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I love you. I cry for your desolation and I promise that this persecution will be short-lived.

The Warning of Hell and the Promise of Paradise

Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:00

My beloved daughter, you have come through a terrible persecution, which I permitted to free your soul from the torments of Hell. You are now free and your spirit will enable you to spread My Word, so that mankind can be released from the suffering that awaits them, should they be so foolish as to succumb to the evil one.

You, My daughter, were sent right from the start. I Am making you stronger all the time, in but a few days. What do you think you will be like in a week, a year or two? A fighter, brave to the last, you will work with Me to clear the souls of My dearly beloved children, for whom I hold a deep and utterly loving Compassion. The Love courses through My Veins like a river. My Compassion never dwindles, despite the fact that they turn the other way.

I will save them from the Torments of Hell
Tell them, My daughter, that I will save them from the torments of Hell. I need them to turn to Me in their joyless, confused state. There is only one way to love and peace. That will be in My New Paradise, when Heaven and Earth will become one. Don’t they know this? Have they never heard of My promise of old? The promise of eternal life, where they – all mankind who turn to Me – will be lifted body, soul and mind into the New Earth and Heaven, when they combine, once again, in the Paradise for so long promised to My Father’s children.

Believe. I beseech you. Think. If you have never been exposed to Holy Scripture, then ask yourself this simple question. If you feel love in your hearts, where do you think this comes from? Is it love that makes you feel gentle, humble, yearning and free of all ego? If so, then, this is the love that I promise all My children who turn back to Me.

How worldly ambitions leave you empty
It is hard, I know, dear children, to believe in a different world to the one in which you live. Remember that this world was created by God the Eternal Father, then it was soiled by the works of the deceiver. He, Satan, is extremely cunning. You, My children, must surely know that the worldly ambitions, which you find insatiable, do not fulfil you? You feel an emptiness, which you cannot explain, or understand. Isn’t this so? And then you strive for more and more. But yet, you are still not satisfied when you feel you should be. Why is that? Have you looked into your hearts and asked why? Why? The answer is very simple.

God created mankind. Mankind was tempted by Satan. Satan exists in this beautiful world that My Eternal Father created out of Pure Love. Sadly, he, Satan, will exist until My Second Coming. He will, then, be exposed for the sheer lies and deception, which he has manifested in My children. By then it will be too late for many of My children, including those who are unsure or hesitant in believing in the Divine superior Creation of My Father’s Kingdom.

Do not reject Me
Listen! I, Jesus Christ, the Saviour, was sent to give you all a second chance to enter My Father’s Kingdom. Hear now My promise. Listen to My Voice, sent by Divine grace, through My visionaries and prophets in today’s world, and understand that all My children are equal in My Father’s Eyes.

Those who follow Him are blessed, but suffer torture for the souls who do not believe and who refuse to listen. God made the world. It did not appear from nowhere. Man did not, nor could not invent such a Miracle, which science will never be able to explain. The Divine Supernatural can never be truly understood, until all children of God surrender in mind, body and soul to the Pure Love that I offer.

Please, I beseech all of you, do not reject your Creator. Please do not listen to the deceit of the lies you have been told by the deceiver, through divisions of the freemasons, the Illuminati, the false prophets and the bizarre and totally evil cults that have evolved through the naivety of man.

Satan is real
Mankind is weak. Even the most holy of followers fall prey to the constant temptations of the evil one. The problem is that they, those who seek pleasure, do not believe he is real. Others do know he is real and that he does exist. They are the ones who cause Me the most heartbreak.

Wounds opening once again and festering
I Am suffering to such an extent that the Wounds inflicted upon Me at My terrible Crucifixion, to which I succumbed, are opening once again and festering, leaving Me in the utmost painful agony of Body, Soul and Divinity. Yet I will never give up loving all of you.

I call on you, from the Heavens and on behalf of My Eternal Father, Who created each and every one of you, out of Pure Love to stand firm. Reject Satan. Believe that he exists. Accept that he does. Open your eyes. Can’t you see the havoc he causes in your lives? Are you blind?

A Message to the rich
To the rich I say stop, think, and ask God for just one moment, is your role in living God’s Commandments pleasing to you? Does it feel right? Have you denied Me, at the expense of worldly excesses? These same excesses and pleasures will leave you empty of heart. You will know, in your own heart, that it does not feel right. Yet, you will still thirst for more of the empty and yet exciting promises that you are given by the deceiver in return for your soul.

A Message to those who follow the Illuminati
I implore all of you, especially My children who have been sucked into the Illuminati and other such evil entities. Once there, you are doomed to eternal damnation. Don’t you understand that what you have been promised, in return for your soul, is a lie, a deceitful and frightening lie. You will never receive the gifts promised by this sinister messenger from the depths of Hell. As your Saviour on the Cross, I gave up My Life to save you. Please do not let Me lose you now. I love you, My children. I weep as I implore you one last time not to reject Me in favour of the deceiver.

I will forgive all who confess
I cannot interfere with your free will because that is one of the Gifts given to you when you were born in the Light of God. I will be coming, as Scriptures foretold, very shortly – sooner than anyone can comprehend. The world will plunge into darkness and despair. Yet, I will forgive all, and every single one of My children who when their sins are revealed to them, no matter how offensive they are, instantly, at the moment of confession.

The Hell - Unknown painter, Museum Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon

They will enter body and soul into Paradise when Heaven and Earth will become one, where all of you will live for eternity with your family, forever and ever.

Promises that Paradise has to offer
No illness, bodily corruption, no sin – just love. That is the promise of My Paradise. No one will want for anything. Everyone will live in harmony, joy and love.

The reality of Hell
Do not reject this life for the life you have been promised by Satan! You are being lied to. If you follow this path where God, or I, Jesus Christ, your Saviour, is not a part, then you are on the path to eternal damnation. You will scream with terror when you realise the error. By then you will plead for Mercy, you will tear at your face, pull out your hair, but because you have free will, a Gift from My Father, it cannot be taken away from you. When you choose this false path, you will suffer damnation and burn in Hell forever. It is very real.

The greatest damnation, when you know you will never see the Face of God
The biggest damnation is finally realizing that there is a God. That I, your Saviour Jesus Christ, actually Exists and there will be no way, at that stage, to save yourselves. Your family may look at you from the other side. When that happens, and you realise the awful truth, it will be too late. Remember these Words.

The greatest damnation is when you know that you will never see the Face of God. That will be the greatest torment and one that will stay with you forever in the fires of Hell, where pain is constant and unrelenting. You will, instead of enjoying the paradise promised to you, through the lies of the deceiver, end up in the terrifying corridors of Hell. It is very real and represents suffering for eternity.

Please, all of you who do not believe I Am communicating with mankind, I ask that you pray to My Sacred Heart. Pray My Divine Mercy at 3 o’clock each day. I will respond to your request with Love, which you will feel instantly. Hold My Hand children. Don’t let go. I love you all so much that I gave up My Life for each and every one of you, so that you could be saved.

This time I come to Judge. Much as I love you, I cannot interfere with the Gift of free will, which was bestowed on you by My beloved Father. I hope that through My modern day visionaries and prophets that you will finally listen. The Truth is the way, remember, to eternal salvation and a new beginning when Paradise returns to Earth.

The lies of Satan
The lies, no matter how seductive, are just that. Lies, designed to steal the beloved souls, which cannot be released by My Father, the Creator and Maker of Earth.

Your Divine Saviour
Jesus Christ

Pray, relax and rejoice for this time is short now

Sunday, November 13, 2011 19:00

My dearly beloved daughter, sometimes My Messages confuse you. But this is okay. My ways and those Divine plans orchestrated by My Eternal Father are not easy to understand.

Keep your thoughts on Me. Focus only on prayer and especially those prayers which will help save hardened sinners from the fires of Hell.

Spend this period of time in quiet contemplation and simple prayer. This is all any of My children need to concentrate on. They must aim to bring their families and friends to Me in preparation for My arrival.

Pray, pray, pray My Divine Chaplet to secure salvation for those souls so infested by evil that their only salvation will be through your prayers.

Do not try to explain these times to your children, for they will not understand. For many it could cause unnecessary fear.

Again I say to all My precious children, I Am coming to save you. Remember this. Were I not to come at this time you would slip away from Me because of the powers of the force of evil so prevalent in your world.

I Am your salvation. Your escape from the horrors you are witnessing in your world caused by satanic influence every way you look. Children, you must trust in My Love for you. Don’t you know that I would not allow you all to continue to endure this wickedness?

For all of you, My children, I promise you this. You will enjoy the New Era of Paradise as My chosen children. But it will be up to every man, woman and child over the age of reason to decide whether they want to join together as one to enjoy this glorious existence.

Pray, relax and rejoice for this time is short now.

Sing in praise of My Eternal Father, for the glory He will bestow on all of those who accept My Hand of Mercy.

Your beloved Jesus
Saviour of mankind

The Crowning of Thorns during My Crucifixion is symbolic

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 17:00

My dearly beloved daughter, the crowning of thorns during My Crucifixion is symbolic for the end times.

Just as the Church is My Body on earth, so it too will be crowned with the thorns of scourging as it was during My journey to Calvary. The Crown of Thorns signifies the Head of My Holy Church on earth. Pope Benedict will suffer much as he will be persecuted for speaking the Truth.

He will be crushed, as Head of My Church, and no mercy will be shown to him. The opposition will mount quickly as he will be declared no longer relevant.

Those who will claim to be more modern in their approach to apostolic ways will swipe at him and ridicule his words. Then the Head of My Church will be replaced by the Head of the Serpent.

The scourging I endured during My Crucifixion will now be reenacted in My Catholic Church. The serpent moves quickly now, as he will try to devour My Body – My Church on earth. Then all Christian Churches will be swallowed up and forced to honour the false prophet as the right hand of the beast.

While many of you may be fearful remember your prayers are delaying these things, and in many instances are mitigating such circumstances.

Prayers, and enough of them, will delay and weaken the work of the evil one on earth.

It is the antidote to the persecution planned by the evil group who are ruled by Satan. With conversion and your prayers, My disciples, much can be overthrown. Prayer can destroy this wickedness. Prayer can and will convert mankind. Then if enough souls follow Me, all will be easy. Then the transition into My New Paradise will be easier.

Your Jesus

I was deemed to be a wicked man and a false prophet and so they scourged Me

Thursday, November 13, 2014 11:10

My dearly beloved daughter, I reveal to you today one of the greatest mysteries of the end times.

The sequence of events leading up to the last day is akin to My Crucifixion, which will be re-enacted in every stage, right up to the day when I will come again to salvage the world.

When I was in the Garden of Gethsemane, I was isolated, alone and grief-stricken, because very few believed that I spoke the Truth. My Love for My Father sustained Me, but My Love for humanity meant that the torment which I endured, including mental and physical torture at the hands of Satan, was accepted by Me, albeit with tremendous effort.,

How I suffered in that Garden. How I begged My Father for relief. How heartbroken I was when the evil one showed Me how the world would end. He taunted Me, laughed at Me, spat at Me and scoffed, when he showed Me the souls of My enemies, who would, one day, tell the world that they served My Church.  This was like being shown My beloved apostles, denounce Me and then pledge their allegiance to Satan. He showed Me the souls of the faithful, whose voices would be deemed to be that of radical bigots and who would be accused of terrible crimes. I saw those who said that they represented Me, persecute the prophets and the visionaries, as well as those who would seek their destruction. I had to endure great darkness when I saw the world, which I once inhabited, become not only blind as to Who I Am, but who would never have been told about Me.

I was thrown to the ground, My Face pressed into the soil, kicked, whipped and My clothes torn off by Satan. He tormented Me, beyond My human capacity and under extreme endurance of the physical body. Despite this, I was given the strength to continue to face My inevitable Crucifixion, which terrified Me. My Love for man, however, superseded My human fear.

My sacred servants, who will refuse to denounce Me, will also suffer a similar isolation. They will be disgraced and cast aside. Their isolation, will not be condemned by My Church, because of fear within it.

When I was scourged, those who carried out the most cruel and vile acts upon My Body rejoiced. I was deemed to be a wicked man and a false prophet and so they scourged Me. They boasted of their holiness, their righteousness and their knowledge of Holy Scriptures, while they vilified My Body. They failed to accept the prophecy that their Messiah would come to save them. Those who will proclaim My Second Coming will endure the same treatment.

When they stripped Me naked, they wanted to humiliate Me further and so they dressed Me in a red rag that barely covered Me, to further desecrate My Body. But, when they plunged thorns, like needles, into My Head, they declared that the Son of Man was an imposter and therefore not worthy of acceptance. They tore My Eye out of its socket, but the pain was inconsequential, compared with their declaration, that I was not accepted as the Saviour of God’s children.

All of these things are to be re-enacted soon, when I, Jesus Christ, as Head of My Church, will be discarded and My Crown taken away from Me. A false leader, the antichrist, will be substituted as My Head, and unlike the Sacrificial Lamb, he will wear a glittering crown of gold. Beneath this façade will lie a rotten core, and along with the lies, falsities, blasphemies and heresies that will pour from his mouth, he will deliver everything as if it were like the honey, which pours from the honeybee’s hive. Be under no illusion, the beast will have a beautiful appearance, his voice soothing, his demeanour grand. He will be handsome and appealing, but out of his mouth will pour venom that will poison your soul.

When I carried My Cross, I could not do this on My Own. It was so heavy that I could only take one step at a time and walk very slowly. My Body was torn in many places and because of the Blood loss I fainted many times, so weak was I. I was blinded in one eye and the thorns on My Head meant that the Blood, which poured from My Wounds, had to be continually wiped away by those who walked alongside Me. Otherwise, I would never have been able to take another step forward.

The same will be true of My Remnant Church, the last stable of My Body. They will march, just like I did, with a heavy cross, but despite the pain, the abuse, the suffering and the bloodshed, they will endure until the end. For My Precious Blood will flow over their souls in tandem with My Own Sorrow – My Own Crucifixion.  And, on the day, when they will no longer hold the daily Sacrifices of the Mass, My Presence will become extinct.  When the day arrives for My Body – My Church on earth – to be finally plundered, crucified and desecrated, all will change forever.

It is My Body, My Church, while still alive in the world, which sustains life. But when it is destroyed, life, as you know it, will be over. When My Church is betrayed, sacrificed and discarded, just like My Crucifixion, this will mark the end of time.


Your Jesus

The only objective of private revelation is to save souls

Thursday, November 13, 2014 23:20

My dearly beloved daughter, God, through private revelations, gave His children a better understanding of what is contained in Sacred Scripture. If God decides to give His children extra Gifts, then that is His prerogative. Were it not for such Gifts as the Holy Rosary, then souls would have been lost to Him.

You, My beloved followers, must understand that the only objective of private revelation is to save souls through conversion. Prayers are always part of private revelation and you will know then that they come from Heaven.

You do not have to listen to Me now for everything that God wanted you to know is contained in the most Holy Gospels. Sadly, very few of My followers have grasped the lessons contained therein. The Truth is contained in both the Old and the New Testaments. It has always been God’s desire to intervene in the world by revealing the Truth to chosen souls, as a means to create a better understanding as to what is needed to save your soul.  It is also a means by which He warns His children when they are being led astray by His enemies.

My Father’s Book contains the Truth and it may never be added to, or corrected. Nor can it be amended in any way. It is My Duty, now, to declare the contents of the Book of Revelation to help you to understand that every prophecy contained within it, will happen, for the Word has been laid down.

The contents of this Book, makes for difficult reading because it foretells the final betrayal of Me, Jesus Christ, by those who claim to govern My Church. Let the Truth be heard, for it is written and, what is written by God, is sacrosanct.


Your Jesus



Prayers for today
