Friday, October 21, 2011 20:30
My dearly beloved daughter, write this. You are now undergoing intense suffering in order to save those souls of darkness who reject Me and My Father.
So closed and hardened are those souls that it will be only be through the prayers of others and the suffering of victim souls that they can be saved, for they will refuse to seek redemption. Their stubbornness will stop them from feeling enough remorse to confess their sins and beg for forgiveness.
The Warning is a form of Global Confession. It will be the time when everyone will be expected to ask for the forgiveness of their sins, or face rejection. So many souls in darkness will refuse My Hand of Mercy. They will turn away from Me. You, My daughter, along with all My devout followers can help save their souls from eternal damnation.
I would never pressurise My children to suffer in My Name. But for those who offer Me, as a gift, their help through suffering, I can redeem much of mankind.
Suffering comes about from the attacks of Satan, when he torments souls who are close to Me and those who are appointed by Me to lead a holy Mission to convert souls. Know that when these attacks come, you are in union with Me. You will then get to know Me so well. You will know how I feel – My Joy, My Sadness, My Grief, My Pain and the terror when I lose a soul to Satan.
Do not worry. Already, millions of souls have already been saved through these Messages.
The prayers of My devoted army are already mitigating global disasters and the departure of My Holy Vicar from the Vatican. Their obedience in reciting My Divine Mercy Chaplet is saving souls right now.
My daughter, make sure that all My children understand that I speak to all religions and denominations through these Messages. I exclude no one, for they are all children of God. There is only one God and that is My Eternal Father, God of the Most High.
Come together with Me, children, and let us work as one to save My souls all over the world, quickly. By prayer alone you can help Me save the world.
Your Jesus
Saviour of all Mankind
Sunday, October 21, 2012 10:05
My dearly beloved daughter, the visions I allowed you to be shown, of souls plunging into Hell, was not to frighten you. Instead, it was to show you the reality. In this way you will now understand how I suffer, every day, as I watch souls plunge into the depths of Hell.
Oh if people only knew the terror of Hell, and the way in which the beast devours such souls, they would avoid sin at all costs.
Those same souls can still be saved, My daughter, through the prayer of the Grace of Immunity. By doing so, you, My disciples, will bring Me relief from this terrible heartbreaking scourge.
Those, who die in mortal sin, are destined for the fires of Hell. Many commit these sins, in the belief that if there really is a God, then, He is merciful. And so, they continue to sin, until they justify their sins, so that they become, eventually, in their eyes, to be of no consequence.
They will say that they had no choice because their sin was necessary in order to benefit others.
With the sin of murder, they will say it was to avenge the death of another.
With the sin of prostitution, they will say it was to help their family put food on the table.
With the sin of abortion, they will say that it was to benefit the life of the mother and to make her life easier. In the case of sexual deviation, they will say that it was just a natural thing.
In the case of those who participate in the practices of the occult, they will say that it is harmless fun, yet they honour the beast when they do this.
When they persecute others and destroy not only their name, but their livelihoods, they will say that this was a necessary punishment, for the sins of others.
When they destroy another person in mind, body and soul through dictatorship, they will say it was for their own good.
When they try to create a Sacrament in My Churches, out of an abomination, they will say it was because of the rights of same sex couples who have the same rights as others.
When they destroy My Church, from within, they will say that all churches are equal. They will use the excuse that there is only one God, so they can introduce a pagan church.
These sinners are the lost souls I speak of.
To help them, you must first of all look into their eyes. Think of them as your children or your brothers or sisters. See them through the Eyes of God. Then you will feel love. But terror will fill you, because you know in your heart, the terror, which will face them. How you must pray that they will see the Truth, soon.
How you must pray for the salvation of these souls.
Every child of God, including those whose souls are black, is loved.
Their sins must be destroyed, before all God’s children can unite, as one family, in My New Kingdom.
You, My daughter, have been given all the graces and the ammunition to destroy sin and to save, not only your own soul, but, the souls of others.
Thank you, My daughter, for having responded to My Call.
You have much work to do.
Your Jesus
Sunday, October 21, 2012 17:50
My dearly beloved daughter, so many people who accept My Messages worry unnecessarily about the future of the world. This is understandable.
They must never feel that they must drop everything and ignore their day-to-day lives, neglect their job, their family, or loved ones, in order to save souls.
I, your Jesus, will look after My own, always. You have nothing to fear from Me. All I ask is for your prayers to save souls.
You must not allow fear of the future to overwhelm you, for that is not My desire.
I do, however, expect your time in prayer and sacrifice, as I have instructed you in these Messages. Continue with your daily lives, although, My Holy Word will change the way in which you look at life, forever.
You will never feel the same about worldly goods; in the way you viewed them in the past. While they will continue to be part of your life, they will no longer be the master of your life.
You must remember that you cannot serve two masters, for there is one, and that is God.
I do not expect My disciples to renounce all to follow Me. I do not expect My followers to turn away from their daily responsibilities to follow My Messages. No, all I ask is your love. You must follow the Laws of God. Live out your lives according to My Teachings. Honour the Sacraments. Show love to each other, and pray for the souls of those who will not help themselves.
Go in peace, in the knowledge that My Mercy is great, and My Love for humanity will overcome the deeds of the beast, and the terrible suffering he inflicts in this world.
Be at peace. I bless you.
Your Jesus
Monday, October 21, 2013 10:56
My dearly beloved daughter, the greatest betrayal of My beloved, loyal disciples – those who will always hold firm to the Truth – will be by those followers in My Church who will fall prey to the great deceit.
So many people, because of their misguided loyalty, will be deceived by the imposter who will seize the reins in My Churches everywhere. Though they may feel uneasy at times, when they hear strange renditions of My Holy Word, which will not be taken in the correct context, they will follow like lambs to the slaughter, the road to destruction. They will lavish praise upon the false prophet and salute him like a great dictator and they will become as one to create a large army. This army will cause the greatest persecution upon their fellow Christians. Brother will fight brother in this terrible battle for the Truth. The number of those who will follow the unholy trinity, comprised of the false prophet, the antichrist and Satan, will be much greater than those who remain true to the Holy Word of God as it was laid down from the beginning.
You, My chosen people, who do not deviate from the Truth, will find this journey difficult. Never, for one moment in your lives, would you have imagined the terrible deceit, which you are about to witness. My enemies are well-prepared, have much influence and are well funded. They have many advantages, but they have not got, on their side, the Power of God. Not only do they not possess the Power of God, My Father, the Almighty One, but they can be struck down at any time by His Will. Sadly, they will draw many souls away from Me and I will allow this as part of the final purification of mankind. This period on Earth will be to separate the good from the wicked.
What do I mean by this? Surely, you will say, the good will be fooled and that this is not their fault. This is true. But, when those who say they are true Christians, accept heresy, instead of My Holy Word, they blaspheme against Me. They are well-aware of the Truth and they must be alert to My Word every second. So many of you are asleep. So many do not truly know Me, because you have no humility in your soul, so proud are you of your knowledge of Holy Scripture. Many of you have failed to read the Gospels or understand what will happen before My Second Coming. You still do not know, yet, that the Truth was given to you, in the Most Holy Bible. Why do you continue to defy the Word of God, argue, reject and fight against the Hand which created you? You are no more informed than those who crucified Me. You have no more knowledge than the Pharisees who believed that their interpretation of the Holy Word of God was superior to that of the Son of man. Because of your refusal to accept the final prophecies, you will deny Me. All your services to Me will mean nothing, for you will follow the one sent by Satan to deny you your rightful inheritance in My Paradise.
How you make Me weep. How you will betray Me will be reflected in the persecution which you will bring to bear on those you call your brothers and sisters, in My Name. You will become indoctrinated with lies, as others before you were, by wicked leaders and dictators of the past. Because of your lack of real love for Me, which requires great sacrifice, you will bring Me much grief and suffering. While the enemies of My Church will draw you into a web of deceit, you will sing their praises, adore and love those who hate Me and I will be forgotten.
Remember these Words. When you place false gods before Me, you will incur the Wrath of God.
Your Jesus
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 23:40
My dearly beloved daughter, when prophecies were given to God’s children, from the beginning, they created fear in the hearts of men. This was because of the doubts that existed in the minds of those who did not believe in God and the comfort that man felt in his natural earthly surroundings. It was easier to accept a life of imperfection than to believe in one that existed in the supernatural.
God did not send His prophets to frighten His children. He sent them to warn them of the dangers of creating a deep gulf between man and God. If that gulf became wide enough, so that the majority of souls rejected God, then He always intervened in order to save them. God has always intervened through His prophets and it was through His prophets that God was able to educate His children in the Ways of the Lord. Without God’s prophets man would not have been given the Truth. What God gives His people, through the written Word, let no man pull it asunder.
Man is not worthy to change the Word of God, nor is he fit to change the meaning of the Word, nor does he have the right to do so. If a man takes the Word of God and deliberately misinterprets it, to hurt others, then this is a grave sin. There have been many who have tried to change the meaning of the Word but failed. Yet, there are those who created versions of the Word, which varied from the full Truth, and people were none the wiser. I do not hold these souls accountable because they used the Word only to give glory to God.
When I came to preach the Truth I was feared. All the prophets before Me were also feared. They, just like Me, were hated for bringing humanity the Truth, through the spoken Word. The Book of Revelation, given to John the Evangelist by the Power of the Holy Spirit, has been ignored by My Christian Churches. It is rarely discussed and many in My Church dismiss it as being irrelevant.
The time has now come for the Truth to be finally spoken and for men to make a choice. Accept the Truth, given to you in the Book of Revelation, and prepare so that all will be in place and pleasing to Me on the Great Day. Or, ignore the Word and My Promise to come again. Turn a deaf ear to My Pleas, but remember, I will come like a thief in the night and only those who welcome Me and accept My Mercy will be Mine.
I warn you only because I love you. Were it not for My Love, I would cast the human race into the wilderness, so ungrateful are their souls.
Your Jesus