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Remember I may condemn the sin but I love every sinner no matter what they have done.Never be afraid to come to Me, to talk to Me, for I love you too much to reject you when you show true remorse.

False prophets trying to detract from My Holy Word

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 15:30

My dearly beloved daughter, please tell My children to be alert to false visionaries who speak in My Name, but who promote words that do not come from My Lips.

Many of these self-proclaimed visionaries, who appear on the outside as Catholics and with all the mannerisms associated with this and other Christian doctrines, are in fact new age followers.

New age followers will now infiltrate the world to convince My children that they have been sent to promote My Holy Word. Their words will seem on the face of it to be true. The language they use will be sophisticated, loving, well thought out, but will mask a lie.

This is the era for the false prophets to emerge and many of My children will find it difficult to discern Truth from fiction.

You, My daughter, are now being targeted by these visionaries who have set out to detract from My Holy Word. Do not allow this to happen or My children will be sucked into a darkness they will find hard to disentangle from.

Remember this. These false prophets are also My beloved children, so please pray for them. Sadly, they have been misguided into believing in an imaginary hierarchy and a universe, which does not exist.

Be wary of those who refer to ascended masters or who talk about a new era of light where God the Father is simply viewed as just another facet. These souls do not take direction from Me. They are espousing beliefs instilled by the deceiver. In many cases these deluded souls believe they are receiving Divine messages. This is how Satan works. His soft, soothing words will yield a stark, cold, but convincing litany of words. They do not come from God the Most High.

As I have told you before, I speak to the world in a simple way. I have no use for colourful language in the guise of a cold, superior voice. I try not to instil fear in your hearts. I simply try to lead you to the Truth and the importance of loving your neighbour.

How difficult it is for you, children, in these confusing times.

Pray, pray that you do not become victims of a series of falsehoods, which will be spread by false prophets. If their messages seem contrived, are difficult to understand and strike fear in your hearts, they are not from Me.

Children, stay focused only on Me. I have much to tell you. Do not allow yourselves to be distracted for one minute as it will prevent you from saving those souls so badly in need of your prayers.

Your Jesus

Await now our glorious reunion

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 22:00

The Passion of the Christ

My beloved daughter you must not fret over the constant attacks being made on My messages from false visionaries.

You must know by now that when I speak to chosen messengers that they will always be a target of hatred. When you are attacked remember I too am also challenged. My Holy Word is taken apart, analysed, questioned, criticised and declared not worthy to come from My lips.

Oh how little My children know. Fear and suspicion blinds them to the truth. You will be surprised also  at how My word is dismissed so easily in favour of false messages.

As The Warning is almost upon the world the truth will finally at last be made known to all of My followers. It will be at that stage they will embrace My word in order to sanctify their poor souls. How I will welcome them and draw them close to Me as their tears will mingle with mine in love and unity.  Before the Warning they will continue to doubt but they will not deny Me after they come before Me. For once they come before Me and see the love that I have for them they will not want to leave Me for one moment so deep will our union be.

Await now our glorious reunion.

Your Jesus

They will question and analyse My Word for fear of making a terrible error

Friday, October 26, 2012 11:06

My dearly beloved daughter, so much work needs to be done by My followers to purge the earth of the infestation, which spreads, like a blanket, over many people who do not believe in God.

So many wander the world without any sense of direction. They are empty of spiritual feelings and are ignorant of the Love of God. They are the souls I yearn for, and for whom, I wish to embrace with the Truth.

You, My followers, must go to them and tell them that I, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, The Messiah, will come soon. They must know that they will not be cast away, for it is because of you, of this generation, that I come at this time.

Many others, who are spiritually aware of the existence of God, will be curious, but hesitant, in accepting My Messages.

Jesus and Saducees - A Jesus Journey

Others, who proclaim My Word, and who are devout Christians, will be wary and slow to embrace all that I say.

They will question and analysis My Word for fear of making a terrible error. They are fearful of being fed a lie.

Then there will be the clergy in Christian churches who will rise and respond to My Call. Some will respond quickly, for they will feel My Love surge through their veins when they read My Messages.

Others will feel an instant calling through My Gift of the Holy Spirit, contained in My Holy Word. Some will be more cautious than others, but, in time, their numbers will increase to millions.

This is why you, My followers, must persevere. While many will reject you, in My Name, in the beginning, this will change. When the Truth is widely known and welcomed, you will be sought out. My Word will be treated with love and respect, although by doing so, these souls will suffer.

It does not matter how much opposition there will be against Me, for My Mission will not fail.

Endure such opposition. Accept the abuse, which will be meted out to you, because of these Messages.

This is to be expected, when the Word of God is poured over the earth. Those in darkness will not accept My Word, as it will disrupt their lives.

It will make them re-evaluate their beliefs, which they will not want to have to face.

To accept My Word would mean they would have to change their ways. They, sadly, have no desire to change their ways, for it does not appeal to them.

I will not rest until I open their eyes to the Truth. Nor, do I expect you, My disciples, to stop until as many people as possible unite, as one, in the Eyes of God.

Your Jesus

Those who humiliate My Word, given to you My daughter, cut Me through to the bone in agonising pain.

Friday, October 26, 2012 18:00

The Passion of the Christ - Jesus in Getsemani

My dearly beloved daughter, My Kingdom on earth is about to become a reality.

For so long promised by My beloved Eternal Father, the New Kingdom, the New Paradise is the greatest gift.

The secret to understanding My New Kingdom lies in the mystery of My suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. When I fell prostrate before My Father, weeping with grief, it was because of the loss of souls in the future who would burn in the fires of Hell, despite My Sacrifice on the Cross.

My humiliation at the hand of Pontius Pilate was not painful to Me because of the public scorn, but because I knew that those same souls would be lost to Me. And so I wept tears of sadness as I watched them deceived by Satan, an evil force they could not see but who infested every fibre of their being.

When you see Me, My daughter, worried it is for good reason. For those souls who pour scorn on these messages do I also weep. They are not in the full state of being in union with Me. Because of their sin of pride, arrogance, lack of knowledge and humility, they insult My word.

They then try to prevent the hearts of those, I wish to reach, from embracing My Holy Word.

For them do I also weep for they do not know the serious consequences of their actions as they betray My True Word, as it is being presented to every one of God’s children, at this time.

So many souls, deprived of My Word, because of the actions of those who say they represent Me in the world, will be lost.

Just as I suffered a terrible agony, when facing the jeers of those who stood next to the golden throne of Pontius Pilate, I suffer today. The pain I suffer, through you My daughter, is not different today than it was then.

Those who humiliate My Word, given to you My daughter, cut Me through to the bone in agonising pain.

They have driven the final nails, through My suffering soul as I try, once again, to salvage the human race from destruction.

Pray that My Father, through His Mercy, will be tolerant of such souls who strive, by the hand of the deceiver, to render the Word of God impotent.

Be wary My children of those who vehemently oppose My word, through these messages. You must pray for their souls.

Your Jesus

The Great Day will dawn and soon the world without end will begin

Saturday, October 26, 2013 11:15

My dearly beloved daughter, the faith of all God’s children, irrespective of which denomination they belong to, is so weak that many of those who know the Truth will find it very difficult to practice their religion openly, without criticism.

The Passion of the Christ

So many in the world reject Me, Jesus Christ, at this time in history, that it is no longer acceptable, in most nations, to speak of Me in public. Very seldom will you hear My Name being spoken about in the media, unless it is to question My Existence. Seldom will you hear people openly proclaim their love for Me in public, for they would find this too embarrassing. Even those sacred servants of Mine are no longer willing to declare the Truth for fear of ridicule. Those who do follow Me will find it increasingly difficult to proclaim My Holy Word. So many, who once loved Me, no longer do so and My desolation and sadness cuts My Heart, as if a sword was driven through it.

Why, oh why, have you deserted Me? Why do those of you who believe in Me and who know Me, hurt so many of your brothers and sisters? Why does hate thrive in your hearts? Why do you feel the need to question the Gospels now, when they have existed for so long? Who gave you the authority to misinterpret My Word given to My apostles? Why are you twisting them and why do you not believe what I said? My Word is very clear. When I speak, I mean what I say. If I say one thing, I do not mean another. Why would I, for example, contradict Myself and especially now in this Mission?

What is given to God’s prophets is the Truth. Anything which contradicts these Messages, from the mouths of those who claim that I speak with them, must be rejected by you. I would never compete with My Own Voice, because I must ensure that you are given the Truth.

What must I do to make you listen? What must I do to stop your wandering and seeking out other forms of titillation? Why will you not trust in Me? You waste so much precious time seeking out fortune telling, which flows like venom out of the mouths of so-called mystics and sensation seekers, that you insult Me by turning away from Me. I Am here. These are My Words. What else do you seek, for you will only find the Truth from My Mouth? I spoke the Truth when I walked the Earth. I left a legacy of great hope and salvation. I speak the Truth now, as I bring you My Final Words, at this time, for the Great Day will dawn and soon the world without end will begin.

When I speak, I desire that you listen. I cannot force you. You may look everywhere and try to find My Messages, given to prepare the world for My Second Coming at this time, and you won’t find them. My public Messages to prepare you for this, the final stage before My Covenant is fulfilled, can only be found in the Book of Truth.

The Word is Mine. My Words will be heard in every nation. No one will stop Me, for My Power is Almighty.

Your Jesus

I will not stand by and watch while you destroy your lives, which can be yours for eternity

Saturday, October 26, 2013 17:52

My dearly beloved daughter, when people try to ascertain which of God’s children I wish to bring My Mercy to – the answer is, all of them. I do not discriminate, because I love every soul born, each of whom was created by My Father. No soul can be excluded from this My final Mission to save humanity. I come to bring salvation to all.

Ask any good parent if they would sacrifice one child over another and they would tell you this, “No matter how badly they behave or hurt me, I can never reject them, because they are part of my flesh.” The same is true of the enemies of God. They offend Him and they cause Him great sorrow, but He still loves them, for they came from Him, although they are starved, because of the sin of humanity.

How is it, you may ask, that I can forgive those who hurt Me the most? Who scourge others and cause them pain and suffering? It is because I love them. I will always love the sinner. Their sins disgust Me, but I will always be waiting to embrace them.

This Mission is about forgiveness. It is all about saving your souls. Harsh though My Words may be at times, they are given to you because I love you and I cannot bear the thoughts of losing you. Those who have betrayed Me, because of life’s ambitions, must never be afraid to come to Me and ask for My help. I miss you. I Am sorrowful, but I will use every intervention without breaching My Father’s Covenant of free will, which will always remain yours until the new beginning. Nothing you do will separate you from Me when you ask Me to forgive you.

I will engulf the world in My Mercy and for every wicked act carried out by My enemies, to drag you into error, I promise that I will intervene. I will not cast you to the wolves, who want to devour you. I will not stand by and watch while you destroy your lives, which can be yours for eternity. I will hold you up, right up until the time when you will have to make the final decision. I will not let go of your soul that easily. I died a cruel death to save you. This time, you will witness a most powerful Divine Intervention to win you back. You are Mine. I Am yours. The beast will not win over souls easily, for I Am God, a formidable force. I Am All-Powerful. Satan has nothing, but his cunning will attract those weak amongst you. I urge all of you, who love Me, to pray that the weak will accept My Divine Intervention with love in their hearts.

Your Jesus

Sometimes, what may seem unfair is beyond your understanding

Sunday, October 26, 2014 23:10

My dearly beloved daughter, those who deny Me because they believe that were I to exist, a Loving God would never permit suffering or allow unexpected tragedies, illnesses or premature deaths to take place.

The World Trade Center Cross

God gives life and He takes it away as He desires and, for every Act of God, good will always come from it, either in the world you live in, or in My Heavenly Kingdom. It is a lack of trust in Me, which creates bitterness in the souls who judge Me on acts they believe to be cruel and unnecessary. What they do not know is that there is a time for everything – a time for living and a time for dying – and that God is the Author of Life. Only He can decide when to take it away.

Suffering by the hands of others is something, which is caused by sin – not by God. When man chooses different paths in life, it is entirely by his own choice as to which one he takes. Some choose wisely, according to their own conscience, and understand the difference between right and wrong. Others will choose the path, which they believe will bring them the necessities they need to sustain them in the world. But, there will be those who choose unwisely and embark upon a path of selfishness, wickedness and greed.

All good things come from God. Sometimes, what may seem to be unfair is beyond your understanding, but know that God chooses how He gathers fruit for the good of man. And, suffering is part of this Plan in His Salvation of souls. He does not relish suffering, but it is a form of purification. If you suffer, God will try to use this suffering for the good of your own soul. But, He will never force you to do anything because He gives you free will. Abuse of your free will can lead to terrible sin and yet, God will never take your free will away from you. Free will is sacrosanct. It was given free to man by God, and it is the one Gift that He will never take away from you. It is through the free will of man, however, that man falls from Grace and into sin.

The evil one plays on man’s free will through the temptation of the senses. Free will is a Gift as, when used properly, it can give great Glory to God. But, when it is abused to commit terrible atrocities, it is used by Satan to curse humanity.

The battle for souls will end when man’s free will becomes one with the Will of God. Only then, will man be free of all things, which bring him sorrow and suffering of any kind.

The Will of God will reign in the world to come, which has no end.


Your Jesus






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