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Be patient, children. Just remember I love you. Trust in Me and in My Holy Word given to you through My end time prophet, Maria Divine Mercy.

Catholic Church and House of Israel will be persecuted

Sunday, March 4, 2012 15:30

My dearly beloved daughter, the time for the opening of the Seals, which will result in you opening the Seventh Seal, is almost upon you.

Because of your prayers, much upheaval is being averted.

You, My followers, are accepting My Cross and you will unite with the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, as you march towards My Glorious Kingdom.

As the falsities and depravities of the world escalate, so too will the faith of those who lead My Army.

The churches will be persecuted. Namely, the Catholic Church and the House of Israel.

Many will be pleased. These two religions will be tormented and every effort, both externally and within, will be made to eradicate any trace of either.

There will be great rejoicing around the world when they have fallen.

Many will consider them to be destroyed. People will then ignore their corpses.

But this would be foolish. For they will rise again to form the New Heaven and the New Earth as the Gates of My Paradise are opened.No one can nor will destroy My chosen people on Earth.

They may inflict pain, torture, death, and demolish the very buildings and temples set up by them to honour My Father.

But, then they will rise and reclaim their rightful thrones, when they will reign with Me in Paradise.

Never reject God.

Never reject His churches, for if you do you will be following the path of deceit to eternal damnation.

Your Saviour,
Jesus Christ

Wars will escalate, until the Great War is declared

Tuesday, March 4, 2014 17:00

My dearly beloved daughter, it is important that people, the world over, turn and ask Me to protect them from the scourge of war, at this time. 

Wars will escalate, until the Great War is declared and then the greatest enemy, that is communism, will create great turmoil amongst all nations. Power and a hunger for it, is born out of selfishness. Those who seek power will, in time, have none, when they have to stand before Me. Those who persecute the weak and the vulnerable will suffer their own persecution, thrice that which they inflicted on others.

These wars will end in turmoil. Lives will be lost, but then the war in the East will trigger an even bigger war. When this war takes place, millions of lives will be lost. When all seems hopeless, the man of peace will appear and then the beginning of the end will be witnessed. 

My Life, My Presence, will ensure that hope, love and prayer will continue, so as to ease the pain of God’s children, during these times. All wars, I assure you, will be short. All these terrible events will be short-lived, but know that when they take place, that the timing of all that is meant to be will be in My Father’s Hands.

Your Jesus

I Am All-Merciful. I do not seek revenge

Tuesday, March 4, 2014 21:25

My dearly beloved daughter, remember that God always judges in favour of the oppressed. He will never exalt those who exalt themselves. For every man that is exalted, the lowest of the low in your world will be exalted in My Kingdom. The oppressors in your world will become the oppressed, on the Final Day of Judgement.

I Am All-Merciful. I do not seek revenge. I do not reprimand you by replicating the wrongs you did to others, the hatred you inflicted on others or the harsh way you judged others. So great is My Love, that I will forgive you any sin, except eternal sin, which curses the Word of God. I will always forgive you, no matter how you crucify Me or My servants, sent to redeem you. Not since My Crucifixion has humanity witnessed My Intervention, like now, as I bring you the Book of Truth.

The time is near now, as I gather all nations for the final reunion. I will take those who are of Me, through their acts, their words and their deeds, into a new beginning, which will become the new world, the New Paradise. My Kingdom will be yours. I will gather My people, from every corner of the Earth. Some will be Mine, while the others will be punished for their wickedness. Those who are called, as well as those of you who were chosen from the beginning of time, will be like lions. Courage will be given to you from Heaven and you will need this if you are to overcome the hatred, which will be shown against you. 

Please never fear My enemies. Ignore their venom. Their voices may roar and their screams may be deafening, but they have no power over you. If you are truly Mine, then the fires of Hell will never prevail against you.

Your Jesus

My loyal sacred servants, who remain true to My Word, will rise and guide you

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 22:12

My dearly beloved daughter, My Voice has been suppressed by the spirit of darkness at a time when humanity needs Me the most.

The spiritual battle is a fierce one and is being fought by My Kingdom against the forces of the evil one. Yet, many people are oblivious to this fact because the spirit of evil is pouring out a new false doctrine which, on the surface, will be seen to be popular, admired, welcomed and applauded by those who profess to speak My Word, but which is not of Me.

The evil one is careful, cunning and devious and so, when his agents present a new approach to My Teachings, you can be sure that it will be dressed up in an admirable way that will be seen to be just. The power of My enemies is strangling the Faith of My people and they do not see what is being placed before them.

Confusion does not come from Me. My Word is clear, My Teachings infinite. Humanity has embraced humanism and atheism as a substitute for Me. I have been discarded and My Word is tolerated only in some parts, while the other parts have been twisted to suit the needs of sinners who want to justify their iniquities. They may condone heresy amongst themselves, but I Am all seeing and I will judge Christians by the way they reject My Word and by the actions they embrace, which are against Me.

Christians are being quickly ostracised in the world and they will suffer great hardship because of the hatred that exists in the world against Me. I Am despised by those who once knew Me, but who have now rejected Me. I Am barely tolerated by those who know Who I Am, who dismiss some of My Teachings because the Truth makes them uncomfortable.

I was shunned by many during My Time on earth and especially those proud souls who led My Flock in the temples. They preached the Word of God but did not like to hear the Truth from My Lips, the True Messiah.

Today there are disloyal servants of Mine who fail to adhere to the Truth. Many of them no longer accept My Holy Word, which like the waters of a spring remains crystal clear. They have muddied the water, which pours forth from the Holy Spirit and innocent souls will drink it. The Truth will be distorted and many will be forced to swallow the doctrine of darkness, which will shine brightly, like a dazzling star. This new false doctrine will have nothing to do with Me and only those who believe in the Holy Gospel, and who refuse to deviate from it, will find Eternal Life.

I came to bring you the Truth to save you and you crucified Me for doing so. Yet, through My Death on the Cross, I defeated death. Everything I did was for you and everything that comes from My Victory over death is yours. Life of the body becomes yours when you believe in Me and your soul will live forever. Reject Me before My Second Coming and you will not be ready to receive Me. Should you embrace lies, though you already know the Truth of My Word, you will fall into despair. And now, I Am to be crucified once more and this time there will be little mourning for My Body – My Church – for you will have deserted Me by the time I come on the Great Day. I will have been forgotten about, but the impostor will be idolised; worshipped and greeted like royalty, while I will lie in the gutter and be trampled upon.

Only by the Power of the Holy Spirit will My true followers be able to withstand this battle for souls and I Am giving you every Grace to open your eyes to the Truth and to prevent you from being devoured by deceit.

My loyal sacred servants, who remain true to My Word, will rise and guide you on the Path of Truth. These brave sacred servants of Mine will receive extraordinary Graces to enable Christians to see clearly, the difference between right and wrong. Take heart, all of you, and know that these Graces are now being poured upon these servants of Mine, for without their leadership you would find it difficult to proclaim the Truth.

I love you all. I will never desert you. I draw you to Me and urge you to recite My Crusade Prayers to receive the Blessings which are necessary for this journey ahead of you. The Holy Spirit rests upon you and you will be filled with every Gift possible to sustain your devotion to Me.

Call on Me always to help you, to give you courage, strength and the ability to treat your enemies with the love and compassion that is needed if you are to become a true disciple of Mine. By loving My enemies does not mean, however, that you accept heresy. I also ask that you refuse to engage in any kind of hatred in My Holy Name.

Proclaim My Word. There is no need to defend it.


Your beloved Jesus Christ

Saviour and Redeemer of all Humanity



Prayers for today
