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I love you, My precious daughter. I rejoice in your heartfelt love for Me and My beloved Mother.

I do not reveal dates

Sunday, November 27, 2011 15:00

My dearly beloved daughter, you must keep calm and composed and place all your trust in Me.

The time for The Warning is almost here and you must be patient. Pray, My daughter, that all of humanity can be saved through My Gift.

Please do not guess dates, for I have told you many times that I do not reveal dates.

They are not for your knowing. Be patient. The time for the Warning will be according to My Holy Will.

Place all your trust in Me and leave everything in My Hands.

Your beloved Jesus

My priests, you must not offend Me by declaring Me to be a liar

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 20:08

My dearly beloved daughter, I must explain that many of you who work hard to promote and spread My Holy Word will be attacked more than ever by self-appointed experts who will dismiss these Messages as being of no consequence.

Others, who attack you, will say that you have no right to proclaim My Word or to declare it to be the Truth.

Finally, you will be threatened by certain sacred servants from within My Church and told to stop what you are doing as they are offended by your work. They will say that these Messages are not from God.

They suspect that they come from an evil force. They will say that these Messages are in opposition to My Church’s Teachings. I say this to them.

What part of the Messages causes you such heartache? Why do you not speak the Truth when you criticise My Word?

Why do you boast of your knowledge of spiritual matters which you say exceeds Mine?

Do you speak on behalf of My Body on earth, My Church? If so, then I have not, through My Holy Vicar, authorised this.

Is your campaign to reject these Messages so intensely based on your own views and personal opinions?

You find fault and then threaten your flock that if they read My Word they will be misguided.

My Holy Word you say must be rejected and then you tell My followers that it is their duty to do so.

Why are you afraid of the King to Whom you have pledged your life?

I am not to be feared yet, My Word, sits uncomfortably with you.

There are many self-appointed prophets in the world who are not authentic and need the prayers of many. For those who are authentic, however, they are the ones you will always target the most. It is My genuine prophets who incur the wrath of priests, who are still unsure of the objective of this My Holy Mission.

Be careful about whom you challenge, spread venom, untruths and create aspersions, for I have not given you or My Church the authority to do this. My priests, you must not offend Me by declaring Me to be a liar.

When the day of the Truth is revealed to you, you will feel much shame.

You must put down your weapons and eliminate all the hatred and anger which torments you right now. Then look at what has happened to you. Satan has deceived you in a way so that your verbal and written attacks on this Work goes way beyond that which is expected of you as a priest.

Why has this happened? It is to delay this Mission and to take people away from My Prayers, which have been sent from Heaven to save souls. What you are doing is trying to stop Me, your Jesus, in My Plan for the salvation of humanity.

This is a very serious offense against God.

Here is a Crusade Prayer to help you to respond to My Call and to release you from the torment of doubt.

Crusade Prayer (86) Release me from the torment of doubt

I come before you confused, unsure and frustrated, dear Jesus, because I am worried about the Truth You proclaim within Your Messages.
Forgive me if I have wronged You.
Forgive me if I cannot hear You.
Open my eyes so that I can be shown what it is You need me to understand.
I implore You, to give me the Power of the Holy Spirit to show me the Truth.
I love You, dear Jesus, and I beg You to release me from the torment of doubt.
Help me to respond to Your call.
Forgive me if I have offended You and bring me closer to Your Heart.
Guide me to Your New Kingdom and grant me the favour, so that through my own prayers and suffering, that I can help You to salvage souls so precious to Your Sacred Heart.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: The false church of darkness will be lifeless

Thursday, November 27, 2014 8:40

My dear children, the false church – the one that will replace my Son’s Church on earth – has been prepared and all the heresies will be cleverly concealed between the paragraphs of the new missal, which will replace the old.

The false church of darkness will be built to replace the old after the great inferno.  All that was present in my Son’s Church will be replaced with all that will be new. But, one thing will never change. The foundations, upon which my Son’s Church was built, will not move as they are firmly planted in the ground.  No man will, nor can, move them because God will not permit this.

The church of darkness will be lifeless. No fruit will it yield as it will be built on rotten soil. Every kind of heresy will spring from the mouths of those who will preach from its pulpits. It will become a den of iniquity and nothing that will be proclaimed by the voices, which will boast of its greatness, will make any sense.

Those will be the days when many Christians, too frightened, too tired and lacking in any real faith, will worship within its walls. It will not be my Son they will worship, but the antichrist, for it will be he who will sit on the throne, which they will erect within its walls.

The antichrist will rule close by to where my Son built His Church and many people will believe it to be of Him but that would be the biggest error. Anyone who objects to this church, or who finds fault with it, will be ridiculed and accused of heresy by those traitors of my Son, who will, themselves, be the greatest heretics ever to infiltrate the Church of God, since the day of its inception.

Pray, pray, pray that there will remain a strong army of my Son’s priests who will never give into the pressures, which lie ahead.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

People have lost love in their lives because they no longer revere Me

Thursday, November 27, 2014 19:50

My dearly beloved daughter, much of the suffering experienced by men, in the years ahead, will be that of the spirit.

The spiritual suffering will be felt not only by My followers, who remain true to the Word of God, but by all men, irrespective as to what they believe.  Satan and his demons, from the highest ranking to the lowliest, roam throughout the world, spreading hatred amongst God’s children. Hatred has gripped the human race and can be seen in many ways. When Satan tempts a soul into a cocoon of hatred, he does this by creating a feeling of jealousy in the vulnerable person and soon this turns into hatred. Hatred is spreading and it affects every age.

The spirit of love and charity, once present in the hearts of mankind, has weakened and this means that the love, which joined communities, nations and countries together, has been broken. People have lost love in their lives because they no longer revere Me. I, Jesus Christ, have been forgotten. So busy are they in dealing with worldly matters that they have created, for themselves, a very lonely existence. Once love is missing in your lives, a great part of you is left to dry up and withers like a starving plant. 

God is Love, and when love is present in the world, there is greater harmony and peace. The opposite to love is hatred, which comes from the devil. If you allow hatred to fill your hearts, it will fester inside you and grow like a cancer until it devours you. Hatred destroys lives and creates terrible divisions. It poisons your soul. It creates deep unhappiness in the souls of those who have allowed it to dictate every action they take. Hatred spreads from one soul to another very quickly because, once you engage with a person who is full of hatred, it will gain a grip over you by tempting you to listen to every reason given to justify it.

Christians, who allow hatred to infest them, must never succumb to using My Holy Name to incite hatred of any kind against another human being. You must ask Me to rid your soul of hatred because if you allow it take over your soul, you will never see My Face.

Use the time accorded to you, to love Me more, for when you truly love Me, this love will be reciprocated. You will then be incapable of taking part in any kind of dialogue where hatred is present.

Love Me and you will find it easier to love others. If you hate another person you do not know Me.

Your Jesus



Prayers for today
