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You must also remember what I taught you. Knowing what I taught is, in itself, no good, unless you love one another as I love you.

How Easy is it to Sin

Monday, January 24, 2011 22:00

Today, My beloved daughter, you have finally understood the dangers posed by the deceiver, when you let down your guard. Prayer to My Eternal Father, through the Divine Mercy Chaplet, is important in sanctifying your soul.

Sin, My beloved daughter, is hard to avoid. It is harder to achieve My special graces than it is to avoid sin in any form. When you have been called to do this sacred Work, you will always be a target of the evil one, who sets out at every opportunity, to create negativity in your life. He will use those around you as a means of attack, which is why you must always be on your guard against him. Never let him win, because when he does he succeeds in infesting souls and causes terrible pain, anguish and suffering. He causes friendships to disintegrate, confusion, despair, and instils false thoughts in the minds of his targets. Then, when My children feel guilt at their own weakness, for succumbing to temptation, they experience a form of wretchedness that brings desperation, misery and distraction into their lives.

My children, you will always be tempted into sin. Perfection of your souls is extremely difficult to attain and requires a tremendous discipline and determination on your part. If and when you fall prey to the evil one’s seduction and commit sin, you must immediately pray from your heart and seek forgiveness.

Regular Confession is a Sacrament much misunderstood. It is only by weekly attendance in the confessional that your soul can remain in a state of grace. When your soul is sanctified in this manner and through daily prayer, only then can you can keep the deceiver at bay.

Christ Walking on the Waters, Julius Sergius Von Klever,1880

The guilt of sin

If you suffer guilt as a result of sinful action, irrespective as to how grievous the offence is in My Father’s Eyes, don’t fret. Turn back, open your heart, and ask for forgiveness. Guilt is a negative feeling. And while it serves as a form of guiding your conscience, it is not healthy to remain in this state. Ask for the graces, through prayer, to attain the purity of soul required to serve Me. Patience is important. Never let sin drive you away from Me. Guilt must never stand in the way of seeking redemption.

Remember, children, that because of original sin, you will always fall victim to the temptation of the evil one. It is through prayer, fasting and dedication to the Holy Eucharist that you will become closer to Me. This does require time, which must be set aside.

Go now, My children, and remember one thing – never be afraid to turn back to Me when you have sinned. Never be embarrassed to ask for forgiveness when you are truly remorseful. But remember also that when you don’t, you will attract the deceiver again and again and your soul will plunge into darkness. Darkness attracts dark. Light attracts light. I Am the Light.

Turn to Me now and let My Love shine through your poor, lost souls. I love you so much, My children, that when you turn your hearts towards Me, no matter how much isolation you feel, you will never be turned away.

Go in peace and love,

Your Divine Saviour
Jesus Christ

Good News – God, My Eternal Father, has sanctioned the salvation of much of mankind.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 16:55

My dearly beloved daughter, it is I, your Jesus, who comes to you today to give you the good news for the world.

Much prayer and suffering, offered up by My many chosen souls on Earth, has meant that many more of God’s children can now be saved.

If you understood the power of sacrifice and prayer, children, you would never stop praying.

God, My Eternal Father, has sanctioned the salvation of much of mankind.

This means that many will convert during The Warning, and those who don’t, may be saved because of the power of prayer.

It does not mean that all will be saved, because, sadly, they won’t.

Those hardened people, whose first allegiance is to Satan and the evil sects he controls in the world, will not want to be saved.

Instead, they will choose a different paradise. A paradise they are led to believe exists, outside of the one promised to mankind by My Father.

This false paradise, which satanic followers of the beast believe in, does not exist.

Cima da Conegliano, God the Father

It has been created, by Satan, in the minds of his disciples, and is simply an illusion. So much is promised.

Dark souls believe in a different universe, a different entity, where God does not Exist.

They believe in other life forms, other creatures and a peaceful regime, all of which is based on a lie.

None of this is real children. It does not, nor cannot exist, because, it was not created by My Father.

God the Almighty Father, created the entire universe – the stars, the planets and the Earth as well as all the spaces in between.

Pray for those who follow such cults.

Pray that more of My children, who, because they are in pain, do not seek out these spiritual outlets, which are not from God.

Pray now, in thanksgiving for this special Gift, which is now being offered to mankind, by My Father, in this the Crusade Prayer.

Crusade Prayer (21) Thanksgiving to God the Father, for the salvation of mankind

“We praise You and thank You, O Holy God, the Almighty Creator of mankind, for the Love and Compassion You have for humanity.

We thank You, for the Gift of Salvation You bestow on Your poor children.

We beg You, O Lord, to save those who follow the evil one and that their hearts will be opened to the Truth of their Eternal Life. Amen.”

Rejoice, children, for this great Gift. But, you have still much work to do to help souls, as many of your brothers and sister will remain stubbornly opposed to the Truth of My Holy Word.

Your beloved Jesus

Saviour of all Mankind

Mother of Salvation: These apparitions will begin this Spring, as my Son has instructed

Friday, January 24, 2014 20:05

My dear child, let it be known that I will make one more appearance at all the Marian grottos, which were approved by my Son’s Church, over the centuries.

I will make myself known in Sacred sites, which will include Lourdes, Fatima, La Salette and Guadalupe. I will also appear at Garabandal. These apparitions will begin this Spring, just as my Son has instructed.

I will be seen, by chosen souls, with the sun behind my head. There will be twelve stars encircled and woven around the crown of thorns, which was worn by my Son during His Crucifixion, placed upon my head, as a sign for all to follow my example. My role is to lead all of God’s children along the Path of Truth and take them to my Son.

When these apparitions take place, there will be no doubt, especially amongst those who pay homage to me, that I speak the Truth when I say that soon the final Path, which will bring you to my Son, in these the end times, will be through the Book of Truth.

When you follow me, your Mother, I will take you and guide you towards my Son. My Son has promised many miracles, so that He can open your eyes to the prophecies He gave the world, through my own Mission. Many do not accept that I appeared at these special apparition sites and dismiss their importance in the salvation of souls.

When I appear one last time at these sites and present myself as the Mother of Salvation, you will know then that this Mission is my last and that all apparitions lead to this final one to bring the world the Salvation, which is the birthright of every single person.

Rejoice, for these days are close and when you hear of these things, then know that this prophecy, when fulfilled, could only have come from me, your beloved Mother, the Mother of Salvation, Mother of God.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

My Mother’s role as Co-Redemptrix will be well and truly understood at last

Friday, January 24, 2014 20:19

My dearly beloved daughter, when My Mother makes one final appearance, at Marian apparition sites everywhere, you must know then that the world will turn and run to Me at last. It is through My beloved Mother that more souls are brought to Me. Her role has always been to serve Me for the good of man. And now, My Mother’s role, as Co-Redemptrix, will be well and truly understood at last.

I will give every soul the opportunity to witness My Powerful Intervention, so that I can convert them. Through conversion, I can save millions. The Promise of Salvation was made by Me and fulfilled by My death on the Cross. Now, I will gather the souls I will draw to Me through this Mission and spread the Truth of My Word everywhere.

Those who were never given the Truth will be presented with it for the very first time. Those who were given the Truth, but who have forgotten it will be reminded of My Promise. Those who do know the Truth, but who have changed it in order to suit their own desires, will be reminded that there can only be one Truth.

I bring humanity the Truth at a time when their minds are confused, their souls torn with doubt – but I will ease their fears. Only I, Jesus Christ, their Saviour has the Power to intervene like this. Only I have the Power to bring them peace and deliver them the salvation, which rightly belongs to them.

All the strands of this Mission are being drawn together to form a pattern. Then, when the various parts are linked and fitted together, like the pieces of a jigsaw, when all the pieces begin to merge, the final picture will become clear. Then you will find My Presence everywhere – all of which is linked to every authentic holy mission granted to the world by My Father, until finally the whole Truth will become clear to everyone.

My Father promised that He would reveal to the world the Truth, through the Book of Truth, as foretold to the prophets Daniel and John the Evangelist. My Father brings you the Truth at this time now, but He does it piece by piece, little by little until the final part makes up the whole. Only then will the Book of Truth make sense. Only then will the final hurdles be overcome, when the majority of humanity will sing and rejoice in anticipation of My Second Coming. Only when My Mission is completed will the Great Day be announced to the world.

Go in peace and know that when you place all your trust in Me, that I can complete the final part of My Father’s Covenant and take you into the Realm of His Almighty Kingdom.

Your Jesus



Prayers for today
