though not by all My sacred servants. Devout followers, who follow My Teachings closely, will also be tempted to reject them, until, in time; the Truth will slowly dawn on them.
Since the beginning of time when I chose to send prophets into the world, out of My Divine Mercy, to remind you all of My Teachings, very few were believed at first. Many were scorned and viewed to be suffering from a vivid imagination, depression, or simply condemned as being deluded. Most of these prophets were, themselves, overwhelmed when they experienced their first Divine encounter. Many of them doubted these mystical experiences for some time before they accepted the authenticity of them. They were slow to reveal their experiences to any. It took them time to accept.
All of My chosen souls, while accepting their calling, were reluctant to reveal the Messages, or instructions from Me, even to those sacred servants of mine, including nuns, priests, bishops and cardinals. They felt in awe of these people and knew in their hearts, that the questions imposed on them would be very difficult to deal with. Many who were called did not reveal their Messages and used prayer and personal suffering to carry out their duty to Me.
Others, who did reveal the Messages, as instructed by My Blessed Mother and I, were not believed. It was only through the Divine manifestations, which became evident in time, that they were believed.
I urge all My followers to listen to your heart. Look at the Messages imparted by My precious visionaries and seers. These Messages are being given to you, out of Pure Love, to help guide you and save souls. That is the objective. If you decide that they are not of Divine origin, pray for guidance. If you decide that they are, then pray, pray, pray for My visionaries that they will be listened to.
Now let Me warn you of the signs to watch out for when My genuine visionaries are persecuted in My Name. Followers of the deceiver, seeing their Light, will target them, not lightly, but with a viciousness that will take your breath away. Not only will they torment them, through ridicule, but they will go to tremendous lengths to discredit them, and all in My Name. The pain that My disciples suffer is nothing to the pain that it causes Me.
My suffering has reached such a level, in recent times, that I Am reliving, all over again, the terrible torture I endured when I died for your sins, all sins, for all mankind; including those who torment Me and My visionaries; Including those murderers, those people who publicly deny Me and boast about it, and for the terrible evil in the world, at present.
Please listen to My visionaries. You will feel it in your hearts, when you hear the Truth. Please do not fall into the trap of those who persecuted the visionaries of My Blessed Mother, including Saint Bernadette or My little children at Fatima. They were treated with the utmost disrespect, especially by My sacred servants. They are the ones who hurt the most, when My Divine manifestations are given to mankind, out of Love. My Heart suffers more when they do not believe in the supernatural Divine, nor recognise it when it is presented to them.
Please pray for My visionaries, and especially, My visionaries whose Messages cannot be denied for the love they show and the warnings they contain, for they are My true visionaries. You will recognise them by the insults, slander, torment and abuse they receive at the hands of My children.
If you look at the abuse they receive and then look at the lies that are spread about them, in such a demeaning way, you will then have to ask yourself. If this person has been tormented so far and not believed, why does the abuse continue so harshly? Then you will have your answer. Pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance in discerning My true prophets, visionaries and seers from the rest who are deceiving you.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 15:35
Help us, dear Jesus, to rise fearlessly in Your Name to carry the Flame of Your Love across all nations.
Give us, Your children, the strength to face the abuse we will be faced with among all those who are not true believers in your mercy.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 21:00
My child, tell all those followers of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, that they must seek my protection at all times. Satan’s days are drawing swiftly to an end and many children are vulnerable to his temptations.
By asking me for protection and my special graces, Satan will not harm my children or draw them away from my Son.
Everyone is a target of Satan today as he roams everywhere seeking the ruination of souls. His attacks are most vicious when you are a devout follower of God and when you have a strong faith. His hatred for such souls will cause them pain and confusion.
He, the deceiver, only has one goal and that is to seduce all souls in order that they will follow him so that he can destroy their chances of eternal salvation.
Pray every moment you can spare for my protection against the evil one. I have been accorded the great Gift by my heavenly Father to defeat and destroy the serpent.
When you turn to me for help, I will always help you turn back to my Son for the solace you so desperately seek and which will soothe your soul.
Pray, pray, pray and recite my Holy Rosary for it is the most powerful weapon to keep Satan away from destroying your life.
Thank you for responding to my call, my child, for I needed to remind you of the urgency of seeking my help because you are under ferocious attack at this stage in your Mission.
Go in peace.
Your Heavenly Mother
Mary, Queen of Heaven
Thursday, November 29, 2012 15:20
My dear children, you must pray for all God’s visionaries in the world at this time. They suffer much and discord has been created within and outside of their missions.
Many people reject them. Even more reject those visionaries and prophets who have made their missions known to the world.
You must unite as one if you truly love my Son. There must be no room for jealousy, slander or hatred among you. When this happens the evil one has tempted you to dismiss, not the prophet, but the Holy Word of my Son.
This is a time when no division must be allowed to create barriers amongst those who follow the Teachings of my Son.
When there is division there is distraction. This stops the flow of prayer and delays you in helping to save souls.
A Loving God would not generate conflict or cause a rift. To slander another in the Name of God is a sin in my Father’s Eyes.
When you do this you offend my Son who has always said that you must love one another as brother and sister.
When you use the Name of my Son to damage the reputation of others, you must beg my Son to forgive you.
It is time children to be strong and to honour my Son by remembering all that He has taught you.
Many events foretold are now about to be seen in the world.
There is no time for division amongst those who honour my Son.
Soon, divisions will be forced upon Christians. This is why united you will become a strong army worthy to proclaim the Word of God.
Divided, you will be sucked into a vacuum where pagan laws will be forced upon your Church.
When you cause division there can be no unity.
Only those strong of faith, united within the Heart of my Son, will forge ahead in my Son’s army.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Friday, November 29, 2013 16:45
My dearly beloved daughter, when you question why I, Jesus Christ, would allow suffering in the world, then you should understand the Will of God. Many people suffer in the world and always have done so. Suffering is caused because of the fact that sin creates division amongst men. Sin separates man from God and as such, man will sin against man. I allow suffering because it brings souls closer to Me, through the purification which such souls endure. I do not delight in suffering. Instead, I Am Present in every single soul who has to endure pain and anguish. It is the Will of God that certain souls suffer more than others, because it will be through such victims that other souls, who are less deserving of My Mercy, can be saved.
I suffered willingly, during My Passion but My Pain and Humility defeated much of the power of Satan. Satan can never humble himself, because this is impossible. And so it is through humility, which ensues from the pain of suffering, that souls can dilute his power over others. Pain, persecution, suffering, ridicule and mockery will always be the lot of those chosen souls of God. Such souls are closest to Me and I will use this sacrifice of theirs to draw those other souls, who are most in need of My Mercy, into the refuge of salvation.
This lesson is very difficult for all of you who love Me and it may seem unfair. But know that suffering brings you even closer to Me and that it will yield for you Eternal Life with Me in Paradise. Never blame God for the suffering in the world, for it was caused, in the first instance, by the downfall of the human race, when God’s children succumbed to the sin of pride.
Pride is the root of all sin and it is the cause of much of the suffering in the world. Pride leads to every other sin and this then creates division in the world and a lack of justice. Be assured that very soon the world will finally understand the true meaning of the Will of God. By then, the will of man will bow in deference to the Holy Will of My Father. Until that day comes, when man rids himself of pride and humbles himself before the Lord God, the Most High, there can be no end to suffering.
When the world finally accepts the Truth and the Promise made by Me to come again, I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. I will raise the living and the dead in glory and they will reign in great splendor in the New Heaven and the New Earth, when the two will become one in Me. When you endure suffering, be at peace, as it will end soon.
Your Jesus
Saturday, November 29, 2014 14:25
My dearly beloved daughter, it is through the weak, the vulnerable, the lonely and the humble that I manifest My Divinity. My Power sweeps through such souls into My Holy Will and, it is through them, I can achieve My Plan for the salvation of humanity.
When those who have been called by Me, to proclaim My Holy Word, are diverted from Holy works due to the sin of pride, they try to define My Word with an exaggerated respect for their own human intellect. They forget that, to follow Me, has already been laid down and that it is My Holy Word that must be heard, and not the sound of their own voices. It is through the sin of lust that they will discard My Word, in their ambitious quest to outshine Me and seek glorification. It is through the sin of sloth, because of laziness, that they will be guilty of the ultimate betrayal, when they fail to remain loyal to Me because of a lack of faith and courage.
And so it will be in the final lead up to My Second Coming that those who believe they are more worthy, more qualified but full of pride, will face a bitter rebuke and down they will fall. The weak, the humble and the lowly who are deemed by followers in My Church to be of little consequence, but who will cling to the Truth, who will be enveloped by Me on the Great Day. I will call them and beckon them to Me as I gather them into My Kingdom. They will cry tears of joy.
Then I will gather those who do not know Me, but who will be awakened by My Light – good souls, with hearts of gold – and I will say ‘come up here into My Refuge.’ And then, the sinners who committed terrible atrocities, but who asked Me for My Mercy, will be called and I will say ‘come, I forgive you for you sought reconciliation.’
And then, those traitors of Mine, who once knew Me, but who turned their backs on Me, will come but they will not be able to look Me in the Eye. Nor will they seek My Mercy and I will say to them ‘away from Me, you are not fit to enter My Kingdom.’
Finally those who gave away their birthright to the beast, will never come before Me for they will be cast into the furnace along with those who lost Me the souls of those in My Church on earth, who followed them blindly into the darkness of the night.
Then it will be all over and, in a split second, a new beginning – a new world on earth as it was meant to be. A world without end.
Your Jesus