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When I tell you the Truth, I do this only because I love you and yearn for the day when we will be united, finally. Do not fear the Truth.

Sign of the End Times – But Glory will Return to Earth

Sunday, November 14, 2010 23:00

My dear daughter, do not feel guilty for the doubts you have felt today. This is natural. Your understanding of spiritual matters is not as strong as it should be, but that is okay.

I will guide you and you will understand, in time, the purpose of your Mission. I need you to keep strong in your Work and your obedience to Me. This is a difficult task, and one which will be emotionally draining for you.

I Am sending you a spiritual director to help you cope with the enormity of the task that must be completed. Such is the task, that without this Work more souls will be lost to the evil one. My daughter, you have committed to this task before I sent for you to do this Work.

I Am guiding your spiritual director. He will know the Truth when you speak. By now you will have gleaned just some of the sins of mankind, in the last two days, in a way not possible for you up to now. Did you see the difference? Did you feel strange when you looked at My children? You saw them in a different light, did you not? That is the Power of the Holy Spirit, which I have blessed you with.

The love you felt in your heart for My children and the priest you saw at Mass today is also the Gift I give you with the Power of the Holy Spirit. You will see, feel and hear the sins of mankind now, to such an extent that you will feel the pain that I do. You will also see the Love I have for My children through your eyes, which mirror My Heart.

Do not be afraid of these Gifts, My child. Do not feel you cannot handle this task because the strength you will be given through My graces will make you so strong. You will never look back. Nor will you want to.

You feel weak now. This is the feeling of My Divine Power surging through your body. The heat is the Love I have for you. Do not cry, My child. So far you have been extraordinarily strong and so accepting, although, it is but a few days now since I first spoke with you. No, My child, you are not imagining this. You keep questioning yourself and those close to you.

Those who sell their souls to Satan
Now, write this. The world is heaving with the weight of darkness and the evil plotting of the evil one, who continues to entice and seduce My beloved children. They have been ensnared to such an extent that many of them squirm like animals, even in the face of mankind. How many poor souls, fed by lust, greed and vanity, appear to those with faith in such a poor sorry state? They, in their vanity, believe that they have real power. The power they have been promised by Satan. Many of these children have chosen to sell their souls and proudly boast of the fact.

More of My children are attracted to the glamour and riches of his promises for all the world to see. No, they are not ashamed to boast of the fact that they belong to him. The promises he has made, are not just lies, they have been given to them out of the pure hatred. Satan hates humanity.

He lies to My children and tells them he can give them anything, but sadly, it is a lie. Those who follow him and his empty promises will not and cannot be saved.

Pray, pray, pray for My children. My daughter, I know you are tired, but heed this. For the believers who are lukewarm and who are not aligned directly with the evil one in the extreme – they too have to be wary. They, including My followers and some of My sacred servants, bishops and cardinals, sneer at the faith of My children. Their spirituality has been lost behind the greed in certain quarters where gold and riches mask the Divine Gifts they were given as disciples of God.

The Church has lost its way and is plunging into darkness. This, My child, has been foretold and it is a sign of the end times. This is when the last pope will emerge and the world will be lost under the misguided direction of the false prophet.

Revelations as to how My Second Coming will be preceded will be given to you, My child, so that your words might be listened to, in order that souls will be prepared before The Great Warning. Do not fret. Life will continue. Glory will return to Earth. My children will be redeemed from the clutches of the evil one, who will be destroyed. It is important that he does not, through his deceit, take My children with him into the depths of Hell.

My Word has to be strong. My children must listen. It is out of Pure Love that I Am giving them this Warning, because I come as Judge and not Saviour. It is through the prayers of My beloved Mother and My followers throughout the world, that the time for Judgement has been delayed in the past. This time it will not be.

No one will know the date of the Second Coming
You will not be told of the date, nor will My children. It cannot be revealed. This is why it is important that all My children are prepared. For those who will not prepare, they cannot say that they have not been given the Truth. When The Warning happens they will realise the Truth. Yes, if they confess and admit their sins, they will receive My blessing. If they don’t, they will be cast into Hell. My Mercy will have expired by then.

Go now, My child. Prepare the Word for the world to hear. Tell My children, the believers, not to fear. Tell them to pray for the non-believers. Then tell the non-believers to turn back to Me. Do everything possible to urge them to open their hearts.

Your Saviour, Jesus Christ, Who comes to Judge the living and the dead

My Word is not rejected out of fear, but because of sin of pride

Monday, November 14, 2011 20:15

My dearly beloved daughter, why is that people complicate My Teachings? So many of My children misunderstand and underestimate My great Mercy. Despite the number of times I promise My children forgiveness for their sins they are still afraid that I cannot forgive all sin, no matter how grievous the sin.

Evil in the world is caused by the hatred that Satan has for mankind. Those poor, deluded sinners who slavishly follow the path of deceit are My beloved children. I love each of them and I will continue to love them despite their darkness of soul. My Love is everlasting and will never die when it comes to all souls. I Am ready to completely forgive and embrace all. I Am prepared to do everything to bring all sinners back into My fold no matter how they offend Me.

Satan will be stopped from stealing such souls, but it will only be when the shield of pride is discarded by sinners, that they can turn to Me and become part of My cherished family again. Do not misunderstand. I can only bring souls closer to Me. I cannot force them to love Me. I cannot force them to want to enter My Kingdom of Paradise. They will have to accept My Hand of Reconciliation first, through their own free will.

I Am, as I have told you, My daughter, time and time again, a God of Mercy first. My Justice will materialise, but only when every exhaustive measure has been taken to save every single soul on Earth.

My daughter, this Work was never going to be easy for you. Because I have given you this holy task of such magnitude, it will require tremendous strength on your part. You are made to be strong. You have been trained for this Work since you came from your mother’s womb. All your responses to My most holy instructions have been according to My divine plan for humanity. It is because you are in union with Me – Have you forgotten this? – that you will suffer the same rejection, that I had to endure during My time on Earth. This same rejection by those who boast of their intellectual knowledge of My Teachings, in order to reject these Messages of Mine, witnessed by you in the world today. Those souls, stuffed with pride and their self proclaimed knowledge of Holy Scripture, fail to understand this.

My Teachings are very simple. Add in all the fine language and prose you like, the Truth remains as it always has been. Love one another as I love you. It will be only when you show respect for each other and love one another that you can truly proclaim My Word.

So much confusion exists, My daughter. So much terror and fear instilled in My children about their future. If only souls would calm down and pray for Mercy, then their prayers would be answered. Disasters will and can be mitigated. Keep hope alive in your souls, children. Never get bogged down with judging each other and certainly never do this in My Name.

Who dares to judge another through ridicule, in the name of Christianity, will have to face Me. He who sins against My prophets will also have to answer to Me. My Word is not rejected out of love. My Word is not rejected out of fear. No, it is rejected because of the sin of pride.

Your Saviour
Jesus Christ

A number of events regarding the Churches, which honor Me in the world, will begin to surface

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 20:30

My dear mystical spouse, My dearly beloved daughter, your trials have given you a new strength and the passion needed to touch the hearts of many.

This is one of the ways in which I will touch the souls of those who need My Graces. I will do this through your work for Me, so that conversion can spread quickly.

Jesus Christ’s crown of thorns

During this time a number of events regarding the Churches, which honour Me, in the world will begin to surface.

The schism in My Catholic Church will soon be made public.

When this is done it will be to the sound of applause for those who have separated the Truth of My Teachings from the Commandments laid down by My Father.

The planning and co-ordination of this grand scheme has taken some time, but soon they will announce the schism before the world’s media.

Many, shouting at the top of their voices present lies, not only against the laws laid down by My Teachings. What they really want is to create a new god. The new figurehead of My Church will be promoted as like any high profile election of political leaders.

They will make you want to believe that the Words of old are deceitful. Then they will tell you not to believe in them. They will change the ways in which they have lived My Teachings and change the way they honour Me.

They will now push My Laws to one side and will worship laws of their own making.

They will change their solemn vows to justify their participation in the building of a new temple – the new temple dedicated to the rule of the false prophet

Then they will no longer be servants of Mine, for they will switch allegiance and honour the false prophet.

Then they will worship a false god, a brand new concept, which will allow for certain laws of God to be abolished and replaced with obscenities before My Eyes.

This is My warning to those priests amongst you who will pull away from the Catholic Church.

When you stop trusting in Me fully, your heads will be turned to believe in lies. When you trust deceitful rulers you will fall into terrible sin.  You will honour the beast, who will defile My Church by plunging the crown of thorns on the Head of My Church, My true Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict.

You will suffer terribly when you serve the beast, for you will be depriving God of His children. Turn back to your true roots. Do not allow My Church to be defiled by the sins planned by people who want to destroy Christianity and other religions, which honour My Father.

You, My sacred servants, who disobey your Holy Orders, cut off your hearts from Me, while these deceivers will steal your souls.

The biggest sin you are about to commit is to honour a false god. Dressed in jewels, he will be charming, subtle and with a seemingly good grasp of the Teachings of My Father’s Book. You will fall under his spell. He will twist My Teachings so they become heresy.

This religion, an alternative to the Truth of God, is worthless. Yet it will have an exterior of charm, love and wonder, and dressed with new gold and precious stones, it will feature as the new one-world religion on all altars.

To those faithful priests, I tell you this. I will bless you with the Graces to understand the Truth at all times.

Such idols, presented to you as the Truth, are but clay. They are made of wooden objects. They are nothing. They do not have any meaning. No Graces will be emitted. God, the One True God, will simply not be present in their churches. Only the Living God can be present in My Churches. When God the Father witnesses this final insult, He will exile those who bring alive these pagan practices. Then He will demand an explanation from those who cause the schism in His Holy Church on earth – these same servants who arrogantly dismiss the Word of God so casually.

When they face Me, during the Warning, they will know how they have hurt My Father. No person or sacred servant has control because there is only one Master. Only one God. They are introducing a man-made god. He does not exist, yet they will steal My flock from Me. They will be given every grace and shown much patience. If they do not repent, they will be destroyed.

Each of you will be repaid for every soul you have lost to Me.

Your Jesus

Never before will their faith be put to such a test

Thursday, November 14, 2013 12:00

My dearly beloved daughter, the Light of God shines down upon all of His children, who are in union with Me, Jesus Christ, at this time. All of those Christians in the world who live by My Word, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will experience a spiritual suffering like no other, because of their belief in Me. I refer to all Christians who live by the Truth, who behave as I have taught them and who follow My Teachings Word for Word.

All those, including those who have never heard of these, My Messages for the world, will soon understand what it is like to live in Me and with Me. Never before will their faith be put to such a test and sadly, many will be unable to withstand the pressures they will have to deal with, because of the hatred which will be shown to them. They will do all they can to remain true to the Holy Gospels, but by doing so they will attract terrible hatred and they will be called liars. It will not be long before all Christians, who will defiantly proclaim My Word, will be accused of being right-winged bullies, when the true culprits will be the ones who hurl the abuse at them.

I urge all of you to remain silent and to never respond to bullies who try to destroy your faith and love for Me. Those who will spit venom and scream at you need your prayers and forgiveness. By praying for such souls, you will destroy Satan’s influence and he will find it difficult to vent his anger at you.

Pray, pray, pray for all those who will be used as pawns in the bitter fight to dismantle My Church on Earth. Please recite this Crusade Prayer to withstand religious persecution.

Crusade Prayer (126) To withstand religious persecution:

Dear Jesus, help me to withstand any kind of persecution in Your Holy Name.

Help those who fall into error, in the belief that they bear witness to Your Work.

Open the eyes of all those who may be tempted to destroy others, through wicked acts, deeds or gestures.

Protect me against the enemies of God, who will rise up to try and silence Your Word and who try to banish You.

Help me to forgive those who betray You and give me the Grace to remain firm in my love for You.

Help me to live the Truth, which You taught us and to remain under Your Protection, forever. Amen.

Go, all of you who truly love Me and follow everything I taught you. Love one another as I have told you. Never show hatred for others. Instead, pray for those who persecute you. Show love when hatred is shown to you, because this will be your weapon against the power of evil.

Your Jesus



Prayers for today
