Monday, November 15, 2010 3:00
Thank you, My daughter, for persevering in My Truth and understanding that My communication with you is very real. You will feel My Spirit in your body when I come to reveal to you My Divine Message necessary for mankind to understand in these times. I bring a Message of Pure Love and Passion to My Father’s children. These Messages are to explain to all God’s followers, first, the need to fall to their knees now, and understand the Truth of the Book of John.
The time has come for My Second Coming, the Signs of which are already being revealed to those who know the prophecies foretold so long ago. Look, what do you see now? The signs are visible now. Man does not realise the terrible descent to which he is being exposed. The wicked lie, fronted and accepted by unsuspecting governments, hides, unnoticed, in the guise of salvation.
Hear Me now, My children. The antichrist is ready to spring. Stay on guard, open your eyes and heart to the Truth, or you will perish. Fear not, My beloved followers, for you will lead My flock into the Holy Adoration of My Eternal Father. The Food of Life will be plentiful to those believers, during the dark days ahead. Stay together. Love each other. Give each other the strength, so that you can unite all races, creeds and believers, everywhere, towards My Father’s Kingdom.
It will be your job to demonstrate the Love of God the Goodness, the Love, the Hope and the Truth of eternal life, which awaits all of mankind. It will be by praying together, dropping your exterior wall of pride and shyness, that you will become the powerful force. Together you will be strong. Your faith in Me, your Divine Saviour, will help convert the non-believers. These people, many of whom, through no fault of their own, are ignorant of My Love. They may feel love for each other, but do not understand where this comes from. Guide them, My children of God, towards the Light.
I Am the Bread and I Am the Light. My Light will keep you all safe. But I urge you to be generous in heart and soul and think of those poor souls who need guidance. You must do this through example and show these souls how to become closer to Me. They must be coaxed gently, but firmly, along the path. It is important to wake them up from their slumber of ignorance, before it is too late.
My children, do you not understand the Teachings in My Father’s Book? The Book that reveals the sign for My coming back to Earth must be studied and accepted as the Truth. God, My Eternal Father, through the prophets, does not lie. He does not contradict. You are now being shown the heavenly signs, foretold, and you must prepare now.
You and your families will be lifted with Me in the blink of an eye
Please, please pray for guidance. Believers, get ready now, to fight in My Name and stand up against the antichrist. People will smile at you when you remind them of the prophecies contained in the Book of John. You will be accused and scolded, with wry amusement, for your views and concerns. Ignore this, for you have a duty to Me. Now, pray, pray and coax the non-believers to accept the Teachings. Do not be frightened, for many of you, frightened for the future and your families, I have this to say. As the time comes, you and your families will be lifted with Me, in the blink of an eye, to the Heavens. Then you will receive the Gift of eternal life when Heaven and Earth become one. This is what is meant as the New Paradise. It will be a time of great glory, love and perfection for all My followers.
Stay strong. You must endure a short period of torment, but your faith will keep you strong. Remember, I love all of you. Love Me in return and help Me save as many souls, as possible. You are My powerful army and the time is now to prepare for battle. I will lead you all to My Father’s Kingdom.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ
Monday, November 15, 2010 11:00
You are now realizing the Truth and accepting My Message, for what it is. Write this, My daughter. The speed at which the prophesies are unfolding is becoming evident for all to see. Watch the changes that will become apparent with My Church as one of the first signs. This is when the deceiver will lead My disciples astray.
The second sign will be seen in the way many of you will no longer be in control of your own country. This includes all material control and the military. My children, their leaders and all those with responsibility for caring for their people, will lose all control. They will be like a boat with no rudder. This boat they steer will be aimless and they will be lost.
My children, you must pray hard now to loosen the grip these evil groups of people will exert over you. They are not of God’s Kingdom, and through the cunning deceit of their exterior, you will not realise that this is a powerful force that is careful not to reveal itself.
You, My children, will be none the wiser. You will think that you are living in tough times, but this façade is designed to make you think this. Rise up, My children, now.
Mark of the beast
Do not accept the mark. If more of you do not accept, then you are stronger in numbers. This mark – the mark of the beast will be your downfall. It is not what it seems. By agreeing, you will be removed further and further away.
Beware of the plan, driven by the deceiver, to remove all signs of My Eternal Father and the Teaching of Scriptures from your life. You will see this in schools, colleges, hospitals, and in the constitution of your countries. The biggest abomination, which causes Me deep pain, is the abolition of the Teachings of Scripture from those who practice their Adoration of Me, their Divine Saviour. Very soon you will see that My Word, and the teaching of the Truth, will be abolished and punishable.
You, My dearly beloved children, will suffer greatly in My Name. These evil forces are responsible for this. They are led by Satan. You will find them everywhere and especially in those leaders in authority whom you depend upon to survive. Children, do not be frightened for yourselves, rather be frightened for those poor misguided souls. So infested are they with the deceiver, that they find it difficult to pull away, such is the grip he holds. These people are not to be trusted. Be careful how you communicate with them. They will hold you in such a vice-grip because they will control everything. You will find it difficult to fight them, as they will control even your bank, your property, your taxes and the food you need to survive.
But, this will not last long, for their days are numbered. Should they abide by their slavery to evil, they will plunge into an abyss of such terror, that to describe their fate would be too terrifying and so frightening that man would drop like a stone – dead – were he to glimpse just one minute of the torment they will endure.
The battle is about to begin and unfold, as the Hand of My Eternal Father will fall swiftly in punishment for their sins, which is about to be witnessed on this Earth, the sins which I died for. No man is a child of God who bears witness to, or colludes in this sinister, but orderly, army of destruction. This evil army, filled with the demons from the pits of Hell, performs acts of such evil magnitude that innocent people could not possibly fathom.
I have no wish to frighten My children, but the truth will be exposed for what it is, in time. Rise up now, My children. Fight the forces of evil before they destroy you. Be wary of global rule in any shape, size, form or code. Look at your leaders carefully and those who control your daily access to money, which will feed you and keep you alive. You need to stock pile food now.
You have not received this Message in a way that reflects My Teachings, but hear Me now. These prophecies have been foretold. My children, must listen carefully. The spirit of darkness is growing and you, My followers, must stay strong. Keep your belief in Me alive through prayer. All of My followers must say the prayer, The Divine Mercy, each day. It will strengthen souls and will help them find favour at the moment of death.
My children, please do not let My Message frighten you. My followers have a duty to Me now. Let Me say this. Remember, you will be filled with the Holy Spirit as soon as you accept My Word. Do not fear, because you have been chosen. You, My army of followers, will lead to the defeat of the evil one. To do this you must pray.
I come with a Message of Pure Love. Do you not realise that you will experience Paradise when Heaven and Earth join as one? There is nothing to fear, for you, My followers, will be lifted body, soul and mind into the realms of the Divine Hierarchy. You will see your loved ones. Those loved ones who have found favour with My Eternal Father.
Do as I say. Pray, talk to Me, love Me, trust in Me. In return I will give you strength. Pray for protection through the recital of the Most Holy Rosary, given to you with blessings from My beloved Mother. This prayer must be said to help protect you from the evil one, on the one hand. On the other hand, you must ask for protection for those people with whom you come into contact, so that they cannot contaminate you or diffuse the faith you hold in your heart for Me.
Pray for My visionaries and prophets, so that they are protected. Pray for My beloved sacred servants, those holy devout servants sent by Me to guide you. They, just like My followers, suffer torment by the evil one. He will never stop trying to blind you from the Truth and will use every devious tactic to convince you that your faith is false. Hear Me. He, the deceiver, will use logic and reasoning, couched in a soft gentle manner, to convince you he brings hope into your lives. He will, through the antichrist, strive to make you believe he is the chosen one.
The antichrist
Many of My followers will fall prey to this despicable deceit. Be on your guard. He will be seen as the messenger of love, peace and harmony in the world. People will fall to their knees and adore him. He will show you his power and you will believe it is of a Divine source. But it’s not. He will instruct you in a manner that will seem odd at times. True believers will know he is not of the Light. His boastful, pompous demeanour will be hidden behind pure evil. He will strut and show what will appear to be true compassion and love for all. Behind this façade he is full of hatred for you, My beloved children. He laughs behind closed doors.
My children, he will confuse you terribly. He will appear powerful, confident, humorous, caring, loving and will be seen as a saviour. His handsome face will appeal to all, but he will soon change. He will wreak havoc in the world and will murder many. His acts of terror will be clear for all to see. He will destroy your independence and he will be instrumental in bringing about the mark – the mark of the beast. You, My children, will have to be strong. Do not accept the mark because if you do you will come under his evil hypnotic influence.
Many will die for their faith in Me. No, do not fear, because if you suffer for Me, in Me, with Me, you are chosen. Pray, pray not to submit to his reign of terror. Stand up, fight for Me.
Do not let the antichrist, for all his convincing charm, win over your souls. Let Me hold you in My Arms; cradle you with My Divine grace, now, to give you the strength to fight for the Truth. My Love for you will never die. You should never choose this route, or you too will be lost to Me. It will be hard, but help will be given to My children in many, many ways, to ease your suffering. Go now and pray My Divine Mercy and prepare for the final battle.
Jesus Christ, King of My People
Saviour and Just Judge
Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:00
I come today, My daughter, to gather My precious children and all those who believe in Me together, to pray in union to save all souls on Earth.
It is My desire that you prove your infinite love for the Blessed Trinity by showing humility, in love for one another, so that sin can be forgiven for the whole of mankind.
I Am the God of Justice, but Am first and foremost, the God of Love and Mercy. My Fatherly Divine Love for you is reflected in My Merciful Goodness. As such, it is My intention to salvage all souls, at this, the end of times as you know it on Earth. Do not fear, children. My intention is not to frighten, but to embrace you in all My encompassing Love for every child of Mine.
I call on all My children, especially those souls so full of love for Me, their Creator, to join with your brothers and sisters and rise against the evil in the world.
Satan and every demon in Hell now roam the Earth in defiance of Me, during these the end of times, children. They are scattered throughout the world persecuting souls and driving them to the brink of madness.
The evil influence is being felt by almost every one of you at this time. It is because My Existence and that of My beloved Son have been denied, rejected and thrown to, one side, that darkness now covers your world. Without acknowledging the Truth of your Creation on this Earth, you, My beloved children, have become unwittingly a target for Satan.
You will notice a number of changes in your life since this infestation has gripped your world. Murder, hatred, distaste for proclaiming My Glory or acknowledging My Existence, war, persecution, greed, control and moral deterioration. All such wickedness has been created in your world by Satan and spread by sinners so open to his false, empty promises.
He, Satan, tempts first those power hungry sinners and those weak of faith. Having seduced them, he then possesses them. They, in turn, infect and cause terrible pain by inflicting abuse on their fellow brothers and sisters.
You, My beloved faithful, are now being called by Me to stand up and defend My Holy Word, so that mankind can be saved. You will do this in two ways. Firstly, through constant prayer, and secondly, by spreading My Most Holy Word. Prayer will not only help save mankind from Hell and the complete abandonment by Me, but it will also mitigate against My Hand of Chastisement. This Hand of Chastisement will, and be in no doubt about this, fall on those wicked sinners who have allowed the spirit of darkness to control their behaviour towards those innocent dependents, over which they exert control.
I, God the Father, call on My children from the Heavens to hear My plea when I urge you to rise immediately. Join in prayer by reciting the following:
“God the Most High, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Whom You sacrificed to save us, your poor children, from the fires of Hell, hear our prayer. May we offer our humble sacrifices and accept trials and tribulations as a means to gain the salvation of all souls during The Warning.
We plead with You to forgive sinners, who find it hard to turn back and accept Your Merciful Goodness, to make the necessary sacrifices as You see fit to redeem them in Your Holy Eyes.”
By praying to Me, your heavenly Father, God the Most High, Creator of the universe and mankind, I will hear your prayer and grant immunity for all those souls you pray for.
Thank you, My cherished children, for recognizing this, My Divine call from the Heavens. Thank you for your humility of heart to recognize My Voice when it is spoken.
Remember, I Am an ocean of Charity and Love you all with a Fatherly tenderness. I strive only to save each and every one of you from the grip of the evil one, so that we can unite as one holy family.
God the Eternal Father
Friday, November 15, 2013 20:00
My dearly beloved daughter, by the Authority of My Father, God the Most High, I wish to inform all those who are suffering, in My Name, that the time is close for The Warning to take place.
Those of you, who have been given knowledge of this, My Great Day of Mercy, will see the signs shortly. You must confess your transgressions before Me, so that you will be adequately prepared for this event, which will shock the world.
I do this soon, so that I can save those people who have cut the umbilical cord, which ties them to Me, before it is too late. You must trust in Me and gather in prayer so that souls in darkness do not perish before I grant them immunity for their sins. Look now into your hearts and souls and see them as I see you. What do you see? Will you be able to stand before Me and say “Jesus, I do everything You desire of me to live the life which You expect me to.”? Will you say “Jesus, I offend You, because I cannot help it, so please have Mercy on my soul.”? Or will you say “Jesus I have sinned, but only because I need to defend myself.”?
You will stand before Me alone – with no one next to you. I will show you your soul. You will see every stain upon it. You will relive the sin and then I will give you the time to ask Me to show you My Mercy. Not because you are entitled to My Mercy – but only because I decide to give you this Gift.
My Day will dawn, unexpectedly, through the signs which will be shown to you in advance.
I have spent three years trying to open your eyes to the Truth. Some of you have accepted it. Others have thrown it back in My Face. Now is the time of My Divine Mercy and only those who open their hearts to Me, and who accept Me, will be given the chance to redeem themselves.
Be thankful for My unconditional Love.
Your Jesus
Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:22
My dearly beloved daughter, let it be known that any one who rejects the Book of Revelation denies the Word of God. The Truth is contained therein and should any man take away from it, deny the prophecies foretold, or add to them in any way, he will be cast into the wilderness.
The Truth leads you to salvation, and the path towards the New Paradise leads to Me. It is only through Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man that salvation will be given to man. I Am the Way and the Light. It is only through Me and your acceptance of Who I Am, will you be able to see the Light of God. There is no other way. Follow any other path you choose, but none will lead you to God.
If you are for Me you must honour your brother and sister through love, kindness and patience. You must not judge others because of their religious beliefs. You must love them as I love them. This does not mean that you should embrace their beliefs, or show reverence for them, because if you do then you deny Me. You cannot serve two masters. You must never insult Me by showing allegiance to false gods placed before Me.
The day you pay homage to false gods under My Roof will be the day I will storm My Temple and destroy all within it. How lukewarm is the faith of some of My servants who strive to impress the populace and seek adulation. How little respect is shown to Me in My Own House, when everything that I gave you is tossed aside with indifference until, eventually, nothing of Me will remain within My Church.
You, My beloved followers and sacred servants who remain true to the Word will have a heavy burden. You will have to suffer the pain and indignity when you will witness the sacrileges, the heresies and practices of the occult. While many of these violations of My Sacred Body will be cleverly concealed, those with true discernment will be shocked, but powerless, when these things happen. Such will the deceit be, which will reverberate from every crevice, that it would take an army of two thousand men to stop these imposters from doing harm.
These impostors are led by those who do not come from Me. They have infiltrated My Body, through devious means, and it will have taken a long time before they finally, and completely, seize My Church. Soon their actions will be seen for what they are by those blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Pagans, who shun the Truth, will enter My House where they will be welcomed with open arms. You will be told that you must show love for all God’s children, to keep silent those who might oppose them. Very few people will defend Me, Jesus Christ, and those who will dare to object to these blasphemous ceremonies, which will be held on the same altars used to house My Most Holy Eucharist, will be silenced.
My enemies may seize My House but not My Church because all Christians throughout the world make up My Church. The faithful, consisting of those who will refuse to deny the Word of God, and who will never accept any tampering of the Holy Word of God, will maintain My Church on earth. Nothing will prevail against it.
Your Jesus