Monday, October 24, 2011 19:09
My dearly beloved daughter, you must not allow those who continue to question and pass judgment on My Most Holy Word to upset you. Ignore these interrogations. Remain silent. Pray for them and move on for there is not much time now.
I call on all of you, dear children, to sit down calmly and pray to Me for Mercy. Please, you must not panic because I come only to save you not to Judge. Don’t you know this? There is nothing to fear just trust in Me completely.
My arrival will be sooner than you expect, so please prepare your souls. Pray for all souls who may deny Me or reject My Gift of Divine Mercy. You, My cherished souls, bring me such comfort and ease the torment and suffering I endure when I see the hatred everywhere in your world.
Come closer to Me, children, and let Me embrace you to give you the strength and confidence you need to greet Me. You, My special army, are in union with Me and whether you realize it or not, you are being guided by the Holy Spirit to fight to save souls.
Sit quietly, My little ones, and remember I Am with you at all times. Rejoice and await My coming when I will pour out My graces to cover all of My beloved followers everywhere.
No matter where you live, no matter what part of the world you are from, you are Mine. I love you. Look with open hearts and confidence as we draw closer to The Warning.
Your Jesus
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 21:11
My dearly beloved daughter, it is important that you do not listen to those who attack My Holy Word.
Block your ears to attempts, which will now be made, especially, those by those who claim to be Catholic theologians, to reject My most Holy Messages.
As I have told you, the greatest attacks will be from those in the Catholic Church who claim to know Me, but who do not understand the Book of Revelation, nor the secrets contained therein.
They cannot know these, for I, the Lamb of God, have not revealed them all yet.
How they frustrate Me. How they hurt Me. For every cruel jibe they inflict on My Messages, they plunge another nail into My Body.
For every instruction I give, for the good of all souls, which they reject vehemently, they crucify Me again.
Yet it does not matter how they hurt Me, for I would die a thousand deaths, were it just to save another soul.
They may dismiss My Messages; ridicule you, My daughter, and reject Me, but they will not prevent the Will of My Father from being finally brought to completion.
These poor souls believe, at times, that they are behaving responsibly by telling people not to accept My Messages.
What they are doing is preventing the Word of God from being presented to God’s children. Should they continue to do this they will be silenced by the Hand of My Father.
No man will stop Me in My quest to save souls.
To those sacred servants who persist in blocking My Word from being listened to, know this.
Your constant words and your blasphemous accusations will strip you of the graces accorded to you in your vocation. Unless you call on Me, through prayer, for the answers you need, I cannot help you.
You must never reject private revelations without the qualifications, or the humility required. Even then, you can never judge such claims. Be silent.
Pray for the gift of discernment at all times. Otherwise you will be found guilty of the worst crime in My Father’s Eyes – the crime of preventing Him from saving souls, through the Holy Word of His Son.
Your Jesus
Thursday, October 24, 2013 19:45
My dearest daughter, I come to tell the world that the enemies who roam the Earth, in the guise of those who say they bring the Word of My Son to the masses, have now joined as one. As one, they bring all their powers together and will deface the Earth with their wicked deceit.
I Am ready. Waiting. As soon as they introduce their vile laws, I will strike out and the world will witness My punishments. My Warnings have fallen on deaf ears and those too proud to accept the Hand of Mercy, given to you through My Messages. The leaders of those who will persecute you, in the name of human rights, will suffer by My Hand. They believe that their power is almighty and that they are invincible, but they will know soon that they are nothing without the Power of their Creator.
I Am the Author of Life, and should those who decide to use their power to take away the lives of My children, in both body and soul, they will lose everything. When you fight My children and betray My Son, Jesus Christ, there is little hope for you. I do not bestow My Mercy on you easily, for you cause Me great Anger. Yet I crave your loyalty but warn you of the dangers of dallying with the evil one. I will give you every chance, to turn away from the shackles, which bind you to the unholy trinity. You must remove yourselves from the chains of Satan. Your time is short.
I ask you to look to My Holy Bible, the Gospels, and seek out the signs you were given about the great apostasy foretold, for it has engulfed the world and spreads like a deadly virus into every conceivable part of your society. You have been infested and now I Come, Your Father, to cleanse you of this terrible affliction. You must beg Me for help, before it is too late for you.
You must now recite this Crusade Prayer. Ask Me for help.
Crusade Prayer (124) Hear my plea for freedom
O God, my Merciful Father, Creator of all that is, hear my plea for freedom. Release me from the chains of slavery and protect me from evil persecution. Help me to discern the Truth and come to my aid, even if I am confused and may doubt Your Word. Forgive me if I offend You and take me into the refuge of Your New Paradise on Earth. Amen.
My Time, to declare the Second Coming of My Son is close. Time will move swiftly and the reign of My enemies, short-lived though it may be, will seem like an eternity, because of the cruelty they will show to My children. They will show no loyalty, whatsoever, to those foolish men, who will swear allegiance to the beast. Just as the evil one hates Me, so he hates any of My children, both the good and the wicked. This is a Call for the salvation of those of you who will not question the heresies about to be declared. You must question and question any doubts, which invade your souls, when you are unhappy with any new form of doctrine, which does not feel right in your hearts.
I have not given the authority for any new law or sacrament, to be introduced in My Most Holy Name.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High
Friday, October 24, 2014 22:50
My dearly beloved daughter, the sun is one of the greatest signs when divine intervention is about to be unveiled. When you see changes in the sun; when it seems larger; shines longer and out of season; know that the time is getting closer for My Second Coming.
The Hand of God will use the sun to alert the world that its activity is unusual. Scientists will be unable to give a reason for sudden movements in the sun and for the unusual behaviour of this star, which brings you light. Without the light of the sun the earth would be plunged into darkness. So, as the sins of man increase, and sin is embraced as simply part of human nature, the earth will be covered with the spirit of darkness. As sin envelops the world, the sun will slowly lose its lustre and become dull. As man loses his sense of love for others and becomes immune to the pain he inflicts upon others, because of sin, the world will become darker – darker of the spirit, darker by day.
I will continue to lead God’s children up to this time. I will show you the way to My Kingdom and you will see My Light. Nothing will distract you along the way because you will see clearly how evil brings with it a terrible darkness.
The sun will dissipate until finally, no light will cover the earth for three days. The only light will be that which comes from the Truth. And, on the fourth day, the skies will burst open and the light – the likes of which you will never have believed possible will pour from the Heavens. Then I will be seen by every person in every country, at the same time, in all My Glory, as I come to reclaim the Kingdom promised to Me by My Father.
Never fear the preparation that is required so that each of you is ready to meet Me. You must ensure that you are well prepared for Me because that will be the day when I will hand you the Keys to My Kingdom and there will be great celebrations. Evil will no longer exist in My New World to come, and the righteous shall join in union with Me and all the angels and saints.
You must look on this mission as if you are on a journey. Every part of your journey brings new discoveries – ways in which you will learn what is needed to prepare you for the next stage. As you climb each hurdle you will become stronger. Even the weakest amongst you will complete this journey, for I will lead you on every step you take and soon it will be complete.
Rejoice, for My Kingdom awaits and the time will be short.
Your Jesus