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I love you. Remember there is nothing to fear, if you love Me.

Global group who destroyed your banking system will fall apart

Friday, November 4, 2011 19:00

My dearest daughter, from Me comes True Life, the only life that man will ever need from here to eternity.

Children, you must know that this terrible turmoil you are seeing all around you will not last long.

God, My Eternal Father, will not allow His precious children to suffer much more. You, My children, are the victims of the work of the deceiver. He who controls the global group is weakening. His powers are being scuppered through the Power of My Father. This group, who deliberately destroyed your banking systems to make beggars out of you, will fall apart. You must not worry because the Hand of My Father will fall on their wicked ways.

Pray that all those deluded souls who slavishly abide by the wickedness, which is at the very heart of this group, will convert during The Warning.

You must never give up hope, children. It will be through your love of God the Most High, that you will return to the fold of your family. The Blessed Trinity is your home, children. Those of you who accept this fact, brought about through conversion, will inherit the glorious Era of Paradise on Earth.

Trust in Me always. Offer your worries, troubles and fears to Me. Allow Me to ease your pain and suffering. It will not be too long now when the world will find relief from the painful birth pangs you endure in these times.

Never lose hope. Trust in Me. Pray for My graces to make you stronger. Lay your head on My Shoulders and allow My peace to envelop your souls. Only then will you understand the Truth of My glorious promise of eternal life.

Your Jesus
Saviour of Mankind

The road to My eternal kingdom is riddled with sharp stones and boulders

Sunday, November 4, 2012 17:45

My dearly beloved daughter, let no man ever think that he can remain strong in his faith, without having to fight for the right.

There are many obstacles, which block your faith in God, and only those who persevere in prayer can keep the flame of their love for God alight in their souls.

The road to My eternal kingdom is riddled with sharp stones and boulders. It is akin to walking barefoot, for miles, where you experience every cut, every sharp pain, and where you will trip up for every step you take. This is why many, well-intentional souls, fall by the roadside, because the journey is so arduous.

When you follow Me your journey will always be painful. It will never be easy until you say: “Jesus take my pain, heal me and take my cross”.

Only then will you find it easier to follow My journey to My glorious kingdom.

The Crucifixion will be experienced, every single stage now, by all who love God – right up to the last day.

In the lead up to My Second Coming, Christians and all those who love My Father, God the Most High, will have to endure the suffering of My Passion.

It will start with the accusations that God does not exist

I was denounced, as the Son of God. This time, God the Most High will be rejected.

All those believers will be scourged and persecuted, as the pagan laws, of times gone by, will be introduced. Yet, many people, who do not know the ways of the Lord, will not heed such wickedness, so caught up will they be in their pursuit of personal pleasures.

Then there will be the punishments meted out to those who dare to show allegiance to the one True God in public. They will not be tolerated and will have to hide in order to honour My Father.

The daily Sacrifices, the Masses, will eventually cease, as foretold, because the false prophet will declare that a new form of Mass be held, and the old format will no longer be relevant, he will say.

My Presence in the Holy Eucharist will be banished and the Food of Life will no longer feed God’s children. And then will come down the Hand of God on the heathen who dare to say they speak in God’s Name. Their allegiance to the beast will influence many and they will lead those who are misled into the prison of darkness.

The divisions will increase, until finally they, all God’s children, will have to make the choice. They will either follow the false illusion, presented by the false prophet, who will say that he speaks in the Name of God, or they will follow the Truth.

Never believe that you will be strong enough to withstand this pressure from those false priests who will represent the beast. Their influence will be great. Without My help, you will be tempted to turn your back on My Teachings.

Wake up before these times come about. Call to Me every day for My help.

Your Jesus

The Anger of My Father will increase the more His ungrateful children rise in defiance of His Almighty Covenant

Monday, November 4, 2013 16:00

My dearly beloved daughter, God’s children need to understand the enormity of the great battle, which is taking place between My beloved Father and the evil one. So few of you could ever understand the intensity of this great battle, which has already commenced.

The angels in Heaven have begun the final battle to destroy My Father’s enemies on Earth. As the battle rages, it will engulf souls, everywhere. In particular, it will entice the souls of those who are in darkness and who do not truly know Me, to fight against those whose names are in the Book of the Living. Those who do not know Me, who do not believe in Me, who do not believe in My Father and who do not believe that Satan exists, will watch on the sidelines as the two Christian armies clash on Earth. These two sides will be contained within the Christian Churches. Christians on both sides will suffer the greatest persecution and they will be pulled in every direction to encourage them to desert Me.

Innocent souls will be hurt by the hatred shown to them by God’s enemies and Satan will use both sides as pawns in a hate-filled agenda, which will result in a terrible desolation on Earth. The desolation will be caused by the sins of man and their betrayal of Me. Their rejection of God, My Father, will be evident when they decide to change the Laws laid down by His Command, so that they can make them acceptable in their sinful lives. Know that this will result in a terrible punishment.

The Anger of My Father will increase, the more His ungrateful children rise in defiance of His Almighty Covenant. Those who prepare for My Second Coming will be barricaded into a prison of sorts, when they will be forced to swallow lies. Should they refuse to accept the heresies, which will be forced down their throats, they will be cast out of their churches. My Word will soon be forgotten. Everything, which I warned you about, will occur exactly as I have told you. Those who are blind to the Truth would rather live a lie, because it will be easier to accept lies, as they will be very appealing in the way in which they will be presented to them.

Heresy will be presented to the masses as part of a new constitution in My Church, which has nothing to do with Me. All will clamour to accept this, for they did not remain alert to the times, which they were warned about, concerning the lead up to the Great Day. Now you must prepare for this Day. You must walk away when My Divinity is challenged, as it will be in many ways, within My Church on Earth. Engage with My enemies and you will not win. Ignore them. Pray for their souls and prepare your own, for soon it will all be over. 

Your Jesus

Once confusion enters the Church it creates discord. Know that this does not come from God.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014 16:33

My dearly beloved daughter, the Book of Revelation has opened and each layer is being revealed to the world. Every church on earth, which honours God, struggles within to retain its faith in God.  Each church has been attacked and has been brought to shame by those who commit terrible sins, from within, and who then condone their actions, by declaring them to be the Will of God.  Not one church, which advocates the Will of God, has been left untouched where wickedness has gained a grip, and where the Truth will be substituted with every excuse to deny God in all His Glory.

Once confusion enters the Church it creates discord. Know that this does not come from God. Once different interpretations of the Truth are introduced, the path that leads to My Heavenly Father is strewn with weeds that multiply rapidly. When this happens, there results a muddy road, which is unsurpassable.  The path towards My Heavenly Kingdom has been made known to man.  It is a simple path and is clear of any impediment, once you walk along it with confidence in your heart. My enemies will always try to block your way, and if you listen to their taunts, engage with their lies and allow doubts to cloud your judgment, then you will find this journey to be a tortuous one.

The Word of God remains now as it always was, and the Ten Commandments are clear – they will never change. The way to God is to hold firm to what He taught. God does not compromise, nor does He condone any attempt by man to change the Truth. If you believe in God, you will follow His Commandments, accept the Word as it is contained in the Holy Bible and stay on the one true path to His Kingdom. Blessed is the man who is righteous for he will, through his subservience to God, receive the Keys to Paradise.

Any one who tries to cajole you into accepting anything but the Truth is not to be trusted. Trust only in God and never be tempted to deviate from His Word, for if you do succumb to this pressure, you will become lost to Me.


Your beloved Jesus




Prayers for today
