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I love you. I bless you. I protect you.

Rejoice when the sky explodes, for you will know that I Am coming

Sunday, October 2, 2011 15:00

My dearly beloved daughter, the weather patterns are now changing as yet another sign that times are about to change. Other changes will be experienced. The sun will begin to pulsate and spin in the lead up to the world as it is being prepared for The Warning.

My Cross will appear first. They will be shocked, but this is being given as a Sign so that you can prepare your souls and ask for redemption for the sins you have committed. By doing this you will not suffer during The Warning.

Pray, pray, pray, My followers everywhere. Rejoice when the sky explodes, for you will know that I Am truly coming into the world. At last mankind will not be able to deny Me. My Love will radiate in every corner of the world as I try to draw in all souls everywhere.

So unexpected will this event be that the world will stop in great shock. When they slowly recover, many will still be unsure about what has happened. As I come, so too will Satan and the demons from Hell, who will try to devour the souls of My children. This is why I must urge you all to sprinkle your home with Holy Water and have blessed candles everywhere. You must keep yourselves protected.

In the lead up, I ask of you this. Pray for all those who cannot find it in their hearts to accept the Truth of My Teachings. Pray especially for those who go to tremendous efforts to deny Me, although they are aware of My Crucifixion to save them.

Remember, I died for every single one of you to save you. Remember that this time I come again to save you, each one of you. Not one do I exclude.

Now is your chance, children, to be assured of a place in the Era of Peace on Earth. Why would you not want to be part of this? Why would anyone knowingly choose the depths of Hell in exchange for this great Gift?

Rejoice. Pray, give thanks to God the Father, for this Great Warning. Embrace this Gift with love and joy in your hearts.

Your Saviour
Jesus Christ

Virgin Mary: Many of my Son’s Church leaders say nothing. They no longer defend, publicly, the Holy Name of my Son.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012 15:30


My child, the moves to insult the Name of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, are increasing.

Not enough is it that they deny Him, many want to insult His image in the minds of those who believe in Him.

The Crucifixion of the Body of my Son, the Crucifixion of His Church, is escalating.

Many of my Son’s Church leaders say nothing. They no longer defend, publicly, the Holy Name of my Son. They lack the courage to defend the Body of my Son, His Church on earth.

Many do not want to draw unwanted attention because of the sins of priests in the past. Many, simply, do not have the strong faith required to be a true witness to the Truth of my Son’s teachings.

So many in the world do not believe in the Existence of my Son and this makes Him weep.

So many who do know the Truth, think it is acceptable to show disrespect by listening to blasphemy and still they remain silent.

You must, children, acknowledge the Truth of my Son’s Crucifixion openly and without fear. People will listen. You will be heard. If every servant of my Son were to remain silent, then who will speak of my Son?

Who will spread His Holy Word at this time when so many of God’s children deny the Existence of God?

Very soon they will have no excuse. When they see the state of their souls they will understand that they have a soul for the first time.

Pray that they become stronger after this and that they become true soldiers of Christ.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

There is a great misconception as to what makes a man or woman holy in My Eyes

Wednesday, October 2, 2013 22:15

My dearly beloved daughter, there is a great misconception as to what makes a man or a woman holy in My Eyes.

Many people in the world find the practice of the Christian Faith difficult to embrace when it comes to prayer. So many good and well-meaning people find it hard to sit quietly in peaceful contemplation of My Great Lessons given to the world in order to make them understand what is expected of them. I do not make great demands. I do not force souls to spend hours and hours before Me and yet, I Am so happy when humble souls do this – but it is a rare thing.

This is how I wish to develop an intimate relationship with all of God’s children. I just need to hear your little voice call out to Me when you would like to share your private thoughts; your sorrows; your joy; your worries; your failures and your longing for Me, so that I can make Myself Present and witnessed by you.

Never before in the history of the world will God permit Himself to be felt, within the souls of those who will seek Him out now – through Me, His only Son. By the Power of God, the Father, the Most High – I come before even the most lowly, the most unworthy, the most confused, the most tormented of spirit, to give you the Gift to witness My Presence. How do I do this? How will you know that I communicate with you? I will fill you first with the tears of conversion. You will begin to feel great sorrow as you relive My Crucifixion. You will begin to see life, even in everyday situations, through My Eyes. You will be drawn to others, who have been filled already with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

I do not choose those you believe are more worthy, more holy, more blessed, more disciplined, than you. I choose only those who come to Me in total humility, where their own free will has been willingly abandoned by them, so that it can become My Will.

If you truly love Me, you will know true peace. If you truly love Me you will say to Me:

“Jesus Your Will is all that matters. My free will is Yours. Do with it as You may.”

When a soul tells Me this, they are true servants of Mine and they are the reason I can save the rest of those who are too stubborn to recognise the meaning of being in union with Me.

I can do many things and create many miracles, when the free will, given to every person by My Father, is offered back to Me, His Son. This is the greatest power, which will eliminate the power of the beast when he comes to power. Come to Me and gift your free will to My Father, in order to bring freedom to the human race. Please recite this special Crusade Prayer:

Crusade Prayer (123) Gift of free will to God:

My dearest Jesus, hear this prayer from me, a most unworthy soul, and help me to love You more. By my free will, I offer You this Gift back, dear Jesus, so that I can become Your humble servant and remain obedient to the Will of God.

My will is Your Will. Your Command means that I am obedient to Your every desire.

My free will is Yours to do with it what it is that is needed to save all people, all over the world, who are separated from You.

I grant this Gift, which was given to me at birth, to Your Most Holy Service. Amen.

The more you begin to know Me, the more you will understand two things. My Teachings have never changed. I love all souls.

Your Jesus

Put down your armour, for it will be crushed into tiny pieces

Thursday, October 2, 2014 23:15

My dearly beloved daughter, My enemies may scorn My Word – the Truth – but the day will come when they will hang their heads in shame and remorse when they stand before Me.

In the days of Noah, he and those chosen to help him to prepare for the Justice of God, were ridiculed. They were sneered at, persecuted and every attempt was made to discredit the instructions given to Noah by God.  Obedient to the last, Noah begged for mercy for their souls. He urged them to seek refuge with him but he was ignored. And so it will be up to the Great Day of the Lord. Only a remnant will be ready to greet Me along with all those, who will find it in their hearts to accept My Mercy, during the Warning.

I ask all those who believe in Me, and My Promise to come again in great glory, to pray for those who scorn this mission for they have been given the Gift of the Truth but choose to throw it back in My Face.  All those with warm and tender hearts, and a meekness of soul, will be drawn into My Arms, no matter what faith or creed they follow, for they are of Me. Those who do not know the Word of God will be shown great mercy and those who convert during the Warning will also dwell in My Arms. I will reach out to all souls, whose hearts are warm and who show love and mercy to their brothers and sisters.

The greatest battle will be when I reach out to the arrogant and proud, who lack true love and who are without a generous spirit. It is for these souls that I urge your prayers. But, it will be for those who have sold their souls to the devil, in the full knowledge of what they have done, that I ask you to beg for My Mercy the most. They will not come to Me, on their own accord, and so it will only be through the suffering of chosen souls, who have consecrated themselves to Me, and your own offerings, that they can be saved. Please recite this prayer to save all sinners.

Crusade Prayer (169) For the salvation of those who reject Christ

Dearest Jesus, by Your Compassion and Mercy,

I beg you for the salvation of those who have rejected You;

Who deny Your Existence;

Who deliberately oppose Your Holy Word and whose bitter hearts have poisoned their souls against the Light and the Truth of Your Divinity.

Have Mercy on all sinners.

Forgive those who blaspheme against the Holy Trinity and

Help me, in my own way, and through my personal sacrifices, to embrace within Your Loving Arms, those sinners who need Your Mercy the most.

I give You my promise, that through my thoughts, my actions and the spoken word, to serve You as best I can in Your Mission of Salvation.


Go all of you and gather in prayer, for the Justice of God will be seen soon for the world to witness.  It is because of the wickedness of man, his peevish actions and his hatred for his fellow man that God will stop him from the devastation, which is being orchestrated in every way against the human race.

Put down your armour, for it will be crushed into tiny pieces by the Hand of My Eternal Father. Oppose God and you will suffer for this. But when you try to hurt humanity on a large scale through the abuse of power, you will be stopped abruptly. You will have no time to seek God’s Mercy.

Your Jesus



Prayers for today
