Saturday, March 31, 2012 11:00
My dearest beloved daughter, you must remain brave throughout your suffering and not allow fear to enter your heart.
In union, truly with Me, your suffering coincides with the week, which commemorates My death on the Cross.
This is not a coincidence. For the suffering that you and other such chosen souls endure, during this week, will save millions of souls from the fires of Hell.
Just as I endured pain, torture and death, to save mankind from eternal damnation, so too, do victim souls save other souls, so that they can be given the Gift of Eternal Life.
No matter how difficult and frightening this suffering is, always remember the Gift to humanity that it represents.
Children, as Holy Week commences, please meditate on My Passion on the Cross.
Not just on the suffering, but on the Gift of freedom that it offers the whole of humanity.
Not one soul, including the cruel and hardened sinner, influenced by Satan, will be excluded from My Mercy.
The Mercy, which has been made possible, because of the Gift My beloved Father gave the world.
When He sent Me, His one and only Son, He made the biggest Sacrifice of all.
This Sacrifice, proof of His ardent Love for all of His children, has meant that it is possible to destroy Satan once and for all.
Because of the free will, given to humanity by My Father, each man will be given the choice.
You will either be for My Father or against Him.
You will choose either the Paradise of Eternal Life or the horror of Hell.
Satan, as his days are almost at an end will not sit back, while My new miracles will be presented to the world at this time.
Not only will he attack those dark souls, in order to tempt them into further darkness and closer to his domain, he will target devout Christians.
The miracles I speak of are firstly, My communications through you, My daughter. My Voice is being heard and conversion is multiplying.
Millions of souls are now being claimed by Me, through these Messages.
The other miracles include the great Gift of My Mercy I bring into the world shortly, when The Warning takes place.
For the first time, every single man, woman and child will be given the proof, that not only does God, the Father, Exist, but that I, Jesus Christ, His only Son, also Exists.
This means that all those religions, including the Jewish people, My chosen people from whom I came, will realise the Truth.
The miracle of global conversion will infuriate Satan, who will not give up even at that stage. Those poor souls, already in terrible sin, will find it very difficult to pull away from him.
Other miracles will include global events, which will involve ecological wonders, which will be given by My Father, out of His Love for His Two Witnesses, the Christians and the Jews.
Power will be given to these two Faiths when they are being persecuted.
Their enemies will suffer as they inflict terrible punishment on them.
And then there will be My Second Coming, the greatest miracle since My Resurrection.
This will be the Day I come to Judge the living and the dead.
This is the Day I come to gather My family so that we become one.
This will be the beginning of My Reign, as Heaven and Earth merge, to become one for 1,000 years.
At this time, all will live by the Divine Will of My Father.
Your beloved Jesus
Sunday, March 31, 2013 18:40
My dearly beloved daughter, today I bring great graces upon the world, as I rejoice because of the faith that exists, despite the trials and tribulations, which God’s children have to endure in the world at this time.
I renew the face of the earth today and fill the souls of those who believe in Me, their beloved Jesus Christ, Redeemer of all humanity, with My Holy Spirit. Rejoice and ignore the torment, which is being unleashed by Satan. Instead, humble yourself before Me and place all your trust in My Mercy and I will protect you from harm.
You must know that all Power is Mine. The evil one and those he enslaves have no power over Me. But their influence will destroy many of those who leave themselves open to the deceit of the beast.
My Kingdom awaits you, in all its Glorious Splendour, and this time is almost upon you.
Spread out, My followers, multiply in groups and proclaim the Word of God, the Truth, which is contained in the Holy Bible. You must now go back to the Gospels and remind people of its contents, for therein lies the Word of God.
Many new laws will be brought into your nations, where My Father’s Book will become impossible to access. You must never accept these laws because they deny Me. When you have no access to My Teachings, your children will not know Me. When My Teachings, the Laws of God, become outlawed, then you will know that it will be by the hand of Satan that your governments are being guided.
You must not allow yourselves to be taken like slaves. You must not succumb to absurd laws, which deny your free will. Never forget that you were born with the gift of free will – a Gift from God.
Any man who takes away your free will denies God. Any government or nation, which denies you your free will to bear witness to God is being guided by Satan. You, My beloved followers have been duped by satanic influences through those nations, which control your banks, your governments and your access to food.
The time will come when they will make you suffer even more than you do now, but suddenly and unexpectedly, will come a severe chastisement, which will render those government and their powers useless. God’s intervention will be swift and they, those evils sects, will crawl on their hands and knees screaming in terror at the punishment, which will befall them, for their evil deeds.
You, My cherished followers, must Trust Me and remain strong. Today I bless you with a special Gift – the Gift of Perseverance. You will know that you have been given this Gift for your patience will be impenetrable. Your determination to do My Holy Will will surprise even you, and when the time comes for you to openly profess your witness to My Second Coming, you will have no fear left. Instead, love for Me will manifest itself as a special love for your brothers and sisters. You will now see them, as they appear in the Eyes of My Father, as little ones. Your heart will swell in love and this will shake you, for you will feel love in your hearts, even for those enemies who rule over your nations by the command of the beast.
This love will convert the souls of those with hatred in their souls. Your prayers for such souls will grant them immunity from the punishment they would otherwise have faced on the day of punishment when I come to Judge.
This Gift of Perseverance, which I give you today, will save souls, for every Gift I bring has only one objective, and that is to save all souls so that we can unite as one holy family in the New Paradise on earth.,
Your Jesus
Monday, March 31, 2014 14:00
My dearest daughter, the time has come when man, having sinned and blemished himself in My Eyes, for so long, will now sink into the final depths of depravity, when he will strive to destroy all that is sacred of Mine.
All life comes from Me. Life of the soul is Mine. Life of the flesh is also of Me. Let no man interfere with either – lest his own life be taken away by Me. Of that you can be sure. Every form of life, which has been brought forth by My Hand, will be killed at the hands of wicked men. They will take life away from those in the womb and declare this to be a form of human right. You, My children, do not have the right to destroy the life of My children – either before or after they are born – and if you do, then you will suffer a terrible chastisement. Without reconciliation and a failure to repent for this sin of abomination, I will destroy you, as well as those countries, which encourage this evil. When you destroy your own life, you offend Me, for it does not belong to you and only I have the right to give life and take it away, in My Time. By tampering with life of the flesh, you interfere with My Divinity and I will never stand back and ignore such an affront to My Creation.
When the taking of life is not enough, man will deviously attack the life of the soul, by bringing death to My Holy Word, upon which he will trample until he grinds every part, so that it will become like gravel under his feet. Then man, arrogant and full of his own warped view of his abilities, will attempt to seek a new planet to find a new home for humanity, although this is impossible. The Gift of the very soil, upon which I placed humanity, will be deemed not to be sufficient for man’s needs. And so it will continue – this march towards self-destruction. Man will be the author of his own demise. He will systematically destroy all that is sacred to Me.
The Gift of life, given by Me to every creature of Mine, will be stolen from Me, by man, without a shred of remorse. He will condone every part of his murderous intent, by declaring the taking of life to be a good thing. Death, by abortion, is the greatest insult of all and I warn humanity that Justice will be Mine, for I will no longer allow you to curse Me in this way.
Earthquakes will strike your cities and for every nation that condones the taking of life, you will feel the wake of My Anger, as I strike your grievous and hateful hearts. Those who seek remorse for this wrongdoing will be spared, but know that not one nation amongst you will escape this chastisement.
The death of My Church will not be tolerated, as man, along with the false leaders he will slavishly follow, will destroy the Sacraments and recreate them, so that they will disappear. I will pull down your temples and your churches as you continue your desecration of My Son’s Body. You scourged Him, mocked Him and persecuted His followers – until you savagely murdered Him, when you crucified Him. Still, you have not learned. Your lack of humble servitude, to He Who gave you life, brought you Redemption and Who now attempts to prepare you for the Great Day, disgusts Me.
I Am Sorrowful. I Am Saddened and I Am Angry, for you have finally succeeded in killing every form of life I gave you. I refer to both life of the flesh and life of the soul. The life I gave you is no longer enough, so I will take it back on the Last Day, from those of you who have thrown it back at Me. While your act of war against Me, the Creator of the World, of all that is, continues, I will only permit your wicked acts of destruction to last for a very short time.
I give you, now, the time to examine the sins of humanity against everything I hold sacred, so that you can atone for the sins of the world. The final battle has begun and much life – the Gift of life created by Me – will be destroyed by man. And for that I will punish the world.
Your Father
God the Most High