Monday, October 3, 2011 12:30
My dearly beloved daughter, I speak with you today of the need to understand what The Warning is and to dispel any confusion surrounding it. Many people are frightened and believe that this is the Day of Judgment. But it is not. This is to be a day of Glorious Divine Mercy, which will envelop the entire world. My Rays of Mercy will be poured out over every single soul – man, woman and child. No one will be excluded. No one.
This is My return to save you once again. Didn’t you know that I was always going to be Merciful? That I would never wait until the Final Judgment until I tried once more to save you all?
This is the Purification I have spoken about. In the lead up to this Great Event the world has endured a Purification for the last couple of years. I allowed mankind to suffer loss and gain humility through the global collapse of financial markets, although I did not cause it. It was masterminded by global groups in places of power, including the corridors of governments all over the world, by their wicked greed. Yet because of this suffering, millions of people will now be ready to hear My Word and accept My Mercy. They would not have been ready otherwise. There is nothing to fear if you love Me and live by the Commandments given to the world by Moses on the instructions of My Eternal Father.
Await My arrival with anticipation of love and joy and be thankful that that you are alive in the world today to receive My great Gift of salvation. I will never desert you, children. That is why I Am coming. It is because I Love you so much that I do this. It is because I wanted to prepare you and bring you close to My Heart that I have given the world My Messages through My beloved daughter.
These Messages are going to continue beyond The Warning to give you as much guidance as possible into My Teachings. My Word, contained in these Volumes, which I refer to as the Book of Truth, will create a new christian army, who will defend My Name until the New Era of Peace commences.
Be joyful now, My children. Let me comfort you, for this will be the first time you will come before Me face to face. It will be, for My followers, a moment of great love, peace and happiness. Rise now and be strong. For you are privileged and for this you must offer praise to God the Almighty Father, Who has allowed this to happen.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
Wednesday, October 3, 2012 13:30
I am your beloved mystical spouse, the Son of Man, born of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.
My dearly beloved daughter, every horror I witnessed in the Garden of Gethsemane, when I was taunted, by the evil one, is unfolding in the world now, right before My Eyes.
People, everywhere, have lost their faith. They wander in a sea of confusion, and in a state of apostasy, not witnessed in the world on such a large scale before.
Love for one another has died.
Respect of other’s needs is no longer deemed to be an admirable trait.
Greed, lust and envy control the minds of many in the world today. Cold in their hearts, they no longer value life, itself, and think nothing of murder. It is taken for granted.
Christianity is being attacked for one main reason. It is to allow the laws, which condone sin, to be introduced, with ease, into your countries.
The obsession with false religions and false idols is rampant.
forcibly removed by police. Plock Poland, 2019
My Church is collapsing, and My sacred servants are not, for the most part, emphasising the danger of sin and the truth of eternal life.
Hatred, war, greed, lust, envy and self-love are all bound up in one false state, a state, which bears no resemblance to the Truth of My Teachings.
I knew then, in the Garden of Gethsemane, that My Death on the Cross, would not be seen for what it was, by this generation today. This was the pain, which tore through My Heart like a sword.
The Sacrifice I made for man, to redeem him in the Eyes of My Father, is not recognised today. How much they have forgotten. How much they have not been told. All of this has to do with the sin of tolerance, presented to the world as a good thing.
The wars and hatred spread like a virus, as they are planned by the evil one. The pain of My followers will unite with My pain to witness the obscenities, which will be spewed out by those leaders of Governments, who follow the lies embedded in their souls by Satan.
Satan and his demons are very powerful. Never believe for one minute that it is easy to loosen the grip they have on a person who has allowed them to infiltrate their souls. They will not give up easily and will prevent souls who want to turn to Me, their Jesus, for help, by rendering them helpless.
These souls will find it torturous to pray. The words won’t come out of their mouths. They will feel a total aversion to thoughts of Me. Try as they may, it will be an arduous task.
To those who say that they are good people, who do no harm to others, but, who do not accept Me, Jesus, in their lives, know this. You are not a follower of Christ. If you do not come to Me, you cannot be accepted into My Father’s Kingdom.
To enter My Father’s Kingdom requires preparation. Satan can move so quickly to distract souls that many are taken unawares.
These times of great unrest in the world, and lack of awareness of My Father, God the Creator of all things, can only result in one thing.
Catastrophe. Chastisements will be poured out over the world in order to save humanity, to purify humanity.
If people refuse to listen, they will not hear the Truth.
The Truth will save, not only their lives on earth, but will give them Eternal Life.
Failure to accept the Truth results in death, both of the body, and the soul.
The time has come for humanity to make a choice. I cannot force them to follow Me. For all the gifts, the graces and the miracles, which will be given to them, they will still turn their backs.
For all My Great Mercy, some will still choose death, over life.
Your Jesus
Thursday, October 3, 2013 22:35
My dearly beloved daughter, as the Crucifixion of My Church on Earth commences, you must watch out for all the signs, which were foretold.
The enemies of God will emulate every aspect of My Own Crucifixion, beginning with the desecration of My Body. When I was dragged before My executioners, they stripped Me naked, in order to mock Me and cause Me shame. They then dressed Me in red – the colour associated with the beast. They then fought over who would drive the first nail into My Body. Then, like savages, they tore at My Limbs and stretched My Arms so far that they pulled them out of My Sockets, so as to cause Me extra pain. To make Me suffer more, they drove the nails through the palms of My Hands at an angle so that they exited through My Wrists. My two Arms were pulled at two awkward angles and I hung at a painful, unusual angle, designed to cause Me the maximum amount of pain and humiliation.
They drew lots so that the final eight men could preside over the bloody torture they inflicted upon My Body. They chanted obscenities, slapped and punched Me, kicked Me in the stomach and roared like savages. They defiled Me in every way to show all those who witnessed My death on the Cross that I was being punished for My so-called wicked lies. I was murdered to keep Me silent and to prevent the Word of God from reaching souls.
The same will happen soon. It won’t be enough for My enemies to change the Presentation of My Eucharist – they will defile My Body once more. They will desecrate Me in similar ways. The colour red will be used; they will make gestures before My Cross and insult Me by their new rituals. Only those who recognise the signs will discern how these sacrileges will be enthusiastically presented to the world, amid great pomp and splendor.
The new homilies will be a nonsense and much of the new liturgy will not make sense. To those who know My Teachings, be aware of the confusing, illogical and complicated statements, which will accompany the introduction of the new, revised teachings and creeds of old. They will not only confuse and create great unease in your soul, they will be full of contradictions and lies, which could never come from Me, Jesus Christ.
You have been given the Truth since the time I walked the Earth. You will now be given the lies, designed to make you turn from God. Make sure that you are alert, for you will be swallowed up and taken into false doctrine. The doctrine of darkness, planned meticulously for many years, will soon descend upon you. You must never accept promises, which contradict My Word. When you see these things happen you will know that they have been brought to you by the spirit of evil, in order to destroy your chance of eternal salvation.
Your Jesus
Friday, October 3, 2014 15:10
My dearly beloved daughter, heed now My Promise. I will come again to herald a new beginning, a new world without end. All those who accept the Grace of God, when I pour My Mercy over the whole world, will be part of My Kingdom.
I have given humanity every sign, every warning and every Grace to prepare their souls. Some have heard the Word of God, as laid down in the Holy Gospels, and taken heed. Others have heard and seen the Truth but refuse to accept it. There will come a day soon when the full Truth and the proof of Who I Am will be revealed and sinners will be given equal time to make their own decision, according to their own free will. Not one of you will be forced to accept My Mercy for only you can make that decision. Others will refuse to bear witness to the Truth, even when they will see it clearly. Sadly, they will be lost. Others will take their time before they pledge allegiance to Me, but that time, after The Warning takes place, will be short.
I come to tell you now of events which will reveal to you the signs of these times and of My Presence in this Mission. Storms will be seen in many nations and they will last for weeks. The global vaccination I told you about in 2010 will soon be witnessed. The Hand of God, in His Divine Justice, will be seen when He permits the temptations placed before those who serve Him in My Church. When these and all the other prophecies come to fruition, I will be waiting. And then will come The Warning. It will come soon, before the Great Day when My Promise to come again will be finally fulfilled.
You must trust in My Goodness, My Love and My Mercy. If you do, you will be strong enough to face any trial and insults which are flung at you in My Name and the grace to remain true to My Holy Word.
Remain in peace and in hope, for My Love for you, and your love for Me, will destroy the evil which has taken over the souls of those who have separated themselves from Me.
Your Jesus