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I gave up My Life to save you. Please do not let Me lose you now. I love you, My children. I weep as I implore you one last time not to reject Me in favour of the deceiver.

Call to Clergy: Prepare My flock for My long awaited Second Coming on Earth

Friday, January 27, 2012 23:50

My dearly beloved daughter, never forget that when you work for Me you will be persecuted, for mankind will not like to hear the Truth, as I reveal it to you, in these, the end times.

My Holy Word has been quashed for so long, but this will no longer be the case.

My Voice will be heard all over the world. My Love will be revealed in all My Glory and man will be able, finally, to free himself from the shackles of evil, placed around his ankles, by Satan.

As the Truth will penetrate the souls of My children, and bring them the freedom, which they have been awaiting for such a long time, it will, unfortunately, cause division.

My beloved sacred servants, priests and all religious clergy, within the Holy Catholic Church, know that I love all of you.

So many of you have given up your lives for Me, with generousity of heart. You will need to lean on Me now.

You must pray for guidance to remain strong in your faith and for discernment at all times.

Never take your eyes off Me, for one moment.

I need you to prepare My flock, in order to welcome Me, during My long awaited Second Coming on Earth.

You will need to persevere and not allow your love for Me to be dissuaded, no matter how much pressure you are put under.

You are my true disciples and I must urge you to take up your weapons to save My Church. This very Church, founded on the Rock, by My beloved disciple, Peter, will never fail.

The enemy may believe it to be destroyed, but that would be a foolish assumption.

No one will, or can, destroy My Church. Out of the ashes it will rise to proclaim My Glory, as I come back to salvage My Kingdom on Earth. You must never desert Me, your beloved Saviour, ever.

For without Me, there is no Light. Without Light, there is no future.

My daughter, I give the world this Crusade of Prayer, for the Catholic Clergy to recite.

Crusade of Prayer (22) Catholic Church to uphold the Teachings of the Church

“O my beloved Jesus, keep me strong and the flame of my love for You alight, every moment of my day.

Never allow this flame of love for You to flicker or die.

Never allow me to weaken in the presence of temptation.

Give me the Graces needed to honour my vocation, my devotion, my loyalty and to uphold the Teachings of the orthodox Catholic Church.

I offer you my allegiance, at all times.

I pledge my commitment to fight in Your Army, so that the Catholic Church can rise again in glory, to welcome You, dear Jesus, when You come again. Amen.”

Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ

King of all Mankind

The prophecies, contained in the Book of Revelation, are only partially known

Sunday, January 27, 2013 20:30

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am bound to inform My followers that you will become chastised, by certain sacred servants of Mine. You will soon be instructed, by some of them, to walk away from this Work.

You will be treated just as My disciples were, by the priests of their time. They, too, were told to walk away from Me and many were not allowed to enter the temples to pay homage to God, My Eternal Father.

Much misunderstanding of My Promises to humanity will be used as a tool to encourage others to reject Me, as I communicate My Holy Word to the whole world, at this time.

You, My disciples, will be accused of heresy and told that you are not following Holy Doctrine.

Terrible errors will be made by My sacred servants when they will follow the wrong fork in the road to My Kingdom. They will do this through ignorance, for many of them assume that they already know the prophecies I Am still to reveal to the world, before My Second Coming.

Oh how they will be confused when they are instructed to do the wrong thing by rejecting My warnings given to all, for the salvation of souls. The prophecies, contained in the Book of Revelation, are only partially known.

No sacred servant in My Church understands the Book of Revelation, yet. They will be informed, and this I will do in parts. It is only for your knowing when I decide the time is right.

Please open your hearts to the Truth. Be careful when you judge the Word of God, given to His chosen prophets. Judge them harshly, and you will be judged, accordingly. Reject them cruelly, and you, too, will be rejected by My Hand of Justice. Accept them with love, and I will envelop you in My Holy Arms.

Nothing I give you now contradicts My Father’s Book, for this is not possible. I come, now, to conclude the Teachings set out by Me during My time on earth. When My Work is completed, My Covenant will finally be fulfilled. Then, I bring the Most Glorious Gift of Eternal Life.

Your Jesus

God the Father: I have waited patiently a very long time to gather My children, again, into My Holy Will

Monday, January 27, 2014 17:18

My dearest daughter of Mine, how much you fear when it is so unnecessary. When I give the world a Gift of this magnitude, it is done out of a sense of duty, which is borne out of My Great Love for all of My children.

I warn you to protect you all. I reveal to you part of Me in every single Message I give you for the world. To you, My daughter, I show My great yearning to become close to My children. I show you My Compassion, My Joy, My Disapproval, My Anger, My Love and My Mercy. Why then, when I reach out like this, do you fear Me? You must never fear a Father Who loves all of His offspring and especially sinners, who openly defile every Law given to you by Me in order to draw humanity into My Tenderness.

Children, be ready to accept My Great Mercy. Open your hearts to welcome Me, your beloved Father. Prepare to greet Me and call to Me every time fear creeps into your thoughts, when you try to come to terms with these Messages.  These Messages are unique. They are presented to the world by the Blessed Trinity. They are deemed by Me as being the most important Mission on Earth since I sent My Only Son to redeem you. 

This, My Word, should be accepted with a gracious and thankful heart. Welcome My Words. Be content in the knowledge that all that is, remains and always will remain, within My Command.  I Am all that Is and will Be. All decisions, as to the future of mankind and the destiny of the world to come, remain with Me. I would never intentionally frighten you, children. What I will do is prepare you for My New Kingdom, so that you are fit to enter it – when all pain and sorrow will be no more.

Be at peace, My beautiful, desirable children. You are everything to Me. I include here all of you. All sinners. All those who will not acknowledge Me. All those who idolize Satan. All My faithful children. Those whose souls have been snatched. You belong to Me, only. I will not let one soul be ignored in this, My last attempt, to prepare the world for the Second Coming of My Beloved Son.

Not one of you will be left untouched by My Hand of Mercy. Allow Me to open your hearts so that you will be blessed by My Hand.

Say to Me: “Dearest Father, reach out and touch my body and soul with Your Hand of Mercy. Amen.”. I will respond immediately to your call. 

Go forth, My little ones, and be at peace, for My Intervention will be your saving Grace, no matter how difficult the period ahead will be. I will be waiting to open the Door to My New Paradise, with Love in My Heart, as I beckon you to come to Me, your Father.

I have waited patiently a very long time to gather My children, again into My Holy Will. That Day is close and My Heart rejoices in anticipation of the moment when man comes back to his rightful place beside Me.

Your loving Father

God the Most High

You either love Me according to My Word or not at all

Tuesday, January 27, 2015 14:35

My dearly beloved daughter, reason plays no part in the minds of those who will reject fiercely the Holy Word of God including those who are against Me anyway and those who do not remain loyal to the Word completely. You can only say you are of Me as one body – not part of your body. You cannot say you love me with just a part of you. You either love Me according to My Word or not at all.

When you betray Me you will do this by justifying your reasons when you accept lies about Who I Am, What I Am and What I said. You will, just as your ancestors before you did, throw Me out and  make false accusations against Me. You will use My Word according to your own interpretation and then accuse the righteous of being uncharitable. You will scourge Me by your betrayal of My Body and inflict terrible pain and suffering upon those you accuse of heresy in My Holy Name.

Reason will be left to one side as you make every excuse to follow a path in the opposite direction to the one which was carved out for you by My Death on the Cross.

Satan is the great accuser of God’s children and, when present in the souls of those he infests, will make every accusation against God’s children in order to discredit My Word. He will deceive you to make you ignorant to the Love that God has for you. He will destroy every ounce of faith you possess if you give in to him. He will take advantage of your free will – a God given right – and have you believe that you can live a life without God.

Your Jesus



Prayers for today
