Monday, October 31, 2011 3:30
My dearly beloved daughter, My Holy Word, which is being given to a world, oblivious of My Existence, will ignite souls soon after The Warning takes place.
At last mankind will hear My Word to enable Me to guide them to My New Era of Peace on Earth. I call on all My children everywhere to drop down your gauntlet and hear your Saviour speak.
While I will never reveal to you the date of My coming back to Earth I can tell you that I will return in Spirit now. I come now to save you once again during The Warning so that man will convert. Please allow Me to guide you and allow My Most Sacred Mission to be spread around the world to bring My children comfort. Do not block Me out. Do not reject My Hand of Mercy. Do not allow your pride to stand in the way.
Wake up and accept that I now speak with you, so I can bring you into the Bosom of My great Mercy. At last your soul will alight with the Fires of My divine graces, which will be poured out all over you.
All doubts will be gone. Satan’s power will dilute rapidly although he will not relinquish his grip until the very end.
While you ponder My pleas, you must ask yourself this. If you believe in Me, why do you reject Me now? Why do you show anger and hatred to those who come in My Name? Why do you exalt yourselves in My Church, at the expense of My children. Remember that you are all equal in My Eyes.
Come to Me now with humble hearts. Because until you do this, you cannot benefit from My Mercy, or receive the graces I long to provide you with.
My Voice is calling out now to all non-believers to accept the Existence of My Eternal Father.
After The Warning, allow Me to help you on the path to eternal life. My Heart aches when I witness lost souls. But know this. It is the disbelief of those who profess to know Me, which wounds Me the most.
Your loving Saviour, Jesus
Thursday, October 31, 2013 23:30
My dearly beloved daughter, so many will not listen to My Voice, because they do not know Who I Am. Many claim to know Me, but it is only by their flawed human interpretation that they are convinced that they understand Who I Am and what I did to save them from the abyss, which faces all God’s children, who will not ask Me to forgive them.
Free will is a Gift from My Father. Free will can, however, interfere with man’s quest to seek the Love of God. Yet, My Father gave His children this Gift. This is how generous He is. This is how much He loves His children. This is the Gift that gave them the freedom to roam the Earth, relish its fruits, and embrace its beauty. But man, tempted by Satan, abused the trust of My Father. He then became enslaved by Satan and forged a pact with him, where sin will continue to separate all of God’s children from Him.
The Gift of My death on the Cross meant that I would break this unnatural bond between man and Satan. So I enabled man to seek salvation through the forgiveness of sin, by My death on the Cross. This means that man has the capacity to escape the grip of Satan, but only those who follow Me, in full humble servitude, can truly gain salvation. Unless you are capable of declaring to Me, Jesus Christ, openly, your weaknesses, your sins and your hatred of one another, through reconciliation, you will not remain pure. Without purity of soul, you are not capable of becoming humble in My Eyes. When you lack humility, pride will flood your soul and you will sin against Me. When you sin against Me, you do this in a number of ways.
You will feed your lusts, greed and pride first. Then you will behave as if you are all knowledgeable, smarter and better than others. Then you will judge others. Then you move to the next stage. You will mock those who are in true union with Me, by declaring them to be imperfect. After that you will create slander against all those who remain True to Me. Yet, you will convince yourself that you are filled with the Holy Spirit. But, it will not be the Holy Spirit, which inspires you. Instead, it will be the spirit of evil, which will invade your soul, and you will believe that you are being guided by Heaven.
When you say you represent Me and that you are better placed than others to be part of My Kingdom and then lie about Me, you need the prayers of others. By that stage, you are halfway into the depths of Hell and without My Intervention you will be lost.
Take My Message. Press it close to your heart and ask: “Jesus is this You? Am I truly in need of Your Help?” and I will give you the answer.
Your Jesus
Friday, October 31, 2014 18:25
My dearly beloved daughter, My Will is cast in stone and all those who truly love Me, will become entwined within the Divine Will of the Lord. Deny My Will and you cannot become Mine. Rise against Me and I will not allow you to enter My Kingdom, for only those who come to Me, in final surrender of their own free will can truly say that they are of Me. If you are not of Me, how can I win over your ungrateful hearts? Those of you who curse Me; pour scorn on those who uphold My Word; or try to interfere with the Holy Will of God will be thrown into the abyss, when every effort to save you has been exhausted.
When I was born, many of My enemies whose souls were infested by evil spirits, made the life of My Mother very difficult. Those who persecuted her during My Time on earth were unaware, in many cases, as to why they felt such hatred towards her. But suffer she did, in My Name. Those who opposed My First Coming, refused to accept the Will of God, which was to give them freedom from the shackles, which were locked around their ankles and placed there by demons.
I spent much of My Mission on earth casting out evil spirits in the souls of the afflicted, while also enlightening those who were ignorant of the Will of God. Now as I prepare to come again, My Mission will be even more trying this time around. To all of you with hardened hearts, who refuse to listen to Me, I say this. Unless you are truly devoted to me, through a life of prayer and devotion, you will not complete this journey to Eternal Life on your faith alone. You are not blessed with enough insight, or knowledge of My Word, to dismiss My Warning at this time. Why do you pour scorn on Me now? What do you believe will make you worthy to stand before Me, when you ask Me for eternal life? I say to you that your obstinance blinds you to the truth of Divine Revelation, which you are witnessing through these, My Holy Messages for the world.
Ungrateful souls, you are lacking in the knowledge, which was painstakingly given to you in the most Holy Bible. For every lesson you were taught, you have learnt nothing. Your pride and your quest for self-gratification, frustrates Me. Your eyes cannot see and you will, as a result, be unprepared for Me. For every slur you cast upon those who speak the Truth, and who uphold My Holy Word – despite opposition from you -you will have to face Me. I will ask you then to justify your words, your deeds and your actions against Me. You can never say that you are for Me when you fight Me, through My Word, given to you out of the Mercy of God, Who will never tire in His Quest to save your souls.
When you are given the Gift of private revelation you have the right to discern. But, you do not have authority to judge others or harm them, even if they do not come from Me. I, Jesus Christ, have made it known that man does not have the right to judge any soul. If you defy Me, and even if you feel grievance towards false prophets, I will judge you and punish you, just as you punished those you hated. You cannot hate another person in My Name. If you hate another person then you do this in the name of Satan. I will wash away your iniquity only when you come and beg Me to redeem you from such a sin. But many of you will never do this for you have placed yourselves above Me, and for this you will suffer.
Let not one man amongst you declare another soul to be of the evil one for he, Satan, delights in those who are guilty, of making this error. Not one of you is so clean of sin that you can make such a judgment.
He who is of Me and who really knows Me, would never scourge another soul in My Name.
Your Jesus