Monday, April 2, 2012 15:30
My dearest beloved daughter, you must rest now, for the attacks by those who cannot accept My True Word, continue.
You are not permitted to defend My Word, but now I Am instructing you not to engage with those who doubt My Word, for that is not your responsibility.
My daughter, no matter how tempting it is to prove the authenticity of My Most Holy Word for humanity in these the times, you must not do this.
I never responded to My executioners, during My Crucifixion. You must not try to respond to those who wish to persecute Me, through My Messages.
It is not you, my daughter, they are angry with; it is I.
I can only tell the world how to prepare for My Second Coming. I cannot force them.
Ignore such taunts. Many are from genuine souls, who feel the need to ask questions. But, you are not permitted to do so. Let them pray to Me for discernment. Only I have responsibility for their souls. Even when you offer suffering to save souls, it is still not your responsibility.
So go and tell those who are in doubt, like My apostle Thomas, it was I who faced him, after My Resurrection, when I stood before him. It was only when he touched MyWounds that he fully believed.
Sadly, many souls in the world are not afforded this luxury.
They must know time is short, in order to prepare their souls. It is their own free choice whether or not they respond to My Call.
Your Jesus
Tuesday, April 2, 2013 15:30
My dearly beloved daughter, the pressures placed on My followers to reject these Holy Messages will increase. Many misguided followers of Mine will refuse to accept these Messages as Mine. Well-meaning in their intentions, they will go to extraordinary lengths to turn people away from Me, in the belief that they guard My Church.
I Am the Church, and as long as My holy servants protect My Teachings, My Doctrine, My Sacraments and My Most Holy Eucharist, we are as One. Those, including leaders within My Church, who change these Laws, are not part of My Church. These changes have not been presented yet and when they are there will be much distress.
To those of you, who are in doubt, please do not reject Me. While you embrace Me in one way, you also bring tears to My Eyes. You may not see Me now, but soon you will feel My Divine Presence.
I call on all of you to prepare now for the great splendid future I have ready for you. Heaven rejoices as the Holy Spirit will soon descend and pierce your hearts with love and recognition. So many souls will be saved, so great is My Love. I will never give up. You will suffer in My Name, but this will be forgotten when you are at the gates of My New Kingdom. You will all unite together as one family.
I speak of those who are lost to Me, but I have every intention of extending My Mercy to as many as possible. Come to Me and let Me reassure you of the extent of My absolute Love and Compassion for every one of you. Those who reject Me, and in some cases detest Me, will be enveloped into My Arms as I soothe their poor hearts and enlighten their souls. I will become their only hope when they finally realise that the dark path they have chosen offers nothing, but unhappiness and fear.
I will pour, over the whole world, My Rays of Divinity, full of Mercy and soon I will cleanse all of humanity, so that they can be taken into My Kingdom quickly. My Time is almost here, as I await the day when My Father hands Me the keys to My Kingdom.
As the final Covenant is completed, I wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home, finally, to their Eternal Paradise. This is your final inheritance promised to you. Do not reject it, for the sorrow you will bring upon yourselves is to be feared, and should you turn your back on Me, there will be a time when I can do no more to save you.
Your Jesus
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 16:27
My child, the conversion, Promised by my Father, will begin this month and will spread across the world by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Souls will be spared and great Mercy will be shown by my Son, to the most hardened sinners.
Many people, who have no belief in God and live their lives as if there is no Eternal Life, will be the first people my Father desires to be shown the Light of the Truth. These people are very much loved and their lack of belief will be replaced by a love and a longing for reconciliation with Jesus Christ, Who was forsaken by them. The souls of those who have committed terrible sin and who are infested by the influence of the devil will be next. They will be given great Graces and my Son’s Mercy will pierce their hearts, so suddenly, that their conversion will be instant. So unexpected will this Miracle be, that when they begin to spread the news of the Gospels, many will sit up and listen to them.
It will be because of the conversion of the most afflicted, that many more souls can and will be saved. It will then be up to all those who already follow the Truth, as to whether or not they desire to remain loyal to my Son and to His Teachings. It will be these souls who will suffer the most, for they are of God and because of this, every effort will be made by the evil one to torment them with doubts about the Truth. These are the souls who will be drawn away from my Son and the ones the evil one covets the most.
For the protection of the faith of Christians everywhere, please recite this Crusade Prayer:
Crusade Prayer (144) To protect the Christian Faith
O Mother of Salvation, please intercede on behalf of the souls of Christians all over the world.
Please help them to preserve their faith and to remain loyal to the Teachings of Jesus Christ. Pray that they will have the strength of mind and spirit to uphold their faith at all times.
Intercede, dear Mother, on their behalf, to open their eyes to the Truth and to give them the Grace to discern any false doctrine, presented to them in the Name of your Son.
Help them to remain true and loyal servants of God and to renounce evil and lies, even if they have to suffer pain and ridicule because of this.
O Mother of Salvation, protect all your children and pray that every Christian will follow the path of the Lord, until his dying breath. Amen.
Children, Jesus loves everyone. He will always fight to protect you from harm and He will intervene in the most extraordinary ways to protect you from every evil, in the days of darkness, which you will have to endure in His Name. Trust in me, your beloved Mother, as I will intercede on your behalf to bring you closer to my Son during the trials ahead.
Thank you for responding to this Call from Heaven.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Mother of God