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All I ask is that you open your hearts, and allow My Love to fill your souls. I want all of you, including those who commit evil acts, to know that I love you. As such, your salvation is My priority.

Not for Me will they place a crown of emeralds or precious stones

Sunday, November 25, 2012 17:25

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am Christ, the Saviour of the human race and I will soon take up My Crown and reign over the earth at last.

The Crown of Thorns still remain, however, in place on My Sacred Head, until the great day comes when I will finally sit upon the throne promised to Me by My Father.

I Am the only True King, the only True God, yet I wear a Crown of Thorns so cruelly placed by the hands of ungrateful man.

Not for Me will they place a crown of emeralds or precious stones. Not even today. No, instead they still hurt Me by cruelly rejecting the salvation which I achieved for them when they crucified Me.

I have waited and waited for humanity to lift their eyes and open them in order to see the Truth.

Yet, so few Christians follow My Teachings. They are weakened by external pressures and remain silent as the world embraces sin as being a good thing.

My Crown has been prepared and I will arrive in Glory. No man will fail to see Me as I come from Heaven.

This event will take place over a number of hours and it will take a strong man of faith to shout and rejoice.

So many will be shamed and frightened when they see Me. Even then, if they ask Me to forgive them, I will do so right up until the very last second.

Beware of those who claim to be Me. This is very important for I will only come on the one day.

I will not walk the earth as a man for this has not been permitted by My Father. Let no such man deceive you.

My reign is near and let all those who fail to acknowledge Me, My Existence, or the prophecies contained in My Father’s Book know that it cannot be stopped.

Satan and those who follow him have no power over Me. The only power which matters is the Power of God who loves all of His children.

Prepare for My New Kingdom and be joyful. Look forward to the day for this will be the day when all human suffering ends for good.

Only those who follow My Teachings will experience My New Paradise.

My disciples must create a circle of prayer in order to save the souls of those who will not come to Me even on the last day.

Please pray the Litany Prayer for the Grace of Immunity for those who do not have the strength to help themselves.

Your Jesus

Those who follow the Laws of God will be demonised and sought out

Sunday, November 25, 2012 18:45

My dearly beloved daughter, My disciples must understand that the trials they endure, in My Name, will only make them stronger.

To all those followers of these Holy messages, you must never allow attacks by other people to knock you down.

Even when they do, when they trample all over you and then kick you while you lie there defenceless, know that I will then raise you up. You will, each time, become stronger and then your fear will be lessened.

Pray for those people because it is not their fault. They are being used by the deceiver to turn you away from this Mission.

Now you must be told that My Mercy will soon wash over humanity like a flame of fire and it will engulf the soul of every man. When this happens the world will be steered into a calmer place. So many will convert and that is good. But like a storm in the night, the antichrist will arrive and dismantle this sense of peace.

He will interrupt people’s lives, although they will not notice at first. He will become a very powerful world leader and you must never look him in the eye. Cast your eyes downwards. Place your trust in Me and pray that those he infests can be redeemed.

Just as it is with any storm which you know is coming, you must prepare well. Do not leave any part of your house without protection. Batton down the hatches. Insulate you and your family from harm. This man has been given many powers by the beast, so you must protect yourselves from him or he will be responsible for causing you to stain your soul.

His wickedness will be carefully hidden from you and you could, if you are not prepared, fall into his trap.

The battle between good and evil will take place both on earth and outside of it, all at the same time.

The problem with this war is that those who side with the antichrist and the false prophet will be seen to be doing great good in the world.

Those who follow the Laws of God will be demonised and sought out.

My Refuge is where you need to flee. My Sacred Heart will, with every drop of My Blood, be poured over you in order to protect you.

Never feel disillusioned. Never feel alone. I have joined all of you together through this and other missions. In time, all those who follow the instructions I give through all genuine prophets and visionaries will help salvage the souls of billions.

Even 20 million of you, through your perseverance, trials, sufferings and prayers can save most of humanity.

This is My promise to you.

Pray, pray, pray for all of your brothers and sisters. For united we will all become part of My New Kingdom and all will be well.

Be in no doubt, however, that much work needs to be done to convert the human race.

It will be no easy feat, but the power and graces, which I will accord to this Mission, will ensure that the Holy Will of My Father can be completed in the way it must be.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: The enemies of God will commit terrible sacrileges until they have desecrated the Tabernacles

Monday, November 25, 2013 17:25

My child, when my Son’s Church is seized, the series of events, which will unfold will be exactly the same as that which occurred during His Crucifixion.

The noise will be deafening as enemies of God take over His Body and desecrate It. They will rejoice and shout great proclamations amid great applause for the imposters, who will be heard everywhere, for this will be an occasion that will win over many stubborn foes and former enemies of my Son’s Church. Every new type of declaration as to the meaning of my Son’s Holy Word will pour forth from its mouth. Every lie, cunningly camouflaged, so that it appears to make sense, will be used to entice God’s children into this new renovated church. Every sin justified, so that more outsiders will be welcomed into the temples of God, until eventually complete confusion will be witnessed within its walls.

Bom Jesus, in Braga, Portugal.

While they are tearing my Son’s Church down, brick by brick, my Son’s remnant will be forced to flee it. Every argument, every gesture and every defense, which those who remain loyal to my Son’s Church present, will be dismissed. This will be a silent Crucifixion, just like that which my Son endured when He suffered with little more than a whimper. The voices of those who will continue to proclaim the Truth will receive no media coverage. No attention. Even if they do manage to make their voices heard, they will be demonized for doing so.

I urge all of those who love my Son and who understand that these signs were foretold, that they must continue to serve my Son. Many priests, instead of fighting for their faith, and remaining true to my Son, will walk away. Others will not give in and they will provide the Food of Life to all those who seek out my Son’s True Presence.

The enemies of God will commit terrible sacrileges, until they have desecrated the Tabernacles. When they have achieved this, they will then prepare the throne upon which will sit the antichrist.

Pray, pray, pray that those of you who know the Truth will be able to offer comfort to those who will suffer greatly because of the greatest apostasy ever to devour the Church of my Son, Jesus Christ, unfolds before you.

My sorrow is great and my Heart is heavy, because of the wicked deceit, which will befall even those who love my Son dearly. Their suffering will be the greatest of all.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation



Prayers for today
