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Don’t you know that I love you all with a longing that is only known to those of you who have become parents? I cry Tears of great sorrow when you do not know Who I Am.

Death of My son Muammar Gaddafi

Thursday, October 20, 2011 15:15

My dearly beloved daughter, any remaining doubts you may have had from time to time regarding My Most Holy Words will now have been diminished.

I reveal prophecies in order to prove to the world that it is I, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all mankind, Who communicates to My children everywhere at this time.

My intention is not to sensationalize, but to ensure that no one is excluded from hearing My most urgent call to the world.

The death of My son, Muammar Gaddafi, whose soul that you and those close to you have been praying for over the last number of months, is one of the first prophecies which will prove to the world the authenticity of these Messages. This is My sign to you, My daughter, to rid your mind of the doubts, which have been lingering in your mind.

Muammar al-Gaddafi

(Details of the next two leaders to be assassinated were given to the visionary and once again the timing of these atrocities. The original Message was revealed in February 2011.)

You, My daughter, much as it overwhelms you, have been chosen to prepare mankind for My New Era of Peace. This is the time which will follow sometime after The Warning.

Go and prepare for the next part of your holy Mission, to help save souls after The Warning. You are being given the graces to keep you strong. My children everywhere are at last hearing My cry for conversion.

The ones who hurt Me the most
Never show fear in this Work, for there is nothing to fear. Never falter and allow setbacks or verbal taunts to slow down your Work for Me. I Am, My daughter, always at your side. Remember this. If and when you are attacked over My Holy Word, remain silent. My Holy Word will always be attacked. Those who hurt Me the most are the holy souls, who, through fear and caution, are sadly the first to insult Me through these Messages. Satan knows that it is My chosen and devout followers, who, when they turn their back on Me, are the ones who hurt Me the most.

You are now, My daughter, beginning to feel the physical pain of My suffering, but you are now prepared to accept this in union with Me. These trials will not last long, but throughout the duration you will feel exactly the torment I feel when I witness sin. This, as I have told you before, is a Gift and very few chosen souls receive this. Frightening at times, you must understand that not only does your suffering bring you closer to My Sacred Heart, but it will save millions of souls during The Warning.

This suffering is going to become more intensive as The Warning draws close. Endure this in silence. For in this way you will help Me save precious souls who otherwise would have been snatched by the deceiver.

Tell My children I rejoice at the strong faith they are showing. Tell them they are becoming closer to My Sacred Heart. Tell them that I now bless them and bestow great blessing to give them the strength they will need as they follow My guidance through these Holy Messages. They will need the strength as it is not easy for My children to digest the enormity of the changes, which will now evolve in your world.

Pray and unite as one. Together, look to the Heavens, as little children, with a simple trust in God the Father. Ask Him, in My Holy Name, to unite you into His glorious army, towards the victory of eternal salvation.

I bless you, children, with all My Divine Love.

Your Jesus

For the Jews, they will finally accept that the True Messiah has come

Saturday, October 20, 2012 22:30

My dearly beloved daughter, My Second Coming will be the final chapter in the fulfilment of My Covenant. This Covenant will see the birth of the New Jerusalem.

This New Jerusalem will signify the unification of all God’s children, who accept the Word of the Lord.

For the Jews, they will finally accept that the True Messiah has come to bring them the salvation they crave.

I, Jesus Christ, from the House of David, will come as Saviour, according to the Holy Will of the one True God.

They rejected Me, the Son of God, Who came in the flesh the first time. This time, I will come from the Heavens and will envelope My Chosen People with the gift of My New Kingdom.

They will finally be at peace, for the Truth, will be seen by them, and they will accept the Existence of the Triune God. There is only one God. There can be no more. Yet I Am in union with My Father. I Am God. I came in the flesh to show humanity My Mercy and to salvage them from final damnation. My Holy Spirit is also in union with the one God as It manifests within the souls of the prophets and inflames the souls of God’s children.

So many people will fight fiercely against My Second Coming, including those who believe in the one True God. They will not, as has happened in the past, accept the Word of God, as it is revealed through the prophets.

Many good and devout Christians will continue to reject My Word, right up to the end.

My Word will be challenged and torn apart, by the Catholic Church, in particular. But know this. The time for My Second Coming is close, and those who continue to reject Me, and the promise I made to My Father to Create His Kingdom on earth, will be left to one side.

After My Great Mercy is revealed, and when every opportunity has been given to all those who won’t accept the Truth, then My patience will be exhausted.

Your Jesus

The billions of souls already in Hell are those who rejected Me shamelessly during their life

Saturday, October 20, 2012 23:20

My dearly beloved daughter, the vision I permitted you to witness last night, was to strengthen your spirituality, and to show you the Truth of life after death.

During the first hours after death, Satan sends his demons to tempt souls – even at that stage.

He tempts them to reject the state of Purgatory. He does the same thing to those, who have died in a state of grace, who are destined for Heaven.

I showed you the speed by which souls plunge into Hell and the terrifying persecution they face, in order to warn those who do not believe it exists.

Billions of souls are there already, and there are so many entering every second, that it appeared to you like a shower of fallen stars, like a hailstorm, falling into the lake of fire.

I showed you also the shock and the joy of those souls faces, when they have been plucked, at the last minute, and saved. This is due to the suffering accepted by victim souls, for the salvation of such souls from Hell.

You saw, first, the terror, and then, the fear in their faces, as the Truth of their final resting place dawns on them. Then you were shown the joy on their faces when they realised that they had been spared.

The billions of souls, already in Hell, are those who rejected Me, shamelessly, during their life on earth. Many were smart, intelligent people, in positions of influence in the world, who went to great lengths to ensure that the Word of God was not heard. Many were responsible for ordering the murder of thousands of innocent people. They executed God’s children without one ounce of remorse in their hearts. They performed vile acts, involving sexual perversities, which are offensive to God and detested by Him.

Many, caused persecution against God’s Churches through secular activities, and in some cases, joined the enemy in black masses, where they worshipped the beast.
These are the souls you are saving, My daughter. Those with blackened souls and hearts of stone.

There are ten times more souls in Hell than in Purgatory. The billions of souls in Hell, all in different levels, outnumber those in Heaven by thirty-three for every single soul.

It is not easy to go to Heaven, and it takes much commitment to prepare your souls to enter the gates.

This is the time of the Truth. The Truth is not always pleasant, but it is necessary for all of God’s children to understand.

My Mercy is, however, great. When you ask for it, for yourselves, your prayers will be answered. When you ask for another soul to be saved, especially at the time of their death, your call will be heard. If you do not ask for My Mercy, it cannot be given.

At the time of The Warning, My Mercy will be poured all over the earth. Then you must ask Me for My Great Mercy, to protect you.

To those who reject My Mercy, this will be by their own free will.

My Mercy is plentiful, yet so few ask for it.

Your Jesus

You must remain calm, at peace, but with a firm resolve to continue to proclaim the Holy Word contained in the Gospels

Sunday, October 20, 2013 12:07

My dearly beloved daughter, I desire to reveal to all of you, My beloved apostles – those who walk the Earth and who proclaim My Holy Word – that you must cling to Me, your Jesus, like never before. These times, which lie ahead of you will be difficult and to all those who remain in Me, with Me and for Me, you will be responsible for keeping the Flame of My Light aglow in the dark days ahead.

My precious children, you must remain calm, at peace, but with a firm resolve to continue to proclaim the Holy Word contained in the  Gospels in every corner of the world. You, My Remnant Army, will bring all of God’s children to Me and help to save them from the vapor of evil, which will envelop millions of souls. You are Mine and you walk within the Light of God, paving the way for the world to be saved.

My Graces are being poured down upon you, My beloved apostles, and once you know that you are being guided by Me and trust in Me completely, no harm will come to you. But should you allow yourselves to become willing servants of deceit, then My Protection will not cover you. Those of you who side with the false prophet and the antichrist will be ensnared by Satan and he will not let you go free. Those of you who walk alongside My enemies and swallow the chalice of the serpent will be destroyed by him should you dare to challenge him.

Heed now, My warning – side with the beast and swear an unholy oath to honour heresy and you will find it very difficult to prise yourselves away from his vile grip. Pray that you will have the wisdom to see the Truth.

Your Jesus

The schism in My Church will be broken into different stages

Sunday, October 20, 2013 17:48

My dearly beloved daughter, go, all of you, into the world and spread the Gospels, for you will need to do this before the persecution of My Church begins in earnest.

You must place all your trust in Me and be comforted in the knowledge that when the Great Day comes, you will be lifted, body and soul, into My Arms, in just the blink of an eye. This is why you must, with love and patience, remind the world of My Teachings. Remind them that sin exists and will be forgiven, but they must ask Me for forgiveness first. No matter they are told that sin is second nature to man, they must know that, as God’s children, they must ask for reconciliation every single time, irrespective as to how insignificant their sins may seem. Sin is what separates you from God. The more you sin, the darker you will become; the deeper anguish you will feel and you will be so restless that nothing but My Grace will ease your pain or bring you real peace.

Know that when the reign of heresy commences, that those who become involved with it will feel a terrible loneliness and wretchedness. Yet, to the outside world, all will seem to be acceptable to the Church. While you will struggle internally, all exterior rituals, conducted in the name of a global united church, will make you feel uneasy. Within six months of the heresy being introduced into My Church, many who ignored My Call, will flee and seek out those who remained true to My Holy Word. Then My Army will swell, grow and gather the remnants from all Christian churches and fight the spirit of evil.

The schism in My Church will be broken into different stages. The first stage will be when only those who truly know Me, and understand the Truth of the Holy Gospels, will decide that they cannot accept lies in My Name.  The second stage will come about when people are denied the Holy Sacraments, as they are meant to be. The third stage will be when My Churches have been desecrated and that will be when My sacred servants will, at last, understand the Truth contained in the Book of Revelation.

My prophets do not lie. They do not like what they are asked to do. They reveal only My Holy Word and what they are instructed to do by the Holy Will of My Father. The signs that the last prophet – the only prophet given permission from Heaven today to prepare the world for the Second Coming – has come are here now. When you understand that the prophecies, given to the world from Heaven, amount to this – to increase your faith and to ensure that you remain true to My Holy Word, then you will accept them.  When they take place, as revealed, then you will know the Truth.

Be ready. Be at peace, for I will walk with all of you who gather now to form My Remnant Army on Earth.

Your Jesus



Prayers for today
