Thursday, March 3, 2011 23:00
O dearly beloved daughter, it is with joy that I welcome your attention this evening. Your absence has pained Me somewhat, but I knew you would turn back to Me soon.
Please listen carefully. While I realise that you are busy with your life, you must understand the sheer urgency of this Message. My Word is being given to you in the most historical era since the beginning. For it is in this time that the world will now experience changes never witnessed by mankind to date.
Get ready now, My children, wherever you are in the world. For very soon one of the most precious Gifts, out of My Mercy, will now be given to each of you. My Warning, which is being given to you, will spread conversion everywhere. When this takes place, after that moment in time when the Earth will stay still, Love through the acceptance of the Truth will be widespread.
Satan’s followers will find it difficult to defend their wicked behaviour, before the love and light that will shine through you. But although the great event, which will startle you, brings much conversion, you must still prepare for it.
Accept that this prophecy will take place. Very few will deny it both during and afterwards. Yet many will still continue to turn away from Me. The Great Persecution will follow.
Priests will suffer
My army of beloved followers will rise bravely and defend My Existence. Yet even those who you least expect, including My Christian church leaders, will side with the evil one and his parasites. They will be seduced due to their weakness of faith. You will find that those holy vicars of Mine, My loyal sacred servants, will have to defend their faith. The cruelty, which will be shown to them, will be similar to that I faced by My executioners. Heed this all of you who follow Me. Do not be tempted to follow the path of the traitors, even if you are frightened. Never fall for their false promises. Be brave. Pray for strength.
Persecution won’t last long
Brace yourselves, believers, for even those closest to you will turn away from the Faith. You may find yourself isolated, laughed at and publicly ridiculed. Ignore their taunts. I will guide you all and protect you, because this time won’t last long. The most painful suffering you will experience will be their disloyalty to Me, to the Truth.
Non-Christian nations will control
Prayer can help diminish some of the catastrophic events, which will unfold. The persecution, which will be inflicted on those of you who believe in Me and My Eternal Father, will be by the nations who are empty of love. Love for God. The only love they hold in their hearts is for the power over less fortunate countries. Control is their primary aim. Glory, and the pursuit of wealth and ownership over you, your country and those of you, who refuse to denounce Me. Give in, My children, and you will find it very difficult to back track or retrace your steps towards Me. This will require tremendous courage in the face of powerful adversity, but win you will. Should you suffer because of the passion you feel in your hearts for the love of God, My Eternal Father, then you will accept this with joy in your souls.
Rise of new dictators
Sudden changes in global situations, which up to now seemed like trifle unrest, will now emerge as all out wars. Wars will lead to shortage of food. Democracy will diminish quickly and wicked dictatorships will rise. These dictatorships will, however, be very careful how they are perceived. They will come as peaceful negotiators and as “saviours.” In return for feeding your mouths they will control your possessions, which will then become theirs. You will have to get permission to feed your families. In order to travel you will need a special form of identification and will be asked to accept the mark – the mark of the beast. Run, My children. Hide. For that’s not all. They will dictate how you pray because it is not to God they turn. These, My children, are Satan’s armies, and they want to steal your souls.
Those of you who believe in Me, get ready. Go back to your churches immediately. Pray to God the Eternal Father. Gather in groups and pray, pray, pray. Ask for reconciliation now, so that when you witness The Warning you will accept, with humility, the state of your souls. You will have nothing to fear.
Pray too, for your family and friends, your children, your neighbours. All of them need to prepare. So many will then be converted when they witness the Truth of My Existence. So many will not be able to withstand the shock when they see how they have offended Me. Others simply won’t care. The hours are ticking now.
Ask Me to help you
Signs, all of which have been foretold, are around you, children. See them and accept them for what they are. Uprisings. Earthquakes. Floods. Climate change. They will now escalate. Money is now becoming scarce so too will your food. Do not believe that all is lost, for when you ask Me for help, your prayers will be answered. I will hold you all by the hand and help you through this turmoil. But you must open your hearts. Block any attempt to seduce you into joining in the evil one’s plotting. Retain purity of heart and mind. Be humble in your outlook. But never be afraid to defend your right to believe in Me.
Time to prepare your souls
The time is ready. Go now, My children, and prepare your souls. Seek, through the Sacraments, the graces needed to sanctify your souls. Then ask Me to take you in My Arms and ask for salvation. My Love and Compassion for each and every one of you is beyond your comprehension. The Warning, one of the most gracious Gifts I can give you all before the final judgment even takes place, must be welcomed by you. Be thankful that you are being given this wonderful Gift. Because when conversion takes place in every corner of the world, you will then be truly ready for the New Heaven and Earth, which will then merge as one – My Paradise and the glorious inheritance each one of you is entitled to share – should you so choose.
Await My Warning now, My children. For the time is drawing very close now.
Your loving Saviour, Just Judge and Merciful Jesus Christ
Saturday, March 3, 2012 14:33
My child, the suffering of my Son today, is equal to that of His suffering when He was on Earth.
The Pain He endured then, which caused Him the greatest torment, was not His Crucifixion, but the way in which He was rejected.
His Word today is rejected, just as it was then.
He is mocked today, in a way, which brings tears and suffering, not only to me, His beloved Mother, but to His devoted followers on Earth.
How hurtful it is to see how many children of God have turned away from the Holy Sacraments and the Teachings of the Church.
So many souls are lost. I beseech you, children, to pick up the Cross of my Son and lead by example.
Embrace my Son with simplicity of heart.
To love my Son and honour my Eternal Father, is very simple, children.
Never analyse the Word of my Son.
Simply follow His Teachings, which have never changed.
Listen to the Words of my Son as He speaks to you now, from the Heavens.
He calls you to prepare your souls for His Second Coming.
When He speaks with you now, He does this out of His Love for mankind.
His Holy Word will nourish your souls and make them strong again.
Do not reject His call to you now.
He wants to save each and every soul. But in order to do that, He must remind you of the difference between right and wrong.
So many of you are not being guided or informed of the grievousness of sin.
Tolerance in your society and within the churches, means that what many of you think is of no consequence, may well be a serious sin in the Eyes of God.
The Church is in great darkness at this time and has been a target of the deceiver for many years.
My Son must intervene and guide you now, as the schism within the Church will erupt soon.
Wake up, children. You must embrace the Truth.
The world will now change beyond recognition.
You have been sent many messengers in the past to prepare you for this Event.
These are the last warnings being given to humanity, to enable them to prepare for my Son’s Great Mercy.
After His Divine Mercy, when He will open the eyes of all of mankind to witness their sins, he will give a little more time for them to seek redemption.
Then you will be given direction to prepare your souls for the Second Coming of Christ, my beloved Son, who will come again in Glory, as foretold.
Mother of Salvation
Sunday, March 3, 2013 11:45
My dearly beloved daughter, fear not the attacks, which are being mounted against you, for I Am with you every second to make you stronger. It saddens Me to tell you that you will suffer much verbal abuse, because of the timing of this, My Plan of Salvation.
For this is the time in which, not only will fervent Catholics be tested in their faith and their allegiance to Me, it will also be the greatest trial for all Christians in every part of the world.
To those who accuse you of heresy, I say this. I, Jesus Christ, would never lie, for I Am the Truth. I could never deceive you, for that would not be possible. Remember, it is My Body, which is the Church. My Church on earth is under attack and this means that My Body will be Crucified again, as foretold. By this, I mean, that My Body will no longer be Present, the minute the Holy Eucharist is discarded by ministers in the Holy See of Rome. This will become a reality and you must turn your back.
I ask you to pray for all of God’s children – all My sacred servants, including the misguided false prophets. However, I will never ask you to pray for the antichrist, for that is not possible.
Wake up, all of you, and listen to what I must tell you. You must not panic, despair or lose hope, for this abomination will be the final torment, which all God’s children will have to witness and endure before I come again.
That will be the day of Great Glory, Great Joy and My Coming will bring to an end the evil, which blights the earth.
Instead of fear, be joyful. You must look forward to My Second Coming, because I bring with Me, the New Paradise, promised to you.
When you carry My Cross it will always be difficult. The times in which you live now, bring with them a form of crucifixion, which most Christians will find very difficult to endure – so great will their pain be.
Those poor souls, who do not believe that I speak the Truth, through these Messages, must ask themselves this. Do you believe in the Holy Bible and the prophecies declared within its covers? Do you believe in the antichrist and the revelations about the false imposter who will take the Seat of Peter through devious means? If you do, then accept that this is the time for these events to unravel before your eyes. It is not for the future – it is now taking place. Accept this with courage and come to Me with complete trust, for I love you. I need you to keep your eyes wide open. You must not shy away from the Truth.
The abomination has now begun. When you refuse My Cup, you prevent Me from salvaging the souls I need to complete the Covenant promised to My Father.
I bless you. I long for your hearts to open, so that I can take you into My Glorious Kingdom.
Your Jesus
Monday, March 3, 2014 23:37
My dearly beloved daughter, think of Me, with love in your heart, for it is only through Love do I communicate to the world, through the Book of Truth.
By the Command of My Father, I gather all of His precious children, as one with Him and in Him. It is Love, which permits this Divine Intervention. My Father endures Pain, Anger, Impatience and Frustration, because of the stain of sin, which blights the souls of each of His children. But it is His everlasting Love for all of you, which keeps the Light of God aglow on Earth.
Without this Light, there would be only darkness, not just of spirit, but on Earth itself. Daylight would not exist. The sun would not shine, nor would the moon brighten the night. The stars would disappear. Yet, all of these Gifts remain in place because of the Love of God. When this Love is reciprocated, it brings great joy to My Father, for He knows that once the spirit of love is present in souls, it can overcome all darkness of the soul.
Love can defeat every affliction suffered by the human race. Love for one another will destroy evil. Love for God will destroy Satan’s power over man. Loyalty to the Commandments of God will perfect the soul and, in turn, then save the human race from banishment and separation from God.
When the Light of God is retained in your hearts and the Love of God for one another is present in your souls, then every evil can and will be conquered. When you love God, you will feel a deep peace within you, for when you show your love for Him, He will fill you with His Graces. You must always take comfort in the powerful Love, which God holds in His Heart for each of you. Whoever you are, whatever grievance you may have caused Him and no matter how wicked your sins are, He will forgive you – always. All you must do is to call on Him, by asking Me, His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to intervene on your behalf through reconciliation.
Come to Me with your prayer and say: “Jesus, take me under Your Refuge to my Father and bring me Eternal Salvation.”
When you come to Me, with true remorse in your soul, yours shall be the Kingdom of Heaven.
Your Jesus