Friday, November 26, 2010 3:00
My beloved daughter, you will be sent guidance from a spiritual director, soon. But remember, many of My followers are called by Me, but not all accept. I cannot, as you know, interfere with free will, a Gift to mankind. No matter. It is important now to continue with this urgent Work so that My children will listen and be saved.
The Signs
Make no mistake, change is afoot and shortly there will be so many signs, that there will be few people on this Earth who will fail to notice them. The signs I speak about, are those, which are being given through My visionaries, through the apparitions of My beloved Blessed Mother in Europe. Many people who open their minds, and unlock their trapped souls, will understand that this communication comes from the Heavens. When My children see the miraculous signs, which will be visible through the sun, they will then know the Truth.
Ignore the scorn, ridicule and hatred that will be shown when people read the contents of this manuscript. The same thing happened to My Apostles, who, with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, produced their Work. You too, My daughter, have been given this Gift. Never reject it or doubt it. It is real and you now know this. Your doubts, have at last, begun to fade.
I will, as I have told you, send you help. Evidence of this promise is now beginning to unfold. I will also give you information of future events, which you must reveal to all, including the disbelievers. What does it matter if they won’t believe at first, because as events roll out, they will have no choice but to acknowledge the Truth?
Plan to orchestrate a war
There is a vicious plan underway by world powers to orchestrate a war – the intention being to reduce the world’s population. Pray, pray, now, to help deflect the level of damage these evil people want to cause on Earth. Their stupid allegiance to the deceiver, means that through the satanic powers they receive under his influence, they are determined to carry out this task at all costs.
Plans to overthrow Pope Benedict
Plans are also underway to take over churches and various faiths including the Vatican. My Pope, My beloved Benedict, is surrounded by those plotting his downfall. Other world leaders, unaware of the underlying powers hidden within their own ranks, are also going to be targeted, with a view to toppling them.
My children, wake up and fight. This is a very real war unlike any war witnessed on the Earth. It is a war on you, each and every one of My children. You are the target. The problem is that you cannot see the enemy. Cowards at heart, they don’t have the courage to reveal themselves.
Secret Meetings
Self-obsessed, they meet in secret within your own community and are scattered in every walk of life. You will find them not only in the corridors of your government but in your justice systems, the police force, business communities, education systems and the military.
Never let these people dictate to you how to pray. Watch how they will try to manage your life, and start preparing now for what lies ahead.
Warning on Global Vaccinations
First of all, pray in groups. Pray for these people who are ardent supporters of Satan. Prayer will help to avert some of these disasters. Watch out for the atrocities they will try to inflict through vaccination. Trust no sudden global initiative to vaccinate, which may seem compassionate in its intention. Be on your guard. Country by country, these groups are colluding to control as many people as possible.
Fear not, because I will protect My followers who pray to Me. Pray, too, for those brave souls among you who have decided to spread the Truth. Many of these people are being laughed at, but they are speaking, for the most part, the Truth.
Stockpile food
Do not rely on food suppliers. Prepare now for the future. Start collecting food and planting your own. Stock up as if a war is coming. Those who do, will be all right. Prayer and devotion will strengthen your souls and save you from these people’s evil ways. Never let them control your mind, or beliefs, through their insistence on introducing laws designed to destroy families. They will strive to separate families by encouraging separation, including the promotion of divorce, sexual and religious freedom.
Murder of World Leaders
They will promote hatred between nations, murder world leaders through assassination and capture people’s liberty by forcing them to rely on their dictatorship.
The Wrath of God will shortly be seen, as He will not tolerate their wickedness for much longer, unless these people, who have chosen to follow their satanically inspired organizations, turn their backs on this evil atrocity. Pray for them.
Be careful what people in your countries you vote for. Watch how they are presented to you by the words they speak. Listen to those who are trying to warn you. I urge you to pray for those who don’t, so that they may be converted, in order that they, too, can be saved.
These events, which I speak of, are going to begin to happen shortly. Stick tightly together, keep your own food supplies ready, seek to grow your own vegetables and other survival items. This is a war against you, but it won’t seem like it. Just be on your guard.
Churches will be banned
Those of you who pluck up the courage to go back to your church, never be fearful of praying or showing your faith openly. For those of you who take My Church for granted, then don’t. For it is only when this very Gift, which represents your faith openly, is taken away from you, that the Truth will finally dawn on you. And this will make you angry.
My daughter, tell My people not to panic. They, My followers, will be saved and will be lifted with Me into the clouds to await My New Paradise on Earth. They will enjoy My New Paradise and will reunite with their departed families in this new eternal life. They must stay strong, pray and show love for one another. Pray, pray, pray especially for those lost, deceived souls who have no idea what their actions will mean for their future in the next life.
Those with lukewarm souls
For My other children, those with lukewarm souls, pray also. They must turn back to Me, and soon. Children, for the love of one another, do not hesitate to warn these people of the Truth. Show them, through example, the importance of prayer, so they too will not be lost.
Stay strong. Never surrender to the army of the deceiver. Ever. Stand up for what you believe in. Protect your family, now. Turn back to Me. Pray My Divine Mercy every single day. For Christians everywhere, pray the Rosary. Let My Mother bring you back to Me through her intercession.
My children, I cry for you all and need My followers, now, to gather in force with Me against this evil. Prayer is the answer.
Your beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ
Friday, November 26, 2010 12:00
My dearly beloved daughter, today is a day when My Heart is broken by the unrest and deep unhappiness in the world. I watch in despair as the world rises in anger against each other. Much of the sadness springs from the knowledge that these prophecies will unfold; yet much of mankind will be none the wiser.
Pray for Russia to be consecrated to My Blessed Mother
They still refuse to acknowledge that these events were foretold in the Book of John. So, so many will now suffer because of lack of faith. Pray now that Russia will finally relent and allow itself to be finally consecrated in My Blessed Mother’s Name. Pray, pray, pray for this to happen because it will be through prayer that this great achievement will be possible. If this happens, then millions will be saved. For the danger is that the communist forces will rise with the serpent and join together leaving you, My children, powerless.
Look, now, at the velocity, as the nations rise to fight. The speed of global events will cause much consternation, as these unfold in their intensity. My followers, you must listen. Prayer groups will be essential in spreading conversion and to diffuse these disastrous events. Even those of you, complacent in your lives where you take everything for granted, you will no longer be able to ignore these events. You must listen to Me, now, and accept that those events predicted in the Book of Revelation are coming to pass.
Hold your hands in prayer, now. Even if you hold just a spark of affection in your heart for Me, ask Me to hold you, so that I can ignite and strengthen your faith in Me.
I will fight for each one of you
I will fight right to the bitter end to bring you all closer to My Heart, whether you are a child, a teenager, a young adult, middle-aged or old – in My eyes you are all the same. You are My precious beloved family – each and every single one of you. No one is excluded, even those of you who do not accept that I Exist. Even those of you who do but hate Me – I still love you. My Love is passionate beyond your knowing and I will do everything in My Power to bring you back into My fold. I will not give up your soul to Satan that easily.
Please turn to Me
Please turn to Me – no matter how many doubts you hold – and let Me fill your heart with My Divine Love. Just one taste of that Love will help you prepare for eternal life in Paradise with Me, My Eternal Father and your brothers and sisters. This is your inheritance, your rightful inheritance.
Don’t squander this chance of salvation. When your life on Earth comes to an end, you will have two choices in the afterlife. Heaven in Paradise or the depths of Hell, with Satan, who will take you with him through the sins he tempts you to commit on Earth. Open your eyes now. Remember death on Earth can take place on any day, at any time and when you least expect it.
Through this Message I beg you to see the Truth before the Day of Judgement. Always remember I love you, no matter how grievously you have sinned. When you turn to Me, and ask Me for forgiveness from the bottom of your heart, you will be pardoned. Even during your last breath.
Your beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ
Friday, November 26, 2010 15:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the Blessed Trinity unites with you, as one, to drive forward the Divine Truth to every soul in the world, as a matter of urgency.
You, My daughter, now feel the pain and suffering in your heart in union with Me for mankind. Their lost faith brings you a deep sadness and sense of fear for their future.
My beloved loyal and devout followers are now, at this time, uniting around the world through the bond of powerful Divine Love to fight to save souls from damnation.
These, My children of the Light, come from all nations. They will recognise each other instantly irrespective of their race, colour or creed. I Am guiding them so that this army of love will help strengthen the faith of mankind at this point in history.
Never before have I made My Presence so evident within the hearts of believers. They feel the suffering I endure, as I witness the heart-wrenching badness that emits from man, even among those who you would deem to be kind and thoughtful. Love of self is destroying My children.
Selfishness and lack of consideration for those around you and for the vulnerable leaves a stain of shame that is hard to erase. The cruelty that man shows to his neighbour, all with one motive in mind – self-satisfaction, has reached an all-time high. The obsession with their own needs is a sin in the eyes of My Eternal Father.
So many false excuses, made in the name of self-worth, are completely unacceptable and against My Teachings. Love one another. Treat others, as you would expect to be treated yourself. Think of others’ needs before your own. Stand up for the human rights of your brothers and sisters when they face the injustice of others. Never, ever, justify punishing one person in order to gain material advantage. Show love and compassion, even for your enemies. This is not an easy task because of the materialist insecurities My children feel. The symptoms of the selfish obsession with wealth, beauty and so- called success that many people believe to be natural attributes of the human makeup, cause terrible confusion.
The idea where people are brainwashed into putting their own needs first, in the name of self- worth, has been implanted in the human psyche for a long time, but this philosophy has been reinforced by the powers of modern communication. When My children hear these messages, almost daily, through TV, the media, the cinema, music and the Internet, they accept these messages as being important.
Despite the false promise, these beliefs, which are appealing in that they offer self-gratification, which is hard to reject, represent, My children accept the lie, the lie that has been planted by the deceiver – Satan.
The disquiet they feel soon afterwards, having taken advantage of someone else, is hard for them to understand. They, My children, having won the coveted prize, are not happy. They then seek out more and more of the same, so insatiable is their appetite. But it is useless. They can’t fully satisfy themselves. They are devoid of real joy, a natural contentment, and don’t understand the emptiness they feel inside.
When you place yourself first, before others, that is selfish. When you take unfair advantage over those who are weaker and more vulnerable than you, that is sinful. When you damage that person’s ability to live in dignity and then deprive them of the right to feed their families adequately, that deeply offends Me. I suffer with these souls. Do unto your neighbour a wrong and you do this to Me. When you hurt your neighbour through words of spite you are guilty of inflicting pain in My Heart.
When man punishes another through violence, I endure the pain of My Passion on the Cross. I relive it. I feel their pain as you inflict bodily harm on them. When you are a murderer, you are guilty of the final indignity of nailing Me to the Cross.
Children, know this. Sin will lead you to Hell. This is frightening for those believers who see Me as a Merciful Judge. My promise of unlimited Mercy, which I will give to each and every one of you who repents, is still guaranteed. But, how can I save those who will not see the error in their mixed-up lives?
Preaching the Truth of My Teachings is important. It is because of the appeal of so many distractions, which abound, that many of My children will find it extremely difficult to recognise the Word of God. Many will not have knowledge of God’s Teachings through the prophets or through Holy Scripture. Many simply don’t want to know. For others, they will refuse to listen even if the Word is spread through My prophets and visionaries of today, with clear signs for all to see. This is why it will be up to the believers to pray for the others. Special prayers are needed now. By praying The Divine Mercy, the powerful prayer, given to My beloved Sister Faustina, much conversion will take place.
When that happens, I request that all My children rejoin in prayer groups to continue to pray for and give guidance to these prodigal children of Mine – your brothers and sisters.
In My Name and the Blessed Trinity, I urge My beloved children to join forces in union with My Heart and help Me save their souls. I love them all so much that I weep sad and bitter tears of terror for them. I don’t want to lose them.
Help Me, My followers in the Light, to reunite these lost souls with My family, so that they too will experience the True Paradise for which they strive so desperately.
Hold out your hand to theirs. Talk to them. Listen to them. Show them compassion, even when they throw it back in your face in scorn. Show patience. Above all make them feel My Love for them through you.
They will find it hard to dismiss you then, even if they mock you. Through your prayers you can, and will, save their souls.
I salute you, My precious followers. You bring tears to My Eyes with the love and devotion you show to Me, My Blessed Mother, Queen of the Heavens and the Blessed Trinity.
We, and all the angels and saints in Heaven rejoice in your response to this calling now. So, go do your Work in the Name of My Eternal Father. Bring back My flock.
Your devoted Saviour
Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013 12:53
My dearly beloved daughter, to all those who are persecuted in My Name, I want them to understand why this happens. Remember My death on the Cross and the suffering I endured was so that I could deliver mankind from slavery to the beast. Know that My Cross, when you find yourself having to carry it, is a very difficult burden. You will be hated, not just by the wicked, but also by holy people, who genuinely love Me, but who lack discernment, when you take up My Cross.
When you take up My Cross and carry out My Teachings you will be despised. When you take up My Cross, by proclaiming the Truth, which is contained within these Messages, you will be vilified and hated more than any other disciple of Mine who came before you. No other mission, since My death on the Cross, will compare to this, the very last one, sanctioned by My Father in Heaven. Were this not so, then it would be ignored. Instead, My Word will be heard in every corner of the Earth and by the Power of the Holy Spirit will be heard by all, including My enemies. No one will ignore My Word, because this cannot be. For when the Word of God is heard, no man, no matter the state of his soul, will fail to react to It in some way. Those who allow Me to reach into their hearts will be overcome with love for Me, but they will also be overwhelmed, as only the Voice of God is capable of drawing such a reaction.
Those of you who hear Me now must listen. Please accept the weight of My Cross, no matter how heavy your burden is, as a result. This Cross will exhaust you, but will yield the fruits of forgiveness for My enemies, whose souls I desire to save. Your persecution may be great, it may cause you grief and sorrow, but know that it is caused by the fact that this is My Work. My Work, when untainted, creates terrible suffering amongst those who respond to Me. Know, however, that your suffering will be short-lived and soon forgotten, as Heaven will soon declare the final part of God’s Great Plan to save humanity. Then the world will be renewed and the Love of God will spread until the Will of God is completed.
Your Jesus
Wednesday, November 26, 2014 23:10
My dearly beloved daughter, I Am a Mystery to the world and only those who are close to Me will know the extent of the Love I hold in My Heart for humanity.
If they could see My Face, they would know how deep is My Love; My concern; My frustration; My anger; My compassion; My sorrow for all. It is because of My Love for all of you that I feel these things and it is because of My Divinity, and the secret of My Father’s Covenant, that man is only given so much information about the Existence of God. The full Truth of My Kingdom to come will be made known only to those who enter it. Until then, be assured that My Great Glory will be manifested within each of you when death will no longer have any hold over you.
You must trust in these Messages with your whole heart and know that they contain the Fountain of all Life. My Presence amongst you, My beloved followers, is becoming stronger and the stronger it becomes the more hatred will be flung at Me, and all those who respond to My Call, in the salvation of souls. Demons from every category and hierarchy of Satan, have infested the souls of many good people, who love Me. These poor souls have been deceived into rejecting My Final Plan to prepare My Remnant. Instead, they are influenced into becoming willing participants in Satan’s army. In many cases, Satan’s army will not appear to be openly opposed to Me. No. Satan is far too cunning to reveal his presence, and so every tactic of his warfare, against this Mission, will be carefully constructed but you will be able to recognise his traits. Pride, arrogance, subtle appeals calling for justice, which camouflage words of heresy and blasphemy, will be presented to humanity as caring statements and public appeals for the granting of human rights. As My Church begins to tear at the seams, most devoted followers of Mine will put this down to the changing of the times; a new era as the world becomes more unified, despite religious differences, and a new beginning.
The new era of the Church will be seen as a global evangelization, the likes of which will never have been witnessed in My Church since the days My Apostles began their mission. It will be welcomed, firstly, by the secular world. Once the secular world accepts this plan, leaders in My Church will be forced to applaud this new era where the Church and the secular world become as one. Heresies will abound and my Name will become extinct.
My Own will never give up and great favours will be accorded to them, in many ways. Fear will not stop them in their battle against Satan’s army. Their voices will ring out as the Holy Spirit will empower them in ways, which will astonish many. They will uphold the Truth at all costs and the Heavenly Hierarchy, all the angels and saints will march with them. Every insult will be levied upon them; every obstacle placed before them and every curse spat at them. But nothing will stop them and I, Jesus Christ, will fill their hearts with courage, determination and the will to withstand all those who will betray Me and who will persecute them for speaking the Truth.
You must never be afraid to repeat the Holy Word of God again and again for millions will not recognize the lies which will soon replace My Holy Doctrine.
I will raise up many brave men and women from every corner of the world, to proclaim the True Word of God, as it is laid down in the Most Holy Bible. As they reinforce the Truth they will be challenged by liars, who will use twisted logic to contradict them. My enemies will surface in great numbers and come armed with theological arguments, which will undermine the Word of God in the time leading up to My Second Coming. They will be fronted by many misguided sacred servants of Mine, who will be deceived by My Adversary.
The voice of My enemies will ring out until they are hoarse, screaming obscenities, and with a hatred pouring from every pore in their bodies for those who lead My Remnant Army. They will never give up in their persecution of all Christians until the Day I come to judge. And then, all will become silent – not one sound will they utter because only then will they realize the awful truth and how they betrayed Me.
Your Jesus