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When I tell you the Truth, I do this only because I love you and yearn for the day when we will be united, finally. Do not fear the Truth.

Jesus reveals details of His Crucifixion

Thursday, March 29, 2012 13:15

My dearly beloved daughter, My time for more suffering will come about, as My Passion on the Cross, will be commemorated.

No man understands the extent of My suffering, during My Crucifixion or the way in which I was scourged.

My scourging was the worst. I was beaten savagely – by ten men and every inch of My Body was slashed.

The Flesh on My Back was torn and My Shoulder Blades were visible.

I could barely stand and one Eye was bruised and crushed.

I could only see through My left Eye.

By the time they took Me before Pontius Pilate and placed the Crown of Thorns on My Head I could barely stand up.

They then stripped Me bare before placing a short red garment over My Head and then placed a palm branch in My right Hand.

Each thorn was like a needle, so sharp was it. One of these thorns also pierced My right Eye, which left Me barely able to see.

I lost so much Blood that I vomited and was so dizzy that when I began My ascent to Calvary I could not hold the Cross.

I fell so many times, that it took hours before I reached the top of the hill.

I was scourged and whipped each step of the way.

My Body was bloody all over and covered with a thick sweat produced by a scorching sun.

I fainted a few times.

Much as this was painful and agonizing, the most frightening of all was the hatred shown to Me, not just by the adults along the way, but by young children who kicked Me because they were following their parents’ example.

The screams that poured out from their mouths and the hatred was nothing compared to the fear they had of Me.

Because, behind it all, they were still not sure whether or not I was, in fact, the Messiah, they were awaiting for so long.

It was easier, therefore, to hate Me, denounce Me, rather than accept Me, for that would have meant that they would have had to change their ways.

My most agonising moment was when I lay on the ground on My Side, having been kicked in the back again and saw My beloved Mother looking at Me.

She was heartbroken and had to be held up by two of My disciples.

I could only see her through the one remaining Eye and I could not bear to watch her torment.

The jeers, screams and roars from the crowds of hundreds could be felt from the ground I lay on and it took six hundred soldiers to organise and supervise the Crucifixion of Myself and six others.

I was the main focus of their attention and the others did not suffer like I did.

When My Wrists, at the base of My Thumbs, were nailed to the Cross I could no longer feel.

My Body was so battered and bruised that I had gone into shock.

My Shoulders were dislocated and My Arms were torn out of their sockets.

The worst physical damage was inflicted on My Body, before I was nailed to the Cross.

I let out no scream.

No protest.

Only a whisper.

This infuriated My executioners who wanted a reaction to satisfy their lusts.

I never engaged with them, for to do so would have meant that I would have had to engage with Satan and his demons, who infested their souls.

This is why their viciousness towards Me was so intense.

I was hanging on the Cross for five hours.

The sun was scorching and without clouds to help reduce the burning of My Skin.

As soon as I took My last breathe, My Father sent forth black clouds, as well as thunder and lightning.

The storm that took place was of such a frightening magnitude and so sudden, that My spectators were left in no doubt, at that stage, that I was, indeed, the Saviour, that had been sent by God the Father.

I reveal this to you, My daughter, as a Gift to you in return for the huge act of suffering you have offered Me.

Tell My children that I do not regret My Passion on the Cross.

What I do regret is that My Sacrifice has been forgotten and that so many deny that My Crucifixion took place.

Many have no idea as to what I had to suffer, as many of My apostles did not witness My climb to Calvary.

What hurts Me today is that so many deny Me still.

My appeal to you, My followers, is do not allow My Crucifixion to go to waste.

I died for ALL sins, including those committed today.

I want and I need to save, even those who deny Me, even today.

Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ

Today My Church on earth will be Crucified. Today marks the beginning of the changes

Friday, March 29, 2013 0:15

Good Friday

My dearly beloved daughter, today My Church on earth will be Crucified. 

Today marks the beginning of the changes, which will be rapid and which will come about to change the face of the Catholic Church in the world.

In its wake will come the merging of all doctrines, which will be seen in every public sign and demonstrated deliberately for the sake of public witness.

Watch now, as all I have told you will come to light. I defy, those amongst you, to deny the awful truth when you are forced to swallow a lie.

You, My followers, must protect My Sacraments and be vigilant. You, My sacred servants, will soon be put to the test, as My Divinity will be challenged. God’s Laws will be adapted, and as soon as My Holy Eucharist is tampered with, the Hand of God will descend with such force that you will know, immediately, that these Messages come from Heaven.

My Sorrow will become your sorrow. Your grief, because of your knowledge of the Truth, will make it impossible for you to accept the sacrileges, which you will be instructed to embrace.

Even then, if you do not accept My prophet and the Words I give her, I will still give you time. For very soon you will be asked to renew your vows by those leaders amongst you. You will be asked to pledge your life through sworn testimony to the laws of paganism. If you do this, you will be under the influence of the evil one and you will do battle with God.

You must persevere and remain loyal to Me and you must beg Me for guidance at a time when the man who sits in the Chair of Peter, who refuses to follow in his footsteps or wear his shoes, will destroy your allegiance to God.

As you now witness the Crucifixion of My Church on earth, I will call you to proclaim the Truth of God. I will keep calling you in order to protect you. I will ensure that My Church, those who adhere to My Teachings, My Sacraments and the Word of God, lives on through the remnant who will never desert Me.

There will be those amongst you who will betray Me today. Others amongst you will soon denounce My Sacraments, as you will be too weak to defend the Word of God.  Those of you who already suspect the truth and who try to spread My Word will suffer because you won’t have the courage to stand up for the Truth.  Yet, you will still remain loyal to Me, as you know that you cannot live without My Love.

Listen to My Voice. Lean your weary head upon My Shoulder and allow Me to wrap My Arms around you at this time. I will always protect you.

Your Jesus

Soon My Beloved Pope Benedict will guide God’s children from his place of exile.

Friday, March 29, 2013 8:45

Good Friday Message 2

Second Message for Good Friday

My dearly beloved daughter, history will be made today. As My Passion is being commemorated it will, in truth, represent the Crucifixion of the Catholic Church.

On the days leading up to My betrayal in My Time on earth, the priests of the day fought every way they could to try and prove that I was guilty of heresy.

They took what I had taught – the Word of God – and twisted it. The rumours they then spread contained lies and they said that I was trying to pull people away from the True Teachings of the Church.  They preached in the Temples to warn people to keep away from Me, lest they offend the high priests. They were warned that if they continued to spread My Messages they would be cast out, like lepers, from the Holy Temple. In some cases, my disciples were told that they would suffer physical punishment and that they would be arrested.

While they blasphemed against the Holy Spirit – they denied that I spoke the Truth and said that My Word was from Satan – they continued to worship God in the Temples. Dressed in the robes  of Kings, they fought for their place upon the altar in the Temple. All lowly servants were made to stand for hours while they sat on the chairs, which were designed for Kings. The altar was so full of the leaders in the Church that the ordinary people were confused. They were obliged to pay homage to God by being forced to honour the highest ranking servants of God.  The high priests, demanded respect from those who attended the Temple.  They displayed all the outward signs of the love and humility, which was expected of them, and yet, they dressed and behaved as masters in My Father’s House, instead of the servants they were meant to be.

People were afraid of offending the Pharisees when they were following Me. Priests were bullied and warned that, unless they stopped spreading My Word, they would be stripped of their titles. Ordinary people knew that if they were caught spreading My Teachings that their own fate would be much worse.

The Crucifixion of My Body on earth completed the first part of the Covenant with My Father to save mankind.

The Crucifixion of My Mystical Body – My Church on Earth – commences today, the beginning of the final persecution, as the Masonic plan to defile My House, will now become clear to all who know the Truth.

History will now repeat itself, but the Truth will not be denied. Those who will deny Me, however, will in time turn to Me. Those who know that the prophecies foretold – that My Church will be the final target in ridding the world of all traces of Me, Jesus Christ –  are now taking place, will follow Me in My Remnant army. They will remain loyal to My Teachings to the end of time.

No one can stop the True Word of God from spreading. No one. The reign in the House of Peter will be short and soon My Beloved Pope Benedict will guide God’s children from his place of exile. Peter, My Apostle, the founder of My Church on earth, will guide him in the last difficult days, as My Church fights for its Life.

Your Jesus


Not at My Feet will they fall. It will not be My Feet they kiss, but those of My servants, My followers, My sinners

Friday, March 29, 2013 19:00

My dearly beloved daughter when Judas Iscariot betrayed Me, he held My Head and kissed me on the cheek. When those who lead My Church say they love Me, and then betray Me, you will see, clearly, their kiss of betrayal.

Not at My Feet will they fall.  It will not be My Feet they kiss, but those of My servants, My followers , My sinners.

Showing concern for the needs of fellow human beings is admirable.  But when you promote the physical well-being of the needs of man over their spiritual needs it is not I, Jesus Christ, you follow.

Humanism is not Christianity. To be Christian means surrendering all to Me, abandoning yourself in full humility at My Feet. It means allowing Me to guide you. It means obedience to My Laws and doing all that you can to show the example of My Love for you all. Today I was betrayed.

Not for long can, nor will, you be deceived for once the House of God is attacked from within nothing but disorder can follow. You must pick up your Cross and follow Me for soon you will be blindfolded and you will stumble and fall in the dark.

Without the Light of God you will not be able to see.

Your Jesus

Every effort will be made by men of science to disprove the Existence of God over the next two years

Saturday, March 29, 2014 14:30

My dearly beloved daughter, every effort will be made by men of science to disprove the Existence of God over the next two years. They will falsely claim that man can sustain life on other planets, apart from Earth. Earth is the only living part of the universe created by God for His children. But that is not the only reason that these claims will be made to prove that God does not Exist. They will proclaim man’s greatness; his intelligence and his advances in science, to dispel the notion that man was created by God. The greatest insult will be when they declare that man was created by a miracle of science. They will go to great lengths to prove that man is invincible and, yet, they will have no answer as to what happens after physical death of the body takes place, which every man has to face. This part will be ignored by those who lie and who deny God.

They will ridicule anyone who declares a belief in the Existence of Heaven or in their True Creator, God the Most High. And all during these public declarations, against the Truth, not one word will be uttered by those who claim to lead My Church. In the final days, religion will become a pagan concept, when adulation of the Earth, the sun, the moon and the stars will become the substitutes, when they pay homage to God.

Most of the world will turn to paganism and bring death to their souls. Despite every Intervention by My Father, they will turn the other way. This is why My Father promised the world the Book of Truth, the unraveling of the Book of Revelation, to save your sorry souls. Man is stubborn. Man is proud, vain and the more advances he makes in science the less he knows and the more he removes himself from the Truth.

Heed now My Word, for soon all that I taught you will be gradually withdrawn, stage by stage, from My Churches on Earth. The Word will be taken away from you, but I will never desert you, for I will always remain with you, guiding you, teaching you and filling you with My Love. You will always be in My Heart and it will be because of your love for Me that I will be able to salvage those who are lost. You, My beloved followers, are My link to God’s children and through your prayers, I will strive to unite the world. This is why you must never despair, even when all seems hopeless.

Your Jesus



Prayers for today
