Monday, November 28, 2011 20:00
My dearly beloved daughter, you must remember that when you serve Me, your life will always be a bed of thorns.
Nothing will be easy, but know that when you are a chosen soul, that it does not come without sacrifice. On this journey you undertake walking by My Side, you will be spit upon, tripped, mocked, kicked and tormented when you least expect it. All those who openly proclaim My Word will also suffer the same indignities.
However, it will not be until you accept these humiliations and trials, as being part of the cross you carry when you chose to work for Me, that you will mature towards the spiritual perfection expected of you.
Accept, My daughter, the humiliations, pain and suffering thrown your way. Surely by now you and all My beloved soldiers, who accept My most sacred instructions through these Messages, must know that it is I Who walks by your side.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
Monday, November 28, 2011 20:30
Oh, most Sacred Heart of Jesus, teach me to accept insults in Your Holy Name, when I proclaim Your Word with humble thanksgiving.
Teach me to understand how humiliation, pain, and suffering bring me closer to Your Sacred Heart.
Allow me to accept such trials with love and generosity of spirit, so that I may present them as the Gifts so precious to You, in order to save souls.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012 19:40
My dearly beloved daughter, during the changes, which will very soon erupt in the world, no one must ever forget that it was God who created the world and that it will be by His Hand and through His Power alone that it will come to an end, in the way that you know it.
No government, no leader or man can control the existence of humanity or the death, which only God can decide, when souls can leave the body.
No matter how much your belongings on this earth are important to you, they are worth nothing. Yet many people spend most of their lives pursuing a dream of fame, wealth and the gathering of material things, which can be taken away from them at any moment.
This is why those souls, for whom I feel a deep compassion, suffer loss of wealth. I permit them to be stripped of all so that I can purify them.
Many people in the world have lost much by the hands of corruption and greedy organisations. Yet, while they need to eat and have a home to live in, I permit this suffering.
For it is only then that such souls will turn to Me for help. This is a form of purification so that then a man can come before Me in humility, a quality which is essential to possess, in order to enter My Kingdom.
Do not be afraid when you find yourself in this position. It will only be for a while and is a result of your own making. In time all will be well. This will be a time to reflect on your future and the place, which I hold for you in My New Paradise.
You must earn the right to come with Me. Your time on earth is temporary. Many souls who see the world as a place of material wonders must understand that they are but a glimpse of the exuberant and glorious gifts, which await all those of you who will live in the New Glorious Era.
Your time here is infiltrated with suffering, discontent, hatred and despair due to the presence of Satan.
You cannot see him but he and his fallen angels are everywhere prodding, pushing and tempting humanity all day.
Many people cannot accept the fact of his existence and this is very worrying. Yet, many will not deny the hatred they can feel when they are a victim of another person’s rage. Hatred can only come from one source. It is not something, which exists on its own. It pours from the mouth of the beast.
For souls who leave themselves open, because they will not accept that sin exists; they will be easy targets of the evil one. They will be drawn into the temptations he places before them, usually through sins of the flesh. These souls are easy prey and will not suffer like the souls who resist him. Souls who love Me, their Jesus, and who follow My Teachings with a humble heart are the ones which the evil one concentrates on the most.
These are the souls, which Satan finds extremely difficult to win over. These are the same souls who, through their prayers and suffering for Me, make him cringe and howl in agony.
To those of you who love Me, it is only through your perseverance and endurance that you can overcome the grip which he has, which weakens by the hour because of this Mission.
If and when you are attacked verbally, for no known reason, or when you are slandered in My Name, then know that your prayers are saving souls.
Please remain silent during these attacks, for when you engage with your attackers you give much power to the evil one.
Keep strong, My beloved disciples, for My sake. I will hold you up and soon your suffering will come to an end.
Your Beloved Jesus
Friday, November 28, 2014 23:50
My dearly beloved daughter, the world is being prepared for My Second Coming, and there are two separate entities involved in paving the way for this Day.
Just as I, Jesus Christ, prepare you through My Intervention so, too, does Satan prepare his army. Much planning has been undertaken for many years by My enemies who know the Truth but who have chosen to destroy My Plan of Salvation. Many have fallen including the elect and are devoted, instead, to the occult.
My enemies have created many elaborate plans, which include genocide of the innocents, without their knowledge. While many wicked acts are being orchestrated against the human race, because of greed and a desire to control, the most ambitious act will be seen when they finally seize control of My House.
Plans are underway to bring, to its knees, My Holy House. Preparations have been made for the beast to take up his position. To ensure that he will be welcomed by the world, a detailed plan, which will touch every aspect of global politics and religions, has been put in place. But, before the beast is crowned and takes his seat on his throne in My Church, there will take place, in secret, many acts of desecration on the altars of My Church. Black masses will become rampant thereby giving great powers to Satan and his hierarchy. They will devour all that is Holy and will go to extraordinary lengths to destroy Christianity, in what will be the greatest deceit in the history of My Church on earth. They will do this by pretending to embrace Christianity. Nothing will be as it seems and only those who are blessed with the Gift of discernment, will see what is really happening.
Every sin will be adjudged to be acceptable. I, Jesus Christ, will be cursed but My Name will be used to condone the acceptance of mortal sin. The devil, through his faithful cohorts, will turn everything that comes from Me back to front. New names will be given to titles, which are associated with Me, and those who represent Me. Their former titles will be replaced with new ones, which the world will be told represent a new, innovative and caring approach to equality.
The sins of man will be elevated before My Eyes and placed before My Altars, as a gesture of defiance. Know that those who claim to come from Me are liars, if they do not uphold My Holy Word and if they refuse to proclaim the Truth. They are impostors. I Am to be mocked, not only through mere words, actions and changes in Holy Doctrine, but by carefully staged rituals, which will take place on My Altars.
The day will come when My Father will intervene and stop this final desecration. Attempts by My enemies, to inject life into their new pagan ceremonies, will be futile. They will present sophisticated and entertaining events of ‘worship to God’, but no good can come from it because the Flame of the Holy Spirit will be missing. Instead, all that will be seen will be the smoldering fumes of a fire that could not be lit. This is the smoke of Satan and it will choke God’s children.
Your Jesus