Sunday, November 21, 2010 1:30
Today, My daughter, I bring a Message of hope and peace to all of My children who may feel that these Messages have represented fear. Know that, for even those of you who find it difficult to believe in Me, My Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit, you must not worry. Many of you, My dear children, want to believe, but because of your reasoning and logic, where you evaluate all things based on rational thinking, you will find it hard to believe in the supernatural.
Fear not. By praying, even just once a day and asking My Sacred Heart to pour out My Love on you, you will very soon feel differently. Many of you – those who are vague in your beliefs – envy others with a deep faith. You must understand that I love all of you. Like a parent, each of you holds a deep and special place in My Heart. You must never feel you are not worthy of My Love.
Did I not love you to such an extent that I willingly gave up My life for you, in the hope that you would be given a second chance to come back to Me?
Children, you will always be pushed aside by others for expressing a belief in your Divine Creator. When this happens remember that this is something that man must suffer on this Earth, for their love for Me. Never let this belief in Me, your Divine Saviour, fade or be hidden from those who will look at you with pity.
Yes, many of My children, influenced by human reasoning and logic, deliberately placed in their closed souls, will question your beliefs. To insult you further they will be embarrassed by your faith, and while they will not publicly admit it, they feel a curious jealousy. This jealousy springs from the certainty that dawns on them, that inside their souls there is emptiness. No matter how hard they look inwards they cannot understand why this is the case. Meanwhile, you, the believer, will undergo humiliation through the embarrassed eyes of onlookers with a weak faith or none at all.
Never be afraid or embarrassed to own up to the love you have in your hearts for My Eternal Father. Be open about your faith. Wear your love proudly, for Me, for all to see. By doing so you are leading by example.
Never try too hard to impose, through logical reasoning, your beliefs to non-believers, in an aggressive manner. Instead show your brothers and sisters, love and support, even though you know they need guidance. When they see the forthright manner, in which you voice your love for Me openly and with joy in your heart, they will begin to wonder.
By leading others, through the example of love, respect and good deeds, they will be drawn towards the Light. Many won’t understand why, at first. But in time, and especially by the power of your prayers, they will walk towards Me.
I urge you all to pray for the conversion of all souls. This includes those people known to you, personally, whom you feel are in need of prayers, for difficulties they encounter in this life. Pray too for the conversion of those poor children lost to Me through the darkness, which blinds them to the Truth. Pray especially with compassion and love for those who follow, actively, the path of the deceiver. They, more than anyone else, need your prayers.
Make known, to all you come in contact with, details, as to how each of them can be redeemed, even at the moment of death, by reciting the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.
Please, please give this to everyone who will listen. Urge them, if you dare, to read it and remember, because if you do and they do recite it in their last few breaths, they can and will be saved by Me.
Never be ashamed of the Crosses you wear
Never feel insulted when non-believers laugh or poke fun at you when you pray. Never be ashamed of the Crosses you wear for protection. Do not hide these symbols of the love you hold for Me, your Divine Saviour, My Eternal Father or the Holy Spirit. By proudly wearing these badges of holy honour, you will lead others towards Me. Despite outward scorn you may experience from these people, inwardly, they envy you for your faith. Many of these observers feel a hollow emptiness inside, due to their lack of faith. Prayer, My children, can help Me win over their souls. Say this pray for them.
“My dear Lord, I hold out my arms to ask You to take my beloved brother/sister into Your tender Arms. Bless them with Your Sacred Blood and give them the grace needed to allow them to receive the Spirit of Your Love, to lead them into eternal salvation.”
When you, My believers, are openly challenged by others about your faith, first say this:
“I am a follower of Christ, Who suffered death at the hands of non-believers. Because of that, as a follower of Christ, I will always suffer indignity, because of my love for Him, from others. That is the Cross I bear and am proud of this fact. He, my Saviour, died, not just for my sins, but for yours.”
When they proudly boast of the fact they are agnostic or atheists tell them this. Ask them if they will feel different when their life on this Earth draws to a close? Then give them this advice. On your deathbed remember this prayer of the Divine Mercy even if you are still unsure. Open your hearts and ask My Eternal Father to forgive them. Remember My promise. As Judge, as well as your Saviour, I will forgive – right up to each of My children’s last breath on this Earth. Tell them to pray hard, so that they can open their hearts just once.
Prayer leads all My children closer to My Kingdom on Earth when Heaven and Earth will merge as one. The power of prayer will only be truly understood when My children open their hearts and call out. Ask, and if it is God’s Will, your prayers will be answered.
Never deny your children the Sacrament of Baptism
Lastly, pray for the little children, your sons and daughters and the youth in the world. Each of them deserve to be shown the Truth. They were not shown the Truth of God’s Love or given guidance by their parents, due to the spiritual darkness, which has existed on Earth over the last two decades. Even if your own faith is weak, do not shirk your duty, as parents, to give them access to the Sacraments, especially Baptism. Never take it upon yourself to deny this most important Sacrament to your own child. Many parents who proudly stand firm, as they shout about their views of disbelief, are damaging their children’s souls. Give your children the gift of the Sacraments. In time, they will either thank you for this or deny Me. That will be up to them. Deny Me if you must, but do not steal the souls of My children. You may be their parents on Earth, but they are the children of My Eternal Father, the Creator and Maker of all things. Do not try to take them into the darkness with you. Remember again, that despite your own beliefs, I love you all.
Your Divine Saviour and Judge
Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Father
Sunday, November 21, 2010 15:00
To My churches around the world, hear My call. All you children and followers belong to Me. So many of you are following the teachings of your church and God the Creator of Mankind. That is good. Many of you interpret the Teachings of My Eternal Father in different ways. This has come about through the interpretations of the prophets since time began.
Many prophets interpreted the Teachings of God in the way that the Message was received by them. Some of My prophet’s words have been tampered with. All of My prophets were given the Truth. Not all of My prophets managed to ensure that their followers stayed on one path to eternal life.
All paths lead to God the Creator of mankind. The followers of God interpret the Teachings in different ways that lead to confusion. Once confusion sets in you can be sure that the only way is to simplify your beliefs. Simply believe in and honour your Creator.
I call on all the churches, religions and faiths around the world to pray for mankind and those of no faith – now. Love of God does not have anything to do with the destruction of life. No man has the right, in My Name, or My Eternal Father’s, to take a life in His Name. Instead, come together and unite in your love for your Creator in the face of evil, as it swiftly arises all around you.
My children, let Me remind you of God’s Laws. The Ten Commandments sent to you by My Eternal Father, through His most holy and devout prophet Moses. These rules were designed to instruct God’s children, as to the ways in which they must pay homage to Him, to guide them towards the Truth. So many people today have forgotten this. Those who have not, rarely consider what they really mean. Those who do not understand the Ten Commandments choose to interpret them in a way that is far removed from the Truth. To those, I say please read The Ten Commandments and listen or risk facing the Wrath of God. Their meaning must not be diluted behind false love, false compassion or by justifying sin in the face of what you have been told.
The first Commandment tells you to adore only one Creator, My Eternal Father, and to avoid idolatry. Yet that first Commandment has been thrown asunder in favour of false gods. By false gods I do not necessarily mean only people in high places or those who exalt themselves at the highest, so that you, My children, fall down in ecstasy at their feet. Yes this is an offence and deeply insulting in the Eyes of God. The idolatry I now refer to is mankind’s love of power and money, which can drive My children into empty despair. This despair leads to the breaking of the other rule, the sin of self-obsession. The desire to look after your own road in life, at the expense of your soul, will be your downfall. Love of self, is not love. It is vanity. Yet, that is a popular doctrine today. You are, under the guise of false compassion, exalting yourself and denying God. Your lack of humility will bring about your destruction. When you place yourself ahead of others, they, and other people, will suffer for it. This Commandment must not ever be broken. Human reasoning, which is used to justify sin, is an absurdity.
Obsession with Celebrity
For the young people who have lacked guidance for so long, they are now being sucked into the abyss of idolatry in ways that are clear for all to see. The very idols My young children worship, are for the most part, not of the Light. Many have sold their souls to the devil, a fact they proudly boast of.
Their hypnotic appeal, through their music and words, convince My children that this is the true path to follow. Their appealing immorality encourages their followers to emulate them. When they do, they, My children, block the Light, as they too are sucked into eternal darkness. The obsession with celebrity in the world of today, means that My children feel anxious all the time, as they strive to reach the same heights, as those who follow the deceiver claim to enjoy.
Come now, all My children, of all churches and creeds. Join together and fight for the right to retain belief in God the Eternal Father, the right to love one another, the right to pure love, the Love of God the Eternal Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Your loving Saviour and Just Judge
Jesus Christ
Monday, November 21, 2011 19:00
My daughter, the world must offer this special Prayer in praise and thanksgiving to God the Father for the Mercy He is providing the whole world.
O Eternal Father, we offer You our prayers in joyful thanksgiving for Your precious Gift of Mercy to the whole of mankind. We rejoice and offer You, Most Glorious King, our praise and Adoration for Your loving and tender Mercy. You, God the Most High, are our King and for this Gift You now bring to us we lie at Your Feet in humble servitude. Please God have Mercy on all Your children.
Your Jesus
Wednesday, November 21, 2012 18:45
My child, all of my children who love my Son must unite in prayer at this time of strife in the world.
You must pray that those poor souls who continue to crucify my Son turn away from sin and implore my Son to forgive them.
Time is short and only those in a state of grace can enter my Son’s Kingdom.
When before, it took many years of prayer and sacrifice and devotion to me, your Blessed Mother; now there will only be a very short time left for you to seek redemption.
Pray, my little ones, hard for those who insult my Son and who dishonour My Father, God the Most High.
So many have turned their backs on God. The evil one has succeeded in turning their hearts into stone.
Very few honour the life, which was given to God’s children. Your lives are in God’s Hands. Any one who interferes with God’s Creation will be punished.
My child, you must call on all those who have been given the Book of Truth to pray to me, the Mother of Salvation. I have been accorded the task of helping my Son in the redemption of humanity.
Allow me to help you children to see the way to my Son with clarity and love in your hearts.
I will help you to overcome every obstacle, which blocks your journey towards my Son’s Mercy.
Please remember that my Son is all forgiving. He loves all of God’s children, no matter how they torment Him.
All you must do is to turn to Him and ask for His Mercy to bring you close to Him.
Pray, pray, pray for all those who have offended my Son and who have desecrated His Churches, for they need your help.
They are lost souls and must be brought back into the Bosom of my Son. Otherwise this would break His Heart.
Thank you for responding to this call from Heaven.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Wednesday, November 21, 2012 23:30
My dearly beloved daughter, for every stern Message I give to all of God’s children always remember that My Love is ever Merciful.
My patience is all enduring and I will save every single person who calls on My Mercy, irrespective of the gravity of their sins.
How I yearn to free all from the grasp of the deceiver who tightens his hold on every soul he has seduced, so that many are powerless against his strength.
Let no man fail to understand this. When you have sold your soul, willingly, to Satan, he will not let you go free. Only I can set you free.
When those souls, who are lost to Me because of the sinful lives they lead, try to change their ways, they too, will struggle against the beast. For this is a beast who is aggrieved and he is vicious.
For many, even those who are devoted to Me, their Jesus, he will become like a thorn in their side from time to time. Nothing will satisfy him until you yield to his temptation, which differs from person to person.
Because every single one of you is a sinner, and will continue to be one until you are cleansed of sin, accept sin as a fact, but fight it.
To those of you who know Me intimately, you know that you can trust in My Mercy, always.
You know the importance of keeping in daily communication with Me. This can be as simple as chatting to Me during your working day. This is a perfect time to offer little sacrifices to Me.
If someone hurts you, offer this trial to Me so that I can save souls because of it.
If you are disturbed about the struggles you face, which you have no control over, you must allow Me to take your burden away.
Many people work long hard hours both inside of and outside of the home. All I ask is for you to turn to Me in your thoughts when you need support and help, for I will answer your prayer.
Never make the error by thinking that you can only communicate with Me during your time in Church, or before and after receiving the Holy Sacraments. I am there at every moment of the day. I respond to every request, if it is according to My Holy Will.
My beloved disciples, you are all God’s children. I unite you, nation with nation, so that I can bring peace and unity amongst the chaos, which will come.
Let Me bring you into My Holy Family and you will be strengthened.
Then you will rise and surge forward, renewed and with a new lease, to lead My army, which has not yet been formed in many countries.
Keep loyal to My instruction.
Please spread the Seal of the Living God everywhere. It must not be sold. It must be available for everyone. Pass copies to all those who need to be protected.
The division between the loyal followers, those who accept My Father’s Book, the Most Holy Bible, and those who want to change the Truth, is about to become wider.
One half will not deviate from the Truth.
The other half will twist the Truth.
They will do this to suit their own political and personal motivations, which will be hidden behind a couched language.
The Truth will soon be declared to be a lie and God will be accorded the blame.
They will disrespectfully declare that the laws laid down by My Holy vicar are old fashioned and do not suit modern society.
Every cunning argument will be in direct conflict with the Laws of God, which amount to this.
These people want to introduce laws, which legalise sin. They do not love God. They say that they do, and many of those who promote such laws are atheists, but do not reveal their true beliefs.
Many of their plans include the banning of Christian laws.
On the one hand, they tolerate the laws, which allow women to abort children because of lifestyle choices. They use the arguments of choice, but this choice applies to the needs of the mother not the child.
Many women will be tormented after they destroy life in this way. Many will feel a sense of loss because they will know in their hearts that the life that they destroyed was created by God.
Every powerful and convincing argument will be made to bring about the legislation of abortion. Every trick, used to garner support, which amounts to abortion being introduced for all.
For this sin, I will tear down their countries.
The sin of abortion causes My Father great pain and He will not allow this to continue.
The nations, which constantly try to make it available to more women and who promote it as being a good thing, will be taken out and dealt a punishment from which there can be no recovery.
They will be guilty of the sin of murder and will be one of the first groups who will suffer pain during The Warning.
God will not allow you to touch the lives He created.
His punishment will be meted out upon you in the form of earthquakes and many nations will continue to receive punishment after punishment until the day of the Lord.
Abortion and murder will be the two sins for which My Father will cast down a severe chastisement upon the world.
Sin, My disciples, is something like a stain, which blights your souls every day. But when you are in a state of grace, that sin diminishes. The more you receive the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confession, the greater the graces you receive.
To those of you who attend daily Mass, very special graces are given to you. For you, My devout followers will be passed through the Gates of My Paradise quickly.
Go now and spend a little more time with Me. Chat to Me. I like light chatter and it brings Me closer to you. I yearn for you. I yearn for the intimacy I crave, so I can bring you closer to Me.
You can build a wonderful relationship with Me simply by becoming a friend first. Then our love will build until such time that your heart will burst with love for Me and Mine for you.
It is not complicated, to begin a new fresh beginning, to prepare for My Kingdom. Start now. Call on Me.
If you love Me, you will soon trust in Me and this will lead you towards the cleansing of your soul. You will be happier, at peace, and nothing of the outside world will mean anything, except for the pain of sin, which you will witness.
I am right here. I am waiting for you. I want mankind to be able to get to know Me properly.
I love you.
Your Jesus
Friday, November 21, 2014 16:15
I am the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of God – the Mother of Salvation. Today, I have a message for the Roman Catholic Clergy and come to you on behalf of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
I call out to all of my Son’s sacred servants, who serve Him in these times of great trials in the Church. You are the vanguard of His Most Holy Sacraments and have been called by my Son to serve Him in the salvation of all souls and, because of this, you have a great responsibility to Him. Your duty must always be to serve my Son and His Body – His Church – and to ensure that His Most Holy Word is adhered to at all times.
There will be times of great pain and persecution ahead and you must prepare for this now. In the future, your faith will be tested to its limit and you will be forced to agree to take a new vow, where you will be asked to show allegiance to a new doctrine, which will not be of my Son.
Those amongst you, who will recognise the false doctrine, when it is presented to you, must not succumb to it. When you are instructed to adapt and amend the Most Holy Sacraments, you must run. My Son’s Church is to be tested beyond its endurance. To those of you who may discard the Truth in favour of a new amended doctrine – which they will say is necessary to suit men’s needs – know that this will be a great betrayal of the Word of God.
Because of the Holy vows you took to serve my Son, you have a duty to God’s children to feed them with the Body and Blood of my Son, Jesus Christ. There will come a time, however, when you will be forced to amend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. There will be those amongst you who will know, instantly, that a great wrong is being committed and so you must turn your backs.
You must continue to feed the souls of those, who rely on you to feed them with the Most Holy Eucharist. If you remain loyal to my Son and continue to serve God’s children, as it is your duty, you will serve Him with great dignity. I ask that you pray My Most Holy Rosary daily to give you the strength you will need and for protection from Satan, because those times ahead, which are almost upon you, will become unbearable. By keeping the Seal of the Living God prayer close to you at all times, you will receive extra Protection from the evil one.
There will be many priests among you who will not find the courage to uphold the Word of God, but you must never be afraid to show allegiance to my Son. If you betray my Son you will bring with you innocent souls, who will find themselves, unwittingly, being brought into error and into a terrible darkness.
Satan has penetrated my Son’s Church for some time but every time when the chaos and confusion he caused became unbearable, this was diffused because of the faith of my Son’s beloved sacred servants. Now that the faith of many priests has been weakened and, in some cases, completely destroyed, the gates of hell have opened and great danger lies ahead.
You must never be tempted to forego all that my Son taught. My Son has never changed. His Word remains ingrained in the Rock upon which His Church was built. His Sacraments bring souls the Light that they need to sustain life. If you betray my Son, you destroy life itself for without my Son’s Presence the world would not exist today.
Blessed are those who truly love my Son, because they will be the ones who will lead the way by example.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation