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I love you all. I want all of God’s children to unite as one holy family, together in love.

Virgin Mary: You will come under huge scrutiny and attack

Wednesday, October 12, 2011 14:22

My child, this is a time that when your Work for my Son you will come under huge scrutiny and attack. You must always honour my Son’s wishes and obey Him at all times. Never defend His Most Holy Word, for He does not wish you to do this. Do not respond to or engage with those who challenge or misinterpret His Word, which may cause debate and doubts.

You will now come under the attack of the deceiver, but you must pray for my protection and never give in to such taunts. He, the deceiver, works through others to hurt you, should you allow him to do this, you are engaging with him and giving him the power that he wants.

Stand firm in these instances, my child, and turn to me always. I will cover you with my Most Holy Mantle to protect you from him and all will be well.

Remain courageous and accept this as a Gift from God the Most High, for without such strength, you could not do this Work effectively. Always remember you are not alone in this Work, because the saints all intercede on your behalf and you are being given every kind of divine protection.

Continue in your obedience to my Son and try and become joyful as you accept the suffering He allows for the salvation of souls. You must keep saying the Holy Rosary every day and pray with me so souls can be saved.

I bless you, my child. Heaven rejoices with this Most Sacred Work on behalf of my precious beloved Son, Who loves all of mankind, but Who weeps in sorrow for those souls who will reject His Hand of Mercy after The Warning.

Your beloved Mother

There will be different levels in the New Paradise of 12 nations

Friday, October 12, 2012 23:15

My dearly beloved daughter, My Love is so powerful, that it is now being felt by those who do not know God.

Despite the evil present in the world, man now feels a love in their hearts for others, which is at odds with the corruption, which is present in souls, and which will surprise them.

So unexpectedly will this love surge through their souls, that many will be reduced to tears. These tears of love, so pure in their hearts, will tear them in two. They won’t know why they feel like this towards their brothers and sisters. They will also feel this real and unique love for their Creator, God the Father. Yet, they will not acknowledge that He exists. Instead, many will wander and ask themselves.

EU flag, inspired by catholic faith (by Arsène Heitz)

What is this incredible, but powerful, love that I feel in my heart? How can this be, if there is no God? How can I feel this love, if I am merely a product of evolution; a product of particles made up of the earth?

The Truth, My children, is this. You are not a particle of the earth, a remnant of time. You are a living being, a living soul, who has the capacity for eternal life, without end.

You suffer because of the sins of Adam and Eve, your original parents. You may smile, ridicule, or make fun of what you believe to be a story of fiction, but the Truth is that you are living a life of imperfection. This life of suffering is because of the sins of your original parents. Tainted with their sin, you are blinded to the Truth of God, by the same serpent, who deceived them.

You believe that you live in a real world, a world of matter, which has limited durability. Your life on earth is short. Your bodies age. Your health deteriorates. In time your body dies. Neglect your spirit, your soul, and you are nothing.

Accept that you are a child of God, and your life on earth will become more important, when you live a life according to the Laws of God. Your life will be extended, and you will be given a great Gift, Eternal Life.

Were you to be shown a glimpse of this life, for just one hour, you would never offend My Father. You must know that you will receive these Gifts.

You will live with your entire family, those who have died in a state of grace, and those who will form My remnant army on earth.

Your body will be purified and re-created into a state of perfection, based on the age in which you accepted the Love of God.

You will live in love and peace with your loved ones and your neighbours. None of you will want for anything.

There will be different levels in the New Paradise of 12 nations. At the bottom level there will be towns and villages, all working in a well of peace, love, happiness and contentment. No one will want for anything. I will be their King, their Master, and I will reign among them, in Mystical Union.

Then there will be the higher levels. They will keep all nations together, in union with My Teachings, and all men will mingle in complete harmony with each other, and with the beasts of the earth, both large and small.

All will survive by eating from the Tree of Life. No one will lack nourishment.

Then there will be the governments of the nations. They will ensure that all will be in accordance with My Teachings. My governments will be ruled by My saints and apostles.

This will continue until the very end, when the second resurrection of the dead will take place, for the final confrontation.

Satan will be released, along with his demons, for a short period. Then all evil will be destroyed. My Mercy will, finally, be presented to the world, in the New Heavens and the New Earth combined.

Then all will be revealed, as the mystery of God will be shown to all, in its full and final Glory.

Your Jesus

Once the Heavens and Earth become one, there will be no Purgatory

Saturday, October 12, 2013 17:10

My dearly beloved daughter, My Throne will be placed upon the renewed Earth and soon all will live in peace and harmony, in accordance with the Will of My Father.

The world will become as it was in the beginning and no discord will be felt. All of God’s children, who are chosen to join with the angels and saints, will live a perfect existence. But know this. Those who do not accept the reality of the New Paradise, when they have been given every chance to decide which path they wish to choose, will not be given a second chance. Once the Heavens and Earth become one, there will be no Purgatory. The only path souls will take, who refuse to accept My Mercy when it is handed to them freely, will be the one which leads to Hell. Many will be so stubborn, because they rely almost completely on intellectual reasoning, that they will, unwittingly, choose to spend eternity in the fires of Hell.

Those who do not believe in God, or accept the Truth, do not believe in the existence of Satan. He, the deceiver, will cloud their minds with lies, so as to entice them into the chambers of torture. Once there, because of his hatred of man, he will make them suffer non-stop for eternity. I cannot help these souls then. How I weep with bitter sorrow for the souls of the arrogant, the ignorant and those with hardened hearts. They are so stuffed with pride, that they will never see Me because they can’t. It is not possible for a person to see Me or to be filled with My True Word, if they are stricken with the sin of pride. Those of you, on the other hand, who know Me, but who accept Me on your own terms – you too distance yourselves from Me.

Why do you say you know Me and then twist what I told you about following Me?  How can you call yourself a Christian and be prepared to accept false theology and lies, which you have twisted to suit your own lifestyles? Who are you if you do not follow Me and accept the full Truth of My Teachings? You are a traitor. You betray Me. When you betray Me once, you will be tempted to do it again and again, until finally, you will no longer be a Christian in My Eyes.

I must call on all those who believe in My Word and ask you, when have I ever condoned sin? I forgive sin, but I never condone it. If you believe that I condone sin, then you justify sin. You will suffer for the error of your ways and you are no better than those who betrayed Me, mocked Me, laughed at Me and crucified Me.

Remember, I taught you the Truth. Nothing but the Truth will bring you to accept the salvation I now come to bring to the world, at this, the final stage of My Covenant to save humanity.

Never forget that I Am the Truth. Only the Truth comes from Me.

Your Jesus

God the Father: The land will be purified, just as My children will be cleansed of all iniquities

Sunday, October 12, 2014 18:40

My dearest daughter, many changes will come about as the time for the Second Coming of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, draws closer.

Fear not, My children, for these things must come to pass in order that My children are purified, so they can rejoice when the Day comes for the world without end to begin. My Promises have always been fulfilled and all will end well.

I desire that you beg for Mercy, for every single soul alive in the world, so that the human race can unite, as one, in My Eyes. Soon, the hatred, the evil and the injustices in the world will come to an abrupt end, and the Light of My Kingdom will shine down upon you. Peace will reign and love will fill the earth, as the New Paradise is unveiled in all its splendour. My Justice will eradicate all evil, and those who cling to the devil, despite My Intervention, will be cast away. Then, no more tears will be shed and the final part of My Covenant will be concluded.

Rise, My children, lift up your hearts in hope and trust. I will intervene in many ways to prevent evil acts, deceitful betrayals and heresy from destroying you. My Time has dawned and My enemies will be struck down as I strive to set everything in its correct order, so that all will be ready.The land will be purified, just as My children will be cleansed of all iniquities, and I will raise up the meek, the humble and those with tender hearts, to take their places in the New Heaven and New Earth.

Never lose hope, for all Power is Mine. Come to Me, My little ones, and draw comfort from My unconditional Love for you. Trust in Me and all glory will be yours.


Your beloved Father

God the Most High

I Am coming for those who are most undeserving of My Mercy, first

Sunday, October 12, 2014 21:20

'Mary Magdalene at the Sepulchre'
- Harold Copping

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am the Protector of all God’s children – every single one of you, irrespective of your sex, age or creed. I Am the Protector of My Church on earth and no man will prevail against it. It will remain intact, although many will have deserted Me.

Those who desert Me, who change the Word of God, cannot say that they are of My Church, for I cannot protect a church that does not speak the Truth. The true test of your faith has begun and, soon, you will be confused and won’t know where to turn. Be assured, that merciful though I Am, I will never stand and allow traitors to desecrate My Body. They will only go so far before the thundering force of the Hand of God will be heard.

You must focus on Me and accept that The Tribulation has intensified, and that all things foretold must be witnessed. Only when the prophecies, given to the world in the Beginning, become apparent, will man fully understand that My Time is almost upon him. You must never fear Me, for My Love and Mercy is expansive. Fear only those who do not come from Me, for it is the spirit of evil that drives them to do terrible things. By prayer alone, you can help to atone for their sins, and through such a generous act, you can diffuse the smoke of Satan. His fumes engulf the world at this time, but to be able to recognise his presence is more difficult, than you can imagine.   His influence is always hidden behind an exterior of concern; humanitarian acts and is presented in the most unexpected, but respectful way. The man who is blessed with the Gift of discernment will understand how Satan operates. He will recognise his works, no matter how carefully disguised they are presented to a world, which is blind to the Truth.

Soon, My Voice will awaken within the hearts of men, their spirituality; a sense of who they are; an understanding as to whom they belong; and an awareness of the Eternal Life I will bring them. Know that when this awakening begins, that the Power of God will be felt, as God’s Justice arises out of the ashes, and when a beacon of Light brings life back into the barren field, which will have been left in a withered state, by the evil one. My Voice will be heard and many will be shocked when that day begins. It will peal out like thunder and every righteous man will bend down on one knee, in praise of God. I Am coming for those who are most undeserving of My Mercy, first.  They are the ones who should be last, because of the way they treated Me. And, yet, they will be beckoned into My Kingdom first. The just will come last. The wicked will be left behind.

No stone will be left unturned, up to the last second, and those who scream for My Mercy will be given it. Those who curse Me will be cursed.


Your Jesus



Prayers for today
