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I will be waiting to greet you. I will always love you, because it was for you that I gave up My Body, when I allowed them to crucify Me. If I love you so much, then nothing should stand in your way to call on Me today.

Greatest attack on My Church since My death on the Cross

Friday, October 28, 2011 22:40

My dearly beloved daughter, the loyalty of My Church to Me, their beloved Saviour, is going to be tested shortly, beyond its endurance. My Church has been asleep and in its slumber has not prepared itself for the arrival of the antichrist. Already he and his minions have crawled into every crevice of My Father’s Churches the world over.

The Catholic Church is the antichrist’s number one target and he will not stop until he turns the heads of at least half of My Church on this Earth. So unprepared are My cardinals, bishops and priests that they fail to notice the subtle changes taking place within their own ranks. It won’t be long before the divide within My Church becomes truly evident.

This is the greatest attack on My Church since My death on the Cross. My poor, beloved servants, many of them are innocent pawns at the mercy of a dark power, which is careful not to reveal itself.

I ask all My servants to pray hard in order to withstand the abomination, which is on the way. They must pray to Me as follows:

“O My beloved Jesus, I invoke Your protection and ask for Your Mercy to save my brothers and sisters, within Your Church, from falling victim to the antichrist. Give me the graces and protect me with Your armour of strength to stand up to the evil acts, which may be perpetrated in Your Holy Name. I beg for Your Mercy and pledge my allegiance to Your Holy Name at all times.”

Stand up, My sacred servants, to this evil and the beast from whose mouth these obscenities and lies will spring.

Watch out for changes in the way My Body and Blood will be consecrated. If the words change, which deny the Existence of My Body in the Holy Eucharist, then you must defend My divine promise. He who eats My Body and drinks My Blood will have eternal life.

Be brave, My sacred servants. Pray for the strength you will need as your faith and obedience will be tested beyond endurance.

I love you and protect you at all times. Only those of you meek of heart and humble of soul will benefit from My holy protection.

Pray for all My sacred servants everywhere, so that they will not reject the Light of Truth in favour of the spirit of darkness, which is about to emerge within My Church.

Your Saviour and Protector
Jesus Christ

God the Father: It is to save the innocent souls, infected by liars, that I punish the wicked

Sunday, October 28, 2012 18:00

My dearest daughter, Divine Knowledge is grasped by only a few of My children and, even then, there is only so much I permit them to know.

Understanding My Holy Word is difficult for many and, yet, it is very simple.

I love My children, but they were snatched from Me when Adam and Eve forfeited their right to My Divine Kingdom. Tempted by a jealous serpent – he who was given every honour and favour – My children turned their back on a Glorious Kingdom on earth.

They turned their backs on eternal life and because of this all their children, generation after generation, suffered.

My Son was then sent to save My children from eternal Hell by freeing them from Sin. Now He will come to instil on earth the original Paradise, which was meant to be.

My daughter, there are now preparations being made for the battle for souls to commence.

Tell My children that I am bestowing special graces upon them.

These graces will give them extra power when they pray to mitigate chastisements. Through the prayers and requests of My children, they can, not only save the souls of the heathen who offend Me, but they can halt My Hand, which will fall to stop those who speak on behalf of the beast.

I punish My children with a wretched heart. I do this, not just to punish those who cause terrible evil, but, to stop them from stealing souls through their lies.

It is to save the innocent souls, infected by liars, that I punish the wicked.

My children must be strong for the sake of all.

Prayer will be the weapon, which will slay the beast. It will not be through war, through the power of those elected in high places or those who lead My churches on earth, that the infestation will stop. It will be through the faith of those who are loyal to Me, God the Most High, and those who accept My Son Jesus Christ, as Saviour, that the world will be saved.

You, My faithful children, will be the key to the salvation of all of My children. Your prayers will be heard. Your requests to save sinners will be answered.

I love you. I thank you for the love you show My Son and I bless you.

Your loving Father

God the Most High

God the Father: Without Me you could not exist

Tuesday, October 28, 2014 20:20

My dearest daughter, My children must know that there is only one God. Only one. Any other exists only in the minds of man. Any other god is an abomination in My Eyes and the man who succumbs to worshipping false gods, serves only the devil, who delights in man’s fall from Grace.

I Am the Beginning and the End. Nothing can prevail against Me. Even the demons and fallen angels, which I cast into the abyss, will never stand before Me and challenge Me, for they are without such power.

So many religions have been founded by fallible man, and this has caused much confusion. From the beginning I spoke with One Voice and, until the end, there can only be One Voice. The world is Mine for I created it. I created every living thing. I also created My Heavenly Hierarchy from which I threw out those angels who defied and betrayed Me. Many of these fallen angels communicate with My children who have created a new age form of spiritualism. I warn those of you who adore false gods, through the pursuit of such practices.  Such spiritualism will expose your souls to evil spirits whose only desire is to destroy your souls.

These false angels are demons, disguised as living spirits of the light, and they will seduce you into believing falsities. Every lie about My Heavenly Hierarchy will be fed to you so that you will place all your needs before Satan and evil spirits. All they do is savage your souls like wild beasts and then leave you empty and bereft of any love. At first, when you give yourself over to such idolatry, you will be given a false sense of peace. Demons can give such powers but they are short-lived. For once they gain access to your souls, they will torment you and goad you into demonic acts.

I Am all that was in the Beginning and I Am the End. All begins and ends with Me. When you place false gods before Me, and do this because of your selfish desire to seek pleasure, power and control of your destiny, you are guilty of breaking My First Commandment.

Without Me you could not exist. Without Me you have no future. Without My Son you cannot come to Me. Reject My only beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the True Messiah, and you reject Me.

The Truth was first given to the world when paganism was rife. The Truth was given to the world with the birth of My Son and generations were converted. The Truth is being given again to the world now, as the great apostasy strangles the souls of those who believe in My Son, and at a time when paganism is rife again. Just as it was in the beginning when I was rejected by ungrateful men so, too, will it be in the end, when men’s hearts will turn to stone and their souls, will be given away freely to the devil.  Then, the world as you know it, will be no more as the New Heaven and the New Earth merge as one. Finally, peace will reign again and I will unite those who choose to come with Me.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High





Prayers for today
