Sunday, January 16, 2011 15:00
Yes, My beloved daughter, it is I. It has been a long learning curve for you and you will continue to be fed with the knowledge of the Truth through the Gift of the Holy Spirit, which fills your soul.
My daughter, please ensure that these Messages, which are a mixture of forewarnings, prophecies and a summary of My Teachings, are spread to every corner of the world. It is vital that My children understand the ways in which they can prepare their souls in order to redeem themselves in the Eyes of My Father.
Spiritual Renewal taking place in the world now
There is an emerging devotion and honour of Me, My Eternal Father, the Holy Spirit and My beloved Mother, taking place in the world right now. Although it is not clearly visible yet, this powerful spiritual renewal will help protect My children, even those who turn their backs on Me, everywhere. The Gospel will now be revisited, as people will begin to experience the hunger pangs for the Truth. As the Purification steadily increases and becomes more widespread around the world, so too will these souls, empty of love for Me, open their hearts again.
As the love unfolds through the light of My followers, the effects of the evil one and the behaviour of those he infests will weaken. The evil one will retaliate.
Satan’s days are numbered
As his days on this Earth lessen by the hour, he will attempt to inflict as much damage as he can. His followers will quicken their activities and rise immediately to spread wickedness everywhere. Their actions, which will be terrible to bear witness to, as they manifest themselves before your astonished eyes, will be short-lived.
Faith, My children, strengthened through regular daily prayer, will stamp out these atrocities. Go back, My children, and re-discover My Teachings. Bring Me back into your lives. Take Me into your hearts once more, so that I can hold you in My Arms. Let Me guide you towards spiritual perfection, so that you are prepared for eternal life, when Earth and Heaven emerge as one.
Imitate Me, My children, in your daily lives. Take up My Cross, even when the burden of doing so may seem too much. Never fear to accept My Cross, as I will only allow you to carry what you are capable of.
Meaning of suffering in this life
When you suffer in this life, you are carrying My Cross. You have two choices. If you reject My Cross, moan and are bitter because of it, then the suffering increases unabated. On the other hand if you accept the Cross and offer up your suffering to save souls, then this is a wonderful gift to Me. If you accept this suffering, the trials and tribulations, with joy, then your load will become lighter. I will help you carry it. The pain will then ease and peace, love, joy and pure happiness will reign in you.
Lead simple lives
Live simple lives, children, and do everything in moderation. When you eat, drink, sleep, rest and relax, ensure that it is done in moderation. Once your physical needs are met, you should not continue to seek more, as it saps your spirit. Penance, My children, is vital to your becoming closer to Me. By this, I mean personal sacrifice. Fasting is just one example of penance. I preached the importance of penance during My time on Earth. So too did My precious prophet, Saint John the Baptist.
I, by fasting for 40 days, did so to show you an example. It is only by fasting, children, that you will help drive out the evil one.
My dear children, you have so much ahead of you. You do not understand yet what will be required of you in the years ahead. It is important, in the meantime, to draw closer to Me, so that you are prepared for the trials ahead that face Christians throughout the world.
Go in Peace.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ.
Monday, January 16, 2012 13:20
My daughter, when I send prophets into the world, they will usually be those whom you least expect.
Never will you find them in the highest echelons of My Church. Nor will they be the most outwardly holy souls.
In many cases, they will not be worthy of this special Gift. Yet, I chose imperfect souls from unusual, but simple, walks of life, so that I can mould them into the creatures I so desire.
My prophets for the end times are no different. They will not be accepted easily. As in the beginning, when I first sent My prophets to prepare mankind for the arrival of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, they found it difficult for their voices to be heard.
The voices of My genuine end time messengers will not be listened to at the start of their mission. Yet, in time, they will be recognised, for it will be My Voice that will become easily identifiable. You, My daughter, are the final messenger sent to herald the arrival of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for His much anticipated Second Coming.
This is frightening for you and, at times, very difficult to digest. Yet it is the Truth.
This Work, when you will be given Divine Messages to prepare the remnants of My Church on Earth for The Second Coming, will be difficult.
While I have selected many chosen souls up to now and will continue to communicate with them for the good of all mankind, their lot will be easier.
Your lot will be difficult in the extreme and you will be persecuted because of it.
I bless you with every Grace from My Heavenly Kingdom.
You will move forward, as the chosen instrument, to impart My Most Holy Word to the world. This Work will be protected at all times.
Yes, you will be attacked, almost daily, but know this. If this Work were not so important, do you think that it could escape the notice of Satan and his dominion of fallen angels?
They, My daughter, have infiltrated the Earth and have crawled, in many cases, unsuspectingly, into the hearts and souls of many of My children.
The Holy Path of your work, you the final messenger, sent to Earth to help save humanity from the final grip of Satan, has been foretold in the Scriptures.
The world has been awaiting these instructions, by My Holy Command.
Many false prophets will try to block this, My Holy Word, through the spread of lies and confusion.
These Messages will be questioned and examined by My Church, for errors. Yet they impart only the Truth.
Much of the Truth, ignored by My churches down through the centuries, will emerge again.
More revelations as to the Truth of your Eternal Life, children, will be revealed to you.
This Work will cause outrage, My daughter. You will be spat upon, ridiculed, looked down upon and blocked in every way imaginable.
To those who find difficulty with the Truth given to you, the final end time prophet, hear now My pleas.
You must ask Me for the Gift of the Holy Spirit, before you can open your ears to hear My Voice, to the Truth of My Holy Word and to the instructions that I will give you all, so that you can have Eternal Life.
My Words will be made simple so that every man, woman and child can follow My Holy Word. But, you must know this. While there will be much Love and Light shining through My Word, there will also be an Air of Divine Authority, which you will find impossible to ignore.
That is how you will know that it is I, your God, your Eternal Father, who speaks. My Love will invade your souls and lift your hearts in union with Mine.
All preparations are in place. After My beloved Son’s Great Mercy, the time will be set aside to prepare the world for His Second Coming.
Yes, children, I Am now arranging to save My children from the darkness. I Am reclaiming My Creation, My children, and I Am taking you to your rightful home, your inheritance, The New Paradise.
Be patient, children. Just remember I love you. Trust in Me and in My Holy Word given to you through My end time prophet, Maria Divine Mercy.
Your Eternal Father
God of the Most High
Creator of all things
Thursday, January 16, 2014 19:41
My dearly beloved daughter, the Truth divides. It always has done. When one man says that he knows the truth, another will deny it. But when the Truth comes from the Word of God, it will cause the greatest division. Many fear the Truth, because it is not always pleasant, and yet without the Truth, you would live in denial. When you live in denial of the Word of God, you will never find true peace in your hearts.
When you know the Truth, which is contained in My Father’s Book, then you know the Way of the Lord and you must follow this path, up to your last breath. Do not deviate from this. But if My Word is tampered with, rewritten and demolished, surely you would never accept this. That is good. But if new doctrines, which differ from My Holy Word, are introduced to you, from within the roofs of My churches, what then will you do?
Will you accept a lie, instead of the Truth? Will you accept a doctrine, which will be unholy in My Eyes?
The answer must be no. You must never deny My Word – for anyone. No one, even if they are dressed in the linens of the elite within the hierarchy of My Church, a pauper, a king or a prince – anyone who demands that you accept a new doctrine pertaining to My Word does not come from Me.
My Church is being demolished discreetly from within and each part is being dismantled. As the tiers are pulled down and loyal servants discarded – and then deemed to be no longer useful – the way will be cleared for the doctrines from Hell to be pronounced.
Woe to priests, bishops and cardinals, who dare to defend the Word of God, for they will suffer the most. While some will be excommunicated and accused of heresy – though they will only speak up for the True Word of God – others will be too weak. Many poor sacred servants will give into the pressure to denounce the Laws of God. If they do not agree to embrace the doctrine of lies, they will be thrown to the wolves. Those, whose faith will have already weakened and who love worldly things and who have a fierce ambition in their souls, will be the first in the queue to swear allegiance to the new ‘pledge’.
This new and rapidly created hierarchy will take over My Church. They will declare falsities in the Name of God and take with them many innocent souls of the faithful. The congregations will unwittingly be offered a poison chalice filled with nothing – only bread. The Holy Eucharist will no longer fill their souls. They will soon be fed homilies, which will ridicule the Word of God when they will declare human rights to be the most important doctrine. And then they will declare the greatest heresy, that man will be given Eternal Life, whether or not he repents for his sins. This is how they will destroy the souls of millions.
As they continue to pull My Church apart from the inside out, My loyal priests and faithful followers will rebuild My Church, brick by brick. My Church, you see, can never die for I will not let it.
All priests, all bishops and all cardinals who will be dethroned and who remain faithful to Me, will never desert the just or those followers of Mine who have been blessed with the Gift of Wisdom. Then, while the false knowledge will fill the hearts of weak servants in My Church, the Gift of the Holy Spirit will not only Light the souls of My Remnant Church, but will provide the Light, for all those whose names are in the Book of the Living, to My door.
Never before will My disciples be tested in the way in which they will be in the future. They will be given Divine Assistance to enable them to keep the Light of God shining in a world, which will be plunged, slowly and painfully, into darkness, caused by the arrival of the enemy, the antichrist.
Your Jesus
Friday, January 16, 2015 11:10
My dearly beloved daughter, My Will can never be overcome for it is everlasting.
Man has rebelled against God in so many ways but when the will of man becomes entwined with the Will of God, all those who fought the Will of God will lose everything. Those of tender heart and who accept Me after the Warning will gain the world.
The world to come is without end and will be void of all sin. Glory to all those who win their rightful inheritance, for this has been part of My Father’s Plan from the beginning – the Divine plan to which man is not fully privy to.
It is important that each one of you fights the temptation of sin, although this will never be easy. Just keep calling out to Me when you believe you have wronged Me. I Am always there and will forgive you any sin, with the exception of the eternal sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. All you must do is reach out to Me.
This world of Mine is full of wickedness, deceit and the spirit of evil but love also exists within it. It is the love that man has for his brother that keeps Me present amongst you and prayer, which keeps evil at bay.
I do not ask that you give up your life in prayer all day, every day, because this is not what I demand of you. All I ask is that you call out to Me for help and that you give glory to God. To fulfill My Promise to the world, and to ensure that all of you will have eternal life, all you need do is adhere to the Laws of God as set out clearly in the Ten Commandments.
Follow Me, your Jesus, and remember everything that I taught you. It is no good declaring that you love Me if you reject the Word of God. You must love one another first and do onto others only that which you would have done onto yourselves. Live My Word through your thoughts, deeds and actions and then you will truly be of Me. Hatred plays no part in My Work although everything that I said when I walked the earth attracted great criticism because people did not want to change their lives. Today My Word is rejected because people do not want to adhere to the Truth. Instead, they justify sin so they do not have to change their lives. So, nothing has really changed.
The bondage of sin, where man chains himself to the influence of Satan, is stronger now than before. Cut loose now and seek me out. Remember you can only be forgiven of your sins while you are alive – not after you depart this earth.
When will man accept the Word of God and know that everything He said was true? Everything He said He would do, is true, and all that I tell you now is true. Sadly, many of you will never listen and by the time you realize the Truth it will be too late. You must protect your future now by living the Word of God.
Your Jesus