Thursday, February 9, 2012 15:00
My dearly beloved daughter, man must turn away from sin and soon. So many sins today, are no longer seen as such.
So many grievances, against My Father, are committed without any guilt.
Children, you must stop. You are destroying your lives. Satan taunts Me, as he boasts of those souls he steals from Me, every single second. If you saw the souls, millions of them, tumbling into the fires of eternity, you would die of shock.
How it breaks My Heart to witness the terror that these souls, who lived in terrible sin when they were on Earth, have to suffer. The sins they were guilty of are not always those you presume to be mortal sin.
I talk about fornication, so easily accepted in the world today, participating in and viewing pornography, prostitution and sexual abuse.
I refer to hatred for others, as well as, those who cause pain and misery to those less fortunate than themselves.
So, too, is the sin of idolatry where you worship material goods, above everything else, yet they are nothing, but ashes.
Do you not understand that once you sin in this way, you become further removed from Me, every day? Then it becomes very difficult to free yourself from the grip placed upon you by the king of darkness.
Wake up, children. Be aware of the existence of Hell and be very fearful of entering the gates of eternal damnation.
I tell you this not to frighten you, but to ensure that you understand that mortal sin will lead you there unless you turn back to Me now.
Prayer, and much of it, will be needed to turn back to Me, but hear this. To those of you who are desperate, sorrowful and feel helpless, because of the abyss of sin you are in, just ask and I will forgive you.
You must show true remorse and go to Confession, now. If you cannot go to Confession then say My Crusade Prayer for a Plenary Indulgence for Absolution, for a period of seven consecutive days.
“O my Jesus, You are the Light of the Earth.
You are the Flame that touches all souls.
Your Mercy and Love knows no bounds.
We are not worthy of the Sacrifice You made by Your death on the Cross.
Yet we know that Your Love for us is greater than the love we hold for You.
Grant us, O Lord, the Gift of humility so that we are deserving of Your New Kingdom.
Fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we can march forth and lead Your Army to proclaim the Truth of Your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters for the Glory of Your Second Coming on Earth.
We honour You. We praise You. We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to You to save souls.
We love You, Jesus. Have Mercy on all Your children wherever they may be. Amen.”
I never give up on sinners and feel a particular affection for them. I love them in a very special way, but detest their sins.
Help Me to save you, children. Do not leave it until it is too late.
Your beloved Jesus
Saturday, February 9, 2013 15:50
My dearly beloved daughter, as My Messages spread quickly, you, at this time, are the victim of a ferocious attack, by Satan, and his army of demons. They dance around you everywhere, in order to distract you, hurt you and torment you – all with one objective. That is to stop this Work.
I say this to warn you that, the more My Holy Word is heard and the hungrier man becomes to avail of My Graces, the more wretchedness will be brought upon you to bear. Everyone involved with this Mission will now feel the effects of such attacks. This is how you will know that they come from the evil one.
You will be tormented with the temptation to reduce the amount of time you give to Me, through your prayers. You will be interrupted, every second, as you try to complete the tasks required of you to do My Holy Will.
Challenged, at every opportunity, by others, who try to block the publication of My Books, you will become frustrated and unable to take the next step forward. Then, like a powerful kick in the stomach – a true sign of Satanic attack – you will be let down by all those who provide important links in this work. And, just as you think that this Mission is impossible, I will open a door, then another one, and I will continue to lift all barriers, until My Wishes have been adhered to.
This is a turning point in My Divine Plan of Salvation. From this day forth, My Word will become louder, with few being able to ignore it. Then all nations, in all tongues, will savour the Truth. Some will swallow the Word of God. Others will spit it out, and then there will be those who will choke on it – so hard have their hearts become.
Every time you feel that this Mission has become impossible to fulfill, know that it is not by your hand that makes My Word heard in all nations, it is by My Hand, My Voice and My Power, through the Holy Spirit, that this Mission is directed.
Never forget that you are the writer. I Am the Author. My Power surges through you. My Suffering scourges your mind and body. When you feel pain, it is My Pain you feel. When you are tormented, by obstacles, placed before you, by Satan, it is I, Jesus Christ, he taunts. You are simply the vehicle. Never forget that and be pleased that you have been blessed with such a Gift.
By now, you should be well able to hand Me over these problems and keep doing what is required of you, My daughter. My Plan is to salvage every soul alive in the world today and Satan will fight a terrible war to stop Me. Anyone, who works with Me, will be a target and only your love for Me and trust in Me will sustain you in these turbulent times.
Your Jesus
Sunday, February 9, 2014 19:00
My dearest daughter, there is nothing that I would not do for My children. No sacrifice is too high.
I lower Myself so that I can place My Heart at their feet and yet they will continue to trample over it. I humble Myself by calling out to them through these Messages and they mock Me and sneer.
I permitted them to scourge and murder My Son and they underestimate the Great Sacrifice I made for them, to give them life and free them from slavery to the evil one.
I plead with them to amend their ways and they ignore Me. I sent chosen souls to speak with them and to proclaim My Word and they spat in their faces.
I sent punishments upon them and they did not learn from them. Instead, they claimed that they were merely a twist of fate and had nothing to do with Me.
I sent them My Love, through miraculous Gifts given to visionaries, seers, saints and prophets and only a few made use of them. Mark My Words now, the Book of Truth is the greatest Gift given by Me to the world, since I sent My only Son to redeem you. I bequeath this Precious Gift so that it will open your heart, free your soul from its attachment to the temptations of the devil and help prepare you for My Kingdom.
My Powerful Intervention at this time means that the speed by which My Word will spread, as and from today, will shock and surprise many. When you hear My Word, spoken in every tongue, where little organization by the human hand is involved, you will be given the proof of the Power of the Holy Spirit.
I will ensure that My Work persists. I will walk over all those who try to halt My Hand. I will push to one side those who are guided by the spirit of evil and deafen the sound of their pitiful voices.
I will, with the swipe of My Hand, silence those who try to stop Me, when I only desire to save every single soul. I Am determined not to allow this Work to be ignored, for once I give My Authority to a Mission, such as this one, you can be assured that man’s power is nothing compared to it.
Be calm, dear children, and trust in Me, your beloved Father. My Love is so great that it cannot be diluted, no matter how grievously you sin. I Am permitting these trials, tribulations and wicked plans to erase all traces of My Son, but only for a short time.
Never be fearful of My Plans, for they have a purpose and that is to wipe out all evil and bring you all a life of Glory, in accordance with My Holy Will. You have much to look forward to. All I ask is that you pray and follow all that I have given to you, at this time, through My Holy Mission to bring you all the ultimate, priceless Gift that I have created for you in the New Heaven and the New Earth – My New Paradise – just as it was meant to be when I created Adam and Eve.
Always remember My Love for you all, when you are feeling weak or vulnerable, for it is so great it is beyond your comprehension.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High