Tuesday, October 30, 2012 19:10
My dearly beloved daughter, you must know, by now, that the suffering you endure, in My Name, will continue until the very last day of this Mission.
This is difficult for you to hear, but know this. This Mission is the most difficult of all the Missions, which came before you. You will be cast into the wilderness and you will feel isolated and lonely. Your voice will be ignored, but My Holy Word will touch the hearts of millions.
My Holy Will, will be heeded by you at all times, although you often feel that you will not be strong enough.
Your weakness is your strength, because of your trust in Me. Because of this I will never desert you or leave you without the help of others. Yet, you will walk alone in this Mission. Your only companion will be Me. I conjoin our suffering as one.
You, My daughter, will always need My Graces of endurance. To endure this Mission, and proclaim My Holy Word to an ungrateful world, will not be easy. It will require a great sense of determination and courage.
This applies to all of My disciples, including those who love Me, but who do not accept these Messages.
The obstacles you will face, at this part of the Mission will increase for all of you, My devoted army.
You must accept, with dignity, that when you follow Me, that you will suffer. Very few souls can handle the suffering, which affects everyone who aligns themselves with My Teachings.
At this time in the world, the mere mention of a belief in Me, your Jesus, creates embarrassment.
Not only does it cause you discomfort, when your allegiance to Me is declared in public; you will suffer because of Me.
Remember, to suffer is a special grace. It is very difficult to endure and many souls turn away from Me because of it. But you must remember this. When you suffer in My Name, I will hold you and pour over you My Graces. Despite your sufferings, this will bring you a peace of the soul.
Please, My daughter, never give up. Never feel abandoned for I am even closer when you feel alone. I am even closer to you during these times of torment. You must keep asking, for all the help you can, get by requesting My beloved Mother and all the saints to come to your aid.
Very soon you will accept that the increase in suffering is a direct result of the opposition to this Mission by the evil one. He is extremely frightened because his battle is at an end. He hates you because of the souls, which are being saved through this Mission of salvation.
Your Jesus
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 18:00
My dearly beloved daughter, when My Holy Spirit descends upon a person, a number of things happen. The first is a feeling of bewilderment and disbelief. The second is the sense of being overwhelmed by something so powerful that it renders the person completely dependent upon the Holy Will of God. Gone will be the belief in one’s own superior human intellect, for intellect has no longer any meaningful role to play. Instead, the soul will be infused with knowledge, an insight and an understanding that is beyond their own frail human interpretation.
Once the Holy Spirit engulfs a soul, it will rise, draw immediately towards the Will of My Father and respond in total abandonment. Once the initial fear has subsided, a deep peace will be felt and the person’s fear of being seen to proclaim the Word of God will disappear. They will not care what people’s views are for out of their mouths will pour the Truth. The soul’s personality, whether they are outgoing, timid or shy, will take a back seat and will become secondary to the way in which they proclaim the Word of God.
All souls, who receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit – without any exception – will surrender their own free will to the Will of My Father. For souls who have truly been blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, their role will be to spread the Word of God and for this, they will suffer. The Sheath of God’s Love, however, covers such souls as they march forth, without fear and with courage to proclaim the Truth. Those who proclaim the Truth of My Teachings, in these times of paganism and when My Church will fall away from the True Faith, will be given extra strength to ensure that My Voice is heard. That strength will come from God, My beloved Father. It will be by the Power of the Strength of God that many of Satan’s army will convert, while the remainder will be destroyed.
The Holy Spirit, like swords of burning flames, will cut through the hearts of all those who listen and who accept the Truth.
Your Jesus
Thursday, October 30, 2014 17:30
My dear children, when you serve my Son in this life, it is fraught with difficulties. It is a simple task to follow Him in one way but, when you carry the Gift of the Holy Spirit within your soul, it will bring down, upon you, the wrath of the evil one and every enemy of my Son. This makes your journey along the Path of Truth extremely hard. At every turn, you will be opposed even if you remain silent in your adoration of my Son.
Many who truly love my Son cannot understand when they are bullied by others, for no obvious reason. Or, when they are falsely accused of wrong- doing. This is because the Holy Spirit is the real Presence of God and, therefore, this will never go unnoticed by the evil one, who will stop at nothing to cause you grief and distress. He, the evil one, will taunt you relentlessly and will do this either directly, or through the souls of those he manages to infest.
All of this pain, which you will not understand, is because of your devotion to Jesus Christ. Just as He endured ridicule, scorn and hatred so, too, will all those who serve Him. When you suffer in His Name on this earth you will, eventually, find lasting peace, love and joy in His Kingdom. Accept the Cross with dignity. Do not complain. Do not engage with those who show hatred towards you, lest your own hearts become filled with the same venom.
Hatred breeds hatred if you respond to it. Love, which comes from God, breeds love. Show love to your enemies; pray for them; pity them. When you do, Satan is powerless against you.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation