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Those of you who follow the Word of God must be at peace, as I do not want you to distance yourself, for I love you. You must never fear My Love, even if sin separates you from Me.

Mother of Salvation: Nuclear war involving Iran being plotted

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 13:50

My child, much is happening right now in the world, as Satan’s army continues to spread havoc everywhere.

They are trying to take control of all financial institutions, so they can inflict a terrible atrocity on my children.

They, the evil group, driven by lust and power, are also trying to create a nuclear war in Iran.

You, my child, must pray that God the Father will, in His great Mercy, open their hearts to stop these things from happening.

Never lose faith, children, because your prayers are working.

Great evils including abortion, euthanasia, prostitution and sexual perversities, are beginning to weaken in the world now.

Pray, pray, pray my Most Holy Rosary, children, in groups if possible, everywhere.

Satan is losing his power quickly as my heel begins to squash the serpent’s head.

It won’t be long now for my Son’s arrival on Earth.

First, He will give you this last chance to convert.

Then, He will prepare the world quickly for His Second Coming.

Time is short now.

Prayer is the weapon, children, to keep Satan’s army from the final persecution they are planning against humanity.

Remember that my Eternal Father will, through His Love and Compassion, protect all of you who believe in Him.

For those who will continue to disobey Him and deny the Truth of the Existence of my beloved Son, pray, pray, pray for their salvation.

The time is ready. Open your hearts to the Divine Mercy of my Son.

The skies will start to change now and then all will see this great miracle unfold before them.

Be ready.

Prepare your homes and pray my Holy Rosary at every opportunity to loosen the grip of the evil one.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

I will mitigate much of the suffering foretold, through the power of My Crusade Prayer Groups

Friday, January 25, 2013 20:00

My dearly beloved daughter, I desire to instruct My Crusade Prayer Groups to be vigilant when setting up in their nations. They must keep Holy Water close by, have a Crucifix of Me present and recite this special Crusade Prayer to Bless and Protect your Crusade Prayer Group.

Crusade Prayer (96) to Bless and Protect our Crusade Prayer Group

O my dearest Jesus, please bless and protect us, Your Crusade Prayer Group, so that we become immune to the wicked assaults of the devil, and to any evil spirits, which may torment us in this Sacred Mission to save souls.

May we remain loyal and strong, as we persevere to keep Your Holy Name before the world and never waive in our struggle to spread the Truth of Your Holy Word.


Please recite this prayer before and after every prayer meeting.

I must also instruct you, My beloved disciples, to ensure that prayer forms the basis for every prayer meeting. I do not wish you to contemplate negativity or create fear amongst yourselves, because all I bring is Love and Mercy.

My Messages are full of hope and I will mitigate much of the suffering foretold, through the power of My Crusade Prayer Groups. The purpose of this Mission is to save souls. It has never been about anything else. My Messages are given to enlighten you, to alert you to the dangers, which affect your faith, and to prepare you for My New Paradise.

Go now, in Peace. I will cover each Crusade Prayer Group with My Abundance of Graces, including  the Gift of Discernment.

Your Jesus


They will sob with relief when they realise that they have a future where death does not exist

Friday, January 25, 2013 23:20

My dearly beloved daughter, My Power is surging through the Power of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of man at this time. Even cold and distant souls will be converted through the Gifts I shower over humanity because of your generous response to My Call from Heaven.

Not one nation will fail to accept the Power of the Holy Spirit; not one stone will be left unturned; not one priest unaware of My Messages; not one beloved disciple of Mine left untouched, by the news that I bring. Even those who reject Me will come back a second time to hear My Word because My Spirit touches their hearts.

Rejoice, because it is only two years since this Mission began and My Word is read in over two hundred countries and in almost forty languages. I will continue to spread My Messages, in every tongue; amongst the rich and the poor; amongst atheists and sacred servants of Mine.

I do not differentiate between the person who does not believe in God and those who devote their lives to Me, their Jesus. Each soul is every much as important to Me as those who hurt Me; those who betray Me; who make Me weep; those who assault Me; crucify Me and hate Me – I Love them all. Therefore, I Am patient. I know that when the Truth sinks in, they will come to Me. Then they will sob, with relief, when they realise that they have a future where death does not exist.

This is My Promise and when you are troubled, scourged, abused and made to look like fools, this is all  you need focus on. This New Paradise is for all of you. When you fight to save souls, keep this promise in your hearts.


Your beloved Jesus

Mother of Salvation: the influence of the secular world is akin to that of a great flood

Sunday, January 25, 2015 14:40

My dear children the Gift of Discernment comes from the Power of the Holy Spirit and it is not given easily. It must be earned. It is only given to those who are in union with Christ and who are free of all distractions of the temptations placed before them by the evil one. The evil one cannot deceive those who are blessed with this Gift.

Woe to the man who is deceived for he will allow himself to be led into falsities. Deceit comes from Satan himself and those he infests. Anyone who does not accept the Existence of Jesus Christ will find it almost impossible to withstand the smoke of Satan, which blinds each and every one of you who are guilty of allowing the sin of pride to devour you. Any sacred servant of God who wanders away from the Truth will lead all those, who look to him for guidance, into error. For this he will suffer a great punishment on the Day of Judgment.

The influence of the secular world is akin to that of a great flood and souls who allow it to change their view or opinion of the word of God will drown. Deceit is a tool of the evil one and his main focus is to destroy my Son’s Church on earth by seducing those within it. Open your eyes to new changes, which will be introduced and which curse the Name of God.

You must never allow falsities to influence what my Son taught you for my Son never deviated from His Written Word, nor will he ever do so. The Truth will sustain you during the trials which lie ahead, and which will scourge my Son’s Church on earth. You must prepare for these times for they are almost upon you.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

God the Father: I will embrace every person, race, creed and religion

Sunday, January 25, 2015 15:45

My dearest daughter, My Intervention to open the eyes of My children to the Love of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, is drawing closer.

I love all of My children and I will call every man, woman and child over the age of seven years, into the Light of My Son’s Mercy. Prepare for My Intervention for it is sooner than you think and be thankful for this Great Gift. The spiritual warfare you are witnessing in the world is manifested on earth and the battle will arise between My enemies, who try to silence all those who refuse to be drawn into falsities, and those who do not betray My Son.

When the Hand of My Justice falls it will test the faith of all those who say they are for My Son, and only those who are willing to follow the Cross will remain strong enough to proclaim the Truth. Soon the cobwebs will be drawn back and the full extent of your inheritance will be made known to you. My Enemies will, for the most part, reject this Intervention and they will fight to the bitter end to deny Jesus Christ.

I will embrace every person, race, creed and religion into the Light of My Son and many will see Him. As a result this will mean many will convert and ask for the right to live eternal life in the Glory of My Son’s Kingdom on earth.

I have promised that My Son will take up His Seat on His Throne and this will come to fruition. Those who do not want to become part of His Kingdom will make their choice based on the free will I have given to each of you.

I, your beloved Father, Creator of all that is and will be, beg that you do not squander your birthright. If you do, you will be devoured by Satan who is merciless as much as he is a liar, deceiver and accuser. You are  being given a Gift that no generation before you has been accorded and you must pray that you will be given the Graces to accept My Favour.

Come into the Light for if you do not then you will be blinded by darkness for eternity. This would tear My Heart in two and I do not desire to lose any of you.

I Bless you. I guide you through this Holy Mission, which is given to you by the Holy Blessed Trinity as foretold.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High



Prayers for today
