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I love you all. I await the moment, when I will embrace each and every one of you, in My Arms, so that you will find the peace, love and joy, that you have been awaiting for all your lives on Earth.

Mother of Salvation: No one will prevent the Book of Truth being revealed to the world

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 20:15

My child, when you work for my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, you must show obedience at all times.

Never question His Holy Word, because He speaks the Truth and only the Truth.

So many of my children question every Word He says, since the beginning. For every one who obeys His Holy Word, as contained in my Father’s Book, there is always another who interprets His Word, in a different way.

You must do everything that is asked of you under the direction of my Son. Never succumb to those who demand that His Words be adapted to their interpretation.

Move now, my child, with speed, to carry the Messages given to the world by my Son to save sinners who are lost. My Son has one intention and that is to save souls. Have no fear, my child, because everything my Son tells you does not contradict the Teachings of His Most Holy Church on Earth.

His Gifts to my children are very special and are being given in these, the end times, for all souls.

So generous and Merciful is my Son that He wants to shower sinners with special Graces, to ensure their salvation.

Anyone, who tries to stop my Son in His Mission to prepare the world for His Second Coming, will be stopped by the Hand of my Eternal Father.

This Work, to unveil the Book of Truth, as the Seals are broken, is one of the most important Missions on Earth for my Father.

The world has been promised the Truth, at this time.

All souls, believers and non-believers, must be told the Truth, because they are so far removed from the Church, that it must be given to them in this way.

All the angels have been sent to Earth to protect humanity against the deceiver, and the lies he spreads about the Truth of eternal salvation.

Mankind may not want to hear the Truth and many obstacles will be placed before you, my child, but it will be useless.

No one will prevent the Book of Truth being revealed to the world, for should they attempt to do this, the Power of my Father will be unleashed, like Flames of Fire, poured from the Heavens. My child, never doubt these Messages as they are being given to you.

Never change one word to suit those who try to make you amend the Word of God.

There can be only one Master and that is God – in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Go now with the assurances you need.

Remember these Messages, from my Son, are for all God’s children and are not just for His Catholic Church, or for His chosen people the Jews. They are for everyone.

Each soul is loved by my Father, equally. No soul is deemed more important than the other.

Your heavenly Mother

Mother of Salvation

God the Father: I will wipe out those Nations who spit in My Face

Friday, February 1, 2013 16:20

My dearest daughter, how My Heart is breaking at this time, as man, through the wickedness of his sins, have finally tried My patience. My hurt and pain is compounded by My Anger, as I cannot allow the infestation, which has befallen humanity on such a level, to continue.

My Hand of Justice now falls on nations who defy, blatantly, My Laws. The hatred man has for his fellow brothers and sisters is palpable, throughout the earth, and takes many forms.  To mortal man My Message is: “Stop now your evil deeds, or My punishment will wipe out everything you do and you will suffer eternal pain.”

You do not have the authority to take life, for I Am the Author of Life. Only I give life. It does not come from any other source. Only I can take it away. When you interfere with My Divine Plan, you will be stopped. This Plan has been belittled by you, a creature, for whom I have given so much. It has been attacked and torn apart, as if it is of little consequence.

Your wars will escalate, for I will bring death to your wicked leaders. I will find you, take you, and cast you into the abyss, where the beast will be your eternal companion. You will tear your eyes out in suffering, because of the atrocities you have committed against My children.

It is for the sins against the innocent, whose lives you have destroyed, that My chastisement will be cast down upon you. No nation will escape this punishment and the level of My punishment will be according to the depths of the sins, to which you have lowered yourselves.

You may think that My chastisement is harsh, but without it, you would destroy each other. Were I not to intervene, the world would cease to exist; for you, with the wicked technologies, which you have created, would break it in half.

I will not allow you to do this. My Power is Almighty and you will now witness My punishments, as they befall humanity.

Repent. Pray for  your fellow sinners, and especially, those who have been infested by the darkness of the evil one. I will wipe out those nations who spit in My Face and who have lost control. Those who persecute others will suffer the pain which they inflict on others.

Your Father

God the Most High


Much of what humanity takes for granted will be turned upside down and inside out, but this is necessary

Saturday, February 1, 2014 19:53

My dearly beloved daughter, because of the tribulations, which the human race has to endure during the Purification, it would be a mistake to confuse the pain it will cause with that of hopelessness. 

Much of what humanity takes for granted will be turned upside down and inside out, but this is necessary. When the Purification is exhausted, a new dawn will appear – suddenly and without warning – and the new world will be presented to God’s children.

I ask that, while much pain will be endured by those who love Me, as well as by those who don’t, not one man amongst you should ever believe that there is no hope. Instead, rejoice because only love, joy, peace and happiness lies ahead in My New Paradise. When the world is cleansed of sin and as many souls as possible are purified, then I will come as a Bridegroom ready to greet you. The Great and Glorious Day is to be anticipated with joy, excitement and longing, for My Heart will burst forth and unite with the whole world.

The New Beginning is within your grasp. Endure whatever pain and suffering you bear witness to now, for it will mean nothing when you come into My Light, when I will overwhelm you with the love and happiness, which you have awaited all your lives, but which you could not have truly grasped up to then.

Help Me to bring the souls who are lost to Me back into My Arms. Pray for each other. Be joyful. Be hopeful. Be at peace. Whatever lies ahead, know that My Love is more powerful than hatred. My Power is Almighty. My Mercy is endless. My Patience is great.

Go in peace and serve Me, until the last day, for the following Day will be the beginning of the world which will have no end and where death will be no more.

I love and cherish all of you.

Your Jesus