Sunday, October 16, 2011 21:30
My dearly beloved daughter, why is it that when My Word is interpreted, do so many of My children find it so offensive? While My children must always discern such messages published by those who claim to come in My Name, they must also learn to keep their minds and hearts open at all times.
Oh how I wish My followers, especially, would open their eyes and welcome Me into their hearts. It is I, Jesus, Who calls you to hear My Voice as I urge you to come to Me in prayer.
Your time on Earth is at a crucial point. There is not much time before I herald in the New Era of Peace and because of this I need you to prepare your souls now.
Do not allow arrogance to blind you to the Truth. Don’t you know I would never deceive you. Hear My instructions to block the evil one from clouding your judgment. Do not allow him to keep you at a distance, for if you would only hear My Most Holy Word you will know that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who calls you.
Children, if you knew how much infestation has been laid down upon My precious souls the world over, you would be shocked. This darkness even covers My precious followers from time to time. The hurt I feel, especially among those souls who pray regularly and show true devotion, when I witness your doubts brings Tears of great sorrow.
Pray, pray, pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit. If you open your hardened hearts and ask for the gift of discernment, I will answer your call.
How sad you will be when the Truth is revealed to you during The Warning. It is your prayers to save other souls that I now ask for. Surely, if you doubt My Word given through these Messages, that you could still find it in your heart to pray for lost souls.
I love you and await your response to My pleas for prayer.
Your Jesus
Tuesday, October 16, 2012 16:20
My dearly beloved daughter, when I say that I have sent My prophets into the world, this means that each one has been given a specific mission. No two missions cross over.
It is a difficult and lonely time for the numerous seers and prophets, because each one works alone. You, My daughter, as I have told you are the last prophet. Anyone who comes forth now, and claims to proclaim My Word, since you received your Messages, has not been given this authority by Me.
Many poor souls have decided to seek attention, and in some cases, to detract from these Holy Messages, given to the world to help save My souls.
I come to plead with God’s children to listen to what I have to say, but I cannot force them to hear Me.
I can never command God’s children to do something, for this is not possible, for they have been given the Gift of free will.
All I ask is that you open your hearts, and allow My Love to fill your souls. I want all of you, including those who commit evil acts, to know that I love you. As such, your salvation is My priority. Either way, the prophecies foretold in the Book of Revelation have commenced.
Those who listen to My instructions and respond to My call can salvage many souls.
My desire is that every one of you comes to Me and shares in the Kingdom of the New Paradise.
I do not condemn hardened sinners, nor do I ask you to condemn them, for this is not your right. If and when you condemn another, you do not speak in the Name of God. If you encourage others to judge other people, by condemning them, you reject Me, your Jesus.
I call on you all to listen to just one voice at this time. My Voice is all you must focus on, if you wish to save yourselves, your families, friends and neighbours. All prayers are now being sought to help you and your loved ones to prepare for My Confession, the Warning.
The time is close now.
Your Jesus
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 23:27
My dearly beloved daughter, the most unholy trinity, consisting of My three enemies, the false prophet, the antichrist and the dragon, that is Satan, will rise now in defiance against the Most Holy Trinity. Know that they have many thousands and thousands of devout disciples and as the time draws near, many secret and vile ceremonies will take place to honour the serpent.
So careful is the serpent not to reveal his true self, his real wicked intentions against any child of God are disguised, and he presents himself to his elect chosen few as a charming, beautiful prince, where he manifests before them in the most seductive manner. Just as My Own chosen prophets are communicated with, the serpent gives the antichrist special messages, which he documents carefully and then shares with his hierarchy on Earth. These messages contain instructions to desecrate My Church, in preparation for the antichrist to take up his throne and fool the world into believing he is the Christ, the Saviour of the World.
Heed now, all of you who dismiss this warning. Soon, many of My disciples, who love Me, but who do not believe in these Messages, will face great danger. The plan to take you away from Me has begun, and unless you remain cautious and alert, you will be enticed into the den of darkness. He, the antichrist, will emulate every aspect of My Divinity, made known to him by the serpent. He, the serpent, watched My Crucifixion and only he has the knowledge of the details, which surrounded this terrible event. He will mock Me by instructing his devoted servants into re-constructing rituals, back to front, in My Church. My Word will be taken and new obscene parts will be added to It, in order to honour the beast, and many will not understand the significance.
Dabble with the devil and place yourself at his disposal and this will lead to great trials. Repeat the vile words he will plant amongst you and you will open your soul to him. Adore him, by loving the antichrist when he struts arrogantly before you and you will place him in your hearts, instead of Me. All I have taught you will be back to front, upside down and inside out. Because so many do not truly understand My Teachings and because so few of you have listened carefully to the Gospels, with regard to the events leading up to My Second Coming, you will be none the wiser.
Oh how My Heart breaks to have to reveal this news. How I wish you did not have to suffer like this. But, I promise, I will ease your pain and his reign ,when it takes place, will be swift.
The souls who are innocently caught up in this travesty of My Divinity will be shown My Mercy. Sadly, those who believe they will reign in a paradise, promised to them by the deceiver, will find themselves thrown into the lake of fire where they will suffer for eternity. There will be no one to help them, for they will have swallowed the lies, designed to gain their trust, which will result in loss of many souls who will follow their false doctrine blindly.
Pray for Mercy for those who will be deceived by the king of darkness.
Your Jesus
Thursday, October 16, 2014 19:10
My dearly beloved daughter, hunger for food that feeds the flesh is a terrible affliction. But, hunger of the spirit, leaves the soul empty, miserable and lost. When a soul distances himself from Me, he will wander and seek out every kind of fulfilment. He will walk to the ends of the earth, looking for spiritual calm and relief, but nothing can fill this void, only Me. He may find temporary relief in all worldly pursuits of relaxation, but never will he find the peace that I can bring.
When I feed a person’s soul with My Grace, they will be full of My Love and Presence. Although My Presence, within the soul, will draw down upon it the venom of evil spirits, who will do all they can to upset it, the soul will not care. My Love is all you need to feel fulfilled, and My Peace, which fills you, is not of this world. It comes with great Blessings and the souls, who attain this peace, will never let go of it that easily, once they experience it.
When a person goes to extraordinary lengths to deny Me, he is deceiving only himself. To deny Me is your own choice. Why then display hatred for Me, when you do not believe I exist? I call on those of you, who are plagued with spiritual battles, to hear My Voice as I call out to you now. If you deny Me, then remain silent. Do not deny Me and then curse Me, for if you do this, you are contradicting yourself. You cannot hate something, which does not exist. If you feel hatred of any kind, don’t you know that this comes from a source, just as love does? Love comes from God. Hatred comes from Satan. The day when you realise that evil breeds and festers, as it uncoils like a serpent, you will see that it is a real entity. Only then you will finally accept the existence of the devil. The reason he, Satan, is so cunning is that it is not to his advantage to make himself known. Were that to happen, you would find it impossible not to believe in God.
Open your eyes and see evil for what it is. Know that by denying Me, the evil one will use you to fuel hatred against those who love Me.
Your Jesus