Friday, January 28, 2011 0:15
Tonight, My dearly beloved daughter, you were given the graces to make you stronger to continue with this sacred Work. Through the devotion of My beloved and cherished followers, who have been praying hard for you, you, My daughter, will forge rapidly ahead to complete the Book of Truth. No matter how much you are distracted, you still find it hard to reject your duty to Me. This is pleasing to Me but we don’t have much time.
The world, My daughter, is being given this special Gift – the Book of Truth – to show My children what they now need to do in order to prepare for The Warning, the Illumination of Conscience, which is being given to mankind to help prepare them adequately for My Second Coming.
For those who don’t believe in Me they must still be given the chance to read the Truth. When this event takes place, after these Messages are given to the world, people will understand the authenticity of My Words given through you, My daughter, to save mankind.
Mystical Event to be experienced by all over 7 years of age
Don’t feel hurt when people dismiss these Messages, My daughter. Just be thankful that they are being given this Gift. They will understand the Truth of this prophecy, when after this Mystical Event, which will be experienced by all of My children over seven years of age, everywhere throughout the world, takes place. Those who live after this event will be more cautious about the contents of this sacred Book. They will find it difficult to ignore, even if their faith is weak; others who don’t want to know the Truth still need to be reminded of the contents of this Work.
Never give up, My child, when it comes to saving souls. All My precious children were born out of the Love of My Eternal Father. When they lost their way it did not matter. God, My Eternal Father still loves each and every one of His children.
Faith, My child, can be rekindled by the faith of others blessed with the Holy Spirit. My chosen children, sent to spread My Word now, to the world, have the ability to bring tears of joy into those poor souls screaming out for direction in their empty confusing lives.
Look at everyone through My Eyes
Always look on your friends, family, neighbours and work colleagues through My Eyes. Always look for the good side. Show love to them and they will feel My Presence. They will be drawn to you and won’t know why.
Through My example, imitate Me and you will help Me convert My lost children. By praying hard for them you can draw them nearer to Me. Through sacrifice and the acceptance of suffering, in union with Me, you can save souls. This includes those souls yet to leave this Earth, as well as those awaiting Judgement in Purgatory.
Let Me remind you finally, that you have two choices. Believe in Me by opening your minds to the Truth contained in the Gospel. If you have lost all faith then read just a portion of My Teachings. Then ask Me to show you the Truth in your hearts. Then you will know which path will lead you to Me in Heaven. Alternatively, you can keep your eyes closed and refuse to listen. Only prayer, by believers can help you then. Prayer by My followers, combined with the recital of My Divine Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Gift, given to Sister Faustina in the 20th Century, can save your souls at the time of your death.
Pray the Divine Mercy
Pray, pray, pray My Divine Mercy for your own souls and those of non-believers, now. Prayer groups will help spread the Truth, instil faith in those who have lost all sense of who they are and where they came from. It will be instrumental in igniting the spread of evangelical enlightenment, which will now be felt in all parts of the world, as the time approaches for the prophecies in relation to My Second Coming on Earth begin to be revealed, as they unfold before a series of global events.
Be prepared, children, at all times. Keep in a state of grace and keep your hearts open to My Teachings of love and peace on Earth. If My children all followed My Teachings, then there would be no wars, greed, hatred or poverty in the world. You need to sit down quietly, every one of you, for just half-an-hour each day.
Go through the Psalms, the Parables and ask yourself, “Does this lesson apply to my life in today’s world?” You know the answer is, of course, yes. Pray for the strength to change your attitudes and views on life after death. Remember this important lesson. Earth is simply a brief passage in time. The only true happiness and eternal life is with Me in Heaven, Paradise – My Father’s Kingdom.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ
Saturday, January 28, 2012 21:00
My child, Satan’s power is getting weaker by the day, as the Holy Spirit continues to spread His wings over all of God’s children.
Faith and love of God is growing everywhere, because of prayer, and the special Graces given to my children, by my Father, God the Most High. Conversion is increasing. Many of my children may not be aware of this, but you will see this, if you open your eyes.
Please, my child, you must pray for Pope Benedict, with all your heart. He suffers so much and in many ways is alone in his grief for the apostasy he sees both outside of and inside the Holy Vatican.
His days in the Holy See have been extended and because of this, much of the havoc caused by the evil one, has been averted.
Prayer, my children, is like a roll of thunder in the heavens. Your prayers are being heard and answered in Heaven, children.
This is good. Continue to pray the Crusades of Prayer given to you, my child. Here is a special prayer for Pope Benedict’s safety.
Crusade Prayer (23) for Pope Benedict’s safety
“O My Eternal Father, on behalf of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and the suffering He endured to save the world from sin, I pray now that You protect Your Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict, Head of Your Church on Earth, so that he too can help save Your children, and all Your sacred servants, from the scourge of Satan, and his dominion of fallen angels who walk the Earth, stealing souls.
O Father, protect Your Pope so that Your children can be guided on the True Path towards Your New Paradise on Earth. Amen.”
Your heavenly Queen of the Earth
Mother of Salvation
Monday, January 28, 2013 21:15
My dearly beloved daughter, tell My disciples that they must never give up their devotion to My Holy Word.
The growth of atheism means that the mere mention of God, or the laws directed by Him, causes outrage. It has become, as if it were, a blasphemy to mention the role of God in your lives.
Soon, they will pass a law, which will outlaw the meaning of blasphemy, in order to stamp out any public allegiance to God.
You, My poor followers, will find it difficult to raise your voices in My Name. They will insult you and declare terrible things about Me, yet you will be unable to defend Me.
Those Christian countries, whose people honour Me, will not be allowed to declare their Christianity because of the creation of these laws, which will defy My Teachings.
So many do not want to know Me. Those of you who do will be persecuted. By this, I mean that every time you try to pray to Me, your privacy will be interrupted. Every time you try to receive the Sacraments, they will become difficult to access.
Then, when you set up Prayer Groups, you will be told to stop. Each group will find, not only opposition amongst certain quarters, but that imposters will try to infiltrate them in order to spoil the fruits, which will be generated as a result. Never before will you witness such opposition in your devotion to Me, to My Crusade Prayer Groups, or to My Messages.
Many priests and clergy are responding, quickly, to My Call, because they know Me and recognise My Voice. So, many will continue to be called, as My request to prepare the souls, to whom they have been entrusted, will be responded to.
But, as their numbers increase, others amongst their fold, will rise in outrage and condemnation. They will suffer because of their love for Me. Their enemies will consist of those who do love Me, but who are being misguided by others, to whom they pledge allegiance. Others will be tempted by the spirit of evil to denounce Me. They will do this to prevent My plan, to fulfil My Father’s Will to salvage souls and to embrace all of God’s children in His New Paradise.
You must resist such efforts, but remain dignified, at all times. Keep praying for those sacred servants of Mine who will, like Judas before them, kiss Me on one cheek, while betraying Me with the other.
I will stay with you during this torment, for even you will be shocked by the venom, which will pour from the mouths of those who claim to be My disciples.
Your Jesus
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 23:15
My dearly beloved daughter, let no one doubt that they can find the Truth in My Father’s Book, the Most Holy Bible. The Word is there for all to witness, as it has been for centuries. The Holy Bible contains the Truth and all that which is expected of humanity is laid bare within its pages.
Everything that was poured from the mouths of the prophets and My disciples, who were guided by the Holy Spirit, is contained therein. The Truth is contained within the Word – that is – My Father’s Book. So why then does man question the validity of the Word? Everything given to man, for the sake of his soul, can be found in the Holy Bible.
The Truth is digested by souls in different ways. Those who are humble souls and who accept the Word of God do not question it. Others take it and discard parts of it until it no longer resembles the Truth. Then there are those who will never accept the Word, because it is of little interest to them. They see the Truth, contained in the Holy Bible, as nothing more than folklore.
Today, fewer people than ever believe in the Word of God. Those who do only take sections of which appeal to their own lifestyles and draw away from God’s Laws, for which they feel no affinity. Today, the Truth which is taught is but a shadow of what is contained in the Bible.
I speak to you now of the Truth for three reasons. The first is to remind you of the Word of the Truth – which is contained in My Father’s Book. The second is to reinforce the fact that you cannot rewrite the Word of God. The third is so that I can feed God’s children with the Word of God at a time when, soon, it will be withheld from you. I do this now through the Book of Truth, promised to you through the prophets. If the Truth does not sit well with you, then you do not accept the Word of God. If you do not accept the Word of God, then I cannot take you to My New Kingdom and bring you the salvation I promised you, when I died for your sins on the Cross.
Your Jesus
Wednesday, January 28, 2015 17:00
My dearly beloved daughter, I have been cast into the wilderness and feel wretched in My Grief at the way in which Christianity is being vilified in the world.
My Voice is but just a whisper amidst the roar of the beast and those who despise Me. These voices of discontent will multiply and drown out the Word, which came from My Life. Heretics, pagans, false visionaries and prophets, traitors and lovers of molten gold will rise in unison to rebel against Me. Those who follow in My Footsteps will be downtrodden and laden with the weight of My Cross and will have to climb a steep mountain if they are to hold dear all that they were taught by Me.
The Holy Bible will become almost impossible to find before it will become extinct. Every attempt to deny God will be made until the Word is replaced by the doctrine of darkness. Those of you who believe in Me, your Jesus, must never succumb to anything which does not come from Me. Only I safeguard you against harm and it is only through Me that you will find Eternal Salvation.
Be careful of false prayers you may be presented with for they will not be inspired by the Holy Spirit and are to be avoided. A small word, a little phrase or simple omission, here and there, can turn a prayer into a falsity. Evil is a silent killer of the spirit and is not easy to identify when it is disguised as being the Truth. It is time to weed out your garden and remain true to all that I taught you for anything else is irrelevant and can cause you to lose your faith.
Faith in Me and trust in My Promise to come again, in Great Glory, must never be shoved aside in favour of the titillation of false prophets, sorcerers, pagans and heretics. My enemies are working hard to deceive you and most of them are perfectly aware as to Who I Am but they want you to reject Me, whatever the cost. You must remain as a small and trusting child when you call on Me and I will lead you along the Way to My Kingdom. I will protect all of you who trust completely in My Love and My Holy Will. Only then can I intervene to wipe away My enemies and spread the Truth so that the new world to come can be inhabited by every child of God.
Trust, faith, hope and love are important if you are to find the strength to remain by My Side. Love for Me, without condition, will gain you great Graces along your journey to My Glorious Kingdom – the world which will have no end.
Your beloved Jesus